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7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

Volume I

7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

 Lapu-Lapu Ci tyi s named afterthe firstFili

pino fighterwho
y defeated t he Spani
shi nvadersint he Battl
e atBarangay
Mac tan,whichwasf ataltotheSpanishLea der
,Magel l
an. Compos edof
nineteen(19)bar angaysi nt hemainland and eleve
n( 11)barangaysin
Olango Island,Lapu- Lapu Ci t
y( f
ormer l
yt he Municipal
y ofOpon )
createdunderR. A.3134asLapu- LapuCi tyonJune17,1961andbeca mea
Hi ghlyUrbaniz
ed- Cit
yt hr
ough aplesbisci
teonJ une21,2007.

TheCi tyi sseparated from t he provinceofCebu by t he Mac tan

Cha nnel,howe ver,a
tpr esentitisc onnect
edwi t
ht heProvi
nc eofCe bub y
two( 2)bri
dg es,knowna sthe1  Mandaue–Mac t
anBridgeandMar cel
FernanBr idge. Lapu- LapuCi tyand Muni c i
tyofCor dovacompr i
thewhol eMact anIsl
and.Thes ear econnectedbyt wo(2)bridges, bound
from Suba- Basbas,theSuba- Bas bas-
Gabibr idgeand bound f r
om Babag,
theBa bag-Pil
ipogbr idge.He rpr oximit
ytoahi ghlydevel
ope dareawhi ch

Lapu-Lapu Cityut i
zess omeofthef aci
esofCebu Ci
d of e duc ati
on ( undergraduat
e and gr aduat
e studi
es) and
communi c
sion,radioandnews paper)
.TheMetroCebuWat er
thasincludedLapu- LapuCi t

ti sthes e
atofMa ctan-CebuInter
na ti
onalAirportandc ons i
thegat ewayt ot hePaci fic,ont heotherhand,Cebu Ci tyandt herestof
Met r
oCebu makeus eoft heAi rportfordomes ti
cand i nternati
.The a irporti s a vi t
ionalg ate
wa yt ot he c ountry’
economi cpr osperit
ya ndist hecountry’
ss ec
ondbus ie
sta i
domes tic flightst o and f rom major citi
esoft he c ountry,as wel las
nat i
ona lflightstoJ apa n(Narit
a),SourthKor ea(Inchona ndPus an),
Singapore,Qat ar( Doha),Tai wan(Tai
pei),Hongkong,Chi na(Pudongand
Kaos hi
ung) ,Thailand( Bangkok)andMal aysi
a(KualaLumpur ).
 La pu- LapuCi tyi snotedforbeingt ouri
sthave nforhe rhist
andys hor
ide oft
he i
nd c i
ty,more pa
yinthe c
ngays of 2/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

gondon,Agus ,Suba-basbas,Mari
bago,Mac tan and Pta.Engaño
hal somadeLapu-LapuCi tyamajordest
ionat t
pendt heirwee
kendsandvaca t

Theot hersideoft hei slandf acingCebuhasnos andys hores.The

dee pha rbors,howe vera lo
ngt hi
sc o asthasma deitthei de allo c
theoilc ompa nie
s, f
ors hip-building& r epair,dry-dockingi ndus tr
construc t
ion ofthegi a nti ndustri
a lc ompl exl i
ket he Ge ne ralMi ll
Corpor ationandf orthevar iousindus triesint heMact anEconomi cZone.
Itise xpect
edt hatmor eindus tri
ale st
ablishmentswi llmo vet oLa pu-
LapuCi tyc onsi
de r
ingt hec onv e
nie nces hec anoffe rtoi nvestorspl usthe
es ext ended by t he i ndustries loca t
ed i nt he Mac tan Expor t
ProcessingZone( MEPZI&I I
)andCebuLi ghtIndustriesPar k( CLIP).

Thes eeconomi czoness erveast hebaseofoper ati

onsofvar ious
multi-nationalcompani es engaged i nt he manufacture of electronics
appa r
e l
,ir onands tee
,c ame r
aandc a
me rapa rts,binoculars
noveltyitems ,proces
sedfood,pl as
lc hemi c
a l
sg ases
ma chineries,bagsandl uggages,fashionjewelri
es,woodpr oduc ts
,pa per
andpa perpr oducts
,rubberpr oducts,wa t
ll enses,glassfilters
ectricalma chine
ry,indus t
rialglove s
,a ut
o wi re har ness
,pa rt
sa nd
essor i
es .


The population of Lapu-Lapu City experienced an increasing trend since the 1970
census up to the last one undertaken in 2007. Fro a population of !9"2!# persons in
1970" it has increased to 292"$%0.

The a&erage annual gro'th rate of (.20) during the 2000-2007 period 'as far 
higher than that of the country" region" and *ro&ince of Ce+u 'hich 'ere pegged at
2.0()" 1.$9) and 1.!#)" respecti&ely. ,t 'as also higher copared to andaue City
and Ce+u City at 2.#!) and 1.(!)" respecti&ely. 3/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

The Citys/arangays
Ce+u pro&ince. populationun-o+"
in 2007 *usok
is a+out t'el&e
and /asakpercent of the
ha&e the total population
highest population of 
29"#2(" 2!"!(7 and 2$"297" respecti&ely. The ,slet /arangay of Caohagan" on the other 
hand" has the lo'est at $07.

*opulation +y /arangay" as of 1 ugust 2007

Barangay $ In%rea&e

'((( '(()
gus !"$%1 9"!99 (#.$1
/a+ag !"7$9 17"(2! 1$7.#2
/ankal 7"(1( 10"$$$ (2.%7
/aring 2"%77 2"9%( 2%.(%
/asak 1("((9 2$"297 7$.0#
/uaya $"(%! 10"710 97.02
Cala'isan ("$0$ !"!2$ (7.0!
Canulao $"$$0 9"$#$ 72.70

Ca'-oy 1"(%# 1"$#2 10.01

Caohagan %90 $07 %0.00
Cau+ian 2"1$9 2"11( 32.0#4
un-o+ 29"$(2 29"#2( 0.9$
,+o 2"722 !"77$ 1(#.90
Looc 9"7#2 1%"2(9 %$.((
actan 1$"%(2 19"##9 29.!(
ari+ago 7"0$7 9"1(1 29.$%
arigondon 9"00$ 1%"#02 $%.27

*aac 9"(2% 1("0!1 (9.22

*ao 22"%77 19"#27 311.(04
*angan-an 1"72( 1"72% 30.0!4
*o+lacion 11"22$ #"(#! 32(.(04
*unta 5nga6o !"%%0 !"%1% 30.274
*usok 21"191 2!"!(7 2$.7$
a+ang ("27$ ("(2( %.(9
anta 8osa 2"#70 %"7$1 %0.70
u+a-+as+as 2"!9# ("9(% #%.21

Talia ("2!0 ("9($ 1!.0#

Tingo 2"!(7 2"7$0 %.#9 4/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

Tungasan 1"7%( 1"7$( 1.1$

an icente 2"#(7 %"192 12.12
To"al ''*+(,- '-'+,( (.,/
ource: ;< 5/72
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Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I 6/72
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Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I 7/72
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Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I 8/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I 9/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

The fastest
/as+as" gro'ing
/asak +arangays
and Canulao" in ters
'hose of population
population count inare /a+ag"
2007 ,+o" +y
increased /uaya" u+a-
72.70) to
1$7.#2) fro that of =ear 2000. >o'e&er" a 2() drop in the total population count in
/arangay *o+lacion 'as o+ser&ed in 2007.

  >istorical ro'th of *opulation

La!u1La!u Ce2u Man4aue
0ear Ce2u C#"y Reg#on VII 5#l#!!#ne&
C#"y ro3#n%e C#"y

1970 !9"2!# 1"22#"(#7 %(#"1!% $#"$7(

19#0 9#"72% 1"(90"7%1 (##"2$$ 110"0(%

199$ 1(!"19(
17%"7(( 1"#$$"#1$
1"#90"%$7 !10"(17
!!2"299 1#0"2#$
19("7($ $"01("$## !#"!1!"$%!
2000 217"019 2"1!0"$!9 71#"#21 2$9"72# $"70!"9$% 7!"$0!"92#
2007 292"$%0 2"(%9"00$ 79#"#09 %1#"$7$ !"%9#"!2# ##"$7("!1(
AAGR 6$7
1970-19#0 %.$() 1.9%) %.%#) !.%1)
19#0-1990 (.00) 2.21) 2.2%) (.9()
1990-199$ %.29) 2.01) 1.$() 1.(!)
199$-2000 (.##) 2.90) 1.77) !.%!) 2.#1) 2.%!)
2000-2007 (.20) 1.!#) 1.(!) 2.#!) 1.$9) 2.0()
ource: ;<

10 10/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

t the end of the planning period" the proected population of Lapu-Lapu City 'ill
reach $%1"!7! persons.

o!ula"#on Den&#"y

Lapu-Lapu City has an a&erage population density of (! persons per hectare in

2007 fro a population density of %$ persons per hectare in 2000. The island /arangay
of Cau+ian ranks first in ters of population density of 2(% persons per hectare.
/arangay Cala'isan on the other hand has the lo'est population density 'ith one se&en
374 persons per hectare.

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7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

t the end
of #% persons of the planning
per hectare. period"
Total area Lapu-Lapu
+y this tie 'illCity 'ill ha&e
increase a population
+y (00 density
hectares 'ith the
copletion and operationali?ation of the ;8@*. This figure is !1) higher than the
 present population density.

Projected Population Density (per sq.m.)

