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Light Transmitting Concrete or Transparent Concrete

1. 1. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil

Engineering 1 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 1. INTRODUCTION Due to economic
development and space utilization requirements, high- rise buildings and skyscrapers are
mostly built downtown in metropolitan areas around the world, especially countries with great
population. This arises one of the problem in deriving natural light in building, due to
obstruction of nearby structures. Due to this problem use of artificial sources for illumination
of building is increased by great amount. So it is very essential to reduce the artificial light
consumption in structure. It is considered to be one of the best sensor materials available
and has been used widely since the 1990s. Hungarian architect, Aron Losonczi, first
introduced the idea of light transmitting concrete in 2001 and then successfully produced the
first transparent concrete block in 2003, named LiTraCon. However his light transmitting
concrete did not have smart sensing properties. Light transmitting concrete also known as
transparent concrete is a novel construction material manufactured with optical fiber by
drilling through the cement and mortar in order to utilize the light guiding ability of optical
fiber. The main purpose was to use sunlight as a light source in order to reduce the power
consumption of illumination. Light transmitting concrete are available as prefabricated
blocks / panels. Litracon rooms will be brightened and proximal objects situated on the
brighter side of a transparent wall will be revealed as silhouettes on the other side. Though
the optical fibers compose only 4% of the concrete, some light is transmitted because of their
parallel arrangement in a matrix between to the two outer surfaces of each block. Load-
bearing structures can also be built from these blocks, since optical fibers have no negative
effect on the strength of the concrete. The blocks come in various sizes and option of
embedded heat-isolation. Since not everyone appreciates the look of exposed concrete.
2. 2. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 2 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 2. PRINCIPLE Transparent concrete or
translucent concrete is work based on “Nano- Optics”. Optical fibers passes as much light
when tiny slits are placed directly on top of each other as when they are staggered. It is
because optical fibers in the concrete act like the slits and carry the light across throughout
the concrete. Thousands of optical glass fibers form a matrix and run parallel to each other
between the two main surfaces of each block. The fibers mingle in the concrete because of
their insignificant size and they become a structural component as a kind of modest
aggregate. The blocks can be produced in various sizes and with embedded heat-isolation.
Light transmitting concrete is a combination of optical fibers and fine concrete. It can be
produced as prefabricated building blocks and panels. Due to the small size of the fibers,
they blend into concrete becoming a component of the material like small pieces of
aggregate. By arranging high numerical aperture Plastic Optical Fibers (POF) or big diameter
glass optical fiber into concrete, it transmits light so effectively that there is virtually no loss of
light conducted through the fibers. The glass fibers lead light by points between the two
sides of the blocks. Because of their parallel position, the light-information on the brighter
side of such a wall appears unchanged on the darker side. The most interesting form of this
phenomenon is probably the sharp display of shadows on the opposing side of the wall.
Moreover, the color of the light also remains the same.
3. 3. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 3 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 3. MATERIALS 3.1. OPTICAL FIBERS An
optical fiber is a flexible, transparent fiber made of glass (silica) or plastic to a diameter
slightly thicker than that of a human hair. Optical fibers are used most often as a means to
transmit light between the two ends of the fiber. An optical fiber consists of a core, a cladding
layer and a buffer coating. Fig 3.1 shows a typical structure of optic fiber. Fig 3.1: Structure
of optical fiber Core –The core is a cylindrical rod of dielectric material. Dielectric material
conducts no electricity. Light propagates mainly along the core of the fiber. The core is
generally made of glass. And in another way we can say it is a central tube of very thin size
made up of optically transparent dielectric medium and carries the light form transmitter to
receiver. The core diameter can vary from about 5µm to 100 µm. Cladding – It is the outer
optical material surrounding the core having reflecting index lower than core. It helps to keep
the light within the core throughout the phenomena of total internal reflection. Even though
light will propagate along the
4. 4. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 4 T.K.M Institute Of Technology fiber core without the layer of cladding material,
the cladding does perform some necessary functions. The index of refraction of the cladding
material is less than that of the core material. The cladding is generally made of glass or
plastic. The cladding performs the following functions:  Reduces loss of light from the core
into the surrounding air  Reduces scattering loss at the surface of the core  Protects the
fiber from absorbing surface contaminants  Adds mechanical strength Buffer Coating –
plastic coating that protects the fiber made of silicon rubber. The typical diameter of fiber
after coating is 250-300 µm. For extra protection, the cladding is enclosed in an additional
layer called the buffer coating. The buffer coating is a layer of material used to protect an
optical fiber from physical damage. The material used for a buffer is a type of plastic. The
buffer is elastic in nature and prevents abrasions. The buffer also prevents the optical fiber
from scattering losses caused by micro bends. Micro bends occur when an optical fiber is
placed on a rough and distorted surface. 3.1.1. Types of optical fiber There are three basic
types of optical fibers. Multi-mode graded-index fiber In graded index fiber there are
many changes in the refractive index with larger values towards the center, as light travels
faster in a lower index of refraction. So, the farther the light is from the center axis, the
greater is its speed. Each layer of the core refracts the light. Instead of being sharply
reflected as it is in a step index fiber, the light is now bent or continuously refracted in an
almost sinusoidal pattern. Those rays that follow the longest path by travelling near the
outside of the core have a faster average velocity. The light travelling near the center of the
core has the slowest average velocity. As a result all rays tend to reach the end of the fiber
at the same time. That causes the end travel time of different rays to be nearly equal, even
though they travel different paths.
