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Running head: GHOST STORIES 1

Zuma the Monster





The Story

Zuma was from a humble background in the Brava kingdom when demons and monsters

were as real as day and night. Brava was a well-organized kingdom under the protection of king

Lui the 7th. The Kingdom was in the middle of a never-ending forest known as the forest of

giants. Zuma was very curious about this forest from a tender age and why the Kingdom was

secluded and alone in the forest. Surprisingly, Lui was a young king and had lost his father from

a third attack by the great giants from the forest. Therefore, he forms an army in his

determination to fight the giants. Zuma, due to the curiosity about what lies beyond the forests,

joins the army.

However, Lui became more relentless and paranoid in finding a solution to the giant

problem that he would miss on the weekly court meetings with the generals and the Kingdom's

noblemen. Therefore, this left Lui's sister, Zara, completely alone without the King's company.

Nonetheless, Zuma becomes her bodyguard in case she would need to go out of the palace.

Interestingly, Zara was well known in the Kingdom as a beautiful and smart woman; and this

sparked an instant connection of friendship between Zara and Zuma.

The special army made by the King was interested in keeping the peace for the entire

Kingdom. Therefore, after Zuma was a fully trained kings guard, he was responsible for

protecting the castle gate. One day king Lui became sick from the pressure he had from

protecting the Kingdom. Witches, sorcerers, and healers from all over the Kingdom were

summoned to find a cure for the King's strange illness. However, as the story unfolds, there was

no known cure. Nonetheless, the forest of giants was popular for its healing power.

Zara makes an attempt to leave the palace into the dark forest to find a cure. Fortunately,

Zuma, in his stroll at the castle gate, catches her. Zara was a beautiful woman, and Zuma

becomes charmed by her beauty in helping her. Therefore, Zuma takes six other guards and a

witch on a journey in the dark forest. They face many hurdles into this unfamiliar place that no

one had ever dared step into. The fights are fierce with the giant monsters, and Zuma had lost

some good men. The witch was also overpowered since she had strained by using too much

power and also, as a result, of a long tiresome journey. At that moment, they were at the risk of

dying, and the remaining three men could not fight without the witch's help. After understanding

they were about to lose the fight, the witch asks for someone to make a sacrifice into being

turned into a monster.

It was clear at that moment for Zuma that sacrifice had to be done, and consequently, he

decides to be turned into a monster. The battles in the latter part of the journey are won. They

succeed at finding the cure at the heart of the dark forest. However, it was clear from that point

on, Zuma could never be turned back into human form. He was stuck as a giant monster forever.

The Brava Kingdom popularly came to know him as Zuma the monster.


I chose to create this ghost story on monsters to communicate about making sacrifices.

Sometimes, these sacrifices are good and lead to ultimate victory.

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