Land Area
  Barangay 2007 2011 2012 201 201! 201" 201# 2017 201$ 201% 2020

    2&112&02 1#1." 1"!.7 1!$. 1#.1 10.! 12".0

1 Agus 1$."$ 17".%1 1#$."7 1!2.11
%&#%% ".00 2 7 1 7 % 
&071&2! 10.7 12".2 120.0 110.2 10".# 101.2
2 Ba'ag 17&!2 .00 1!$."% 1!2.$ 1#.!  7 ! 11".02 2 1 0
2&00$&2# 1!1.1 1".2 12%." 11$.% 11!.0 10%.2
 Banal 10&"" 1#0.!1 1".71 1!7.2% 12!.17
%.00  ! % $ 1 "
    %1!&!2 21.1 221." 212.2 1%!.% 1$#.7 17$.%
! Baring 2#2.7" 2"1.7$ 2!1.2# 20.!0
2&%! .00 $ 2 7 0 # #
#&01&%% 17#.$ 1#%.! 1#2.! 1!%.1 1!2.$ 1#.%
" Basa   2"&2% 201.0 1%2.# 1$!."$ 1"".#1
!.00 7 $ 0 1 $ 1
2&71!&70 1$$.0 1$0.1 172.# 1"$." 1"1.$ 1!"."
# Buaya 10&71 21.70 20!.77 1%#.21 1#".!2
#.00 2 #  1 % !
    %&"#%&%# 1&217. 1&1##. 1&11$. 1&071. 1&02#. %$.$ %0. $#".# $2%.!
7 ala*isan !$ 72 %!2.72
#&#2" .00 $ %" 20 2 ! 0 

    1&""$&#7 120.# 11"." 110.7 101.#

$ anjulao 17.10 11.7 12".$$ 10#.1 %7.!! %.7
%&"$" 7.00 2 $ " %

    !22&7" 1%$.2 1$%.% 1$2.0 1#7.1 1#0.1 1".!

% a*+oy 22".2% 21".$$ 20#.$# 17!.!0
1&"$2 2.00 2 ! 0 1  !

10 ao,agan 7".2! 72.10 #%.0% ##.20 #.! #0.7$ "$.2" "".$1 ".!$ "1.2"
"07 !%.00

11 au'ian !.#! .1% 1.$0 0.!7 2%.20 27.%$ 2#.$1 2".#% 2!.#2 2."%
2&11! ".00
12 -un+o' 2%&$2 #!.1" #1.!7 "$.%0 "#.!! "!.0$ "1.$2 !%.#" !7."$ !"."% !.#%
    1&!$0&%# 1#2.1 1"". 1!$.$ 1#.7 10.% 12"."
1 'o 1$!.2% 17#."% 1#%.21 1!2.##
#&77" !.00 ! 7 $ 0 % 1
1! Looc 1&2! ##.7 #."% #0.%! "$.% "".%" ".#1 "1.7 !%.2 !7.17 !".20
!&%"2&%! 1$!.7 177.0 1#%.# 1"".7 1!%.2 1!2.%
1" /actan 1%&$$ 20%.%" 201.1$ 1%2.77 1#2."2
$.00 2 0 1   %
    2&$1&! 22%.7 220.1 210.% 1%.7 1$".# 177.$
1# /ari'ago 2#1.1 2"0.22 2%.77 202.1!
%&1!1 !.00 " " # 0 1 "
/arigondo !&"1!&!# 2!2.# 22.! 222.7 20!." 1%#.0 1$7.$
17 1&$0 27".7# 2#!.2! 2".20 21.!#
n 0.00 2 $ 7 " 0 1
2&"$$&%# 1#." 10.$ 12".! 11".1 110. 10".7
1$ Pajac 1!&0# 1"".2 1!$.7! 1!2." 120.1#
%.00 $ 7 0 !  2
1% Pajo 1%&$2 #".!$ #2.7" #0.1 "7.#1 "".21 "2.%0 "0.#% !$."7 !#."! !!.#0
    !#0&#" 1%$. 1%0.0 1$2.0 1#7.1 1#0.2 1"."
20 Pangan+an 22".!0 21".%$ 20#.%# 17!.!$
1&72 0.00 1  % % 1 1

21 Po'lacion ".2% .$1 2.!0 1.0" 2%.7" 2$."1 27.2 2#.17 2".0$ 2!.0
$&!$# 0.00

Punta     2&1$&%% 2"#.# 2!".$ 2".# 21#. 207. 1%$.#

22 ngano #&1 $.00 2%1.## 27%.!$ 2#7.$0 1 % 2 22".77 ! 0 !
2 Puso   2#&#! !$."1 !#.!% !!."" !2.#$ !0.%0 %.1% 7."# ".%% !.!$ .0!

12 12/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

    1&%"2&7% 27.! 1.7 00.# 27#.0 2#!." 2".!

2! a'ang !&!2! #.00 72.1! "#."% !1.#% 2 !  2$$.07 ! 0 "

anta     1&$1&7 #2.1 !7.0 2." 0". 2%2." 2$0.

2" !11.#2 %!.!2 77.%! 1$.#
osa &7"1 !.00 " 2 2 2 # !

u'a+     1&#"7&21 2!$.# 2$.2 22$. 20%.# 200.% 1%2."

2# 2$2.#" 270.$! 2"%." 21$.$0
'as'as !&%! 0.00 $ % ! # 0 1

    1&#$2&$7 2"2.! 2!1.$ 21.7 212.$ 20.% 1%".!

27 3alima 2$#.%1 27!.% 2#.!! 222.10
!&%!" #.00  % $ 2  1

    %#2&$1 2"%.7 2!$.$ 2$.! 21$.% 20%.$ 201.0

2$ 3ingo 2%".17 2$2.$! 271.02 22$.!%
2&7"0 1.00 0 " " ! 0 

    $#1&"% #!. !%.1 !." 07.1 2%!. 2$2.0

2% 3ungasan !1!.1 %#.$ $0.2" 20."$
1&7"! 0.00 # ! " $ " "

an     1&00&0" 2.0 22. 21!.0 1%#." 1$$. 1$0.!

0 2#!.% 2".$# 2!.2" 20".0$
4icente &1%2 !.00 % " 2 1 0 

total  2
%2&" #!&2!1& 1$".1! 177.!1 170.00 1#2.% 1"#.0 1!%." 1!.2 17. 11." 12#.1
0 % 7  % 0
0 %21.00

o!ula"#on 2y Se8

The 2007 census sho'ed that aority of the Citys population is

coposed of the $-9 age group 'ith a participation ratio of 11.!9)" 'hile the #0 and o&er 
age group has the lo'est participation rate of 0.%!). ,t also sho'ed that the Citys
 population is denoinated +y feales at $1).

Age Distri'ution 'ot, /ale and 5emale 6or t,e year 2007
  Bot, ees P /ale 5emale e atio
under 1 ##7% !2 2"# 10".1
1+! 00!1 0.102%$12 1""#% 1!!72 107.#
"+% !0%$ 17#0 1#!%" 10#.7

10+1! 2%2 1!77 1!!%# 101.7
1"+1% 1!77 1!%!! 1#" %0.!
20+2! 1!1 1 1!#2% 1#712 $7."
2"+2% 00"2 1!$$ 1"##! %1.%
0+! 2!0## 11720 12!# %!.%
"+% 2011 102#1 %$70 10!
!0+!! 1"1$1 7##0 7"21 101.$
!"+!% 11$!! "%2! "%20 100.1
"0+"! % !71% !#1! 102.

""+"% #" 2!% 2$! %$.%

13 13/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

#0+#! !27! $ 1%"! 220 $!.2
#"+#% 1% 1%2 17!7 7%.7
70+7! 2077 $7" 1202 72.$
7"+7% 11# !77 #$# #%."
$0 and 0.00"$"77
10!# 7 #7 "".!
o8er $

S%5ool Age o!ula"#on

chool age population of the city is at (2) eAui&alent to 122"%!$ students

in 2007. ,t is doinated +y the eleentary population of %7"999 students. t the end of 
the planning period it is proected that the school age population 'ill reach 222"(00.

c,ool Age Population

 9ea  9ea
Partici  9ear  9ear  9ear  9ear  9ear  9ear
s Base
 9ear pation 201 201  9ear
201! r
201 r
201 201 201 201 202  9ear
ate 2  7 $ % 0
" #
Populatio 2%2&"
n+2007 0
Pre+ 2$##0
"&!7 7&02 $&# !0&2 !2&0$ !&%1 !"&$ !7&$2 !%&%1 "2&0%
c,ool 2$"
7 ! $  1 " 0 $ ! 0
lementa 7%%%
!7&0 !%&0$ "1&22 "&!# ""&7% "$&22 #0&7# #&!1 ##&17 #%&0#
ry 77$
7 $ $ 2  " !  $ !

econdar 0.0$01  
2!2$! 0&0# 1&7 2&7 !&1# "&#" 7&21 $&$ !0&"2 !2&2% !!&1
y 70
0 1 $ # # 0 2 # 2 #
3ertiary 1!22
$&$% !0&"% !2&# !!&20 !#&1 !$&1! "0&2! "2&! "!&72 "7&11
# 2 2 % # $ 7 $ ! 0

La2or For%e

14 14/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Vol. I

,n the
eAui&alent 2007of
to !%) census" Lapu-Lapu
the total City/y
population. hasthe
estiated la+or force
of the planning of 1#("2%2
period of Citys
la+or force is proected to reach %%("#((.

 Labor Force

 9ea  9ea  9ea  9ea

 9ear  9ear  9ear  9ear  9ear  9ear
-roup 201 201 201 201 r 201 r r r 202
ings 201 201 201 202
2  ! " 7 1
# $ % 0

22$&0 27&% 2!$& 2"%&2 270&" 2$2&2 2%!&# 07&! 20&$ !&$
5orce " %# 7 02 0 %7 0" "0 "! !!


The City of Lapu-Lapu is located in actan ,sland" +eautifully surrounded +y

'hite sandy +eaches. ,t is +ounded on the north and 'est +y the actan Channel" on the
east +y /ohol trait" and on the south +y the unicipality of Cordo&a.

Lapu-Lapu City is geographically located at the follo'ing coordinates:

Besternost point: 12%o$9$$ 3longitude4" 10o20!.11$ 3latitude4

5asternost point: 12(o017.#971 3longitude4" 10o19$.(!11 3latitude4

The City is a+out 1.$ k. fro andaue City and # k fro Ce+u City" although
it is only a+out %$0 eters fro Ce+u City at the nearest portion of actan Channel. The
City is approxiately %!$ k or a one-hour trip +y plane fro etro anila.

ccess to the City is pro&ided through t'o +ridges" the andaue-actan /ridge
and the arcelo >. Fernan /ridge" 'hich connect it to ainland Ce+u. Ferry +oat
ser&ice is also a&aila+le +et'een *ier % in Ce+u city and uelle <se6a in Lapu-Lapu

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 +arangays City +arangays.
and 11 island has a total land area
<f the of  land
total !"(2(.1921 hectares 'ith1"%00
area" approxiately 19 ainland
are used for the actan-Ce+u ,nternational irport" 1"0!7 hectares are used for the
actan /enito 5+uen ir+ase and 119 hectares of land are occupied +y the actan
5xport *rocessing one , 35* ,4. ,t ust +e noted that 100 hectares 'ithin the
actan /enito 5+uen ir /ase ha&e +een de&eloped into 5* ,. ixty-three 3 !%4
hectares of land in +arangay /asak ha&e also +een de&eloped as an econoic ?one 'hich
is the City Light ,ndustrial *ark 3CL,*4.

