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Vol 73 No. 14 Mercyhurst College • 501E. 38th St.

16546 2000

C l a s s o f 2 0 0 0 d e b a t e s w h e r e ;to h o l d commencement
By Carrie Tappe
Editor in Chief •the event of rain in the days prior
to graduation, j
With only 67 daysremainingtill The back up plan would shift
the Gass of 2000 graduates, the the ceremony to the Warner
usual planning for the biggest Theatre for later in the afternoon.
event of the school year is at a Seating
"stand still" until March 17. If graduation was held
That afternoon the President* s outside, the college would set up
Staff will meet and act on an between 2,800 and 3,000 chairs
11th hour request: to consider and there would be no tickets. If
having commencement on it rained, each four-year graduate
will have six tickets for the
campus. Warner and the associate and
It's not as if college officials master degree candidates will
haven't tried it before, but 10 have four.
years ago, as classes grew "The problem arises when
larger, graduation was moved: students have eight or 10 people
from the crowded and uncom- coming in from out of town for
fortable non-air-conditioned graduation and that morning it
athletic center to the air- rains or is too windy. Then they
conditioned Warner Theatre. must decide which of the six
Students got more tickets, people can attend," Daly said.
guests weren' t fainting from the The day's other festivities
heat, and for the most part, Gerrlt Shuffstall/Merclad photographer
Other considerations are the
everyone was happy. | A proposed site for graduation the parking lot behind Zum Halt will be one of the venues consid- traditional Baccalaureate Mass
However, the nostalgic ered for commencement ceremonies if it is decided to be held on campus. and brunch which is usually
setting of commencement on institutional advancement; Dr. Warner Theatre and we will all allow for a shift in location if scheduled for Sunday morning. 1
campus has once again surfaced Allan Belovarac, professor of be miserable if it rains that day," needed. With an early graduation time,
by some members of the Class history; and Mary Ellen | £] senior Scott Koskoski said. .- The on-campus venue is not the Mass and brunch could not be
of 2000, who met with the T ^ Dahlkemper, director of adult and And so the debate goesg certain. "Dr. Garvey asked us to planned as usual. Baccalaureate
president to ask that either a graduate programs. among 372 seniors who will look into using Tullio Held. Bill services when graduation is
campus or 5,000 seat Civic The President's Staff will participate in the May 21 Kerbusch, director of the outdoors in the morning, are then
Center (Tullio Arena) gradua- discuss whether the college can ceremonies from the Class of physical plant, looked into that, held on Saturday. "We would
tion be the site for the turn-of- pull it off with such a short 2000 which totals 466 graduates. and while it seemed at first the need to make adjustments for the
the-century graduating class. amount of time to plan it? Can the • "The president asked us to "perfect solution" we would entire weekend if we change the
Twenty-eight years ago, college absorb the unbudgeted explore all our options," said have to put 3/4" plywood over' venue, but they can be made,"-
Mercyhurst held its first and cost of two graduation sites, by no Mary Daly, vice president of the majority of the field, and still Daly said. *
only outdoor graduation. The means an incidental. And most communication and a graduation would forfeit the warranty on the "Graduation is a major event
Class of '73 had petitioned the importantly, is this what the coordinator along with Tom field if damage resulted." at Mercyhurst and pride is on the
college, much like the Class of majority of the class wants. Billingsley, executive vice The other spot that has line that day," Daly said. "We
* 00 for the change. College Some students feel that the president. "We have looked at possibilities, Daly noted, is to want it to be the most memorable
officials agreed to the class* s Mercyhurst campus is a more sites on campus, we have talked use the back campus as the day for the graduating class and
request It rained, graduation appropriate venue for such an to graduation coordinators at backdrop with graduates looking to go off without a hitch."
was ruined, and it became a occasion. Others disagree. other colleges and universities north and setup at the southern The question facing the Class
"miserable experience" for all I "We are the class of 2000, the who have outdoor graduations." tip of Munson Plaza, using the of 2000 and the President* s Staff
those i nvol vcd, i nc I uding millennium class. Perhaps this is If graduation is held on D'Angelo/Zurn Parking Lot for is "Are we ready to take that
alumni of that class now the year for change," senior Jenny campus, it would be a late chairs. This site would enable gamble with the millennium
working at the college, Gary Novak, said. morning or noon graduation to chairs and a stage to be set up class" or is it the perfect time to
Bukowski, vice president of "Graduation is beautiful at the avoid the mid-day heat and to free of mud and soggy grass in roll the dice.

Fire|s in Baldwin Hurst purchases apartments Art gallery

A fire broke out in Baldwin 310 on March 3 around 5:30 a.m.
Fortunately there were no residents in the dorm due to spring break.
Briggs and Lewi opens show
A multi-media exhibit featuring
As the result of an agreement with Spiegel Management, as of March
According to Laura Zirkle, dean of residents life, the response by the work of Mercyhurst graduat-
the college to this unfortunate situation was immediate and terriffic. 1 Mercyhurst purchased buildings 3807-09 and 3827-29 on Briggs
Avenue and 3808-10 and 3828-30 on Lewis Avenue. Occupants ing art majors will open Sunday,
"The people who needed to be contacted were reached quickly. The March 18, with a reception from
response system worked well." living in these buildings may do so until July 31. f*
The purchase is part of a long-term plan of buying the property to 2 to 5 p.m. in the Cummings Art
This fire was the first actual emergency the police and safety Gallery. The annual exhibit
department has encounted since the new response system was the east and west of the college boundaries, and to carry out which continues through April 7.
installed in December. K | Mercyhurst's master plan calling for the construction of a new
academic building and parking ramp on the east campus. Cummings Gallery is open
Bill Kerbusch, director of physical plant, estimated the damage Tuesday through Sunday from 2
and repair caused by the fire to total approximately $1,500. The purchase of these buildings means potential changes in to 5 p.m. and Thursday from 7 to
The cause and origin of the fire is still under investigation by the housing sign ups for students returning in the fall. Signs ups begin in 9 p.m. Admission is free.
early April.
City of Erie Fire Marshal.^ ~^JW

