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DEADLINE: 11/22/2021


Names: Mark Vincent Bueno, Iris Adrian Ritaga, Sakura Kato

Strand & Section: STEM – 11 F ADROITNESS
Subject Teacher: Mrs. Mary Kate O. Enerlan

Listen to the Children – Severn Cullis-Suzuki (1992)

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Mark Vincent Bueno

Iris Adrian Ritaga Sakura Kato

1. How did the speaker catch his/her audience’s attention?

Severn Cullis-Suzuki caught the attention of the audience by arousing their curiosity by telling them
stories. And take them through a "what if" scenario. Severn made the right persuasive choices. As for
persuasive means, Severn resorted to hypothetical examples, comparisons and analogy.

The girl compared her life with other children’s lives; she also contemplated her hypothetical life in less
privileged conditions. Seemingly, there was some sort of redundancy of the speaker’s claims concerning
her age.

First, she introduced herself as part of the children's environmental organization who were 12 and 13
y.o trying to make a difference, and that made the audience curious. When she has gotten the listener's
attention with her magnetic opening, she told a story and made it about them. And told them “What if

2. How did he/she connect with his/her audience?

As what we've observed, she was connected to them by making eye contact to the audience. She also
asks the audience a question that made them more interested to the topic.

the speaker considered the type of audience. The girl’s word choices proved that the speaker
appealed to adult listeners which was appropriate, she emphasized that the listeners are those who
should make a difference, in the first place. The girl used star pattern to reveal her idea. Thus, the girl
used different rather independent points to draw a specific conclusion. However, numerous
references to the speaker’s age made the speech more expressive and more meaningful. Adult
participants of the conference had to face the fact that children were concerned with serious issues.
Therefore, the speaker made the audience understand that adults were stealing childhood from
children. All these means made the speaker’s speech expressive and even inspiring.

The girl made the audience understand that the adults were responsible for the future of humanity. In
fact, the girl also used loaded questions which also made participants think of the past and the future
of the planet. Of course, this strong ending made the speech effective.
3. How did he/she present himself/herself?

The speaker used manuscript delivery. She presented herself as one of the children of the future.
Explaining that they might not witnessed most of the animals right now if they keep destroying our

She was confident enough to present herself into the stage of United Nation Organization. This
contributed to the speech's effectiveness. Adult listeners recognized the importance of the issues
raised because even children had to prepare for such an important event and give a statement that
speaker does not refer to specific secondary sources. However, her speech was full of specific
examples and hypothetical examples. Finally, the speaker stressed that they were only children so
adults were responsible for coming up with solutions.

4. What is the speech all about? What did you learn from it?

Severn Suzuki calls on youth to challenge representatives to fight for intergenerational justice. Suzuki's
address to the 1992 Earth Summit' silenced the world' and encouraged negotiators to make your words
meet your actions.

The goal of Severn Suzuki’s speech to the United Nations is. She emphasized the importance of
preserving the world now for upcoming generations. Also, help the underprivileged children and quit
being so greedy with our possessions that we refuse to share them with anyone.

The speech was all about the environmental problems here on earth, and she explained how the people
are acting to it, and how should we act to it. What I've learned from it is that we should not take things
for granted just because we think that we will not lose them, or at least not lose it anytime soon.

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