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RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq

evsjv wel‡qi cvV¨m~Px

Pvi eQi †gqvw` we G Abvm© †Kvm©

2009-2010 wk¶vel© †_‡K Kvh©Ki
RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq
welq t evsjv
Pvi eQi †gqvw` we G Abvm© †Kvm©
2009-2010 wk¶vel© †_‡K Kvh©Ki

cÎ wk‡ivbvg I b¤^i e›Ub

cÖ_g el©
†Kvm© †KvW cÎ wk‡ivbvg b¤^i †µwWU
1001 evsjv‡`k Ges evOvwji BwZnvm I ms¯‹„wZ (cªvPxbKvj †_‡K 2000 100 4
wLª÷vã ch©š—)
1002 evsjv fvlvi BwZnvm I e¨envwiK evsjv 100 4
1003 evsjv Dcb¨vm-1 100 4
1004 evsjv KweZv-1 100 4
Introducing Sociology 100 4
Introduction to Social Work
Introduction to Political Theory 100 4
600 24

RvZxq wek¦we`¨vjq
evsjv wefvM
‡MÖwWs/ wRwcG c×wZ‡Z Pvi ermi †gqvw` Abvm© †Kv‡m©i cvVµg
wk¶vel© : 2009-2010

cª_g el©

cÎ †KvW .... t evsjv‡`k Ges evOvwji BwZnvm I ms¯‹„wZ (cªvPxbKvj †_‡K 2000 wLª÷vã ch©š—) b¤^i 100, 4
†µwWU, 60 †jKPvi

evsjv‡`k Ges evOvwji BwZnvm I ms¯‹„wZ (cªvPxbKvj †_‡K 2000 wLª÷vã ch©š—)
K. evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm ( 30 b¤^i)
cªvPxb, ga¨ I AvaywbK hy‡Mi cªv_wgK cwiPq, wewfbœ Rbc‡`i cwiwPwZ I mxgv‡iLv, evsjv bv‡gi D™¢e I weeZ©b,
ivóªxq BwZnvm|
L. evOvwji BwZnvm I ms¯‹„wZ (40 b¤^i)
BwZnvm I ms¯‹„wZi ¯^iƒc ; BwZnvm I ms¯‹„wZ-m¤cwK©Z aviYvi weeZ©b ; evOvwji cªv‰MwZnvwmK cUf‚wg; evOvwji
b„ZvwË¡K cwiPq I RvwZMVb cªwµqv ; mgvR I ivRbxwZ; evOvwji ms¯‹„wZi Drm; cªv‰MwZnvwmK Abyôvb; evOvwji
ms¯‹„wZi BwZnvm : ag©, `k©b, †jvKwkí, ¯’vcZ¨, fv¯‹h©, wPÎwkí I b„Z¨MxZ|
M. evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv I gyw³hy‡×i BwZnvm (30 b¤^i)
1947-G fviZ-wefw³, c‚e© evsjvq be¨-Jcwb‡ewkK cwiYwZ, ivóªfvlv Av‡›`vjb, hy³d«›U I GKyk `dv, 1954-
Gi wbe©vPb I hy³dª‡›Ui cwiYwZ, cvwK¯—v‡bi msweavb (1956), KvMgvwi m‡¤gjb, cvwK¯—v‡b mvgwiK ˆ¯^ivPv‡ii
Afy¨`q, cvwK¯—v‡bi Aaxb c‚e© evsjvi ivR‰bwZK-mvgvwRK-Av_©bxwZK `yie¯’v, c‚e©evsjvi ms¯‹„wZ-webv‡k cvwK¯—vwb
D‡`¨vM I evsjv‡`‡k mvs¯‹„wZK Av‡›`vjb, 6 `dv I ¯^vqËkvm‡bi Av‡›`vjb, AvMiZjv hohš¿ gvgjv, 11 `dv I
1969-Gi MY-Afy¨Ìvb, mˇii mvaviY wbe©vPb, wbe©vP‡bvËi hol¯¿ I GKvˇii Amn‡hvM Av‡›`vjb,7B gvP© e½eÜyi
fvlY, 25†k gvP© cvwK¯—vwb evwnbxi MYnZ¨vi m‚Pbv, evOvwji cªwZ‡iva msMªvg, cªevmxevsjv‡`k miKvi, gyw³hy× I
¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki cªwZôv,¯^vaxb evsjv‡`‡ki ivR‰bwZK-mvgvwRK-mvs¯‹„wZK µgweKvk|
mnvqK Mªš’