| L T i

Spikesf named
By Jen Harwell
student social
Social Workers.
worker oflhe year
Colleges and universities MSG elections ;to face changes
News editor It has been three years since a from 13 counties in northwest By Jen Harwell pairs on a platform consisting of a
Mercyhurst student has earned Pennsylvania submitted their News editor hopeful president and vice- •
11 was a wel I -earned moment the title, but Spikes claimed the letters of recommendation for president The primary election
when senior Christine Spikes title of Student Social Worker of their outstanding students. {
Mercyhurst submitted two letters The 2000-01 school year is will narrow the race down to two
walked up to receive her award the Year to hopefully start final pairs.
another winning streak for . for two leading students, Spikes quickly approaching, and
from the northwest division of Mercyhurst Student Government (>! The week of March 27-31 will
the National Association of Mercyhurst students. and Amy Pieczynski, the
maximum amount allowed by is planning ahead to fill posi- consist of active campaigning and
Vandalismfcontinues on campus the association.
Nominees are judged on
:; tions on the executive board.
MSG will be taking a new
a debate. The top two final ?
platforms will compete for the
By Leslie Echam a challenge now, to see if they * several aspects, including QPA, approach to holding elections position of president and vice
Merciad writer can break it and get away with academic performance, school this year. Instead of one general president, and students vying for
it," Kerbusch said. He also said involvement, volunteer experi- election, students will take part treasurer and secretary positions
Unfortunately, some students that he does not understand why ence, commitment and service to in a more typical election, will also run in the final election.
have lost the respectful attitude students would destroy their >" the community, and were then On Wednesday, March 29, alf
toward Mercyhurst, destroying school's property. | ^ interviewed personally. having a primary before the final
election. debate between the two final pairs
the beautiful campus and their 'The gate was put up in July/* u "1 am tremendously proud," will be held at 8 p.m. in the Great
"home away from home." of 1997. Breaking the gate has said Carl Triola, associate The primary election will
"Never in the past have we been an on-going event since," profesor of social work. "Chris- take place March 22-23 in the Room.
had problems like this," said Bill Kerbusch said. tine was chosen from among 250 student union from 11-2 p.m. The final election will be held*
Kerbusc h, d i rector of physical During spring break, there students in northwest Pennsylva- Students will run together in on April 5-6 in the student union.
plant, who has been working at was a break-in at McAuley Hall, nia. :•
Mercyhurst since 1992. "In a which left student resident
two week period after winter assistant, Jeff Oros, with a
break, 17 windows were broken broken television, as well as
movies missing and his Sega
Census 2000 seeking student participation
on campus," Kerbusch said. The United States Constitution Mercyhurst students for a apply for a paying job with
According to Kerbusch, the Dreamcast gone. Oros said, "L mandates that every 10 years a helping hand. Census 2000.
average price to replace a* was the last to leave and the first census must be taken. For ••*'
Resident Assistants are Students need not be United
window costs $85. The total cost to be back, and the building was "Census 2000," the entire playing a big roll in the census. States citizens to apply, they must
for this destruction was supposed to be locked. There is
college community is dedicated Each RA is required to be a only be legal residents and over
$ 1,523.02*Kerbusch saidw*-4M no reason that would justify this to fulfilling its civic duty. certified enumerator and will be 18 years of age. In order to apply
(maintenance) does not know incident" *
|T In addition to the unfortunate Mercyhurst is the first of area responsible for counting the for a position, students need to
who committed the crimes or colleges to get initial Census students in their apartment have a driver's license or birth
what their motives were. | incident at McAuley Hall, Sidun
In addition to broken win- said there was a water leak over* proceedings underway. building or dormitory wing. RAs certificate, and social security
dows, the security gates located spring break that was discovered When the Census Bureau completed the application and card.| Passports, current or
in front of Baldwin and Zurn on March 1 in Mercy 300. The conducts its count, resident testing phases of the certifica- expired, are acceptable as well.
Halls have been repeatedly residents' carpet had to be $ students will be counted as tion process Monday night Students wishing to partici-
vandalized. On March 8, another replaced and the room below had residents of the city or town The Census Bureau, how- pate can apply and take the test
gate arm was destroyed. The ceiling and carpet work done where they attend college. This ever, needs help in addition to on March 21 in Zurn 314, from
student violator is unknown at because of the water. The means that every Mercyhurst that which will be provided by 6 to 9 p.m, or on March 2 in
the present time. A total of 21 situation is still under investiga- student will be counted and the the resident life staff. Students Zurn 114,from2 to 5 p.m.
gates have been broken. tion. government is looking to campus-wide are welcome to
According to Ken Sidun, What seems to be most
chief of police and safety, three confusing to students and
people have been charged maintenance is the question, R E S E R V E O F F I C E R S' T R A I N I N G C O R P S
criminally for breaking that gate. •*Why?" What is the reason for
According to Kerbusch, the the negative actions on this
cost for maintenance to repair a college campus? Mercyhurst is a
gate is $47.35, whereas purchas- place were students come to <
ing a new gate from a supplier learn and to have fun. It was the
choice of the student to attend
would cost $ 169. The cost of
replacing the gate arms comes this school. The beautiful i } FOR PEOPLE
out of Mercyhurst students' 'J Mercyhurst campus deserves to
tuition. "It seems like the gate is be admired, not destroyed as a
result of vandalism. TO THE TOP.
Events on campus: If you didn't sign up for
ROTC as a freshman or
leadership training. By the
time you graduate bom col-
Wednesday 3/15/2000 .* I sophomore, you can still
catch up to your class-]
lege, you'D have the creden-
tials of an Army officer
Coffeehouse: Whose line is it anyway? 9 p.m. in the Laker Inn. mates by attending
Army ROTC Camp
You'll also have the self-
confidence and disci-
Thursday 3/16/2000 Challenge, a paid six*
week summer course in
pline it takes to succeed
in college and beyond.
Pool Tourney at Andy's Pub. Sign up at the front desk. Vans leave
the student union at 6:45 p.m.
Friday 3/17/2000 ; j ARMTR0TC
Movie Night: "Far and Away." 8 p.m. in the Great Room. THE SMARTEST C0UEGE
Saturday 3/18/2000 % - <
Mark Rust, Celtic concert at 9 p.m. in the Laker Inn.
Monday 3/20/2000 j ^ ..
RA social mixer. Learn about residence life opportunities expecta^
tions and benefits as a resident assistant. Mercy Heritage Hall, 9.30- Compete for two-year scholarships
10:30 p.m. Call Gannon ROTC 1-800-GAN NON-U
Wednesday 3/22/2000
Film and discussion, "Barbie Nation.- Student Union Government
Chambers, 8 p.m.


