Lecture - ASEAN (And RCEP) : Class Created Materials Reviewed Term Type

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Lecture - ASEAN (and RCEP)

Class Mkts and Institutions

Created @November 26, 2021 11:50 AM



Term Term 1

Type Lecture

exam - friday 17th

ASEAN - this process is related to security

Designed as a framework to try to bring stability and security to these nations

Some of the bloodiest episodes of the war, the americans tried to recapture some of the
islands from the japanese - they couldn't finish this so it resulted in the bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

complicates scenario in that part of the world

some of the countries in SEA got their independence after WWII

Strait of Malacca - most used channel in global maritime transport - at the heart of this
global dynamics

As colonial partners - they did not recognize each other as members of the same region

Cold war - proxy wars between ——— didn't listen

5 out of 10 current members - launched

Indonesia, Filipinas, Malasia, Singapur, Tailandia, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam,

Camboya, Laos y Myanmar

taiwan was back then an independent region

Security as a cornerstone

Lecture - ASEAN (and RCEP) 1

1971 - signature ZOPFAN - committed the states not to get involved in the Cold War

Not to use nuclear weapons

Indonesia - was the leader in neutrality among SEA, (uruguay in SA) - not to get
involved in the conflicts of the northern countries

Always very aware of keeping an eye of China

1995 - signature SEANWFZ - SEA nuclear weapon free zone treaty

The Chinese diaspora in the SEA is huge

ASEAN - 1967 founded, last member Cambodia in 1995


(not unanimity) lmao

open regionalist process - it accepts more and more potential members and more potential
topics to be considered in the framework

vs NAFTA - closed regionalism - do not accept further members nor topics

vs MERCOSUR - kind of open

vs EU - definitely open

ASEAN flag

red circle - cultural, in many asian flags

blue - sea/ocean

collected, tied together rice

Main institutions

List is similar to the

Summit - EU council

Coordinating council

Specialized bodies - equivalent to the European agencias

Program similar to Erasmus

Tsunami watch agency

Lecture - ASEAN (and RCEP) 2

3 pillars

Political-Security - MAIN

Economic Community

share a kind of customs union and a kind of external tariff

tariff is preferential tho - the tariff that each country uses can fluctuate between
a certain amount but the members can decide which applies to other countries

has gained importance - focused on creating economic synergies between these

countries (can't compare Singapore to Myanmar)



Fishing rights


econ cooperation is not self evident

not even a customs union

huge imbalances

weak interdependencies (at least in goods)

in services and digital economies - more compatible and interdependence

micro-regionalisms experiences (so-called "growth triangles")

triangle of wealth - bw singapore, a part of malaysia, and an island belonging to


logistics, assurance, etc - something to be xplored

RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) - 10 members of ASEA +

important regional powers (China

Chinese counterproposal to the TPP - counter to western

econ importance - FTArea across these nations

symbolically - for the 1st time share a FTA

and China and Japan first time too

Lecture - ASEAN (and RCEP) 3

India was part of the negotiations but at the last minute - India rescinded due to
ultranationalist vision of what india should be

signed in 2020


no chapter on Labour Right or Environment

Regulations on IPR quite limited

problems of industrial subsidies and state-owned enterprises

Lecture - ASEAN (and RCEP) 4

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