ARq ivq : Avw` evOvwj : b„ZvwË¡K I mgvRZvwË¡K we‡k−lY

AZyj myi : evOjv I evOvjxi weeZ©b ;
evOvjxi b„ZvwË¡K cwiPq ;
evOjvi mvgvwRK BwZnvm
†Mvjvg gyiwk`: nvRvi eQ‡ii evOvwj ms¯‹„wZ ;
¯^vaxbZv msMªv‡gi mvs¯‹„wZK cUf‚wg
Avwbmy¾vgvb (m¤cvw`Z) : evsjv mvwn‡Z¨i BwZnvm (1g LÊ)
Aveyj Kv‡mg dRjyj nK (m¤cvw`Z) : gyw³msMªvg
Avng` iwdK I wek¦wRr †Nvl (m¤cvw`Z) : fvlv-Av‡›`vj‡bi cÂvk ermi|
Avng` kixd : evOjv, evOvjx I evOvjxZ¡ ;
ga¨hy‡Mi mvwn‡Z¨ mgvR I ms¯‹„wZi iƒc
Kvgi“wÏb Avng` : c‚e© evsjvi mgvR I ivRbxwZ ;
Sociological History of Bengal and the Birth of Bangladesh.
†Mvcvj nvj`vi : ev½vjx ms¯‹„wZi iƒc ;
ms¯‹„wZi iƒcvš—i
bxnviiÄb ivq : ev½vjxi BwZnvm

e`i“Ïxb Dgi : c‚e© evOjvi fvlv Av‡›`vjb I ZrKvjxb ivRbxwZ (1-3 LÊ)
webq †Nvl : evsjvi mvgvwRK BwZnv‡mi aviv
f‚‡c›`ªbv_ `Ë : ev½vjvi BwZnvm (1-3 LÊ)
gC`yj nvmvb : g‚javiv Õ71
gbmyi gymv (m¤cvw`Z) : evOjv‡`k
gy³aviv cªKvwkZ : i³v³ evsjv
gyn¤g` Ave`yi iwng I Ab¨vb¨ : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm
gynv¤g` nvweeyi ingvb : M½vFw× †_‡K evsjv‡`k
iwdKyj Bmjvg : evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv msMªvg
i‡gkP›`ª gyRg`vi : evsjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm (1g -4_© LÊ)
ivLvj`vm e‡›`¨vcva¨vq : ev½vjv‡`‡ki BwZnvm (1g -2q LÊ)
mvC`-Di ingvb : c‚e© evsjvi mvs¯‹„wZK Av‡›`vjb
myKygvi †mb : cªvPxb ev½vjv I ev½vjx;
ga¨hy‡Mi ev½vjv I ev½vjx
°mq` gyRZev Avjx : c‚e©-cvwK¯—v‡bi ivóªfvlv
nvmvb nvwdRyi ingvb (m¤cvw`Z) : evsjv‡`‡ki ¯^vaxbZv hy× : `wjjcÎ (1-16 LÊ)

ûgvqyb AvRv` : fvlv Av‡›`vjb : mvwnwZ¨K cUf‚wg

AMA Muhith : Emergence of Bangladesh
Fazlul Quder Quaderi : Genocide in Bangladesh : The World press.
Archer K Blood : The Cruel Birth of Bangladesh : Memoirs of an American Diplomat
Siddiq Salik : Witness to Surrender
Subrata Ray Chowdhury : Genesis of Bangladesh.