"Theremin Series f? ENTERTAINMENT

hits the Hurst
In conjunction with the publica- 7:30 p.m. at the Taylor Little
March 26: Wd Honor Oscar
tion of faculty member Albert
Glinsky's book about the
Theater. Visiting from Russia,
Lydia Kavina, the world's BEST PICTURE
And the nominees are...
theremin, this wild and wacky premier theremin artist, will American Beauty Toni Collette
musical instrument is celebrated American Beauty
perform a concert of her own The Cider House Rules Angelina Jolie 1 Being John Malkovich
with three great events. compositions and classical The Green Mile Catherine Keener The Cider House Rules
Glinsky's upcoming book is a pieces. She has played in over The Insider Samantha Morton The Insider
biography of electronic pioneer 500 concert appearances The Sixth Sense
Leon Theremin, who invented Chloe Sevigny The Sixth Sense
worldwide, and her playing is
the instrument in 1919. As part prominent in the Oscar-winning BEST ACTOR
of this presentation, inventor ART DIRECTION ORIGINAL SCORE?
movie "Ed Wood." Tickets for Russell Crowe Anna and the King
Robert Moog, creator of the American Beauty
Mercyhurst students are free Richard Farns worth The Cider House Rules
electronic synthesizer, will visit Angela's Ashes
with I.D., $7for non-Mercyhurst Sean Penn Sleepy Hollow
the Mary D'Ahgelo Performing students, and $5 for President's ^ The Cider House Rules
Kevin Spacey The Talented Mr. Ripley The Red Violin
Arts Center Saturday, March 18, Card holders.. Denzel Washington
at 3 p.m.. First to be presented in Topsy-Turvy The Talented Mr. Ripley
The theremin series will
our "Thermin-Fest" is the film conclude with a concert Sunday,
March 19, at 2:30 p.m. at the Michael Caine * American Beauty I South Park
Odyssey" Wednesday, March 15, Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts
at 8 p.m. Tom Cruise The End of the Affair Music of the Heart
Center., Lydia Kavina joins Michael Clarke Duncan The Insider Magnolia
This film is a documentary Frank Collura and his orchestra Jude Law Sleepy Hollow Toy Story 2
about the first electronic instru- for a concert featuring classical Haley Joel Osment Snow Falling on Cedars Tarzan
ment, but also about the intrigu- works with theremin arrange-
ing man who invented it ments, including the rare classic, BEST ACTRESS COSTUME DESIGN ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY
Russian-born physicist Leon Joseph Schillinger's "First Annette Bening Anna and the King American Beauty
Theremin demonstrated his Airphonic Suite for Theremin Janet McTeer Sleepy Hollow Being John Malkovich
invention for Lenin in 1922, and and Orchestra," which was first Julianne Moore The Talented Mr. Ripley Magnolia
was the toast of New York at a performed by the inventor with Meryl Streep Titus The Sixth Sense
Carnegie Hall concert before the Cleveland Orchestra in 1929. Hilary Swank Topsy-Turvy Topsy-Turvy,
mysteriously disappearing and Also in the program is Dvorak's
ending up back in the Soviet Symphony No. 9, "From the
Union. Tickets for Mercyhurst . New World." Tickets are free
students are free with I.D. and $3 for Mercyhurst students, $7 for St. Patrick's Day trivia:
for all non-Mercyhurst students.'% nonjmercyh urst students, and $5 1. How many reeds are there in a set of bag pipes? 2. What are the colors of Ireland's
for Presidential Card holders. *
The second in the Theremin For ticket reservations call Ext. flag?5 3. What was a shillelagh used for? E-mail your answers to <
performance demonstrations is 3000.
a recital Saturday, March 18, at <> First correct answer gets a bottle of Heineken.

House Rules rt

Gannon's Just the Ticket

works. ;. :

Overall, the movie was well


Center for Adult Brandon Boylan

done. It was short, sentimental
and to the point, stressing the
fundamentals of life itself as it is
Learning true to us. The film is up for Best
Picture and Caine snagged a Best
"The Cider House Rules" is an Supporting Actor nod as well.
Maguire's performance is ;
Master of Physical Therapy artistic film that stresses the
importance of the theory, "make outstanding as usual. (He also can
the best with what you got." be seen in "The Ice Storm,"
j Gannon's physical therapy program
A Unique Opportunity! * provides learning experiences that
Tobey Maguire plays an "Pleasantville," "Wonder Boys.")
orphan who learns life's lessons Theron's character is somewhat
i Scholarships available to first and second year students enable our students to develop and medicinal practices through dry and shallow, though you can
• paid externships in athletic training and motion analysis the competencies necessary to the help of his mentor/dean of the decide for yourself if it was
meet the cunent and future orphange, played by Michael intended to be so.
• State-of-the-art lab equipment physical therapy needs of society. Though I prefer to see Haley
Caine. The story follows
i Board-Certified clinical specialists on faculty Maguire as he is born, raised in, Joel Osment from "The Sixth
• Quality employment opportunities for graduates » Our clinical experiences begin in and eventually leaves, the Sense" win the Best Supporting
the first year of study and are orphanage to explore life for Actor Oscar just for his four little
• Currently accepting applications for Fall 2000 himself instead of through other words, "I see dead people," Caine
assigned based on student
people or books. He meets an rightfully deserves the Oscar
learning needs. A wider variety of 1 nominee. The film was ulti-
clinical experiences provide first- engaged woman played by
hand knowledge of how physical Charlize Theron with whom he mately worth seeing despite its
' Occasional dull moments and lack
G^JNQN therapy is administered in various
parts of the United States.
falls deeply i n love.
Complications arise as he of focus. • I
U N I V E R S I T Y pursues his forbidden love and I gave it a 7 out of 10. This
www.gannon . e du intervenes with an incestuous, movie is playing at Tinseltown
indigent family with whom he daily at 12:50,4,7, and 9:55 p.m. |

