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1.3.9 The field sample, when accepted by the Engineer, shall be used as basis for comparison
with the remainder of the installation of the work of this Section for the purpose of
acceptance or rejection

1.3.10 Quality Control Submittals: In accordance with the provisions of Division 01Section”
Submittals Procedure”, submit the following: Design Data: When and as directed by the Engineer, engineering design calculations
confirming the structural stability of the mockups.


1.4.1 Qualifications: Fabricators' and Installers' Qualifications: In accordance with the provisions of the
specification Sections for products and materials incorporated into the mockups. In constructing mockups, take measures to ensure the safety of Project personnel and the
public. Field Representation: During construction of mockup, representatives of the manufacturers

shall be present on site to coordinate installation.


1.5.1 The Engineer shall be notified at the start of construction of mockups and shall receive
progress reports to allow the Engineer to schedule his inspections.

1.5.2 Visual examination of the mockups during construction will be made by the Engineer and
other entities representing incorporated materials.

1.5.3 Obtain the Engineer's acceptance of visual qualities of mockups before commencing the
corresponding work for the Project, revise the updated Construction Schedule to reflect
required revisions to mockups.

1.5.4 All systems to be installed in the mockup shall have been tested and their correspondent

Certificates submitted following QCS requirements, and contract conditions.

1.5.5 Should mockups fail to meet the Engineer's approval or performance testing, partially or
completely, they shall be taken down or dismantled, and reconstructed to the extent
necessary, until acceptance has been obtained.

1.5.6 Time the completion and reworking of mockups necessary to obtain acceptance to avoid
delay in the construction schedule of the Project. Update the Construction Schedule to
reflect required revisions to mockups.

1.5.7 Retain and maintain mockups during construction to serve as a standard for judging work
incorporated into the Project. Do not alter, or remove.

MOCKUP ROOM S2 Part 16 - 2




2.1.1 Materials and finishes shall comply with the requirements specified in the various applicable
Sections of the Specifications, and shall match previously submitted and approved samples.

2.1.2 Mockups shall incorporate all related construction materials and finishes having a visual or
technical effect upon the completed work.


2.2.1 Mockups: Full-size physical assemblies that are constructed on-site. Mockups are
constructed to verify selections made under Sample submittals; to demonstrate aesthetic
effects and, where indicated, qualities of materials and execution; to review coordination,
testing, or operation; to show interface between dissimilar materials; and to demonstrate
compliance with specified installation tolerances. Mockups are not Samples. Unless
otherwise indicated, approved mockups establish the standard by which the Work will be
judged. Room Mockups: Mockups of typical interior spaces complete with wall, floor, and ceiling
finishes, doors, windows, millwork, casework, specialties, furnishings and equipment, and
lighting. Prior to installation in or on building, construct mockups for each system and finish required
to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects as
well as qualities of materials and execution. Building mockups shall comply with the
following requirements, using materials indicated for final unit of work. Place mockups on site in the location directed by Engineer. Provide mockups consisting of
constructions referred to in the various applicable sections of the specifications. Components
shall be full height and can be incorporated into the final work. Notify Engineer one week in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be
Demonstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship.
Obtain Engineer's acceptance of mockups before start of final unit of work.
Retain and maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard
for judging the completed work.
Demolish and remove mockups when directed unless otherwise indicated.

Accepted mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may

become part of the completed work.


Item/Material Section Reference

Porcelain tile Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Porcelain floor tile Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Gypsum board with moisture resistance Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
CMU masonry, Section 13 Masonry

MOCKUP ROOM S2 Part 16 - 3


IP 006 25 mm wall Section 24 Finishes to Buildings

Paint to follow adjacent wall paint finish Section 26 Painting and Decorating
Vinyl flooring, slip resistance R9, 2 mm Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Vinyl roll slip resistance: R9 Integral coved Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Gypsum board, painted Regular Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Exterior Window. 2400 x 1500 mm Section 25 Glass and Glazing
Uneven Double Door, 1100+400 mm Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and
Clinical Area Back Splash Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery and
Wardrobe Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery And
Bed Head Unit, Wall Section 31 Furniture
Nurse Workstation Section 18 Carpentry, Joinery And
TV panel, wall Section 31 Furniture
Dispenser, Soap, wall mounted section 30 toilet and bath accessories
Dispenser, paper towel, wall mounted section 30 toilet and bath accessories
Drop down grab rail section 30 toilet and bath accessories
Grab rail horizontal section 30 toilet and bath accessories
Asymmetrical basin with overflow hole section 30 toilet and bath accessories
Dispenser, Barrier cream, wall mounted section 30 toilet and bath accessories
Television,42”-50”, flat panel Section 31 Furniture
Magnetic Glass Board Section 31 Furniture
Clinical Hand Wash Basin Section 31 Furniture
Sleeper Sofa patient room Section 31 Furniture
Side table 27”H patient room Section 31 Furniture
Chair, Patient room Section 31 Furniture
tiles for the en-suite bathroom Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
floor thresholds Section 24 Finishes to Buildings
Sanitary ware Section 20 Drainage Works For Build-
Electrical fittings Section 21 Electrical Works



3.1.1 Install materials in a manner that will duplicate the appearance in the completed building.

3.1.2 In constructing mockups, take measures to ensure the safety of Project personnel and the

3.1.3 Construct mockups using same construction personnel, means, and methods as intended for
use on actual project.

3.1.4 Mockups shall be constructed in accordance with details indicated on the drawings and
approved Shop Drawings.

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