5. 5. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 5 T.K.M Institute Of Technology Multi-mode step-index fiber This fiber is
called "Step Index" because the refractive index changes abruptly from cladding to core. The
cladding has a refractive index somewhat lower than the refractive index of the core glass.
As a result, all rays within a certain angle will be totally reflected at the core-cladding
boundary. Rays striking the boundary at angles greater than the critical angle will be partially
reflected and partially transmitted out through the boundary. After many such bounces the
energy in these rays will be lost from the fiber. The paths along which the rays (modes) of
this step index fiber travel differ, depending on their angles relative to the axis.
Single-mode step-index fiber Another way to reduce modal dispersion is to reduce the core's
diameter, until the fiber only propagates one mode efficiently. The single mode fiber has an
exceedingly small core diameter of only 5 to 10 m. Standard cladding diameter is 125 m.
Since this fiber carries only one mode, model dispersion does not exists. A multimode fiber
can propagate hundreds of light modes at one time while single-mode fibers only propagate
one mode as shown below. Fig 3.2: Types of Fiber
6. 6. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 6 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 3.1.2. Total internal reflection Fig 3.3:
Schematic representation of total internal reflection When light traveling in an optically dense
medium hits a boundary at a steep angle (larger than the critical angle for the boundary), the
light is completely reflected. This is called total internal reflection. The process of total
internal reflection is shown in fig:3.3. This effect is used in optical fibers to confine light in the
core. Light travels through the fiber core, bouncing back and forth off the boundary between
the core and cladding. Because the light must strike the boundary with an angle greater than
the critical angle, only light that enters the fiber within a certain range of angles can travel
down the fiber without leaking out. This range of angles is called the acceptance cone of the
fiber. The size of this acceptance cone is a function of the refractive index difference
between the fiber’s core and cladding. 3.1.3. Benefits of optical fiber Following are the
benefits of optical fiber:  It can be bend in different shapes.  It has a less bending radius. 
It is resilient to damage.  It is abuse than glass.  Cutting, wiring, bonding, connecting and
processes are easier.  It does not produce radiation.
7. 7. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 7 T.K.M Institute Of Technology  It is immune to radio magnetic interference,
radio frequency interference and noise. 3.2. CEMENT As the optical fiber is only responsible
for transmission of light, there is no special cement required. So, ordinary Portland cement is
used for transparent concrete. 3.3. SAND Sand is a naturally occurring granular material
composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. The composition of sand is highly
variable, usually in the form of quartz. Sand particles should pass through 1.18 mm sieve.
The sand used is the normal sand. It should be free from impurities such as vegetation and
gravels 3.4. WATER Water is the key ingredient, which when mixed with cement, forms a
paste that binds the aggregate together. The water needs to be pure in order to prevent side
reactions from occurring which may weaken the concrete, the role of water is important
because the water to cement ratio is the most critical factor in the production of "perfect”
concrete. It should be of drinking water quality. That is it should be free from all impurities.
