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GENESIS 29:15-35

What is Paubaya?
In the context of moira’s song, it means to entrust.
 to give someone a thing or a duty for which they are responsible
 to commit to another with confidence
What does it mean when we entrust something to someone?
 Letting go and letting them have their way of it.
This story is the other side of the dreamy love story of Rachel and Jacob. The bible first legit love
1. The Journey of Jacob
2. The difference of Leah and Rachel *Leah is by description unattractive
3. The unfortunateness of Leah towards his father (name)
4. The marriage and 7 years
5. Her unfortunateness towards her father giving her away,
6. how Jacob despised her (kasama pero hanap mo siya) NOT THE FIRST CHOICE
7. how he loved Rachel and hated her.

A. Her quest for love and fighting for his place (for being the first wife)
1. God sees and validates what you feel and when he sees, he will do something because
we are made of love, for love
2. Praise and worship story
3. He is close to the broken and accessible to those in need
-18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in
spirit.- Psalms 43:18

B. The Lord sees that she was in misery fighting for her place
1. We tend to fight and do things our way even knowing that God sees us and He’s doing
something about it.
2. She’s desperate to be loved
a. Reuben- “It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love
me now.”
b. A child is an honor and to bear one is a pride.
3. “Ako ang kailangan pero di ang mahal”

C. The lord heard that she is unloved

1. Simeon- “Because the Lord heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too.”
2. God saw and have heard yet we are so busy fixing that we tend to forget that in our
misery and brokenness god is saying something
3. “Ako ang kasama pero hanap mo siya”

D. She became desperate and lost it

1. Levi- It means “united," "joined,” or, sometimes, “joined in harmony. “Now at last my
husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.”
a. it was on her third son that she felt very desperate
b. ‘twas no longer “because God” instead “because I”
c. Leah is so desperate to be loved and that is innate because we are made by love, with
love and for love however out of desperation we end up looking for it in different places
c. we are desperate for validation- am i prety? am i smart? do you love? do you like me?
and because of that we tend to seek it in different wrong places
2. “Ako ang kayakap pero isip mo siya”

E. She fought for her place and did not PAUBAYA.

a. Instead of seeing what God is showing and saying- that looks through and understand
(sees and hears), she ended up doing things her way and ended up still the unloved
woman of Jacob.
b. Even after giving him sons, she wasn’t enough kay dili man siya ang gipili, she will never
be enough, kailangan pero di mahal.
c. ”Mahirap kalaban ang tinadhana”
d. -18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.-
Psalms 43:18- it was not Jacob that could give her what she seeks 1. To be seen, 2. To be
heard and to be attached

4. Judah- the Hebrew name for Judah, Yehuda (‫)יהודה‬, literally "thanksgiving" or "praise," “This
time I will praise the Lord.” So she named him Judah.[e] Then she stopped having children.
2. Instead of fighting for her place, she just gave thanks to God
a. This is where she let go and let God- letting go of things she cannot control and
letting God who is in control, take control.
G. 19 We love because he first loved us. 1st John 4:19
a. Acknowledging that God loves her the most.
3 kinds of love
1. self love
2. give away love
3. recieved-give back
its time to stop chasing and start giving back

a. He is the source of love and he enables us to give love, it is just right that we give
b. whats the first thing you do when you recieve a gift?
c. God doesn’t require you to give back, he did not ask but Praise is the only right
response for all the things he did.

Because your love is better than life,

my lips will glorify you.
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands.- Psalms 63:3-4

1. His love is better than life- You are not just meant for romance, that the love
that was given to you is not just for romance and that you have a bigger
purpose and marriage is not the end game. He is bigger than all, bigger than
my plans and desire.
a. My younger plans-
2. Out of the big love that he is, we glorify him (ministry. Calling and serving Him)
3. When we stop focusing on the love we can get from people and of things that
could satisfy, we are letting God does it all for us- finding people to love us.

7. The Paubaya part

It was then leah realized that she didnt needed validation and reciprocation from the
limited world. That we have greater purpose apart from romance and our plans.
Before we go out looking for love outside we should first giveback
Leah may have lived unhonored and unloved by Jacob but she ended with so much honor
Jesus’s father is Joseph whose great grandfather is David whose great grandfather is Judah.
It’s until we entrust (paubaya) our love to God we’ll never find true love.

- Even after letting go and Letting God, Leah did not stop being a wife to
- God does not require us to pause our life so we can acknowledge His love
and give praise, but He is saying that as we pursue our purpose in life let
us acknowledge Him

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