What's Happening... CAJVIPUS
THE GOOD ... |
• If fan support is what the hockey team needed, then Mercy hurst _JE S T f l OltM
students really came through. The first 500 fans at Saturday's game Would you prefer graduation to be held on campus or at the Warner Theatre?
against Holy Cross received a complimentary clapper. These clappers "Outside on campus. As long as doesn't get enough use. I would weather.
seemed to be a huge hit among fans and created quite the atmosphere the weather is nice and there is a prefer an outside ceremony as .— Jared Oakes, Accounting/
for Mercyhurst's 10-3 win. * n
back up plan if it rains." long as the weather complies. finance major
THE BAD ... \ — Anne Hazard, R/IAP major
"I prefer to have our ceremony at
— Clyde Null, Business
Management and Marketing
"On campus because the Warner
Theatre has nothing to do with
• The Alcohol Task Force sent out surveys to all Mercyhurst
students about their drinking habits, or lack thereof. As the next step, the Warner Theatre. The weather Mercyhurst and I feel that our
the task force is holding discussion groups this week to talk about in Erie is too unpredictable to "Warner because it would give graduation ceremony should be
various issues involving alcohol consumption on campus. Unfortu- have a ceremony outdoors." the ceremony more class." at the school where we spent our
nately, when the committee selected random students to participate in — Jessica Potter, Social Work — Greg Morgan, MIS major last four years of life."
the discussion groups, an overwhelming number of students declined major — Kristie Coll, Business
to participate. Apparently students aren't all that concerned about it "Outside on campus. It's nicer Marketing and Advertising
"I would rather have it on and the Warner Theatre has
THE UGLY ..-|: • f f * f l campus so that we can all enjoy
the nice spring weather."
nothing to do with Mercyhurst*
— Autumn McClurg, English
"I would rather have our gradua-
tion on campus. There are an
• The winter weather is known for leaving behind awful cracks — Mary Patterson, Sports major unlimited amount of tickets and
and potholes in sidewalks and streets. Mercyhurst attempted to fix the Management/Marketing major who wouldn't want an outside
sidewalk between Garvey Park and the Carolyn Herrmann Union, but "I would personally like to graduation? I would rather have 3
failed to match the sidewalk slates. It's such a beautiful part of "An on campus graduation graduate at the Warner Theatre. it at 11:30 a.m. than 2 p.m.*!
campus when the snow is melted to have such a sore thumb. would be nice, because we have It is a very nice place and we — Julie Coursen, Family/
this beautiful campus that don't need to worry about Erie Consumer Science Ed. major.
• This past week, the Miller Brewing Company announced its
newest marketing campaign centered around plastic bottles. As we all
know, glass bottles are not allowed on campus, but now students can
MAIL BAG: Mercy Corps changes lives
enjoy the same qualities of the glass bottle only in plastic. And, it f The Mercy Corps, the hardest job administrator and computer living setting. This has proven to
you'll ever love. I was intro- specialist My Mercyhurst liberal be the most surprising and
keeps your beer colder longer! duced to the idea of volunteering arts education is paying off (not rewarding part of my service. I
by Dr. Joseph Gower during my literally). My ministry has kept am living with two older men (60
THE BEAUTIFUL ... j I I \ sophomore year at Mercyhurst. me busy and has taught me more or so) and another woman my
• The Student Government Chambers located in the upstairs of the Dr. Gower was a member of the about myself than I ever ex- age. Intergenerational living has
student union have received a minor face lift The newly painted Mercy Corps board and was pected. I am in close contact been eye opening not to mention
room presents itself in a nicer tone for hosting meetings and lectures determined to get one of his with women and children who shocking at times. These folks
on campus. "own" involved. Little did I are less fortunate, more so man I have made my experience
know I'd be that person. Thank- could believe ever imagined. I something special.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY SALE ... fully I was that person, t have learned what "mercy"
means and that by sharing my
I recommend mat anyone
•Looking for that something with a shamrock for St Patrick's Day I have been a Mercy Corps interested in experiencing
2000? The soccer teams have just the perfect T-shirts for the day on volunteer for seven months — gifts, I am receiving the gifts another way of life, sign up for
seven months mat I wouldn't others have to share. the Mercy Corps. It will change
sale for $12 from a soccer player or $1495 in the bookstore. Get trade for anything. My mission your outlook forever.
The Mercy Corps programs
yours today! brought me to Belmont, N.C. I focus on three aspects of life: — Melissa Lang, Class of '99
work in a Women's traditional
MODELS NEEDED ... shelter as a volunteer coordina-
ministry (j°b)» community and
spirituality. I live with three
Anyone interested in the Mercy
Corps should contact Dr. Gower
• Has anyone ever told you that you could be a model? The tor, secretary, public relations other volunteers in a community at Ext. 2311. i ?•
. Fashion Merchandising students are holding a fashion show Friday,
April 28, at 7:30 p.m. Anyone interested in being a model can sign up
at the front desk of the studen t union.

St. Patrick's Day

Shuttles to downtown Erie th
1530-iW. 26 Street * 459-7960
Buses will run from campus to downtown No appointment needed!
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m. - 11 p.m.,
Drop off downtown at: Sunday 9 a.m. -9 p.m. (
12th and State Street A tanning package to suit every student
6th and State Street
3rd and French Street 8 visits for 5 visits for 2 t a n s & lotion
Sponsored by: MSG and SAC $25 $15'1 packet for $9