cÎ †KvW ......... t evsjv fvlvi BwZnvm I e¨envwiK evsjv b¤^i 100, 4 †µwWU, 60 †jKPvi

evsjv fvlvi BwZnvm I e¨envwiK evsjv

K. evsjv fvlvi BwZnvm (30 b¤^i)
* B‡›`v-BD‡ivcxq g‚j fvlv †_‡K evsjv fvlv ch©š— µgaviv|
* evsjv fvlvi DrcwËwelqK wewfbœ gZ|
* be¨ fviZxq Avh©fvlvmg‚‡ni cªvP¨ kvLv|
* cªvPxb evsjv †_‡K AvaywbK evsjv ch©š— wewfbœ ¯—i|
* evsjv fvlvq Avh© I ˆe‡`wkK cªfve|
* evsjv Dcfvlv
* cªvPxb fviZxq Avh© fvlv¯—i †_‡K eZ©gvb ch©š— aŸwbZvwË¡K, iƒcZvwË¡K, kãZvwË¡K I evK¨ZvwË¡K weeZ©b|
L. e¨envwiK evsjv (70 b¤^i)
hy³v¶i MVb I e‡Y©i cwiewZ©Z iƒc, evsjv evbvb ms¯‹v‡ii bvbv D‡`¨vM, cªwgZ evsjv evbv‡bi wbqg, evsjv
eY©gvjv I evbv‡bi wKQy mgm¨v, B w, C x-i e¨envi, Y-Z¡ weavb, l-Z¡ weavb, mwÜ : ¯^imwÜ, e¨Äb mwÜ, wemM© mwÜ,
weivg wP‡ýi e¨envi, evsjv fvlvi cª‡qvM I Accª‡qvM, evsjv cwifvlv, mvay I PwjZ ixwZ| evK¨ cªKiY, cªwZeY©xKiY,
cªwZ‡e`b iPbv, mvi-ms‡¶cY I Kvh©weeiYx wjLb|

Avb›` cvewjkvm© : wZô ¶YKvj ;

evsjv : Kx wjL‡eb †Kb wjL‡eb
Avng` kixd, Avwbmy¾vgvb I Ab¨vb¨ : evsjv fvlvi cª‡qvM I Accª‡qvM
cweÎ miKvi : evsjv evbvb ms¯‹vi : mgm¨v I m¤fvebv

c‡ikP›`ª gRyg`vi : evsjv fvlv cwiµgv (1-2 LÊ)
evsjv GKv‡Wgx : cªwgZ evsjv evbv‡bi wbqg
gbx›`ªKygvi †Nvl : evsjv evbvb
gvneyeyj nK : evsjv evbv‡bi wbqg
gyn¤g` knx`yj−vn : ev½vjv fvlvi BwZe„Ë
iex›`ªbv_ VvKyi : evsjvfvlv-cwiPq ;
myKygvi †mb : fvlvi BwZe„Ë
myfvl fÆvPvh© : AvaywbK evsjv cª‡qvM Awfavb
nvqvr gvgy` : evsjv †jLvi wbqgKvbyb
ûgvqyb AvRv` : K‡Zv b`x m‡ivei ev evOjv fvlvi Rxebx
R D Banarjee : The Origin of Bengali Script
S K Chaterjee : Origin and Development of the Bengali Language (Volume 1-3)

cÎ †KvW ...... t evsjv Dcb¨vm-1 b¤^i 100, 4 †µwWU, 60 †jKPvi

evsjv Dcb¨vm-1
K. ew¼gP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq : KcvjKyÊjv
L. gxi gkviid †nv‡mb : welv`-wmÜy
M. iex›`ªbv_ VvKyi : †Pv‡Li evwj
N. ˆmq` IqvjxDj−vn& : jvjmvjy
mnvqK Mªš’