A. Lan4 Area

Land rea +y /arangay 3in >ectares4

ainland gus 211.202$
  /a+ag %07.12(%
  /ankal 200.#2!9
  /asak !0%.199(
  /uaya 271.(70!

  Cala'isan 9$!.99!%
  Canulao 1$$.#!77
  un-o+ 22!.91#%
  ,+o 1(#.09!(
  Looc 10(.29(#
  actan (9$.29(#
  ari+ago 2#%.1%((
  arigondon ($1.((!0
  *aac 2$#.#9!9

  *ao 1$(.0002
  *o+lacion %$.$1#0

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  *unta 5nga6o 21#.%99#

  *usok 1$%.%(10
  u+a-/as+as 1!$.7210
   Sub-Total  00
,slets Caohagan (.$2(9
  Cau+ian #.!#$%
  *angan-an (!.0!$0
<lango ,sland /aring 91.((2%
  Ca'-oy (2.27$2
  a+ang 19$.279!
  anta 8osa 2#%.((2#
  Talia 1!#.2#7!
  Tingo 9!.2#11
  Tungasan #!.1$90
  an icente 100.%0$(
   Sub-Total  00
To"al /+*'*.9-'9
B. Slo!e Cla&&#:#%a"#on

Lapu-Lapu City is topographically flat except for soe areas in the northeastern
 part" 'hich are slightly ele&ated. The land is ade up entirely of hard coral rock.

+out (0) of the area is of rocky terrain. There are no aor ri&ers or creeks in
actan ainland and in the island +arangays.

The 'hole island has a ground slope of 0 D %). /asically" +ecause of its
geological foration and topography" the island is not suscepti+le to erosion.

C. Lan4 Su#"a2#l#"y

There are four classifications of soil type in the City" naely: /olinao Clay"
Faraon Clay" /each and" and >ydrosol.

The geology of actan island is ostly coral +ased" 'ith little top soil. ,t is
ainly ade up of allu&iu deposits" and tertiary liestone" Auaternary liestone and
Cretaceous rocks in the 'hole island. The Auaternary allu&iu is pre&alent in the south
coastal area" 'ith a large island intrusion 'est of Cordo&a. The porous character of the

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soil akes the and

for pipelaying surface
'orks seep through.
on the ,t is difficult
type of foration to undertake
of actan. exca&ation
Controlled 'ork 
+lasting is
coonly done to exca&ate trenches.

D. Cl#ma"#% Con4#"#on

actan island falls under Type ,,, of the odified Coronas Classification of 
*hilippine cliates. ,t is characteri?ed +y a not &ery pronounced or distinct season. ,t is
relati&ely dry fro ;o&e+er to pril and 'et during the rest of the year. /ased on
*--actan station records" the island recei&es 7#) of its annual rainfall fro
Eune to @ece+er. The driest onth is pril" 'hich recei&es %(.!  of rainfall" 'hile
the 'ettest is Euly 'ith 1#9.(  of rainfall. The a&erage annual rainfall is 1"(70 .
<n the a&erage" there are 1%0 rainy days in a year. The entire island is generally reote
fro the noral path of tropical cyclones originating fro the *acific <cean.

The onthly pre&ailing 'ind in actan fro <cto+er to ay is northeast" 'hile
fro Eune to epte+er is south'est. Current patterns along the coastal region of 
agellan /ay are influenced +y the tidal force and 'ind direction. The 'ind speed is in
the range of 2 to % eters-per-second 3c4. The highest 'ind recorded 'as $.$ sec
along the south direction on ;o&e+er 20" 1990.

The a&erage annual teperature in actan is 2#.1oC. The coolest onth is

Eanuary 'ith a teperature of 2%.# oC" 'hile the hottest period occurs in ay at %2.9 oC.

/ased on priary tide station 2002 data at the *ort of Ce+u" the follo'ing selected
indicators sho' the a&erage tidal ranges:

ain >igher >igh Bater 3>>B4 : 0.7#

ain >igh Bater 3>B4 : 0.$1
ean ea Le&el 3L4 : 0.00
ean Lo' Bater 3LB4 : -0.$1
ean Lo' Lo' Bater 3LLB4 : -0.!9
>ighest Tide 8ecorded : 1.$0 319$24
Lo'est Tide 8ecorded : -1.1! 319704

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E. S%alogram

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A. Tran&!or"a"#on Ne"<or= 6#n"ernal an4 e8"ernal l#n=age&7

Bhile it can +e said that Ce+u is the hu+ of the isayas" actan ,sland contri+utes
a aor role in this respect specifically +ecause of the presence of the actan-Ce+u
,nternational irport 'hich ser&es as one of the gate'ays of the isayas.

The Transport ector @e&elopent is a atter of great iportance in Lapu-Lapu

City. For that reason" this section analy?es road" sea and air transport indi&idually as 'ell
as integrally.

B. So%#al Ser3#%e& :a%#l#"#e&;u"#l#"#e&;amen#"#e&

Large portions of land in Lapu-Lapu City are occupied +y industrial" touris and
coercial esta+lishents" the actan-Ce+u ,nternational irport" 5* , and ,," the
Ce+u Light ,ndustrial *ark" and the actan /enito 5+uen ir /ase" thus liiting the land
a&aila+le for huan settleent. The need for housing and the increasing nu+er of 
sAuatters in pu+lic and coastal areas are indications of lack of land for the rapidly
increasing population of the city.

Lapu-Lapu City has seen an increase in the deand for housing su+di&isions" +oth
for upscalehigh-end and sociali?ed ones. ince 199$" t'enty-nine 3294 housing
su+di&isions 'ere esta+lished in actan ,sland 'ith a total land area of 121.9090
hectares. <f this total" %1.77 hectares are de&eloped as sociali?ed housing proects
offering a total of %"$%( salea+le lots.

These residential su+di&isions are ostly located on the central" eastern and
'estern parts of the city.

Certain areas in Lapu-Lapu City are hoe to inforal settlers. @ata pro&ided +y
the City *lanning and @e&elopent <ffice re&ealed that there are currently 1#9$
failies li&ing on land o'ned +y go&ernent or other pri&ate citi?ens for 10 to (9 years

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  ,nforal ettleent reas

Area Lan4 O<ner&5#! No. o:  0ear&
6Ha&.7 Go3ernmen" r#3a"e Fam#l#e& O%%u!#e4
/asak 2.29#0 2.29#0 272 1#
/ankal 0.%%22 0.%%22 (( 10
un-o+ 0.#2(! 0.#2(! 90 %2
,+o 0.19#9 0.19#9 222 17
actan 0.7#17 0.7#17 #( (9
*ao 1.%$2$ 1.%$2$ 219 (1
*usok 7.(%21 $.02(0 #97 %2
u+a-+as+as 0.%000 0.%000 !7 27
ource: C*@<


There are t'o go&ernent-run hospitals in Lapu-Lapu City. The Lapu-Lapu City
>ospital" 'hich is a secondary hospital that pro&ides definiti&e care in the four 3(4
 +asic specialties" naely: edicine" surgery" o+stetrics" gynecology and pediatrics.

The second go&ernent-run hospital is located in ta. 8osa" <lango ,sland. The
ta. 8osa Counity >ospital is categori?ed as a priary hospital and ser&es the
 +arangays in <lango ,sland.

,n addition" pri&ate health facilities are also operating 'ithin Lapu-Lapu City.
>o'e&er" there is still the perception that people ha&e poor access to Auality
health ser&ices and that the city hospital ha&e su+-standard facilities.

T'enty-four 32(4 of the Citys %0 +arangays ha&e one /arangay >ealth Gnit each"
'hile six" o'ing to their large population" ha&e ore than one health facility.
These are /arangays /a+ag 'ith 2" actan 'ith %" *usok 'ith 2" *ao 'ith %"
un-o+ 'ith % and /asak 'ith 2.


The educational institutions offering pre-school" eleentary and highschool are

'ell distri+uted throughout actan ,sland and the other island +arangays. ll
 +arangays ha&e their o'n pu+lic eleentary schools" 'hile ost ha&e their o'n
 pu+lic high schools.

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ost of these schools are concentrated in /arangays /a+ag" /asak" un-o+"

Looc" *ao" *o+lacion and *usok. Total land area occupied +y the pu+licly-ran
schools is (%.%1 hectares.


*eace and order situation in the City is sta+le 'ith the presence of the 127-an
 police force" +arangay tanods" pri&ate security guards and other &olunteer ci&ic
groups that are so concerned 'ith the security condition of the City. The
assistance of these concerned groups is of great help to the underanned
*hilippine ;ational *olice organi?ation of the place.

*olice anpo'er of the city is inadeAuate" 'ith only 127 personnel" a nu+er 
'hich does not eet the population ratio of $00 to one *olicean. The ;ational
tatistics <ffice census report for the year 2007 sho's that the City has a total
 population of 292"$%0. /ased on the standard ratio of 1:$00 the reAuired nu+er 
of unifored *olice personnel is $#$. There is a gap of ($# police personnel to
coplient the total reAuired nu+er" though e&ery /arangay of the city has also
its o'n /arangay Tanod Force.

The Citys police force has one 314 headAuarter and fi&e 3$4 su+-stations
distri+uted in the strategic locations of the City. There are se&en 374 police ser&ice
&ehicles that are presently +eing used to onitor peace and order situation of the

The Fire tation has a anpo'er coplient of eighty-se&en 3#74 fireen

distri+uted o&er the different fire su+-stations as follo's: Central Fire tation" (1"

arigondon Fire su+-station" 7" <lango Fire su+-station" 1(" /a+ag Fire su+-
station" 12 and actan Fire su+-station" 1%. There are also nine 394
firetruckseAuipents a&aila+le 'hich are all ser&icea+le. Fire hydrants are
installed in &arious parts of the City for the entire City of Lapu-Lapu the ratio of 
fire personnel o&er the population is 1:%"%!%.