MAIl BAG: Thank you for ^ B A G . M o n t e C a r l o h a s u p s md d o w n s
your humanity t As a senior, I am ashamed to I winners were chosenifairly, buti-rtee wei-decided we would no S5|j
Thank you to the 40 Mercyhurst admit that I have never before this is where I feel the fairness longer participate in these events.
back, not next year but later on gone to the annual "Monte ended. I know that I will be chastised by
students who participated in the this year! And as a result of such
Collegiate Challenge Habitat for Carlo' * night that Mercyhurst Many of the MSO representa- MSG/SAC representatives on
a good time for both sides, Student Government sponsors tives are good friends of mine this matter, but my question is,
Humanity International, a several students are planning a
program in which college here on campus. It was a well and I am happy that they won where is the justice? I also think
second trip after graduation. "I attended event and well run. Jt some nice gifts, but at least 11 of that MSG may want to imple-
students spend their spring break want to see the final product,
building houses for the less was a great evening and added the prizes were won by MSG ment a policy that one person
before I get on with my life," some spice to campus life. representatives. I am not sure •*
fortunate all over the nation. senior Megan Grant said. may not be permitted to win
Oayle Martin, a 1962 gradu- However, I do have a problem this would bother me so much if more mat two or three prizes, i
We had a great time, and we - with the way in which the prizes it were not for the recent events
ate of Mercyhurst, helped with will never forget it for the rest of I know some may think that I
organizing dinners while were in were distributed, i that took place within the am just bitter that I did not win a
our lives. The best part about it is Student Activities Committee.
Anniston. She also helped us the helping hands we provided For those who did not attend prize, but in all sincerity, I had a
with transportation and advised for five families in Alabama. the event, each person gave a $2 As a member of the executive really great time and it would
us as to what to do and where to We are not alone in this donation in exchange for board we are no longer permitted have been nice to win something,
go. She was like our mother world. There is greater need in "Garvey Bucks" to spend at the to win or receive any type of but I am just as happy that many
away from home, even to the \ our own backyard. Everything games. For every Ave bucks prizes at SAC events. Our of my friends won. I would just
point of doing our laundry. we do to help others makes a won, students could exchange committee received a complaint ask that these ideas be considered
"We are all so proud of difference in our community and the money for one raffle ticket. from a student that felt it was for next year's festivities so that sj
Mercyhurst" she said, during our our world. It is the greatest 3 The tickets could be placed in a unfair that a member of the . more students may have a chance
last dinner together. With tears in feeling when shaking the hand of random drawing for the prize of executive board receive prizes. at winning, too.
her eyes, she received a wooden an owner of a Habitat house that] the student's choice. The After much debate, as a commit- -Amy "Pie" Pieczynski
cross that we prepared and we worked on, and they say to
signed for her. you, 'Thank y'all for coming and
? Mercyhurst impressed the
local Habitat officials so much v
helping us this week."
—Daniel CabaniUas, campus
Crossword! 101
By Ed Canty
that we were invited to come minister " Murphy's Law

Editor positions 1 Murphy's fuel

\*i 5 Cancer treatment
10 Boast • W
14 Rum unit'

I available for The Merciad 15 Trickled out

17 African nation
All positions open for 2000-200) academic year. IB Murphy's treat with
*Ed\tor in Ch editor 55Across
20 Geological time
* A&E editor * Sporte editor 21 So. American rodent
22 British noblemen
*Featuree editor * Advertising manager 23 Unen lead In
25 __ Ladd, actor
$$ Scholarships available for ALL positions! $$ 27 Fl our and water L
For more info, call Ext 2376 or E-mail <> combo
29 Mrs. Murphy's
chowder add In
33 French city
34 Uncorks

Carrie Tappe Editor in Chief
35 0IM
36 La lead hit
39 Tin follower
40 Surety bonds
41 Challenger
4 CNN's founder

7 _ Pound, poet
5 37 Not neurotic
5 Actress Imogen© I famly 38 Rice drink *
6 Liquor, slang 40

