Eng11sample Paper - Marking Scheme

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Section-A Reading
1.Answer any Eight out of Nine questions. 8marks
i. From birth, children are exposed to all kinds of spoken language which they
understand and connect it later years. 1

ii. Children grow developing their language skill by listening to the language
spoken, and read out. 1

iii. The parents used to read out stories for her, then from picture books and
their favourite books. 1

iv. The daughter would ask questions related to characters. She would take ideas
to create to create stories in her mind. 1

v. The daughter was four years old, when she asked her mother to hug her as
she was upset. 1

vi. The mother gave a hug as she understood that her daughter applied the
language read to her to solve the problem.

vii. Language comprehension helps the child to use the words to make
sentences and read out and connect it to all other things. 1

viii. skill – ability 1

ix .Students who know multiple languages can become good readers for they
develop their knowledge and share cultural experience. 1

2. Note – Making 5 marks

Distribution of marks
Contents - 2 marks (Minimum 3 headings and sub-headings with proper
indentation and notes)

Title and Abbreviations/symbols – (Minimum 4 ) – 1 mark

Any suitable title to be given.

Complete answers should not be accepted in notes. If the student does so ½

mark may be deducted from the total.


1. Characteristics of soft skills
1.1 exhibits per values
1.2 develops interpersonal skills
- determine one’s ability

2. Necessity of soft skills

2.1. face ext world
2.2 work in team
2.3. helps excel in workplace
3. Components of soft skills
3.1. inborn quality – confidence
3.2 sociable nature – friendliness
3.3 effect comm
3.4 Org & social graces.
4. Develop soft skills
4.1 needs practice & cont lrng
4.2 Two parts
dev attitudes & attributes
fine tuning comm skills
Key to Abbreviations
1.per – personal
2 ext- external
3. comm – communication
4. cont – continuous
Summary should include all the important points given in the notes within the
prescribed word limit.
Content – 1m and Expression – 1 mark

3. Poster designing 3Marks
Distribution of marks
Format should include Heading and Issuing Authority and in box.
Format and Content – 2 marks,
Expression – 1 mark
(Grammatical accuracy, spellings, suitable style)
Suggested value points
Topic and Purpose
When and where
Any relevant information
4. Letter to Principal 5 marks

Distribution of marks
Format / layout – 1 mark
Sender’s address, Date, Addressee’s Address, Salutation, Subject,
Content of letter, Complimentary close.
Content – 2 marks
Suggested value points

Sports teacher writes to principal to give permission to purchase sports kit

for the students due to shortage of sports items.

Requirement of sports kit to be mentioned.

Expression – 2 marks
Grammatical accuracy and spellings – 1 mark
Coherence, relevance of ideas and style – 1 mark.
DEBATE 5 Marks
Content – 3 marks Expression - 2 marks
Grammatical accuracy and spellings - 1 mark
Coherence, relevance of ideas and style - 1 mark
Suggested value points (Any two or three points)
FOR ( Begin with Respected ……………)
Children have gone a long way with computers.
A lot of scope to reach all corners of the world
Shift from traditional teaching
Develop independent learning
Reduce paper work and start e-library.
No face to face interaction
Lack of proper guidance and self-assessment
Reduces employment of teachers
Students become lazy and lethargic
Lack discipline
Good habits are lost
Group discussions are missing
Friends and school environment are missing
5A. a) written b) are not allowed, c) are d) continue 2 Marks
B. Re-arrange 2 Marks
(a) A library is a place where books are stored for reading.
(b) All kinds of books are found in a good library.

6 Extract 3 marks

The Voice of Rain

1. Gives life to drought affected areas and washes the dust layers
2. Seeds are latent and unborn if there is no rain.
3. By washing the impurities from the earth.

The Browning Version

1. Taplow was absent as he was not well, Mr Crocker Harris asked him to
come to school to do extra work.
2. Mr. Frank. Taplow may get a favourable result.
3. The weather was fine and he couldn’t go out to play golf.

7A. Short answers – anyone 2 marks

Content =1 m Expression – 1 m
a. The narrator suffered from cold and blocked nose. He could breathe
through his nostril only. He sat up and felt better. The next day went to
the doctor who gave him medicine for five days which gave him relief
and comfort.
b. The poet discovered that he was different from others and could think
independently. He could have his own opinions without being
influenced by anyone else.

7B. Short answers – anyone 2 marks

Content – 1m Expression – 1m
a. As Andrew sat by the kitchen fire, he noticed that it was a still night.
The only sound that he could hear was the crackle of embers in the
fireplace, the slow tick-tock of the wall clock and Morgan’s footsteps
as he moved back and forth in the street outside.
b. Mr. Koch thought very highly of Albert. He knew that Einstein was
brilliant. He said soon Einstein would be in a position to teach him. He
recommended him for higher studies in mathematics.
8A. Long answer Any one 4 marks
Content – 2 m Expression – 2 m
The Ailing Planet
Mr L.K. Jha, a member of an international commission raised a question
whether we would leave our successors a parched planet with increasing
deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing environment.
Mr Lester R. Brown in his thought-provoking book, The Global Economic
Prospect, points out that the earth’s principal biological systems, i.e., fisheries,
forests, grasslands, and croplands form the foundation of the global economic
Dr Myers warns against the depletion of forests as a result of which several
species face extinction.
James Speth, the President of the World Resources Institute, said that we are
losing the forests at an acre-and-a-half to a second.


Browning Version
Compare and contrast Mr.Crocker Harris and Mr. Frank

Mr.Crocker Harris – a strict middle aged man, man of principles, doesn’t reveal
the results before the day of result. He is not a sadist and his emotions are
shrivelled like a nut. He remains calm and composed. He teaches classical
languages Greek and Latin. Even his jokes are classical. Students fail to
understand them. He is duty conscious. He is leaving the school at the end of term
and is quite busy on the last day in his own affairs, still he asks Tap low to come
in for ‘extra work’. In short, he impresses us with his fine qualities of head and
heart. Mr.Frank-young science teacher, liked by students, can understand better
than Crocker Harris, he feels that science students are slackers and show less
interest in the subject. He is approachable and Taplow talks to him freely about
Crocker Harris.

However he encourages Taplow to talk about other teachers and ask him to cut
the class.

8B. Long answer 4 Marks

Content - 2m Expression – 2m

Albert Einstein Any one

Two factors made Einstein’s life in Munich miserable, his school and residential
environment, school was a hateful place, had many bad days when he got
punishment. He hated going back to school, but he had no option.
He wishes that his father would take him away. However, he was forced to stay
there and obtain diploma. He had his lodging in the poorest quarters of Munich.
The food was bad. Lack of comfort, dirt and squalor made his life miserable. The
atmosphere of slum violence was oppressive. The landlady would beat her
children. Her husband would come home on Saturdays. He would get drunk and
beat his wife.


Mrs Fitzgerald changes the family members

Mrs Pearson has a selfish and a thoughtless family, who are insensitive to the
feelings of the mother. But after the staged trick, Mrs Fitzgerald changes the three
- George, Doris, and Cyril. They are much relieved. Mrs Pearson decided to stay
at home, have a nice family game of rummy and then the children could get the
supper ready while she talked with their father. It looks as if Mrs Fitzgerald’s
effort is rewarded and all were ready to do all jobs for Mrs Pearson.

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