8. 8. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 8 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 4. MANUFACTURING PROCESS The
manufacturing process of transparent concrete is almost same as regular concrete. Only
optical fibers are spread throughout the aggregate and cement mix. There are different
methods for the installation of optical fiber in concrete. One method is that, small layers of
the concrete are poured on top of each other and infused with the fibers and is then
connected. Thousands of strands of optical fibers are cast into concrete to transmit light,
either natural or artificial. Light-transmitting concrete is produced by adding 4% to 5% optical
fibers by volume into the concrete mixture. The concrete mixture is made from fine materials
only it does not contain coarse aggregate. Thickness of the optical fibers can be varied
between 2 μm and 2 mm to suit the particular requirements of light transmission. Originally,
the fiber filaments were placed individually in the concrete, making production time-
consuming and costly. Newer, semi-automatic production processes use woven fiber fabric
instead of single filaments. Fabric and concrete are alternately inserted into moulds at
intervals of approximately 2 mm to 5 mm. Smaller or thinner layers allow an increased
amount of light to pass through the concrete. Following casting, the material is cut into
panels or blocks of the specified thickness and the surface is then typically polished,
resulting in finishes ranging from semi-gloss to high-gloss. In another method, the first step is
to make a mould for the prototype block using tin. The tin is made into a mould of the desired
shape, like a cuboid with the top end open. Many holes are punched on the opposite walls of
the cuboids. The optical fibers have to be run through these holes from one end to the other
and then concrete is made to set in it with the fibers inside. What happens here is that the
light falling on one side of the block gets transferred to the other side through these many
optical fibers running from one end to the other.
9. 9. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 9 T.K.M Institute Of Technology This is the trickiest part of the construction,
passing each thin fiber through the tiny holes of one perforated sheet to another one. This is
also an integral part of the process as the whole idea of transparency comes from these
fibers. The light is transferred from one end to another end through these, as mentioned
earlier. So much care has been taking in this process. The next step is to cast the mortar
over these fibers placed in the tin mould as shown in the fig: 4.1. The concrete then
undergoes a curing process. The excess fibers running out of the block are cut off and
slightly polished. The modeling of transparent concrete block is complete. Fig 4.1: Schematic
layout of a moulded block with the fixed fiber composites within the framework
10. 10. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 10 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 5. PROPERTIES The properties of light
transmitting concrete are determined by conducting various experiments like compressive
strength test and flexural strength. A typical transparent concrete block is shown in fig: 5.1.
Fig 5.1: Transparent concrete block 5.1. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: By definition, the
compressive strength of a material is that value of uniaxial compressive stress reached when
the material fails completely. The compressive strength is usually obtained experimentally by
means of a compressive test. The compressive strength of the concrete is determined by
cast the cubes of size 150mm x150mm x 150mm. Compressive strength = load/area. The
compressive strength of the conventional concrete and light transmitting concrete in 7, 14
and 28 days is shown in figure: 5.2. Mix proportions are as follows:
11. 11. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 11 T.K.M Institute Of Technology Cement – 360 kg Sand – 560 kg Fiber – 4.5
kg Water – 190 lit Fig 5.2: Compressive strength of concrete (Source: P.M.Shanmugavadivu,; 2014) The compressive strength of light transmitting concrete was compared with
ordinary plain cement concrete and result showed that the compressive strength of litracon
was similar to that of ordinary plain cement concrete. Hence it is suitable for load bearing
structures also. 5.2. FLEXURAL STRENGTH: The flexural strength of the concrete is
determined by conducting the test on prism by two points loading. Flexural strength = Pl/bd2
Where, P – Load
12. 12. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 12 T.K.M Institute Of Technology l – Length of the specimen b – Width of the
prism d – Depth of the prism The flexural strength of the conventional concrete and light
transmitting concrete having mix proportion as above in 7, 14 and 28 days is shown in figure
5.3. Fig 5.3: Flexural strength of concrete (Source: P.M.Shanmugavadivu,; 2014) The
flexural strength result of decorative concrete are correlated with results of ordinary plain
cement concrete. The results evidently show that the performance of litracon based on the
strength aspect is also considerably high. Hence the application of optical fiber will make the
concrete decorative as well as can make the concrete structural efficient. Thus the study
concludes that the transparency of light is possible in concrete without affecting its
compressive strength, as the optical fibers act as fiber reinforcement thereby enhancing the
strength and also enhances appearance.
13. 13. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 13 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 5.3. MATERIAL PERFORMANCE:  Concrete
retains its strength  High density top layer concrete  Infused with optical fibers  Frost and
de-icing salt resistant.  Fire protection.  Highest UV resistance. Some other properties of
light transmitting concrete are:  Permits the passage of light through the set concrete,
permitting colors, shapes and outlines to be seen through it.  Having Compressive strength-
50-220 N/mm2  Having maximum water absorption of 0.35%.  Having a maximum oxygen
index of 25%.  Having a thermal conductivity of 0.21 W/m °C.  Having a flexural Strength of
7.7 N/mm2  Having an elastic limit greater than 60 MPa.  Having a Density from 2100 to
2400 kg/m3  Having a Young's Modulus from 2750 MPa to 3450 MPa  From its
characteristics and composition, can be a conductor of electricity, dispensing with interior. 