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enerally" the ain situation of the Citys social 'elfare ser&ices is seen to +e
inadeAuate as anifested +y the a+sence of soe facilities and personnel needed
to cater to the needs of the lo'ly sector of the society particularly the needy
failies. side fro the a+sence of social 'elfare facilities" the need to forulate
a doa+le social 'elfare plan and to pass a stronger legislati&e easures to help
the less pri&ilege of the society is strongly recoended.


The City of Lapu-Lapu has +een recently declared as a highly ur+ani?ed City. The
City introduced and de&eloped different sports and recreational acti&ities such as :
 +asket+all" &olley+all" soft+all" +adinton" soccer" la'n tennis" s'iing track 
and field and indoor gaes. ince Lapu-Lapu City is acti&e in participating on
the different sports acti&ities sponsored +y the different agencies" sport progra is
one of the priority progras of the City to keep its people al'ays acti&e" strong
and healthy and to keep the youth a'ay fro illegal drug addiction.

,n&entory of cultural facilities in Lapu-Lapu City indicated that a nu+er of these

facilities 3at least 24 are existing in each +arangay. Co&ered +asket+all courts and
so-called ulti purpose pa&eents can +e found in alost all +arangays of the
City. The ne'ly constructed Lapu-Lapu City Coercial and 5ntertainent
Coplex 3also kno'n as Lapu-Lapu City >oopsdoe4 is located in /arangay

 nu+er of resorts ha&e s'iing pool facilities 'hich are all located along the
 +each line of the City.

%.0 Gtilities: *o'er" Bater" Counication ;et'ork" Baste anageent

*o'er dependa+le capacity for Ce+u is uch less lo'er than its deand. For the
orning peak 31 a to #a44 the po'er deand for Ce+u is (#0 ega'atts and
the dependa+le capacity is only 211 ega'atts. /et'een 2 p to ! p the
deand reached (71 ega'atts 'hile the dependa+le capacity is only 22$
ega'atts. For the e&ening peak 3!p to 12 idnight0 the total deand is $0$
ega'atts against the dependa+le capacity of 22$ ega'atts This is the usual
deand and dependa+le capacity fro onday to Friday" 'hich goes do'n +y
only $0 B during aturdays and undays .

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lthough nearly all 'ater used for ur+an purposes in etro Ce+u originate fro
ground'ater sources" the 'ide &ariety of eans +y 'hich households o+tain
access to that ground'ater  not too recent sur&ey conducted in etro Ce+u
sho'ed that a+out t'o thirds of the households rely solely on CB@ piped 'ater 
connection. ,n addition" % to ( percent of households also ha&e CB@
connections +ut +ecause of rationed supply" they also use other sources priarily
its o'n 'ells. ,n fact" a+out 20) of households ha&e t'o or ore sources of 
'ater. These households use o'n 'ell or &ended 'ater to suppleent liited
CB@ 'ater for drinking and cooking fro neigh+ors to suppleent the less
 pota+le 'ater fro artesian 'ells and other &ended 'ater. The relati&ely high
 percentage of households 'ith CB@ connections 'ere located not far fro the
 pu+lic transportation routes 'here ost of the CB@ lines are" so the chances of 
getting CB@ ser&ices 'ere higher. side fro CB@" sall pri&ate
'ater'orks catering ostly to residential su+di&isions pro&ide tap 'ater to the
rest of the households.  greater proportion of households are fully self-supplied
using priarily deep 'ells.

,n line 'ith its &ision to HleapfrogI into the digital age" the city go&ernent of 

Lapu-Lapu 'ill strengthen its coputeri?ation proect and expand its coputer 
literacy progra to include eleentary schools. The ayor has en&isioned
aking Lapu-Lapu City the sias &ersion of ilicon alley. To do this" the city
'ill first de&elop the huan resources in the area +y urging the local school +oard
to expand local go&ernent coputer literacy proect. The City is also studying
the expansion of its &ocational technological progra to +e included in the city
college. The City is in&iting coputer schools and colleges to put up capuses in
the City to +etter ser&e the counity so that the &ision of the City to ha&e
coputer sa&&y generation 'ill +e achie&ed.

t present" (70 coputer 'ork stations ha&e +een distri+uted to different

 +arangays to +e used +y high school students The City also identified the actan
 ;orth 8eclaation and @e&elopent *roect as the site 'here the City 'ill put up
its &ersion of he ilicon alley.

lthough the proect is still in its planning stage" the City go&ernent 'ill pursue
the undertaking since ost school children are eager to learn.

side fro ,nforation and Counication technology" touris as a aor 

gro'th dri&er has also +een identified. Bith this" the City go&ernent 'ill +e

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rolling our an intensified touris capaign through a progra du++ed HThe

unny ide of actanI

The rapid increase in the population of Lapu-Lapu City and its +urgeoning
econoy has ade olid Baste anageent an urgent concern for the City. The
esta+lishent of three special econoic ?ones 35* ," 5* ,, and Ce+u Light
,ndustrial *ark4" the expansion of facilities like the actan-Ce+u ,nternational
irport" the esta+lishent of other coercial" industrial and institutional
 +usinesses ha&e led to an increase in the &olue of solid 'aste generated +y the
City. dd to these the changing lifestyle of the Lapu-Lapu City residents.

8esults of the 'aste characteri?ation conducted +y the olid Baste anageent

<ffice of Lapu-Lapu City re&ealed that only 7) of the 'astes collected are
residual in nature" 'ith (2) non-+iodegrada+le and $1) +iodegrada+le.

Fig. 1. ;ature of Baste enerated

There are four kinds of 'astes generated +y copanies inside the 5*" naely:
recycla+les" toxic and ha?ardous 'astes" kitchen 'astes" and other 'astes. <nly
the residual 'astes are disposed through pri&ate gar+age contractors to the Lapu-
Lapu City Controlled @upsite.

<n the other hand" the +ulk of the 'aste generated outside the 5* is organic
'ith high oisture content.

Total a&erage 'aste generation in the City is (7 tons per day.

?a&"e Genera"#on 2y Sour%e+ '(()

Sour%e Volume
5stiates per ,ndi&idual 0.$0 kg. per day
/arangays (7 tons per day
5* 11% tons per day
City ar+age $1 tons per day

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*u+lic arket ! tons per day

ource: LLC olid Baste anageent /oard tudy

Baste generators are reAuired to segregate their gar+age into coposta+le and
non-coposta+le. These 'ill ha&e to +e placed in separate containers that are
sealed or tied. ar+age not stored in this 'ay are not collected +y the +arangays
or the city gar+age collectors.

The follo'ing ta+le sho's the in&entory of eAuipent and personnel for gar+age
collection of the City.

In3en"ory o: ?a&"e managemen" E@u#!men" an4 er&onnel+ '((-

E@u#!men";er&onnel Num2er
Lapulapu City
ar+age ehicles ini-@uptrucks !
3! cu.. capacity4
Copactor 31% 1
cu.. capacity4
Copactor 39 $
cu.. capacity4
Copactor 37 $
cu.. capacity4
*ersonnel @ri&ers 1(
Collectors (2
actan ,sland /arangays
ar+age ehicles ini-@uptrucks 2!

Lapu-Lapu City has 1( gar+age collection groups consisting of 1 dri&er and %

collectors. Collection is done +et'een #* to $ only" except for the pu+lic
arket 'here collection is done at daytie and e&ening.

5* copanies ha&e their o'n gar+age collectors" as 'ith +ig esta+lishents
like actan hangrila" *lantation /ay" and eneral illing Corporation.

Collected gar+age is disposed of in the Citys aterial 8eco&ery Facility located

( k fro Lapu-Lapu City proper. traddling +et'een +arangays actan and
/ankal" it has a total area of 2 hectares.

E . T5e E%onom#% S"ru%"ure

1.0 8e&enue sources 3,ndustries" agriculture" etc.4

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The City of Lapu-Lapu plays a &ital role to the o&erall de&elopent of Ce+u
*ro&ince and to 8egion ,, as a 'hole. The actan ,nternational irport pro&ides
the gate'ay of the region to the rest of the 'orld and ser&es as transshipent
 point +y air of cargoes and people plying to and fro neigh+oring pro&inces in the
isayas and indanao. This factor fa&ors the proliferation of airport oriented high
&alue added industries.
The historic significance of the city" its attracti&e coastline 'ith 'orld-class resort
hotels akes the area a prie destination to foreign and doestic tourist.
Considering that touris enhances good'ill aong nations" the city has +ecoe a
sho' 'indo' of *hilippines culture" products and sea sports acti&ities. The
 presence of three progressi&e econoic ?ones ade Lapu-Lapu City an iportant
industrial center of the region as 'ell as the country at large. eared to supply the
needs of the odern 'orld" it has +ecoe the elting pot of technology thus
upgrading further the la+or skills of Central isayas.

Lastly" receipts fro touris and export anufacturers contri+uted to the uch

needed dollar for our country to sustain de&elopent.

er&ices sector includes econoic acti&ities related to transportation" storage"
counication" 'holesale and retail" +anking and finance" real estate" pri&ate
ser&ices 3i.e. education" edical" hotel and restaurant" recreation and culture4
 +usiness ser&ices" personal ser&ices and go&ernent ser&ices.

Classified as a highly ur+ani?ed city ha&ing a touris and industry inclined

econoy 'ith &ery liited agricultural potential due to land constraint" ser&ices
sector is the +iggest contri+utor in ters of eployent and production &alue. ,n
the a+sence of ross City @oestic *roduct ,ncoe ccount" &alue of production
of Lapu-Lapu City could not +e ascertained. >o'e&er" +ased on ross 8egional
@oestic *roduct 38@*4 of Central isayas" the ser&ice sector contri+uted $$
 percent of total &alue of goods and ser&ices produced in the econoy in 200$
gro'ing +y 9.00 percent annually in the last decade.

er&ice sector in Lapu-Lapu City is doinated +y hotel and restaurant" 'holesale

and retail" real estate renting" transportation and storage. ,n 2007" !$( ser&ice
esta+lishents 'ere registered 'ith the +usiness perit and license office. . This
increased to #01 in 200# increasing +y 22.(7 per cent.

