Bach Flowers

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Bach Flowers

Agrimony – Mental torture behind a “Brave Face”

Care freeness masks mental torture
Churning thoughts
Not wanting to burden others with problems
Can resort to alcohol or drugs to dull mental torture

+ Cheerful, Carefree
Able to laugh at own worries
Genuine Optimist

Aspen – Vague Fears of the unknown Origin

+ Faith and the power of love overcomes all fear

Able to enjoy life without fear
Able to put life events into proper perspective

Beech – Intolerance
Critical and easily annoyed by idiosyncrasies of others
Hard taskmaster on self and others

+ Able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of others

and self

Centaury – Weak willed/Subservient

Easily exploited and dominated by others
Does not stand up for self (door mat)

+ Able to clearly assert own viewpoint and get what you

want from others and self
Strong individuality

Cerato – Seeks advice and confirmation from others

Doubts own ability due to lack of confidence
Often misguided by others

+ Able to hold definite opinion due to your wisdom,

intuition and ability

Cherryplum – Fear of mind giving away

Desperate and on the verge of a possible breakdown
Fear of losing control

+ Clam, quiet, courageous

Chestnut – Failure to learn from past mistakes

Bud Repeats making same error

+ Keenly observant of mistakes made by self or others

Gains knowledge and wisdom from experience
Chicory– Possessive/Selfish
Have a need to direct or control others (especially those
near and dear)
Easily feels hurt, offended or rejected by others
“High sense of values” to which others must conform

+ Selfless care and concern for others

Clematis – Dreamer/Lack of Interest in Present

Vacant look, inattentiveness, or impractical

+ Lively interest in all things

“Down to Earth” and grounded in realism

Crabapple – Self-Hatred/Sense of Uncleanliness

Feels mentally and physically unclean
Feeling of despair
Poor self image or shame

+ Able to regain acceptance of self

Can see things in proper perspective
Remedy for cleansing

Elm – Overwhelmed by responsibility

Feeling of inadequacy and being unequal to the job

+ Capable, efficient, intuitive, confident and self-assured

Gentian – Discouragement/Despondency
Melancholy and negativity due to setback from known
Refusal to believe that it is one’s own lack of faith and
understanding which furthers the problem

+ There is no failure when doing one’s utmost

No obstacle too great/no task too big
Not affected by setbacks

Gorse – Hopelessness/Despair

+ Positive faith and hope

Convinced that all difficulties will end soon

Heather – Self-Concern/Self-Centeredness
“Obsessed” by ailments, problems or worries
Often wanting to tell others about problems
Makes mountains out of molehills

+ Selfless, understanding person, able to see things in

correct perspective
Able to focus outward beyond self and therefore release

Holly – Hatred/Envy/Jealousy/Revenge/Suspicion
Absence of love, anger toward others

+ Understanding, loving, tolerant and appreciative

towards others
Able to open your heart to experience joy and peace

Honey – Lives in Past/Fear of Future

Suckle Loss of interest in present
Nostalgia or homesickness

+ Overpowering past is now seen as a positive experience

that can be laid to rest so you can advance forward and
progress mentally and spiritually

Hornbeam – Monday Morning Feeling

Weariness and mental fatigue
Doubts ability to face or cope, but usually accomplishes
Tiredness through self-preoccupation

+ Certain of own abilities and strength to face problems

Able to use your own vital energy to move into life

Impatiens – Impatience
Irritable, nervous and mentally tense
Everything done quickly

+ Less hasty in thought and action

More relaxed, tolerant, patient and gentle towards
shortcomings of others

Larch – Lack of Confidence

Convinced of failure and makes no real effort to

+ Confident of success
Aware of own strengths and capabilities
Willing to “plunge in” and take risks

Mimulus – Fear of Known Things

+ Able to enjoy life without irrational fears

Positive faith and trust that everything is working
perfectly even when that is difficult to understand

Mustard – Deep Gloom with No Known Origin

Hopelessness, despair and melancholy which comes
suddenly and lifts suddenly without apparent reason
+ Inner serenity, stability, joy and peace that nothing can
shake or destroy

Oak – Despondent but Struggles On

Overworks and hides tiredness inner strength has begun
to wane and collapse

+ Strong, patient and able to stand great strain

Courage and stability under all conditions

Olive – Complete Exhaustion

Mind is wearied and exhausted
Little time for relaxation and enjoyment

+ Able to restore peace of mind, vitality, strength and interest

Pine – Guilt/Self-Reproach
Blames self for mistakes of others and for all that goes
Guilt complex takes away all joy
Overconscientious, but never content with outcome,
and often overworks

+ Takes responsibility with fair and balanced attitude

Red – Anxiety for Others

Chestnut Overconcern and fear for others

+ Ability to send out thoughts of safety, health and

courage to those in need
Ability to remain calm and centered

Rockrose – Terror

+ Strength of will and character

Able to be calm and peaceful in any situation

Remedy An Emergency Stress Remedy

Rock – Self-Repression and Denial

Water A taught tightened-up person
Hard taskmasters on themselves
Overly concerned about your own perfections and
setting an example for all to behold

+ Able to be more flexible in your acceptance of other people

Able to be easier and more loving toward self
Able to relax and enjoy life more fully
Scleranthus – Uncertainty/Indecision
Swayed between two possibilities
Lack of poise and balance
May be subject to car, air or sea-sickness

+ Calmness, poise, and balance in all circumstances

Star of – Shock
+ Neutralizes shock and the effect of shock whether
immediate or delayed

Sweet – Extreme Anguish

Chestnut Reached limit of endurance
Exhaustion and loneliness are total

+ Know that miracles can happen

Able to know your personal and6 spiritual strength

Vervains – Tenseness/Hyperanxiety
Over-effort, stress and pushing self beyond your
physical limits inability to relax resulting in sleepleseness
Tackles too many jobs at one time and mind runs ahead

+ Calm wise and tolerant with ability to relax

One who lives life by “Being” not “Doing”

Vine – Domineering/Inflexible
Can ride roughshod over others

+ Able to be wise, loving, understanding ruler, leader or teacher

Very capable, confident and ambitious without need to
Inspiration to others

Walnut – Protection from Chance and Outside Influences

+ Link-breaker from old patterns with other people

Able to make smooth transitions and take “great steps

Water – Proud and Aloof (as seen by others)

Violet Your tendency is to be independent and capable which is
viewed as pride by others mentally rigidity can create
physical stiffness and tension

+ Able to be accepting of others viewpoint

Able to share thoughts and emotions with others in a
very open manner
White – Unwanted Thoughts/Mental Arguments
Chestnut Persistent, unwanted thoughts go round in circles in your
Troubled mind can cause sleeplessness and a lack of

+ A quiet, calm mind at peace with self and others

Able to use the mind constructively to solve problems

Wild Oat – Uncertainty about Correct Path in Life

Uncertainty results in despondency and dissatisfaction
Tries many things, but none bring happiness

+ A lively interest in all happenings interest and vitality

produces happiness

Wild Rose – Resignation and apathy

+ A lively interest in all things

Willow – Resentment, Bitterness, Self-Pity & Irritability

+ Optimism & faith attracts good fortune

Sense of humor and proper perspective

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