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Angeles City
Center of Excellence for Teacher Education
Physical Education Department

TABATA Workout Monitoring Form

Name: Sol-Ah V. Park Course and Section: BSMA

Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8


Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of

Repetitions Repetitions Repetitions repetitions repetitions repetitions repetitions repetitions
Day 1
25 repetitions 20 seconds within 20 15 repetitions 20 repetitions 30 repetitions 5 repetitions 15 repetitions
HRBT: ___ within 20 seconds seconds within 20 seconds within 20 seconds within 20 seconds within 20 seconds within 20 seconds
HRAT: ___

Day 2
HRBT: ___
HRAT: ___

Day 3
HRBT: ___
HRAT: ___

Note: You can also submit a compilation of time-lapse from Day 1 to Day 3.
RHR: __________________________________ THR (Min – Max): ___________________________

HRBT- Heart Rate before Tabata HRAT- Heart Rate after Tabata

Note: After accomplishing the form, analyze the recorded data and write a simple analysis of it. Did you notice significant improvement on the number of repetitions? What about with your
Heart Rate? The quality of your execution? Write all essential improvements and the things you feel you need to improve on.

Personal Analysis: The functional exercise I did helped me have a better understanding of my lifestyle, and it revealed that it is harmful. I've recognized that I need to
improve in a lot of areas based on my score, but I'm going to focus on exercising for at least 20 minutes every day. In addition, to improve my performance. My mother
and I work out twice a week to guarantee that I completed the exercise effectively. As a result, I used it as motivation to achieve my main goal, which was to increase my
physical activity to live a healthier lifestyle.

What I plan to do next: "No pain, no gain" is an adage when it comes to exercising. It shouldn't harm to get some exercise. To obtain results, you don't have to push yourself
until you're drenched in perspiration and every muscle in your body aches. Walking, swimming, or even golf, gardening, or cleaning the house might help you gain
strength and fitness. You don't have to be athletic or have perfect coordination to be in shape. Concentrate on simple strategies to increase your activity level, such as
walking, swimming, or simply doing extra housework. It doesn't matter what you do if you get moving.

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