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2022, 11:21 Bonatti’s electional astrology for war and conquering enemies - Chronos Speaks

Traditional Astrology, Magic, and Sundry Matters


Bonatti’s electional astrology for war and

conquering enemies

In honour of Mars’ ingress into Scorpio, here is an election from Guido Bonatti’s Liber
Astronomiae, Treatise 7 on Elections for going to war and for conquering enemies.

Given the serious nature of the subject (and the fact that the astrologer might get
beheaded by either side if he gets this wrong), war elections can be incredibly involved
and intricate. We require the following conditions:

Electional conditions 1/4
13.03.2022, 11:21 Bonatti’s electional astrology for war and conquering enemies - Chronos Speaks

1. Adapt the Ascendant and its Lord, the 2nd and its Lord
2. Weaken the 7th and its Lord and the 8th and its Lord
3. Put the Ascendant in the domicile of Mars, Jupiter or Saturn (Mars is strongest with
Scorpio stronger than Aries)
4. If Scorpio is on the Ascendant, make Mars strong and fortunate. Put him in the
Ascendant if he is Lord of the Ascendant. Put a benefic with him if possible.
5. Put the Lord of the 2nd in the 2nd, 1st or 11th for your soldiers or helpers.
6. Weaken the Lord of the 7th and 8th to weaken the enemy and his helpers. 7. Put the
Lords of the 7th and 8th in the first or second houses, or make them retrograde or
combust or cadent from the angles and away from a friendly aspect from the 7th or 8th
8. Ensure Lord 1 and Lord 2 are not impeded, and do not put them in the 7th or 8th
houses, because it signifies they will be conquered.
9. Ensure Lord 1 is not joined to a planet who is cadent or in fall (unless the cadent
planet receives him)
10. If you cannot put Lord 7 in the 1st or the 2nd houses, join him to Lord 1 so they move
towards one another, and let the conjunction be such that Lord 7 does not receive Lord

Bonatti describes similar electional conditions for Ascendants in the domiciles of

Jupiter and Saturn, but since Mars is in Scorpio, we will stick to having our ascendant in
Scorpio for the purpose of this election.

It’s worth taking a moment to contemplate the election and understand what is going
on. The inceptor of the war (hopefully the ruler we are working for) is represented by
the Ascendant and its lord. As such, we want him under the auspices of one of the
Superior planets (Mars, Jupiter or Saturn), and preferably Mars since he is the patron of
war. The 2nd house and its Lord represents our resources, which, in the case of war, are
our soldiers. We want both of these to be strong and unafflicted so that they can
conquer without obstruction.

The bad guy is represented by the 7th and its lord, and his soldiers by the 8th and his
lord. We want them essentially weak and hopefully impeded. We also want to place
them under our power so we put them in the first or second house.

The Election 2/4
13.03.2022, 11:21 Bonatti’s electional astrology for war and conquering enemies - Chronos Speaks

This election is set for 3:33am on Tuesday 12 December, which is the day of Mars. It is
set for London.

The Ascendant is Scorpio and so we are represented by Mars. Mars is strong in his own
domicile in Scorpio and is in the first house where he lends us our aid. He is further
aided by Jupiter who is also in the first. The cusp of the second house is also in Scorpio
– our soldiers are strong and raring to go.

Our enemy is represented by the cusp of the 7th, which is in early Taurus, and so our
enemy is signified by Venus. Venus is weakly dignified by term (which will not help her
much). Venus is greatly weakened by the fact that she is heading towards combustion.
Venus is also the cusp of the 8th so the same thing holds for the enemy soldiers.

Venus is in our power in the second house, so this should be an easy win.

A S T R O LO G Y , E L E C T I O N A L

B O N AT T I , B O N AT T I O N E L E C T I O N S , E L E C T I O N A L A S T R O LO G Y , E L E C T I O N S F O R
WA R S , L I B E R A S T R O N O M I A E , M A R S , M A R S I N S C O R P I O , S C O R P I O 3/4
13.03.2022, 11:21 Bonatti’s electional astrology for war and conquering enemies - Chronos Speaks

One Reply to “Bonatti’s electional astrology for war and conquering

J A N U A R Y 1 0 , 2 0 2 1 AT 1 2 : 3 3 A M

Hi there , new moon will fall in capri ,,,1,2 nd lord saturn will be in rising , 7+8 th lord will be
in ascendant .. right time to begin fighting and winning enemies 🙂

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