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ignificant gro'th is in transportation and storage increasing +y $$.00 percent"

follo'ed +y real estate de&elopent and renting 3(#.19 )4" 'holesale and retail
3%(.17 )4" education 3%2.%$ )4 and health 'ith 22.22 ).

griculture sector co&ers the su+-sector on crops" li&estock and poultry" fisheries"
and forestry. 5xcept for fishery" the de&elopent potential of agriculture for Lapu-
Lapu City is liited due to land constrain. Bith only !"(2( hectares of land area"
the geology of the actan ,sland is ostly coral +ased" 'ith little top soil for crop

econdly" classified as highly ur+ani?ed city and part of the Ce+u etropolis
ur+an type of de&elopent is appropriate. s the site of the second largest
international airport in the country" a leading tourist +each destination" and houses
one on the ore iportant export processing ?one in the *hilippines" its
coparati&e ad&antage is to'ards the de&elopent of the ser&ice and industrial

>o'e&er eager is de&elopent potential of agriculture" a significant nu+er of 

its population is still dependent on fishery and li&estock production as their 

li&elihood. The protection and reha+ilitation of its arine resources 'ill
coplient the touris thrust of Lapu-Lapu City.

2.0 5ployent

5ployent in the industry sector totaled $%"((! in year 2000. This increased to
72"($$ in 200# gro'ing %.#7 percent per year. The sector is the aor 
eployent generator contri+uting half of the total citys eployent 3Ta+le
%.%.14. 5ployent is classified as local and transient 'orkers. Local 'orkers are

those that reside in the city 'hile transient 'orkers are those residing else'here.

,n 2000" transient 'orkers 'ere estiated to constitute %0 percent of the total

sectoral eployent. This increased to (1 percent in 200# to indicate that ore
'orkers residing outside the city are hired +y local esta+lishents particularly
those located inside industrial ?ones.

5ployent in the ser&ice sector is estiated at !#"019 in 200# contri+uting

(!.00 percent of the total eployent of the city 3Ta+le ,-214. These are ostly
in the hotel and restaurant +usiness" 'holesale and retail trading" and

transportation ser&ice accounting !$ percent of total eployent in the ser&ice


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,n 200#" the nu+er of people engaged in agriculture as eans of li&elihood is

estiated at 7"%9% contri+uting around $.00 percent to total eployent of the
city . These are ostly in fishery" and li&estock production.
%.0 &erage Faily ,ncoe and 5xpenditure &is-J-&is *o&erty Le&el

The ;ational tatistics <ffice recently released the Faily ,ncoe and
5xpenditure ur&ey 3F,54 for 200!. The results 'ere at the national and
regional. For purposes of this planning exercise" 8egion 7 results 'ere used. The

F,5 re&ealed that the a&erage annual faily incoe in the region 'as *h*
122"000 'ith a&erage annual expenditures at *h* 10("000.

Fam#ly In%ome an4 E8!en4#"ure Sur3ey+ '((/

200% 200!

8egion  ;o. of &erage &erage &erage ;o. of &erage &erage &erage

Failies ,ncoe 5xp. a&ings Failies ,ncoe 5xp. a&ings
30004 3*0004 3*0004 3*0004 30004 3*0004 3*0004 3*0004

*>,L,**,;5 1!"(#0 1(# 12( 2( 17"(0% 1(2 121 21

8egion ,, 1"21! 121 102 19 ; 122 10( 17 

ource of data: ;ational tatistics <ffice" 200% and 200! Faily ,ncoe and 5xpenditures ur&ey Final

,n arch" 2009" the ;ational tatistical Coordination /oard in cooperation 'ith

the Borld /ank released the 200% City and unicipal Le&el *o&erty 5stiates. ,t
re&ealed that the *o&erty ,ncidence in Lapu-Lapu City 'as $.!%" ranking 1"$!# th
aong 1"!22 citiesunicipalities co&ered" 'ith 1 +eing the poorest.

o3er"y In4#%a"or&+ La!u1La!u C#"y

In4#%a"or Re&ul"
*o&erty ,ncidence $.!%
8ank 3*oorest K 14 1"$!#
*o&erty ap 1.21
e&erity of *o&erty 0.(0
ource: 200% City and unicipal Le&el *o&erty 5stiates 3;C/4

%.0 5xisting Land Gse and Land Gse Trends

Ur2an an4 Commer%#al

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The ur+an and coercial area for Lapu-lapu City is presently located at the
*o+lacion and *ao area" to north'ard stretch of the *o+lacion up to the 5*
 +oundary and up to the airport +oundary. Coercial esta+lishents are also
found along the 1st actan /ridge D arigondon 8oad and soe along actan
5ast Circuferential 8oad" fro *unta 5nga6o to the unicipality of Cordo&a.


The island of actan is +esto'ed +y nature 'ith +eautiful +eaches 'hich has a
 +right appeal to international touris. ,t has an area of a+out 120 hectares in a
strip along the eastern shoreline" part of the total touris land use of 1"%$!.1$
hectares 312.11)4.

ost of the +arangays along the shoreline enoyed this natural +eauty of nature
'here &isitors can s'i in the clear +lue seas adoining the +each fronts" di&e
underneath the surf 'here coral forations and arine life fors a+ound or ust
siply enoy the ista. These are found in /arangays u+a-/as+as" arigondon"

ari+ago" actan and *unta 5nga6o.

En3#ronmen"al ro"e%"#on

angro&e forests are natural land uses on an archipelagic chain of land like the
*hilippines. The total angro&e forest in actan is #$ hectares. This nu+er is
distri+uted at the shoreline along the +arangays located at the northern and
southern ends of the city. The other angro&e forest is located in <lango ,sland.

The angro&es +elong to the 5n&ironental *rotection rea of Lapu-Lapu City"

'hich has a total land area of (71.(0 hectares 37.%()4.


,ndustrial Land in Lapu-Lapu City is concentrated at the 5* , and ,, and Ce+u
Light ,ndustrial *ark. The ?ones are 100) industrial and the land use is strictly
enforced +y the authority although the pre&alence of sAuatters at the southern and
northern end in 5* , represents intrusion of residential land use into the ?one.
Total land area for industrial5 is 20#.%1 hectares 3%.2()4.

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side fro the 5* areas" there are other existing firs located in the
coercial and residential ?ones of the City. This highlights non-confority of 
land uses.


The actan Ce+u ,nternational irport has a total land area of 797 hectares 'hich
is shared +y actan /enito 5+uen ir /ase and extends fro the northeast of 
/arangay *usok to /arangay /ankal. ,t co&ers part of the areas of /arangays
*usok" /uaya" /asak" /ankal and ,+o.

Further it coprises a strip of the area along the peripheral +oundary of *aac and

E8#&"#ng Lan4 U&e+ La!u1La!u C#"y

Lapu-Lapu City Land Gse nd

one @istrict Classification
 LAND USE AREA 6HA.7 $ D#&"r#2u"#on

T<TL L*G-L*G C,T= !"(2(.19 100.00

 Gr+an Coercial 1"2%1.77 19.17

 Touris 1"%$!.1$ 12.11
 >igh Le&el 8esidential 92%.1! 1(.%7
 Lo' Le&el 8esidential 1"22!.#% 19.10
*rotection (71.(0 7.%(
 8ecreation" *arks"
reens 1#(.79 2.##
 ixed Land Gse %2%.%0 $.0%
 ,ndustrial5 20#.21 %.2(
 irport (7%.$# 7.%7
 ,nstitutional 2$.00 0.%9

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7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

(.0 Coparati&eCopetiti&e d&antages

. trength" Beaknesses" <pportunities" Threat 3B<T4

S"reng"5 O!!or"un#"#e&

• *resence of ,nternational irport and • 8e&enue enhanceent

5co?ones • /anka+le assets of the LG
• 5xistence of 'orld class resorts and • Funding support
hotels •

• 8ich historical site and good di&ing Technology transfer 

• trong pu+lic-pri&ate interface
spots • hallo' coastline for space
• killed la+or and a&aila+le training expansion
• *roxiity to highly-ur+ani?ed ciites
• trategic location in the *acific 8i
• Lone congressional district

T5rea" ?ea=ne&&e&

• 5conoic recession and copeting • Liited fragented land area

in&estent site • ,nadeAuate and high coast of po'er 
• >igh in-igration and ur+an congestion and 'ater 
• Land speculation • ,nadeAuate infra reAuired +y a
• @rug related crie and deteriorating highly ur+ani?ed city
oral &alues • +sence of touris officer to
• 5erging pollution and ecological handle touris related progras
destruction and acti&ities
• Traffic congestion" flooding • ,nadeAuate resources to ipleent
• *resence of inforal settlers  proects
• 5ffects of cliate change

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Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

$.0 Functional 8ole of Lapu-Lapu City

• s aor gate'ay of the region to the rest of the 'orld. ,t ser&es

as a transshipent point of cargoes and people
•  aor tourist destination for +oth foreign and doestic tourist
• s regions industrial and export processing center
• s elting pot of odern technology
• s sho' 'indo' of *hilippines culture" products and natural
• upplier of +asic necessities of its islet +arangays


V#&#on >

H/y =ear 2021" Lapu-Lapu City shall +e the leading ha&en for touris and in&estents"
 peopled +y healthy and epo'ered citi?ens li&ing in safe" clean and peaceful en&irons
conduci&e to good go&ernance and ulti-sectoral interaction geared to'ards socio-
econoic gro'th through sustaina+le de&elopent 'ithin its political urisdiction
including its unicipal 'aters.I

  M#&&#on >

1. To continue the oderni?ation of Lapu-Lapu 'ith ne' and upgraded facilities

and ser&ices" supported +y ipro&ed roads" +ridges and international airport
2. To enhance the natural attracti&eness of the City and strengthen its reputation as
one of the countrys priary touris areas through cleanliness and +eautification
dri&es" as 'ell as historical and en&ironental conser&ation capaigns
%. To explore the potentials of the City as a +usiness hu+ +y esta+lishing and
aintaining local and international linkages and supporting allied export
(. To de&elop a haronious and proacti&e culture of dynais +y incorporating
technological ad&anceents into the prootion of &alues-oriented education"
cooperati&is" and entrepreneurship.