42 numbing fixtures 8 Pub door sign 43 Spanish farm

Jen Harwell News Editor 9 Lyric • 48 Wiser
44 Penny pinchers?
Scott Koskoski Sports Editor 45 Irish pub specialties
10PooJ house 47 Follows soap
Features Editor 11 One Who regrets 48 "A Chorus Une" dl
Dave Hermenau 40 Type of boom
12 Me Hershlser 49 Old World buffalo
Brandon Boylan Arts & Entertainment Editor 48 Aches relatives
13 Early female flyers , 50 Totem pole, e.g.
I Photography 51 Irish pub fixtures 51 Scarlett* 8 home
Gerrlt ShufTstall 52 Radio operator
19 Darlings
Copy Editor * 21 Pastries 53 Settled down 1
Jennifer Kelley 66 Murphy's treat with 16 A
24 Hwy. numbers 54 Gym needs
Publisher The Cony Journal | 56 Big event 56 London radio sta.
25 Swears
Phone: (814)824-2376 • E-mail: merciad @ mercyhurst ed u 50 Piglet's pal
26Fastperiod 57 ATM receipt abbrc
60 More plain 58 Young girls org.
27 Pumpkin plot
61 Legal action
The Mereted is the gtudeni-prcxiuced newspaper of Mercyhurst «__Alto
28 Arrangement
College It is published weekly throughout the year with the 29 October bkthetones
63 Ms. Barton
t h e 30 Uttie man with the
exception of mid-term andfinalsweeks. ? ^ «P~*» 64 Picnic visitors treasure
Merciad do not necessarily reflect the op.mons of The Merciad ?
DOWN 31 Punchbowl spiker Americans are about
1 Stride 32 Hollywood Icons
staff or college administration . \ \h ae black Americans
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3 Gatway Bay features 1 are African."
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Forty participate in habitat trip
Hurst celebrates Women's Month By Adam DuShole
Merciad writer
By Dave Hermenau
It's not unusual for college
Features editor students to frequent the
continent's southern climates,
This month, the college community especially during this, "National
was treated to a package of events Hedonism Month" (or as it is
held in celebration of Women' s % more innocuously referred to,
History Month. Spring Break). For most, the
With the college built and agenda would include at least
overseen by the Sisters of Mercy, it one form of debauchery or
is no surprise that the students and another but not visiting a
faculty at Mercyhurst realize the construction site. File photo
importance of celebrating the This break, 40 Mercyhurst Stratman builds in Alabama.
under-appreciated role of women in students forfeited their collegiate
history and the power and equality I I Gerrit Shuffstall/Merciad photographer right to depravity, however, and president of the Mercyhurst
of women in the present traveled to Anniston, Ala. as chapter of Habitat for Humanity,'
Student organizers of Women's Month events. ff
participants in Habitat for* as she spoke of the recent journey
Series offered for The week of March 5 th According to Oliver, "We were
Humanity International' s
Collegiate Challenge: Spring
* and discussed her continued
involvement with the program.
featured three presentations.
Lenten Reason Therese Forsthoefel gave a lecture
all inspired and wanted to do
Break 2000. The Spring Break
2000 program, running from Feb.
"Habitat for Humanity focuses
on eradicating poverty," she said.
on Tuesday, March 7 titled Funding for the presentations
By Dave Hermenau "Empowering Your Body." On 27 through April 22, includes f 'That's a good goal to have in
Features editor was provided through Cass more than 8,500 students from mind."
Wednesday, March 8, Diana Shimek, associate dean of student
McMannus from the Mercy Center over 400 universities and Brianna Stratman, a first year
During Lent, students and faculty development colleges working at 170 sites student at Mercyhurst, volun-
for Women lectured on self- On Tuesday, March 14,
members are asked to reflect on esteem, and Thursday, March 9, across the country. teered to work with Habitat for
consumerism in society by professional writer Denise Through the course of one Humanity simply because she
students heard a presentation by Duhamel gave two presentations.
attending one or all installments two representatives of the Erie week they worked on several* wanted "to help people, to make a
Tuesday afternoon Duhamel gave a homes. A great deal of' ^ difference." She highly recom-
of a five week program titled. Rape Crisis Center. reading of her poetry and in the
"Through TT» Eye of ^Needle," fundraising Was required for their mends the program to other
. The presentations were % evening lectured on "Barbie" and excursion, ranging from candy students. "It was one of the most
The Program was designed by Organized by juniors Can Matras the implications of "Barbie's"
Pax Christi and is sponsored by' and bake sales to Chinese enjoyable things I've ever done,"
and Liz Oliver, sophomore image in our culture. auctions. Additional funding was said an enthusiastic Stratman.
Campus Ministry, and the Office Ashling McBride and "fresher" Duhamel's visit was organized
of the Academic Dean. Dave provided by donations from Students seeking additional
Faith Lewis. The idea for the* by Dr. Beth Gylys, assistant Campus Ministry and information about Habitat for
Robinson, program director for events came when the four attend professor of English, and spon-
Pax Christi USA and a Mercy- Mercyhurst President Dr. Humanity can contact Krupka at
the Student Peace Action Network sored by an Academic Enrichment William P. Garvey. Ext 2939.* t. F f
hurst graduate student in* * summit in Washington, D.C., Feb.
organizational leadership, will • grant and student development "It's working toward a good
lead the series. £&& "H cause," said Katie Krupka,
Participants will reflect on '
their own experiences with •
consumerism. Participants will T
Koroshi Kick*Fit helps Mercyhurst "feel the
regular member before he offered
request of friends who felt the
By Kate CywinsRI it. "I recommend Koroshi Kick Fit
be asked to keep a journal of , | Merciad writer h because it works. With consis- to train her to teach it. As a college needed an aerobics
their buying habits in order to tency, you will definitely see certified instructor, she leads the program.
help them see how patterns of With bathing suit season a few quick results," said DeMarco. classes in Ashtabula at Kent State DeMarco enjoys working with
consumerism in theirown life .' short months away, Mercyhurst Craig Clinton, master instruc- University along with master master Clinton. She instructs
styles are connected to the world students, sjaff and'the general tor of karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Clinton and another instructor, aerobics because she finds it fun
community. > 2 \ u public now have ah opportunity to Tai Chi Chuan established ; Tina Rice. and addicting. Students who
"It's an opportunity to look in get in shape with Korosh'i Kick Fi t. Koroshi Kick Fit in Ashtabula, DeMarco graduated from * aUended the program seemed very
the mirror," said Sister Geri The program is a type of low * Ohio. Clinton, with 25 years of Mercyhurst in 1996 with a degree enthusiastic about it. "By the end of
Rosin ski, director of Campus impact, high intensity aerobics that experience, is a member of the in hotel and restaurant manage- class I felt relieved that it was over,
Ministry. includes the hands of boxing and martial arts hall of fame. He ment She returned in 1999 and is but very good about completing it,"
the feet of karate.'-: \ competed with Billy Blanks, the persuing an elementary education said Megan Eble. There is no better
The program is open to the well known instructor of Tae Bo. certificate. She decided to begin time to get in shape thanrightnow.
entire Mercyhurst community Instructor Jillian DeMarco
leads the workouts every Tuesday j DeMarco attended Clinton's Koroshi Kick Fit classes at
and will be held Thursday Koroshi Kick Fit classes as a Mercyhurst in response to the
evenings during Lent (March 16, and Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30
p.m. in the Mercyhurst REC
23,30 and April 6,13), 8:15- Center for a cost of $4 per session.
9:30 p.m. in the Student Govern- 3 Koroshi Kick Fit is a cardio
ment Chambers. workout similar to Tae Bo. Unlike
traditional, dance-like aerobics,
MURPHY'S LAW this program requires participants Chesterfield County Police Department
to lift, push; pull and flex with Chesterfield County is a suburb of Richmond, VA, the capital of the state. It offers all of the
their muscles. Those who attend positive features of suburban living while maintaining one of the lowest crime rates in the
the aerobics classes will see quick
results as they lose inches and get state. The county is one of the fastest growing counties in the state of Virginia.
toned. The program is suited to We are accepting applications on an on-going baste and will start the next Police Officer
any fitness level. Basic Training Academy on June 26,2000. The written examination will be administered at
Hannah Gehman, a student who Mercyhurst on Thursday, March 23, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. i.
attended the first class, stated, in the Alumni Board Room.
"Because you're paying for it, you You must be a US citizen 21 years of age by the completion of training with a safe driving record. You
push yourself to get the most out
r A M
of the exercise." DeMarco must have 60 college credits, and no felony or habitual misdemeanor convictions.
[o A^ L1 AT explained that the program is as No Pennsylvania Act-120 police pre-certification needed.
rA 8 much of a workout as one makes. For more information or to schedule for the exam, call (804)748-1547 M


Mercyhurst destroys Holy

earns berth in MAAC F
By Scott Koskoski
Sports editor
As he was leaving the Mercy- and rookie P.J. Hiscock, the Anne Sitter/Merciad photographer
hurst Ice Center last Saturday Mercyhurst hockey team earned Playoff faceoff at the MIC: Mercyhurst hockey sophomore center Louis Goulet (middje) and Holy
night, a fatigued Holy Cross fan a berth in the MAAC Hockey
clad in purple and white paused League Final Four with a 10-3 Cross sophomore forward Tony DeLuzio (let) await the referee's drop of "the puck in MAAC
and addressed an arena official lambasting of the Crusaders, the Quarterfinal action Saturday night. The Lakers won this faceoff and the game, beating HC 10-3.
"It was truly a pleasure to play«* defending league champions. & • *