From its mechanical and optical characteristics, can be used for purposes that are both
architectural and aesthetic, and also structural and under conditions of service equal to and
even different from those of a traditional concrete.
14. 14. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 14 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 6. ADVANTAGES Following are the
advantages of light transmitting concrete:  It has very good architectural properties for
giving good aesthetical view to the building.  Translucent concrete can be used at the place
where light is not able to come properly.  Energy saving can be done by utilization of
translucent concrete in building.  Totally environment friendly because of its light
transmitting characteristics, so energy consumption can be reduced.  When a solid wall is
imbued with the ability to transmit light, it means that a home can use fewer lights in their
house during daylight hours.
15. 15. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 15 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 7. APPLICATION Various applications of
transparent concrete are: 7.1. ILLUMINATION OF WALL Transparent Concrete can be used
as building material for interior and exterior walls. If sunshine illuminates the wall structure,
then eastern or western placement is recommended; the rays of the rising or setting sun will
hit the optical glass fibers in a lower angle and the intensity of the light will be bigger.
Besides the traditional applications of a wall, the light transmitting concrete can also be used
as wall covering illuminated from the back.Fig:7.1 shows illuminated walls using light
transmitting concrete. Fig 7.1:Walls illuminated by transparent concrete 7.2. PAVEMENT
Light transmitting concrete can be used as flooring a passable surface illuminated from
below. During the day it looks like typical concrete pavement but at sunset the paving blocks
begin to shine and in different colors. Fig:7.2 shows the pavement illuminated by transparent
16. 16. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 16 T.K.M Institute Of Technology Fig 7.2: Pavement illuminated by transparent
concrete 7.3. DESIGN The building units are versatile and can be used in many areas of
design. We can also create a logo with colorful figures, inscriptions, and pictures and can
used for beautification purpose.Fig:7.3 shows illuminated litracon panels. Fig 7.3:
Transparent concrete panels
17. 17. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 17 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 7.4. RECEPTION DESK Using transparent
concrete reception desks can be light up in the front and the sides.Fig:7.4 shows reception
desk light up by transparent concrete. Fig 7.4: Reception Desk made of transparent concrete
7.5. LIGHTING FIXTURE The transparent concrete cube is, without a doubt, a great
conversation piece. The new cube line consists of four identical pieces of concrete and, due
to its special geometry; the pieces form a stable structure without fixing them together. Fig
7.5 show lamps made of litracon. Fig 7.5: Lamps made of litracon
18. 18. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 18 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 7.6. STAIRS Litracon can also be used in
stairs. With impact lighting of linear LED fixtures translucent concrete can be used in
horizontal and vertical applications such as feature stairs, walls, flooring, tables and counter
tops.Fig:7.6 shows transparent concrete stairs. Fig 7.6: Transparent concrete stairs It can be
also applicable at:  Translucent concrete blocks inserted on front doors or walls next to it
allow the residents to see when there is a person standing outside.Fig:7.9 shows silhouette
of a person standing outside the transparent concrete wall. Fig 7.9: Silhouette of person
standing outside
19. 19. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 19 T.K.M Institute Of Technology  Translucent concrete walls on restaurants,
clubs, and other social establishments help see how many people are actually inside it.
Transparent concrete walls in an office can be seen in fig:7.10. Fig 7.10: Transparent
concrete walls in an office  Ceilings of large corporate buildings with translucent concrete
would help reduce a great deal of lighting costs during day time.Fig:7.11 shows transparent
concrete ceiling. Fig 7.11: Transparent concrete ceiling
20. 20. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 20 T.K.M Institute Of Technology  Speed bumps in parking lots and highways
can use translucent concrete blocks with a light source beneath or reflecting from other
vehicles/sources help in navigation very effectively. Even lane markers in highways can use
this material to light up the roads.Fig:7.12 shows highway marked with transparent concrete.
Fig 7.12: Highway marked with transparent concrete  Sidewalks with translucent concrete
fitted with a single light source beneath would add a lot to the scenic beauty as well as safety
and also encourage walking or foot travel during night times. Iluminated panels can be seen
in fig:7.13. Fig 7.13: Transparent concrete panel
21. 21. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 21 T.K.M Institute Of Technology  Translucent concrete blocks incorporated in
inner walls help during times of power cuts at night leading to a great deal of safety. Similarly
for subways and airports etc., this translucent concrete blocks would add to the visibility.