• T5e Con%e!";S"ru%"ure lan

9. So%#o1E%onom#% De3elo!men" Frame<or= 

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Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

The City of Lapu-Lapu 'ill continue to play a &ital role to the o&erall de&elopent of 

Ce+u *ro&ince and to Central isayas 8egion as a 'hole. The presence of the actan
Ce+u ,nternational irport akes it the gate'ay of the region to the rest of the 'orld. ,t
ser&es as a transshipent point of cargoes and people plying to and fro neigh+oring
 pro&inces in the isayas and indanao. +out #%) of the shipping industry in the
country is +ased in Ce+u.

,ndustry and Touris shall +e prioriti?ed as the lead sectors for expansion. The presence
of the progressi&e special econoic andor export processing ?ones shall +e aintained
and enhanced in ters of optii?ation of output. Touris acti&ities shall like'ise +e
ipro&ed and enhanced to ake the city a sho' 'indo' of *hilippine culture" products
and natural +eauty.

The historical significance of the city" its scenic coastal 'aters 'ith 'orld-class hotels"
resorts and the existence of ocean recreation facilities 'ill ake it a priary destination
of +oth local and foreign tourists.

<n the o&erall" touris and export anufacturers 'ill +e the aor contri+utors to the
uch needed dollar for our country. Lastly" +eing and island city" Lapu-Lapu City
ainland shall continue to supply the +asic necessities of its islet +arangays that also
cater tourists and fishers.

'. o!ula"#on De3elo!men" Frame<or= 

The population of Lapu-Lapu City is proected to gro' +y (.0) to %.$) per annu
'ithin the next decade. This population gro'th cannot carry the planned expansion of 
the econoic sectorsu+-sectors and needs the identification of residential areas 'ithin
the city to ser&e the expected increase of population" 'hich 'ill +e eployed +y
econoic acti&ities 'ithin the island.

The unprecedented high gro'th in population 'ill result to the dou+ling of the citys
inha+itants +y year 2021. This 'ill put to liit the carrying capacity of the land utility
resources to a+sor+ the econoic and housing reAuireents of the city. This necessitates
the identification of expansion sites in the adacent unicipality of Cordo&a and the
de&elopent of reclaation proects.

n efficient housing de&elopent progra shall +e eployed to produce lo'-cost

afforda+le residences for the population li&ing in the island. >ousing shall +e de&eloped
in such a 'ay as to axii?e the utili?ation of the a&aila+le land allocated to residential
land use.

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Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

the ecological +alance in the island and protect the en&ironent fro future degradation

due to the influx of de&elopent inter&entions.

Re%ommen4e4 En3#ronmen"al A%"#on lan

a4 Coastal 5n&ironental *rogra

 +4 round'ater Gtili?ation and Bater Muality
c4 ,ndustrial *ollution Control
d4 anaging @oestic Baste
e4 anaging ir *ollutants 5itted fro o+ile ources
f4 /eautification *roects

g4 trict enforceent of en&ironental la's and policies

*. Tour#&m De3elo!men" Frame<or= 

Touris de&elopent in Lapu-Lapu City shall +e hinged on the de&elopent of the

'hole eastern sea+oard as resort areas and in the creation of additional tourist ?ones in
the proposed actan ;orth 8eclaation and @e&elopent *roect.

The touris acti&ities in the reclaation areas shall +e specially de&eloped to cater to
'orld-class international clientele and shall +e connected directly to the international
airport +y an express'ay to pa&e 'ay for the declaration of these areas as free port

T5e :ollo<#ng &"ra"eg#e&;a%"#3#"#e& are !ro!o&e4:

 ,ncrease its capacity 'ith respect to the total nu+er of &isitor 

accoodation units and larger resort properties

 Gpgrade the standard of its accoodations 3% to ($ star le&el4

 8eposition itself to'ards +usiness-conferences- incenti&e tra&elers" plus

groupleisure tra&elers and

 ignificantly +roaden its +ase of &isitor acti&ities and attractions.

To &u!!or" "5e a2o3e &"ra"eg#e&+ "5e :ollo<#ng #m!ro3emen"& are re%ommen4e4 :

In:ra&"ru%"ure Re@u#remen"& -

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Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

This includes ipro&eent of the transportation syste" 'ater supply" po'er and
counications. dditionally" drainage syste" 'aste'ater and se'erage syste and
solid 'aste syste shall +e ipro&ed to ser&e the reAuireents of the intended

Re&or" C5ara%"er D 

n integrated touris aster plan shall +e prepared for the de&elopent of the citys
touris sector.

n ,ntegrated 8esort @esign shall +e undertaken to shape the future en&ironent of the
touris area. This shall include the type" category and character of the different resort
 precincts 'ith harony to one another and the copati+ility of the resort character to
the social and cultural arrangeents for the resort ?one.

,. 5y&#%al De3elo!men" Frame<or= 

The physical de&elopent frae'ork takes into account the salient points of the &arious
sectoral frae'orks as descri+ed in the a+o&e discussion.

Fro the de&elopent frae'ork" three alternati&e strategies 'ere identified:

Al"erna"#3e S"ra"egy 9  D The City of Lapu-Lapu en&isions a odern industrial +ase

econoy. i&en the international airport" the industry sector 'ill +e ipro&ed and
enhanced o&er long ter. The other sectors 'ill ust coplient to'ard sustaina+le
ur+an de&elopent.

Al"erna"#3e S"ra"egy ' D The City of Lapu-Lapu 'ill continue to +e the leading tourist

econoy and and
&ital point of entry
sector in the
shall +e international tra&el.
second priority forTouris 'ill +e the +ase

Al"erna"#3e S"ra"egy  D  co+ination of lternati&e trategies 1 and 2.

lternati&e trategy % 'as chosen as the preferred de&elopent alternati&e for Lapu-
Lapu City 3as indicated +y the City @e&elopent trategy *rogra in 1999-20204.

Bhen this 'as discussed during the t'o updating 'orkshops 3arch 2%-2(" 2009 and
Euly 2-%" 20094" the stakeholders adopted this as the preferred alternati&e for Lapu-Lapu

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A4o!"e4 Al"erna"#3e S"ra"egy 6S"ra"egy 4

The City of Lapu-lapu en&isions a odern industrial and touris +ase econoy
coplienting each other to'ards a sustaina+le natural en&ironent that supports eco-
touris de&elopent. The City shall +e a leading historic tropical island paradise in the
*acific aidst econoic progress +rought a+out +y 5*" one of the ost iportant
industrial estates in the country. The presence of the actan Ce+u ,nternational irport
ser&es as a gate'ay for tourists and of the production arket.

Touris shall +ecoe a part of the glo+al touris net'ork raking a su+stantial aount of 
tax re&enues and foreign exchange earnings. ,t shall +e a+le to respond to tra&el
arrangeent of e&ery arket segent as transportation and telecounication systes
 +ecoe state-of-the-art. ,t should ha&e created a odern and functional tourist and
in&estent inforation centers operated +y the co+ined efforts of the go&ernent and
 pri&ate sector.

/y the end of the planning period the city shall ha&e a highly di&ersified en&ironent-
friendly and socially responsi&e industry that pro&ide eployent openings" produce
'orld-class products for export and doestic consuption" and enhanced retail and
erchandi?ing +usiness operating under the regie of industrial peace and sustained

Certainly" the fast gro'th of touris and industry should ha&e ipro&ed incoe le&els of 
those affiliated 'ith the sectors faster than those eployed else'here. To'ards this end"
the Citys coprehensi&e land use plan and city de&elopent strategy progra 'ill +e
designed to ha&e a ix po&erty alle&iating progra addressed to the arginali?ed
segent of society.

,n ters of physical de&elopent" Lapu-Lapu City shall +e an expanded gro'th center 

coplete 'ith updated ,CT and inter-odal transportation facilities" sustaina+le 'ater 

and po'er supply" effecti&e drainage and se'erage systes and 'aste treatent facility
'ith +eautifully landscaped roads.

,nter-local go&ernent cooperation is deeed necessary as actan ,sland is part of the

Ce+u etropolis D 'here integrated ur+an infrastructure and coon ser&ice facilities
can +e +etter anaged. *u+lic-*ri&ate partnership or oint-&enture 'ill increase
in&estent for re&enue-generating proects. Coordination 'ith the national agencies and
other ipleenting +odies 'ill help achie&e the de&elopent &ision. This includes the
onitoring and e&aluation of on-going and pipe-lined foreign-assisted proects" line
agency priority prograsproects and ne' proposals to +e funded +y pri&ate in&estors.

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The adopted de&elopent strategy shall put in place easures to dictate 'here

de&elopent shall occur. This is anchored on a de&elopent philosophy of copati+ility"

efficiency and sustaina+le ur+ani?ation. The de&elopent of touris and industry is
designed to ensure co-existency and coplientation o&er a long period.

To achie&e this" a 'ell designed hierarchy of ur+an settleent pattern and sound land use
 plan shall +e prepared and appro&edadopted +y legislation.

• Lan4 U&e lan


Lapu-Lapu City is fast expanding in ters of socio-econoic acti&ities due to the

 presence of the actan 5xport *rocessing one 35*4" CL,* and tourist area

The 5* has +een expanded 'ith the esta+lishent of 5* 2 and the Ce+u Light
,ndustrial *ark. Touris" on the other hand has like'ise taken its hold on the 'hole
island of actan the last fi&e years. The shape of the +each areas are no' o&ershado'ed
 +y plush +each resorts and high-rise resorts 'ith ela+orately anicured landscape and
iaculate +each fronts. Lapu-Lapu City no' is considered as a preier tourist
destination and touris has slo'ly +ecoe an econoic +ase +eside the 5*.

/oth industrial and touris expansion propels the population gro'th of the island due to
igration of 'orkers for the t'o fast gro'ing sectors. /oth sectors also +enefited the
 presence of the actan Ce+u ,nternational irport. /ut e&en 'ith the airport" industrial
and touris expansion" the gro'th of the 'hole etro Ce+u rea is reason enough for 
the high population gro'th. The treendous gro'th of touris and industry as 'ell as

the concoitant gro'th of population are pro&en +y the increasing deand for land for 
industriali?ation" coercial" touris as 'ell as housing su+di&isions and residential

The Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan 3CLG*4 for 2000-2009" has ephasi?ed that each
year the scarce resource of Lapu-Lapu City is +eing le&eled off and de&eloped to gi&e
rise to ne' esta+lishents. The city is experiencing undirected de&elopent 'hich could
result to the unsustaina+le land use of the city. Bith this undirected land utili?ation" the
City o&ernent of Lapu-Lapu reali?ed the aor set+ack on policy aking to'ards
sustaina+le de&elopent. Thus" a aor updating of the land use and ?oning has +een
seen as a necessity.