Mercyhurst," said the man About the only thing Holy both voice and clappers. attack. Mercyhurst added two weekend, fhe Lakers (23-9-4)
respectfully. k Cross actually crusaded Saturday The Laker players only third period goals thanks to will take on host UConn (17-16-
To that fan: trust us. the night was their way back to needed the first 8:48 of the freshman Marty Rychley and <r 1) in a semifinal game tomorrow
pleasure was all ours. r Worcester, Mass. after suffering second period to say all they * senior Ukranian Fedor Zakusilo. (3/16) at 7 p.m., with the winner
After all. the Holy Cross through a Laker ice storm more needed to. Leading 2-1 after the The Crusaders* captain, senior advancing to the MAAC
faithful sure couldn't find any fierce than the night's worsening first stanza behind both right wing Chris Fattey, poked Championship game Saturday at
pleasure in watching a once- weather outside the MIC. McMonagle goals (scored just home a meaningless goal with 12 noon in Storrs. Mercyhurst is
close Metro Atlantic Athletic And for the seven 'Hurst over three minutes apart), six minutes remaining to finish 1 -2 this season against the
Conference (MAAC) quarterfinal hockey seniors (and senior fans Mercyhurst emerged from the the44scoring at 10-3. Huskies, including a pair of
game turn into an absolute watching their last games at the * intermission and blasted Holy We just tried to come out setbacks at UConn last month by
disaster. Unless, that is, they MIC as students), there wasn't Cross lock, stock and barrel. and execute our game plan," said 3-2 and 4-2 counts. * •*
considered the three-hour any better way to say goodbye to First it was Goulet, who a44 triumphant Goulet afterwards, The only thing Laker fans
constant rumbling of giveaway the Ice Center. Reminiscent of intercepted a Crusader pass in ^ All season long we played an were counting last Saturday night
"clapper" noisemakers to be Mercyhurst's NCAA D-II / the neutral zone and turned HC attack-style of hockey, and (this were goals, to a count of 10. One
pleasurable. | hockey glory days, the place was goaltender Dan Bennett whiter game) just shows what happens more Laker score against Holy''
Behind a two-goal perfor- filled nearly to capacity, with than the snow outside as he when you work hard." Cross and fans would' ve had to
hundreds of charged students skated in alone for Mercyhurst's Just about everybody worked count on their fingers and toes.
mance each by sophomores third score just 21 seconds into
Louis Goulet, Tom McMonagle making themselves heard ... by hard at the Ice Center Saturday All Holy Cross had to count,
the period. Junior defenseman night, including Mercyhurst meanwhile, were the miles back
Jody Robinson tallied at 2:17, goalie Stevens. The senior from to Worcester.
Goulet picked up a power play Scarborough, Ont, playing in his
score at 6:19, Hiscock found the MIC finale, stopped 24 of 27
net 40 seconds later, and senior
Kelly Koshman blasted one
Holy Cross shots to earn the win.
Some of the student section
MAAC final Four
home at 8:48. • • - - - • erupted into a "We want Shiner"
chant near the game's end, but
March 16-18,2000
?? That means a fan could've
left his seat to get a hot dog and sophomore reserve netminder OConn Ice Anna
visit the restroom with the score Adam Shine (along with fellow
2-1 and came back moments soph goalie Peter Aubry) saw no Storrs, Conn.
later with the score 7-1. ice time on what was clearly
Holy Cross finally stopped Stevens' night. Bennett was Thursday 3/16
the bleeding when junior winger charged with the toss for the
Adam Askashian beat Laker Crusaders. #1 Quinnipiac (27-5-3) vs.
senior goaltender Ashley Stevens "It feels good to have the win #3 Iona (16-16-3), 4 p.m.
at 15:32, but Hiscock scored over Holy Cross in our back
again just 24 seconds later to. pocket, but by no means is our n Mercyhurst (23-9-4) vs.
squash any Crusader comeback work done yet," remarked #4 Connecticut (17-16-1),
hopes.. Goulet.
It was lights out for goalie That's certainly true. With 7 p.m.
Bennett at mat point, and lights their embarrassment of Holy
out for bis teammates as well. Cross, Mercyhurst advances to Saturday 3/18 I
gl Anne Sitter/Merciad photographer Backup netminders Matt Smith the MAAC Final Four at the Championship, 12 noon
and John Tocco fared no better University of Connecticut Ice
The Lake Show erupts again: several Mercyhurst players against the relentless Laker Arena in Storrs, Conn, this
LiebfaX o n e * flj"second-period goals against Holy Cross.

MIHBJRS The smile said it THE LAKER LOG was referring, of course, to the
Overtime next day, and was discussing
itinerary if, I mean WHEN, the
Jenner, men's laxers stuff Pfeiffer
Behind a three-goal performance from junior attack Ted Jenner
All-time record of the Laker Lady Lakers upset the nationally- (Vancouver, B.C.), the Mercyhurst men's lacrosse team (2-1) easily
ranked Huskies. A bit overconfi-
men's hockey team versus dent of him, I thought Webb's ^handled Pfeiffer (KG) University last Tuesday at Tullio Field. The
Holy Cross College, counting Scott Koskoski bright-as-a-boy facial expression | Lakers had the game well in hand after the first quarter, as five
last Saturday's 10-3 victory. when he ended the meeting and * different 'Hurst players scored goals to take a 6-2 lead after a period.
From a drab meeting room in an walked past me made me think Both teams notched three second-quarter tallies as Mercyhurst led 9-5
average-looking hotel on a Mercyhurst had already beaten at halftime, but Jenner poured it on in the third. His two goals
boring stretch of highway in a the Huskies, though. stretched the Laker margin to 12-7, and Pfeiffer would get no closer
faceless town on a gloomy day, When the Lady Lakers took than 12-9 before Owen Jones' insurance goal pushed the final score
Record (all-time) of the Lady the man emerged with the bright the court the next day, I looked at to 13-9. The Lakers' Andy Crane added two goals as Pfeiffer fell to
Laker basketball team against look of an eight year-old who Webb for the smile. Never got it, 1-3 with the loss. Sophomore attack Thompson Cawley led the
GLIAC first-round opponent had just found a bike under the even when his team trailed only Falcons with three scores in defeat ?
.Michigan Tech University. tree on Christmas. As I stood 33-29 at halftime and actually
nearby at a pay phone, the man led by a few points early in the Vol leyball crushes another ranked opponent
21 passed me and gave me a high-
five that seemed to say a lot
more than the voice on the other
second period. Did this mans
honestly know something I .'
didn't know? Were the Huskies
The Mercyhurst men's volleyball team (11-7,2-7 Midwest Intercolle-
giate Volleyball Association) is starting to make their off-season
championshiptitleat the 48-team Michigan State Invitational stand
g A verage age, in years, of the end of the phone. Why is he so recently stricken with basketball up. After a shaky start, the Lakers are knocking more national
Mercyhurst men's hockey team happy, I remember thinking as amnesia or something? volleyball powerhouses off their marks in one year than other teams
the man vanished out of sight Eventually, Michigan Tech
as of March 11.2000. Does he not know of the wreck- do in a decade. The latest victim was #4 D'Youville College, who fell
shut down Mercyhurst and