APy¨Z †Mv¯^vgx : evsjv Dcb¨v‡mi aviv

AP©bv gyRg`vi : iex›`ª-Dcb¨vm cwiµgv
Aiwe›` †cvÏvi : ew¼g-gvbm
Avwbmy¾vgvb : gymwjg-gvbm I evsjv mvwnZ¨
Ave`yj gvbœvb ˆmq` : ˆmq` IqvjxDj−vn&
Avey ‡nbv †gv¯—dv Kvgvj : K_v I KweZv
Aveyj Avnmvb †PŠayix : gxi gkviid †nv‡m‡bi mvwnZ¨Kg© I mgvRwPš—v
‡¶Î ¸ß : ew¼gP‡›`ªi Dcb¨vm : wkíixwZ
RxbvZ BgwZqvR Avjx : ˆmq` IqvjxDj−vn&i Rxeb`k©b I mvwnZ¨Kg©
gvneyeyj nK : evsjv mvwnZ¨ : K‡qKwU cªm½
gybxi †PŠayix : gxi-gvbm
‡gvnv¤g` Ave`yj KvBDg : gxi gkviid †nv‡mb I kZe‡©l welv`-wmÜy
‡gvwnZjvj gRyg`vi : ew¼geiY
kªxKygvi e‡›`¨vcva¨vq : e½mvwn‡Z¨ Dcb¨v‡mi aviv
mZ¨eªZ †` : iex›`ª-Dcb¨vm mgx¶v
m‡ivR e‡›`¨vcva¨vq : evsjv Dcb¨v‡mi Kvjvš—i
my‡evaP›`ª †mb¸ß : ew¼gP›`ª
‰mq` AvKig †nv‡mb : iex›`ªbv‡_i Dcb¨vm : †PZbv‡jvK I wkíiƒc
‰mq` Aveyj gKmy` : ˆmh` IqvjxDj−vn&i Rxeb I mvwnZ¨ (1g-2q LÊ)

cÎ †KvW .......... t evsjv KweZv-1 b¤^i 100, 4 †µwWU, 60 †jKPvi

evsjv KweZv-1
K. gvB‡Kj gaym‚`b `Ë : †gNbv`ea Kve¨ (40 b¤^i)
L. KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg : mvg¨ev`x, PµevK (30 b¤^i)
M. RmxgD`&`xb : bK&mxKuv_vi gvV, ivLvjx (30 b¤^i)

mnvqK Mªš’

AvRnviDÏxb Lvb : evsjv mvwn‡Z¨ bRi“j

Ave`yj gvbœvb ˆmq` : KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg : Kwe I KweZv
Avey †nbv †gv¯—dv Kvgvj : wkíxi iƒcvš—i
‡¶Î ¸ß : gaym‚`‡bi Kwe-AvZ¥v I Kve¨wkí
‡Mvjvg gyiwk` : Avkvi Qj‡b fywj : gvB‡Kj-Rxebx
Zvivc` gy‡Lvcva¨vq : AvaywbK evsjv Kve¨
‡gvev‡k¦i Avjx : gaym‚`b I evsjvi beRvM„wZ
‡gvnv¤g` gwbi“¾vgvb (m¤cvw`Z) : bRi“j mgx¶Y
iwdKyj Bmjvg : KvRx bRi“j Bmjvg : Rxeb I m„wó
iex›`ªbv_ VvKyi : AvaywbK mvwnZ¨
kxZvsï ˆgÎ : hyMÜi gaym‚`b
my‡ikP›`ª ˆgÎ : evsjv KweZvi beRb¥
mykxjKygvi ¸ß : bRi“j PwiZ-gvbm
mybxjKygvi gy‡Lvcva¨vq : RmxgD`&`xb : Kwegvbm I Kve¨mvabv
‰mq` AvKig †nv‡mb : evsjv‡`‡ki mvwnZ¨ I Ab¨vb¨ cªeÜ
‰mq` Avjx Avnmvb : gaym‚`b : KweK„wZ I Kve¨v`k©

Course Code ......... : Introducing Sociology Marks 100, 4 Credits, 60 Lectures

1. Definition, Nature & Scope of Sociology, relationship with other social sciences.
Development of Sociology: Contributions of Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile
Durkheim, Max Weber

2. Culture, Beliefs & Values: Norms, sanctions, symbols, language, subculture, counter-
culture, hegemony & resistance

3. Globalization, Culture and Society: Globalization and its different dimensions, Cultural
globalization, global culture and social change

4. Urbanization and Social Formation: Definition of urbanization and urbanism, Process of

urbanization in developing societies and social formation, over urbanization, growth of slum
& poverty in mega cities

5. Gender and Society: Discourse of WID, WAD and GAD, Why gender is important in the
discourse of development, Gender inequality & women’s subjugation in developing societies.