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The existing land use of the City is undirected and unregulated. The plan sees to +e
forulated in response to existing land uses at the tie and 'ith the desire of local
 planners to put up pockets of industrial areas in sparsely populated and de&eloped areas
'ithout regard for harony and copati+ility. The existing land use ap 3see ap4
sho's that the coercial esta+lishents are concentrated on the 'estern portion of the
city and along the first actan-andaue /ridge to arigondon 8oad Corridor. 5* 1
occupies the north 'estern portion of the city" 5* 2 and Light industry in the interior 
 portion. The +each resorttouris areas are along the eastern strip of the island. The rest
of the area are left for residential use" interixed 'ith the other pre-deterined land


Land use planning is no' the priary concern aong de&elopent planners as the City
of Lapu-Lapu" no' a highly-ur+ani?ed city" gears to'ard the next century.

The ain issue is ho' to put Lapu-Lapu City in a +etter perspecti&e for future

de&elopent" in line 'ith internali?ation strategy of the Ce+u ,ntegrated rea

@e&elopent aster *lan 'hile preser&ing and enhancing the natural en&ironent
consistent 'ith the thrust of en&ironental protection" disaster-resillent and 'ith
consideration of +eing a prie tourist destination in the *hilippines.

,n the updating of the Lapu-Lapu City Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan 3CLG*4" there are
 +asic considerations 'hich 'ere adopted so that full utili?ation of the land 'ill +e
reali?ed. <ne of these is the existence of the international airport at the heart of the city"
the existing actan 5xport *rocessing ones and the existing Touris acti&ities
especially on the eastern coast of the ,sland. <ther considerations also are the pro&ision
of coercial uses along the roads 'hich 'ill address the needs of its adacent land
uses. nd the aor consideration +eing adopted is the plan of the city to de&elop a
reclaation proect in the northern part of the city.

,n the preparation of the updated CLG*" the proposed land use plan ust focus on the
liited land area of the City and the hea&y deand for utilities such as 'ater and po'er.
The deand and pressure exerted +y +oth the industrial and touris sectors needs
 prioriti?ation of the issues" strategies under certain paraeters.

Commer%#al Area

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The proposed ur+an and coercial area for Lapu-Lapu City is expanded fro the

 present location at the *o+lacion and *ao to co&er the entire stretch fro the *o+lacion
up to the 5* +oundary and 'idens up to the airport +oundary. This area 'ill ser&ice
the coercial reAuireents for the industry and other support ser&ice sectors.
dditionally" the presence of an international airport 'ill create an international office
hu+ in this area 'here international copanies ay put up their regional offices"
especially those 'hich cater to freight handling and counications +usiness.

The coercial area extends fro the 'estern portion tra&ersing across the city" passing
through /arangay un-o+ up to /arangay arigondon. nother coercial
aggloeration 'ill +e set up in arigondon" u+a-+as+as" /a+ag" Canulao" *aac and
/ankal areas to ser&ice the touris ?one at the eastern shoreline. This ur+an and
coercial expansion 'ill utili?e strips of the areas on +oth sides of the actan
Circuferential 8oad and City 8oads.

,n <lango ,sland" a coercial district 'ill +e esta+lished at the heart of /arangay ta"
8osa 'here the 'harfferry landing is located. This 'ill ser&e the coercial needs of 
the island. The coercial district 'ill extend on +oth sides of the

,n the proposed reclaation proect of the city" coercial districts 'ill +e de&eloped to
ser&ice the reAuireents of the touris" housing and industry sectors of 'hich the
reclaation are ainly designed for"


Gnder the proposed touris de&elopent" the eastern strip of actan ,sland stretching
fro /arangay *unta 5nga6o in the ;orth to /arangay u+a-/as+as in the outh
co&ering portions of /arangays actan" ari+ago" arigondon and gus are +eing

reser&ed for touris purposes. Like'ise" a considera+le area in the proposed ;8@* is
also allotted for touris de&elopent.

The touris ?one 'ill house 'orld class +eaches" resorts and hotels that ay range fro
cottage type or lo' rise structures to high-density high-rise +uildings catering to the
high-end arket. <ther related support esta+lishents 'ill intersperse the area. The ?one
'ill cater foreign and doestic &isitors. The ?one 'ill also ha&e con&ention centers +oth
for local and international conferences.

The other side allocated for touris is the eastern part of the island of <lango. The
 proposed area is along the eastern coastal ?one of <lango ,sland facing /ohol trait and
the ,slets of Cau+ian" Caohagan and *angan-an. This site 'ill differ slightly in land use

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copared to that of the ain actan ,sland in the sense that the preser&ation of ecology

'ill +e the prie concern in touris de&elopent. This eco-touris type of acti&ity 'ill
 proote sustaina+le de&elopent of the rich ecological syste of the area.

The Touris area of <lango 'ill +e anchored on the adacent en&ironentally protected
area of the <lango Bildlife anctuary. To a greater degree than possi+le" touris in this
island should +e liited to daytie &isitors" propting day tour arrangeents" 'here
&isitors stay at ainland actan and &isit <lango during daytie.

,n the long ter" touris acti&ities in Lapu-Lapu City" especially on the high-end"
international scenario 'ill +e concentrated on touris islands to +e reclaied in the

Re&#4en"#al Area

The residential area of Lapu-Lapu City is proposed to +e situated in /arangays un-o+"

Canulao" /a+ag" Cala'isan" /ankal" *aac" /asak" ari+ago" actan and gus.

The residential area in the island of <lango" is proposed to +e located at /arangays ta.
8osa" Talia" /aring" Tingo" Ca'-oy" a+ang and an icente.

 sociali?ed housing is also proposed to +e de&eloped in /arangay Canulao.

En3#ronmen"al ro"e%"#on

The coastline of /arangays u+a-+as+as" /asak" /a+ag and Cala'isan facing the
unicipality of Cordo&a shall +e declared as en&ironentally protected ?one.

Re%rea"#onal Area;ar=;Green

To preser&e a 'holesoe and +alanced land use" certain areas of the city 'ill ha&e to +e
kept open and green. These are designated as recreational areas and areas for parks and
open spaces.

 strip of land +et'een the t'o +ridges at the actan side is proposed for a ne'
recreational park. reas that are designated as green or open space including those found
'ithin residential su+di&isions ay also ser&e as a recharge area for the citys
underground 'ater. *arks" greens and open spaces are also designated in the proposed
north and south reclaation proects.

In4u&"r#al;S!e%#al E%onom#% one;ICT ar= 

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The attracti&eness of Lapu-Lapu City to export processing industries propted the

de&elopent planners to expand the present industrial land.

@ue to liited land for expansion" industrial areas are proposed in actan ;orth
8eclaation and actan outh 8eclaation *roects.


The present si?e and area of the actan Ce+u ,nternational irport is currently shared
'ith actan /enito 5+uen ir /ase 'ith a total land area of 797 hectares.


,nstitutional areas are 'here the schools" churches" go&ernent centers" hospitals and
other related pu+lic and social ser&ice facilities are to +e located" as proected on the
future land use of the city. These facilities do not necessarily occupy so uch large

Memor#al ar=&;Ceme"er#e&

The existing pri&ately-o'ned eorial park should +e preser&ed and should aintain its
 +eautiful aesthetics. Ceeteries 'ithin the city 'ill ha&e to +e enhanced and ipro&ed.
nother proposed site to +e de&eloped +y the city 'ill +e located in /arangay u+a-
 +as+as and actan to address the needs in the southern and eastern parts of the island.

Ma%"an Nor"5 Re%lama"#on De3elo!men" roe%" 6MNRD7

The ;8@*" esta+lished as a pecial 5conoic one +y the *resident is no' on the
 pre-ipleentation phase. The proposed island-type reclaation is a+out (00 hectares
and is di&ided into four 3(4 island-areas or lots separated +y 'ater'ays. The +reakdo'n
of the general land use plan of the proposed ;8@* is sho'n +elo':

ro!o&e4 Ma%"an Nor"5 Re%lama"#on De3elo!men" roe%" La!u1La!u C#"y

eneral Land Gse rea 3>as.4 ) hare

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Lo" A D *ort N *ort 8elated @e&elopent one 92 2%

Lo" B D irport Clearance rea 3lo' ipact de&t4 70 17.$
Lo" C D To'n Center and Coercial one 7# 19.$
Lo" D D Touris" 8esorts N 8etireent illage (0 10
<pen paces" 8oads and other green areas 120 %0
T<TL (00 100

ho'n +elo' is the *roposed Land Gse *lan of Lapu-Lapu City +y *ercent @istri+ution.


6HA.7 D#&"r#2u"#on 6HA.7 D#&"r#2u"#on
 Su21To"al /+*'*.9- -*.9*
 Gr+an Coercial 1"2%1.77 19.17 1"2%1.77 1#.0$
 Touris 1"%$!.1$ 21.11 1"%$!.1$ 19.#7
 >igh Le&el 8esidential 92%.1! 1(.%7 92%.1! 1%.$%
 Lo' Le&el 8esidential 1"22!.#% 19.10 1"22!.#% 17.9#
 5n&ironental *rotection (71.(0 7.%( (71.(0 !.91
 8ecreation" *arks" reens 1#(.79 2.## 1#(.79 2.71
 ixed Land Gse %2%.%0 $.0% %2%.%0 (.7(
 ,ndustrial5 20#.21 %.2( 20#.21 %.0$
 irport (7%.$# 7.%7 (7%.$# !.9(
 ,nstitutional 2$.00 0.%9 2$.00 0.%7
 eorial *arksCeeteries
 MNRD *((.(( ,./
Gran4 To"al 6Su21To"al 
MNRD7 /+*'*.9- 9((.(( /+'*.9- 9((.((

Ur2an Se""lemen" lan

/y year 2021" Lapu-Lapu City 'ill ha&e a 'ell dispersed population 'ith good access to
'orkplace" li&elihood acti&ities and +asic ser&ice facilities. <n the +asis of contiguity"
 population si?e" doinant econoic and social ser&ice aenities" Lapu-Lapu City
 +arangays are grouped into fi&e clusters" 'ith an identified nodal ser&ice center in each
cluster. The fi&e aor ro'th Centers are /arangays /asak" *o+lacion" actan"
Canulao and ta. 8osa.

