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Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

St. Paul Sts., La Forteza Subd., Camarin Caloocan City

8962-8584 * 8962-7955
School Year 2021-2022

LEARNING PACKAGE in Christian Living 7


Content/Lesson Title: The Suffering Servant of God Week No. 1

NAME: _________________________________ DATE: ____________________________

GRADE & SECTION: _______________________ TEACHER:

LEARNING TARGETS: After accomplishing this learning package, I must be able to:
a. Explain how Jesus exemplifies the attributes of the Suffering Servant of God
b. Commit to be willing to offer sacrifices as manifestation of one’s love for God and others
c. Express gratitude to God for the salvation brought by Jesus

a. Caramat, C. et’al (2020) MAPSA K-12 Christian Living Education Series Jesus Christ:
Prophet, Priest, Savior and Servant Grade 7: Quezon City. MaPSA with Vibal Group Inc.
b. Catholic Bishop of the Philippines (1997) Catechism for Filipino Catholics: Manila,
Philippines. World and Life Publication.

Links of Article, Videos, and other Supplementary Resources for this Module:
1. Every I Do, I do it For You retrieved from

The word passion is from the Latin pati, which simply means “to endure” or “to suffer.”
The term passion of Christ has taken on a technical or semi-technical meaning in theology,
referring to the time from Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane to His death on the cross
—the time of His greatest suffering. The passion of Christ is recorded in Matthew 26:36–27:56,
Mark 14:32–15:41, Luke 22:39–23:49, and John 18:1–19:37.
Passion – the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and His death.

Instruction: Jesus suffered much for us to be saved from eternal damnation. Watch the video
below and identify what were the moments of suffering He experienced.

 Watch: Every I Do, I do it For You


Sufferings that Jesus endured for ME

Scripture often highlights the suffering of Christ. Indeed, the crucifixion of Christ is the apex of
human history and the grand theme of the apostles’ teaching: “I resolved to know nothing while I was
with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2). It is through the passion of Christ
that we are made right with God. It is important to note that Christ’s suffering—His passion—was real. It
is not as though He simply appeared to suffer; He actually suffered and died. When Jesus prayed in
Gethsemane, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me” (Matthew 26:39), He was in
genuine anguish over what He was to suffer (cf. Luke 22:44). When He was beaten and mocked, when
the crown of thorns was pressed on His head, when He was nailed to a cross, when He hung there and
struggled to breathe, He was experiencing genuine, excruciating suffering to pay for our sins. He
endured all that to save those who would trust in Him.

 How do the suffering of Christ save us? Christ saved us not by the physical sufferings taken
separately, but by his perfect love for his Father and for us which was expressed in his sufferings and
death for us. (CCC 599)
 Why did Christ suffer and die? Jesus freely and consciously went to his death to fulfill the mission
he had from his Father. He saw himself fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies by “giving his life in
ransom for the many” (Mk 10:45). (CCC 600)
 How can Jesus’ Suffering and Death save us? Because of His corporate solidarity with us sinners,
Jesus could take away “the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29) as the “Suffering Servant” foretold by the
prophet Isaiah. (CCC 604)

The Scriptures had foretold this divine plan of salvation through the putting to death of
"the righteous one, my Servant" as a mystery of universal redemption, that is, as the ransom
that would free men from the slavery of sin. Citing a confession of faith that he himself had
"received", St. Paul professes that "Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures." In
particular Jesus' redemptive death fulfills Isaiah's prophecy of the suffering Servant. Indeed
Jesus himself explained the meaning of his life and death in the light of God's suffering Servant.
After his Resurrection he gave this interpretation of the Scriptures to the disciples at Emmaus,
and then to the apostles. (CCC 601) 

A. Instructions: Explain how Jesus exemplifies the attributes of the Suffering Servant of God by
answering the table found in Reaping the Fruits of Jesus’ Message (Part 2) in your CLE book
page 160 numbers 1-3. Answer on your book and take a picture of it.

Paste the picture of your answer here.

Componen 5 4 3 2 1
Content The content is The content is The content is The content is The content
reflective, reflective, reflective and reflective but tries to
meaningful, meaningful, and meaningful but lack of answer the
informative, informative but lack in meaning, question.
and clear. lack of clarity. information and information,
clarity. and Clarity.

B. Instructions: The example of Jesus inspire us to offer sacrifices for the sake of the people we
love and as an expression of our thanksgiving to God. How about you? What sacrifices
are you eager and willingly commit to offer as thanksgiving to God and for the sake of
the people you love?
Use the space on your CLE book on page 159 Living Our Faith numbers 1-10.

Paste the picture of your answer here.

5 4 3 2 1
Content The content The content The content The content The content
is reflective, is reflective, is reflective is reflective tries to
meaningful, meaningful, and but lack of answer the
informative, and meaningful meaning, question.
and clear. informative but lack in information,
but lack of information and Clarity.
clarity. and clarity.


C. Instruction: Jesus Christ, the Suffering Servant of God, endured pain, suffering and death to
redeem us from our sin and to show us God’s eternal and unconditional love. Compose
a prayer expressing your gratitude to God for the salvation brought by Jesus.

Component 5 4 3 2 1
Content The content is The content is The content is The content is The content
reflective, reflective, reflective and reflective but tries to
meaningful, meaningful, and meaningful but lack of meaning, answer the
informative, and informative but lack in information, and question.
clear. lack of clarity. information and Clarity.

Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC 557) points out the value of Jesus’ suffering:
St. Paul expresses the core of the “Good News” given him as follows: “For I handed on to
you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with
the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3; cf. CCC 601). Far from being negative, depressing reality,
the suffering and death of Christ help us “to grasp fully, with all the holy ones, the breadth
and length and height and depth of Christ’s love, and experience this love which surpasses all
knowledge” (Ephesians 3:18-19). The innocent Christ’s personal pain and suffering brings home
to us, in a way nothing else possibly could, the evil and ugliness of sin and its power in creating
poverty, disease, hunger, ignorance, corruption and death. A truly “Christian” sense of sin is a
grace received at the foot of the Cross, within the felt-experience of God’s overwhelming
forgiving Love in Christ Jesus.

To assist your learning and commitment for today, kindly do the following Activities:

D. Answer the following questions objectively and reflectively. Use the table for your answer.

What do I discover about the reason why How will I show the same humility shown by
Jesus has to suffer and die on the cross? Christ in following His Father’s will even if it
means to suffer?



Component 5 4 3 2 1
Content The content is The content is The content is The content is The content
reflective, reflective, reflective and reflective but tries to
meaningful, meaningful, and meaningful but lack of meaning, answer the
informative, and informative but lack in information, and question.
clear. lack of clarity. information and Clarity.



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