19. ing ball that will surely take to the Laker spikers 15-11,15-7,15-4 last Tuesday before 100 fans at
sprinted to a 75-54 victory, the MAC. Adam Tokash paced Mercyhurst with 12 kills while
away that smile tomorrow? ending the Lady Lakers' season captain Jim Zorn and senior Matt Tamborino added 10 and nine,
It was March 1, and that man, lopsidedly. You never would've respectively. Mercyhurst then hosted #6 Ohio State Saturday night at
Average age ofthe Laker Mercyhurst sixth-year women's known Webb lost after his |
postgame interview, though. the MAC and fell in three straight sets, 15-12,15-7,15-10. &
men's basketball team as of hoops coach Jim Webb, his team
and I were at a Travelodge With a wrinkled shirt and loose Pierce's jersey retired atfR.I.T
T March 11. tie, he praised his team and
outside Grand Rapids, Mich., a Mercyhurst assistant women's hockey coach and former Rochester
500 rather rusty-looking place for a
major basketball transformation.
Which is exactly what might
vowed to make Grand Rapids,
the GLIAC tournament site, "our
home for many years." And then,
he smiled. ^
Institute of Technology star Kristine Pierce made R.I.T. history Feb.
19 when she became the first athlete in school history to have her
number retired. The school held a ceremony to forever memorialize
Number of "clapper" noisemak have taken place that day, while her #12 jersey, the first number retirement in 85 years of R.I.T. ^
ers given away to fans at last the rest of collegia!ity was I realized the three most
important words Webb said all athletics. "It gives me a sense of pride, but this is not something I
Saturday's MAAC hockey nestled in the Daytona Beach ever expected," said Pierce of the honor. Last April, the current
sand; 1 season came the night before:
playoff game at the MIC. "when we win." Because despite 'Hurst coach became the first female and first NCAA D-III athlete to
As I stood at the pay phone win the coveted Hockey Humanitarian Award, given annually to the
that day waiting for Webb and Mercyhurst's 75-54 loss that day,
sport's finest citizen. The 1999 R.I.T. graduate was featured in last
The Week Ahead his team to finish a short film
session for the following
afternoon's first-round playoff
his team turned the corner this
season and has the very real
potential to become a dynasty.
November's Sport magazine's "Heroes Edition."

Home games in italics tilt with GLIAC powerhouse £ And not just in Erie. Swain, Maxim earn postseason honors '0
Wednesday 3/15 Michigan Tech, three of the When we win. Definitely has Concluding a special year for the junior classes of the Laker men's
Men's V-ball vs. Park, 7 p.m. coach's words caught my a nice ring to it. Rest assured, and women's basketball teams, third-year players Brent Swain and
Thursday 3/16V attention: "when we win." Webb Webb knows what he means. Jodie Maxim recently earned some prestigious postseason hardware."
Men's hockey vs. UConn Swain (6' 10" jr., Beavercreek, Ohio) was named to the Daktronics
MAAC Final Four, 7 p.m. NCAA D-II Great Lakes All-Region Team by regional D-II sports
(radio) information directors. Both Swain and Maxim (5*5" jr., Wareham,
Mass.) were placed on the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic
Men's tennis at Grand Valley? Conference (GLIAC) South Division Second Team. Swain became^
Friday 3/17 the first player in over a decade to average a double-double for
Men's V-ball at Lewis, 7 p.m. Mercyhurst (13.5 pts., 12 reb.) while Maxim led the Lady Lakers in
Men's tennis at Ferris State scoring for the second straight campaign while distinguishing herself
Saturday 3/18 * as one of Mercyhurst's best players ever. Swain was also named to
MAAC Hockey League Champi- the GLIAC's South Division All-Defensive Team.
onship game, 12 noon
(radio, TV) Club hockey cruises to ECHL title J
Baseball vs. Shepherd (at For the first time under head coach Bill Shannon, the Laker club
hockey team won the Eastern Collegiate Hockey League champion-
Shippensburg), 10 a.m. 4 ship, concluding a successful 1999-00 season. Thetitleevaded the
Baseball at Shippensburg, 3 p.m. Lakers (18-8-2) the past few seasons, as Mercyhurst reached the
Women's lacrosse vs. ECHL playoffs severaltimeswithout claiming the championship.
Shippensburg, 3 p.m. This year. Shannon's skaters bested St Bona venture 7-1 in the ECHL
Men's V-ball at Loyola (III.) semifinals before topping the University of Rochester 4-2 before
Sunday 3/19 3,500 fans in Rochester Feb. 26 for thetitle.Four Lakers made the
All-Tournament Team, including MVP goalie Tom McKinnon and
Baseball vs. Bloomsburg (at rookie forward Rob Garber, who notched a hat trick in the win over
Shippensburg), 10 a.m. Rochester. Five players earned ECHL All-Academic Team honors.
Baseball at Shippensburg, 1 p.m. GerntThuffstaTOerciad Photographer
Radio: 88.5/104.9 WMCE Mercyhurst hockey senior captain Paul Colontlno (L) discusses]
TV: Empire Sports Network th« i afore hones for a MAAC title at Friday's media meeting. |

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