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S"ru%"ure De3elo!men" Ma!

 Gro<"5 Cen"er&

Cen"ral Nor"5ern Ea&"ern ?e&"ern I&lan4

Clu&"er Clu&"er Clu&"er Clu&"er Clu&"er

aor ro'th aor ro'th aor ro'th aor ro'th aor ro'th
Center: Center: Center: Center: Center:
Ba&a=  o2la%#on Ma%"an Canulao San"a Ro&a

atellite /rgy: atellite /rgy: atellite /rgy: atellite /rgy: atellite /rgy:
- un-o+ - *ao - *unta 5ngano - Looc - Tingo
- *aak  - *usok  - ari+ago - Cala'isan - /aring
- ,+o - gus - /a+ag - Talia
- /uaya - arigondon - Ca'-oy
- /ankal - u+a /as+as - Cau+ian
- a+ang
- Tungasan
- *angan-an
- Caohagan
- an icente

Fun%"#onal Role Fun%"#onal Role Fun%"#onal Role Fun%"#onal Role Fun%"#onal Role

- ,ndustrial -*riary - Touris - Coercial - Tourist /elt

- 8esidential ro'th Center  - 8esidential - 8esidential -*rotected rea
- ,nstitutional -*rotected rea -Fishing illage
- ,ndustrial
- er&ice


5n&ironent N ;atural 8esources

1 5sta+lishent of City 5n&ironent N ;atural 8esource <fficer 3C5;8<4

  1.1 <fficela+oratory eAuipent and &ehicle

  1.2 <ffice space

  1.% Creation of ne' positions

2 LLC Baste anageent yste *rogra

  2.1 ,nstallation of e'erage Treatent *lant 3T*4 at +attoir 

  2.2 ,nstallation of e'erage Treatent *lant at *u+lic arket

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  2.% ,nstallation of e'erage Treatent *lant at B Coplex

  2.( ,nstallation of e'erage Treatent *lant at /asak-udtunggan @rainage <utfall

  2.$ cAuisition and ,nstallation of ir Muality onitoring achines

2.! Full Closure of LLC @upsite*urchase of *ipespond for leachate

containenttop soil co&er 

  2.7 *urchase of Beighing cale 3Truck4 3Beigh /ridge4 for B

  2.# *urchase of /ul+-5ater for Baste Fluorescent Laps4

  2.9 *urchase of 10 <rganic hredders

  2.10 *urchase of gar+age trucks for ! +arangays

2.11 5nactent of <rdinance ending the LLC 5n&ironent and anitation Code
  3<rd. (#(-974 to ,nclude pro&isions andated +y 8a 900%" Clean ir ct" Clean
Bater ct and the proposed C5;8<

2.12 *reparation of corrected olid Baste anageent *lan and 8e-u+ission to

 ;B Coission" anila for appro&al

  2.1( 8etrie&al of *u+lic /eaches *hase ,

2.1$ ,nstallation of 8ain Bater utters and Fa+rication of 8ain Bater Catchent
for egregation /uilding

  2.1! Construction of 8F for /arangay Clusters

% ,pleentation of Coastal 8esource anageent N /iodi&ersity Conser&ation

%.1 angro&e 8eforestration8eha+ilitation

( Gndertaking acti&ities for Forest Land Gse *lan 3FLG*4

$ actan /u++le *roect

1 *ursue de&elopent of the ociali?ed >ousing *roects

2 5nhance technical personnel of the City *lanning and @e&elopent <ffice

% Creation of >ousing office

( Fill-up &acant positions to ensure adeAuate enforceent of oning <rdinance

1 Gpgrade hospital and health personnel" facilities" supplies N eAuipent

1.1 dditional funds for edical supplies

1.2 Constructionrepair of +arangay health centers and lying-in clinics 3u+a-

 +as+as" un-o+" Ca'-oy" a+ang" arigondon4

67 67/72
7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

1.% Con&ersion of LLC >ospital fro secondary to tertiary

1.( Con&ersion of ta. 8osa Counity >ospital fro priary to secondary

2 *urchase of additional eAuipent and &ehicles for /F*" *;*" CT" /E*

  2.1 *;* - 2 units

2.2 /F* - 1 unit rescue &an and other rescue tools and eAuipent

  2.% /E* - a+ulance and prisonerOs &an

2.( CT - to'ing eAuipent  &ehicles

% Construction of ne' 2-storey +uilding for Lapu-Lapu City - *;*

( Constructionrepair of school +uildings

$ dditional +uilding for detention cell and repair of perieter fence for /E*

! Creation of positions of additional teachers for eleentary and high schools

dditional +udget for deli&er of +asic social ser&ices 35ergency ssistance" Cash
ssistance" /urial ssistance" etc.4

# *urchase of text+ooks

9 *urchase of ared chairs

10 Filling-up of &acant positions for fast and effecti&e deli&ery of ser&ices -CB@<
Creation of Force ultipliers 3*;*" /E*" />BOs" CT" @ay Care Borkers N

12 Construction of useu /uilding N *u+lic Li+rary

1% *urchase of uppleental Feeding for chool Children

1( *urchase of icronutritional uppleentation

1$ *urchase of 8eproducti&e >ealth upplies 3*ills" ,G@" ,necta+les4

1! *urchase of nti-T/ @rugs

17 *urchase of T,>, ids" supplies and aterials

1# *urchase of cheical N eAuipent for dengue

19 *rootion of accessi+ility to *ersons 'ith @isa+ility

19.1 *ro&ision of raps

19.2 ,pro&eent of cofort roos

19.% construction of +uilding for *B@s

20 8epair of old Fire tation 3*o+lacion Fire u+-tation4

21 5nterprise @e&elopent and ,ncoe @i&ersification

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7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

1 Coprehensi&e Touris *lan for Lapu-Lapu City

2 Construction N anning of the Lapu-Lapu Touris Center 

% @e&elopent of Culture of Touris

( Constructionrepair of *u+lic arket and laughterhouse

  (.1 8epair of existing *u+lic arket

(.2 Construction of ne' *u+lic arket at un-o+ 3F@5 only4

  (.% 8epair of existing laughterhouse

  (.( Construction of ne' laughterhouse 3preparation of F4

$ 5xpansion of the kills and anpo'er @e&elopent Center 

! 5sta+lishent of satellite arket in cluster +arangays

7 5sta+lishent of the Fish *ort

# 5sta+lishent of Gr+an griculture

#.1 5sta+lishent of Gr+an egeta+le arden

  #.2 5sta+lishent of reenhouse


1 Creation of ne' <ffices@epartent and filling up of &acant positions

1.1 C5;8<

1.2 Local tatistics <ffice

1.% City 5conoic 5nterprise @e&elopent N anageent <ffice

1.( City >ousing <ffice

1.$ >8<

1.! City Touris ,nforation Center 

2 ll **s geared at ipro&ing LG finances

2.1 ,nstallation of electronic tax payent syste 3e-tax4

2.2 Gpdating of 8*T assessent

2.% 8e&ision of 8e&enue Code

2.( Creation of ne' re&enue source through reclaation proect 3;8@*4

% Construction of +igger offices+uildings

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7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

%.1 ;e' City >all +uilding to house all ser&ice departents +oth local N national

( <pening an inforation channel through the tri-edia and internal

(.1 ng Lapu-Lapu Paron *roect

$ ,pro&ing the capacity and Auality of go&ernent 'orkers

$.1 <*L; TL,;<

$.2 *8<E5CT >*T /,L,@@

$.% 5sta+lishent of coputer-+ased , N , 3hard'are" soft'are N training4

! ,nfrastructure *roect Copletion

!.1 Task Force ul+ad *alpak 

7 5nterprise @e&elopent and ,ncoe @i&ersification


1 <pen ne' routes to link strategic sites

2 Biden roads net'ork 3side'alk4

% ,pro&eent of road net'ork to aide planned ur+an de&elopent

( Bidening and Concreting of ta. 8osa Cause'ay *hase 2

$ Concreting of Coastal 8oads in <lango ,sland *hase 2

Construction of o&erpasses fro city center to aor city points 3*o+lacion-actan"
*o+lacion-arigondon" *o+lacion- /a+ag4
Construction of pedestrian underpasses in aor road intersections e.g. *o+lacion
# Construction of tunnel fro Lapu-Lapu City to Ce+u City" /ohol and <lango ,sland

Traffic anageent
1 ,ntegrate inter-odal transport syste

2 5nforceent of la's on side'alk &ending related to traffic

% ,pro&eent of traffic efficiency of routes

( 8ecruitent and training of additional traffic aides

$ /us 8apid Transit yste

1 actan @rainage yste *roect-*hase 2

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7/21/2019 Lapu-Lapu City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)

Coprehensi&e Land Gse *lan

ol. ,

2 @ anageent

% dditional funds for @

1 actan e'erage yste @e&elopent *roect

2 dditional funds for @*

% @ anageent

1 Fish *ort

2 5sta+lish international seaport to +e located on strategic location

ea *ort anageent

1 ,pro&e ferry transport syste to ser&ice the needs of tourist

2 +attoir Lot cAuisition and Construction

% Ce+u-actan Ferry er&ice

( /ohol-actan Ferry er&ice

,pro&eent of 5xisting *ort Facilities" $ locations 3uelle" *unta 5nga6o" actan"

$ arigondon" ari+ago4


1 itigating control easures

2 8 N @ on non-traditional &ia+le 'ater source

ocial ,nfrastructure
1 *u+lic Ceetery lot acAuisition and construction

2 Construction of City arket Coplex

% Construction of City ports Coplex

<ther ,nfrastructure *roects 'ith 5xternal ,pleentors

1 actan ,nternational irport 5xpansion

2 actan olar 5lectrification 5xpansion

% 8 N @ on other appropriate po'er supply

( actan 5lectric Copany er&ice 5xpansion

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ompre,ensi8e Land :se Plan

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