6. Environmental Problems, Natural Disasters and Social Crisis: Climate change and its
impact on society, Natural disaster, social crisis and vulnerabilities, Climate change,
deforestation and mal-development.

7. Social Inequality: Dimensions of social inequality: Class, gender, age, minority group
(religious and indigenous), economic vulnerability, Social inequalities in developed &
developing countries.

8. Types of societies: Marxist view on classifying societies on the basis of type of control over
economic resources and Lenski’s view on classifying societies by their main means of

9. Deviance & Social Control: Definition of deviance, theories of deviance. Crime & justice
system, agencies of social control
10. Health, Illness and Society: Nature & scope of the problem, Urbanizations, acute, chronic &
life style diseases, Social, environmental & behavioural factors affecting health,
Communicable & behavioural diseases: STD, HIV/AIDS, TB, Hep-B etc

Giddens Sociology
Tony Bilton et al Introductory Sociology
Course Code ....... : Introduction to Social Work Marks 100, 4 Credits, 60 Lectures

1. Social Work: Meaning, Characteristics, Scope and Importance Relationship of Social Work
with other Sciences- Sociology, Economics, Psychology and Political Science.
2. Evolution: Evolution of Social Work in UK, USA, India and Bangladesh.
3. Social Reformers and their Movements in Pre-partition India and Bangladesh: Raja
Rammohan Ray, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, A.K Fazlul Haque, Sir Syad Ahmed, Begum
4. Social Legislations Related to Social Security, Women Welfare, Child Welfare.
5. Profession and Social Work: Meaning and Characteristics of Profession, Social Work as
profession, Philosophical, Religions and Ethical Basis of Social Work.
6. Industrial Revolution: Meaning, Impact on Society, Industrialization, Urbanization, Welfare
7. Social Problems and Social Services in Bangladesh.
8. Methods of Social Work: Basic and Auxiliary Methods and their Basic Issues such as
Meaning, Elements, Principles and Area of Use. Importance of Social Work Methods in

Books Recommended:
1. Barker, Robert L. :Social Work Dictionary, 3rd ed. NASW, New York, 1995.
2. Coulshed, Veronica Social Work Practice: An Introduction 2nd ed. London. Macmillan, 1991.
3. Friedlander, Walter A. : Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice Hall, 2nd ed. New Delhi-
4. Khalid, M. : Welfare State, Karachi, Royal Book, 1968
5. Morales, A. And Shaefor, B. Social Work – A Profession of many faces, 4th ed. Allyan and
Bacan, Boston, 1986.
Course Code ......... : Introduction to Political Theory Marks 100, 4 Credits, 60 Lectures

Political Science : Meaning, Nature, Scope, Methods, Relations to other Social Sciences, Importance
to Study Political Science.
State : Definition, Elements, State and Government, State and Individual, State and Society, Theories
of the origin of the state.
Fundamental concepts : Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and Duties, Nation,
Nationalism, Internationalism.

Concepts of Political Sociology : Political culture, elite theory, Max Weber and Bureaucracy
Political Thinkers : Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke
and Rousseau.

Books Recommended :
1. R.G. Gettell : Political Science
2. J. W. Garner : Political Science and Government
3. R. M. MacIver : The Modern State
4. G.H. Sabine : A History of Political Theory
5. William Ebenstein : Great Political Thinkers-Plato to the Present
6. H.G. Laski : A Grammar of Politics
7. gynv¤§` Av‡qk DÏxb : ivóªwPš—v cwiwPwZ
8. GgvRDwÏb Avng` : ga¨hy‡Mi ivóªwPš—v
9. †gvt `i‡ek Avjx Lvb : †c−‡Uv I Gwi÷U‡ji ivR‰bwZK wPš—v
10. mi`vi dRjyj Kwig : †c−‡Uvi wicvewjK

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