Transparent concrete wall can be seen in fig:7.14. Fig 7.14: Exterior translucent wall 
Translucent concrete blocks can be made in desired shapes and used as decorative
materials like bookshelves and sunshades, tables and statues. A wash stand made of light
transmitting concrete can be seen in fig: 7.15. Fig 7.15: Wash stand made of transparent
22. 22. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 22 T.K.M Institute Of Technology  They can also be placed as random designs
on security walls which also enhance security giving the resident a hazy view of the
perimeter. Fig 7.16 shows the silhouette of a person through a transparent concrete wall. Fig
7.16: Transparent concrete wall  Places like schools, museums and prison cells outer walls
can find translucent walls very useful as they add safety as well as security and supervision.
23. 23. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 23 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 8. A FEW EXAMPLES 8.1. EUROPEAN
GATE European gate is an artistic installation which was designed to mark the celebration of
Hungary joining the European Union (EU), located at the public entrance of Fortress
Monostorin the Hungarian town of Komarom. This is one of the most impressive pieces of art
conjugating visual lighting display as well as artistic using translucent concrete. The sun
illuminates the 37.6ft large Litracon piece of the statue in the mornings and late afternoons,
and by night an even more impressive view can be seen because of the embedded light
sources. Day and night view of European gate is shown in fig: 8.1. Fig 8.1:Day and night
view of European gate 8.2. CELLA SEPTICHORA VISITOR CENTRE The 2 tons heavy
Litracon door serves as the main entrance of the Visitors Centre. It was made out of 48pcs of
10cm thick blocks. The blocks are in steel frame to be able to move the structure. On
daytime, one can see the shadows of the pedestrians and the surrounding trees from inside.
By night, the door is
24. 24. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 24 T.K.M Institute Of Technology illuminated from inside. Day view and night
view of litracon door is shown in fig 8.3 and fig: 8.4. Fig 8.3: Day view of litracon door from
inside Fig 8.4: Night view of litracon door
25. 25. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 25 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 8.3. MONTBLANC BOUTIQUE, TOKYO,
JAPAN Litracon blocks (600x300x30mm) were used to create a wall that works as a free-
standing sculptural element in this flagship boutique for Montblanc. As much as 30 Esq. of
white Litracon was used. The illumination ensures that light and shadow constantly do a
dance on the wall.Fig:8.5 shows a transparent wall transmitting sunlight to interior of the
montblanc boutique. Fig 8.5: Montblanc boutique 8.4. NEW HEADQUARTERS OF BANK OF
GEORGIA The office building is characterized by an amazing architecture and has been the
headquarter of the Georgian ministry for highway engineering before becoming headquarter
of Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, with a total area of 10.960 square meters. It consists of five
horizontal two-storied building parts which are arranged like stacks. Thousands of embedded
optical fibers are channeling the light through the translucent concrete of wall and counter
cladding. Walls, walks, receptions, offices and consultation desks are shinning and glowing
from within. An office room of bank can be seen in fig: 8.6.
26. 26. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 26 T.K.M Institute Of Technology Fig 8.6: New headquarters of bank of Georgia
27. 27. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 27 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 9. DISADVANTAGES Following are the
disadvantages of transparent concrete:  The main disadvantage is that these concrete has
a very high initial cost because of the optical fibers.  Casting of translucent concrete block is
difficult for the labor, so special skilled person is required.
28. 28. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 28 T.K.M Institute Of Technology 10. CONCLUSIONS A transparent concrete is
aesthetically pleasing. Optical fiber based transparent concrete could be regarded as an art
which could be used in museums and specific exhibitions rather than just a construction
material. Although ease of construction is to be compromised, the material is bound to be
accepted universally due to its advantages. With the concept of green technology catching
up, electrical supply, being supplemented by natural sources, it becomes absolutely
necessary to utilize the natural resource. Although litracon has yet to be made available for
commercial use, it has already been suggested that buildings made with the material could
save electricity that would otherwise be required for daytime lighting. Moreover, this light
transmitting concrete can be utilized in the production of special types of home furniture. In
future, the cost of light transmitting concrete is expected to decrease with the advancement
in technology, manufacturers and as well as the users. Translucent concrete is the future. It
is the smart way of optimizing and utilizing light, a smart way of living.
29. 29. Seminar Report-2015 Light Transmitting Concrete B.Tech, Department Of Civil
Engineering 29 T.K.M Institute Of Technology REFERENCE 1) Basma F. Bashbash, Roaa
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