Statistics and Probability Chapter 2 I Normal Distribution

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Name: Patrick James L. Pangilinan Grade & Section: Grade
11-ABM Pythagoras
(LESSON 2: Understanding z – scores)
1. B
SOLUTION: total area under the curve is equal to one.
2. B
SOLUTION: We can find the area of specific region under the curve using or by Table of Areas
under the Normal Curve which is also known as z-Table
3. C
SOLUTION: z = - 1.23 and z = 2 → 0.9972-0.1093 = 0.8679
4. D
SOLUTION: When the z-value is to the left or any related terms just write the value we obtained
in step 3 so it is 0.8413
5. A
SOLUTION: It does not belong to the others as the others applicable to z-value means that to left
and related terms you only write the obtained value in step 3 while the to the right means
subtracting 1 from the value obtained in step 3 which is why it is the odd one of them all.

A. The following numbers are the number found at the left side and upper part of
table. Identify the number that lies on the intersection between the given set of
numbers. Use the Table of the Area Under Normal Curve indicated below
1. 2.5 and 0.02 = .9941
2. 1.0 and 0.07 = .8577
3. 1.1 and 0.06 = .8770
4. 0.5 and 0.08 = .7190
5. 1.0 and 0.00 = .8413

B. Perform the indicated operation. Write your answer inside the box connected to
the shaded region of the following normal curve.
1. 0.6587
2. 0.9941
3. 0.0985
4. 0.5960
5. 0.1359
1. What have you noticed on the first activity?
It really is basically simple as long as you carefully look at its equivalent value. The z value is a
single value. It is represented by a vertical line on the graph. That vertical line separates the
shaded region from the unshaded region. The identification of the number which lies between the
given set of numbers must be definite and correct so you can answer what the activity wants in a
major way. Our previous lesson really did have a great impact on how we view this activity.
What caught my attention is that the Z-table provide location of a value to the mean in terms of
standard deviation. There is also a close relationship between z-values and standard normal
2. How would you described the shaded part of each curve with regards to the number on the
horizontal line?
For me, the area under the curve is the shaded region. The area or region contains many different
z-scores and so it may be referred to by a plural. It can be called the data as in what percent of
the data of something. It can also be represented by a variable, which is allowed to take on
multiple values, therefore the shading. The shaded region serves as a determinant of which
operation to be used such if below z value then just copy the obtained value, if above z value
then subtract 1 by the obtained value and if in between two z values, then subtract the biggest by
the smallest obtained value.
3. Refer to Activity B, what are the similarities or differences of number 1 and 2?
number 3,4 and 5?
The similarities between number 1 and 2 is that they both have a shaded region above the z-value
which means they also have the same operation that is to subtract 1 by the obtained value. The
difference between the two is that the number 1 was using the right tail z-table as it is positive or
more than zero while number 2 uses the right tail z-table since it uses a negative number or less
than zero. The similarities between numbers 3,4,5 is they have a shaded region between two
values therefore they also have the same operation which is subtracting the biggest value by the
smallest obtained value. However, number 3 uses the right tail z-table, number 4 uses the left tail
z-table and the number 5 uses both z-tables as it has one negative and one positive value.

4. When do you add or subtract the obtained value from the table of the area under normal
You must look up the area between zero and the value on the inside part of the table, and then
read the z-score from the outside. Finally, decide if the z-score should be positive or negative,
based on whether it was on the left side or the right side of the mean. Thus, situations are
dependent on whether the values are positive or negative and by then, if the two numbers are the
same sign, then subtract; if they are different signs, then add. While if there is only one z-score,
then use the inequality to determine the second sign.
5. Is it possible that the answer will be a negative? Why?
Z-values can be negative, but areas or probabilities cannot be. An area is the amount of space
covered by a shape. Fundamentally, we measure areas by seeing how many squares would be
needed to cover the shape. Using the meaning described above, a negative does not make any
sense at all. A negative length does not make sense either! Hence, it is not possible to have a
negative answer.

1. to the right of z = 2.18
1-0.9854= 0.0146

2. below z= -1.40
3. above z= 0.57
1-0.7157= 0.2843

4. between z = -2.34 and z = 1.57

0.9418-0.0096= 0.9322

5. between z = 0.32 and z = 2.42

0.9922-0.6255= 0.3667
An approximate answer to the right problem is worth a good deal more
than an exact answer to an approximate problem. -John Tukey
Please share your own thoughts here.
From what I can comprehend with his statement is that he was concerned about something
related to statistics and that we are becoming dependent on formalization in mathematics which
is why we are concerningly on the verge of separation from aspects of data analysis that are
useful. Young statisticians who are willing to expand the knowledge and contribute new methods
might be criticized for creating methods that are approximate rather than exact and which has no
guarantee of being ideal. The community for statisticians might have been blinded by the beauty
of statistics, hence underestimating the importance of methods which might seem rather ugly
from a purely theoretical point of view, but which actually had a chance of answering the right
questions. We must take it to heart that exact or optimal solutions to unrealistic, oversimplified
problems can provide invaluable insight and guidance, they should not be blindly accepted as the
final answer to any data analysis problem. It is far more important to solve the actual problem as
well as you can than to obtain the perfect result on a different problem. Be approximately right
rather than exactly wrong. It takes less understanding to find fault with your solution than to
evaluate your choice of problem to solve.

1. C
SOLUTION: It is one of the steps on how to find the area that corresponds to z – value and it is
mentioned in step 4 that when the shaded region is in between of the two z-value, subtract the
biggest by smallest value obtained in step 3
2. B
SOLUTION: The other term for z-table is none other than Table of Areas Under Normal Curve
3. .3857
SOLUTION: between z = 0.23 and z = 1.99 → 0.9767- 0.5910 = 0.3857
4. A
5. B
SOlUTION: above z= 2.14 → 1- 0.9838= 0.0162

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