First Information Report: R .Sub

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FIRST INFORMATION REPORT t a m il n a d u police


(tp$a) jaaicu ^ p ls a n s
(Under Section 154 Cr.P.C.) 8076817
((g.jB.aJlQ^rr.dliflaj 154 @eir lip) Q

District : I ps; C .ta .n 'rtW C i t y Year; a O i . 2 ^ FIR No : O l M o 2 ^ ate: Q3 . 0 2 . 2 0 ZZ*

IDiraiLLLO «irai£W!|]OT£OIULD cUjCW© JBITSfr

(i) Act JL-Lii): p T « . V C V \ t i OY\ o f C p r r u p t i o n - Sections Jllflaj8OT: ~7 C t 8 , ^

( v W c rv d w e rv t^ A c t 2 0 1 8 .
(n) Act JLLU): Sections uliflojaaT:

(iii)Act XPC Sections dlifloj«6fr:

(iv) Other Acts & Sections dip ffLLiBiaisjii), Lflifla)«0ib :

(a) Occurrence of Offence Day : ’ 1Date from : Date to :
(§njp pfla^aj rstrsrr ipsfr (ip^eb jsirdr airaij

Time Period : Time from : Time to :

G157 <5|«it^ Gjsjiii (tpjbu Gptjib aientj
(b) Information Received at PS. Date : tq . \\. 2 0 2 1 Time fa . 0 0 Y o a
siraio) jflcmajujjajljj)® ^aaiai aflenL.99 ipor G p ii

(c) General Diary Reference : Entry No(s) Time

Quugi jBirLgnJIuiJla) u^laj aflfiiijii) ctot G p io

Type of Information : Written/ O ra l: C o ttt? c tlo n o f X u fo tw a fro tt-

gaaiafleir aims, : sr(Lp£g| jptoiii / aiiruj QiMtjflujira ^ ^ j^

Place of Occurrence (a) Direction and Distance from PS: p lp p f D X 't f r 'C t ^
@jj)jD ppaj£afli_ii> (<5|) «irai£iij^ai«oaj^afl©|5|| srajaiaroj §|trij(y)U>, CTj^lanjiLjib t ___ ., »
r tl r 1.1 . . s u b T h 'ir u t t w m .
Beat Number: (b) Address: O j J ’f C e OJ Th <t, 1
(ipannja airaiai srsair (yiaaiifl

(c) In case outside limit of this Police Station, then the Name of P S : District:
j^aairaia) njlcnuiLJ CTsbencoaauuira) jsujgi @©a@ifludldr, ^jnpsiiflitiJIci) <3)159 air.rfl.Quujir iMaiu_ii>

Complainant/Informant (a) Name : ,3 * S c W V £ l^ | (b) Father's/Husband's Name : HR*

@rf)p(ip6infDii3LlL_rretTfr/ jaaisi) ^rj^Gufr Quujfr jjjjanjs / aerarajir Quujfr
1 ■I
(c) Date / Year of Birth : (d) Nationality : (e) Passport No. :
jBtrcfr / LiljDjjg ^oirgl 51rL.i1j.ar1i) Qaiafljpilgl ai_ajjlil® ctot
Date of Issue : Place of Issue :
aiLpiasuuilL. jsiiar ftJipiiiauuilL @i_ ld ‘ lc * n < : £ ftYltl-doYTTIfcpt/oM ^
(f) Occupation : 'Jj g» b U tM (g) Address : c K t m w a i »,. j f e .
QjiiyDtb 5 Up C\irv t< ? r\o (c v \t o f <y>aaiifl a / o - ^ 2 > HKW ^ o a d -t t\\a v td K n > C he ■v

p J U c fc .
Details of Known/Suspected/Unknown accused with full particulars. (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
1 Pp 4 \ ^tzYQY.
Q$if1$£ / guiuuiril4j)@j!fliu / Q^ifliuir^ @rf)p(gp5 iTili_ijuilLcuifl«ir (^(ipeniDiuirai eflaiijRiaar „
((J^anaiQojafla jafl^irar gmairssqii) f J) T V - W •Se\v<aV*UW'GV'aVt.) ^oVmCtUt
0/0 6 u b f W U a l , I h v r u t f c a r t cwovo u m t e r 4 « H > e w t t lO C *3
S lo 'TV.H-P. U . ftf J -J J - E d u e - t l i W cm ct ,
, 5 T V .IV ita J l S b T -D . o f 0)._D E c * u c a tio m ^
T Y ltv t" *
Reasons for delay in reporting by the complainant / Informant:
(gjbpdpanijiiSilLiraTyifa) / ^soicb QairSluueifirai (ipenpjdlilL^laj jaajsi) fl«it{5luu^1«b

* GCP-240-34(Type-2) 90,000 Cps.-21.3.16(HCL-12)

9. Particulars of properties stolen / involved (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
M c iitr L U U L L / « ( s r r a fljj) @ « ir « fltr a ir Q f f r r a j g ja f c e f l O T e l k i i j i o ( G $ c n « u Q u jc if lt i) ^ r r c flm @ m « w * « a ) i6 )

o f p r o p e r t ie s s t o le n / in v o lv e d :

ffis ra n ru u u L L / 6 «uflflri)(§O T 0 riT®r O ff ir ^ s ia s a f ld r Q i f i i r ^ id ^ I u lj

J ] « r a U s rr^ a n O T r / @ u jji) 6 f f> B ;« ( § L o iT p jr w @ j D u q e r « w s r G g g p

12. FIR Contents (Attach separate sheet, if required):

( ip ja ) $ s o jc i) ^ j t f U s n s u M f t Q a s t o . ((S g ,c m s u Q u - 'G jfle b ^ a f l ^ i r o f l a i

S e \> c * r a le s W t Z v \c \v !* v d -

1 mt •C ■ia A i lLai<t < /it O n il /P

vestigation / dir< * ' ' , ii up the Investigation / Refi
C C - * / v t n t ) CVvey\Vic\t-M> t of jurisdiction.
ct@ m l .i u l l . ijL c u ^ s f ln f i : G l d C go ( ip « n p u 3 ili i) . e i s . m e n e n a i d l i f l a j 2 « i) a L j j u u L u s ilu U lr fle if u u ii^ ir e ir g p jip if s o iip f f ®
u^laj Q*i£i§i i!®afiriu®)«@ «r(i>£§i*Q#ir« / creuft#*tiu®f'A'.................................u^afl ..............,..V.,L,.
UMjdiuffSTTiflra . L|«<nitiue|s@ er(iji$g|Qandrar u « rfli« C u jilu g i '/ m g/SsiiuC © cra>«na)<n<u& «®<£1 -Ljffiarmuajsg
................. . v..............................^.. airaicb Jjllanraiu^ji)® jD ir^g i^® rflj |j. 5 ; ■ \* * f /

FIR read over to the Complainant / Informant, admitted to be correctly, recorded and a copy given to the Complainant /
Informant free of cost. ;,kv .v
•'9|Djii!Uw!ioujLi_ir0i0ffi(g / ajaaim utyj&gisaiRl^, ■,§|g| ffiHi&s .«(^$uuil@ . @©uu^»* t,$pi
^sn^stuutl®, .Aisdr uuj. psa) $«itp gjcosusLotra Qsif(jJlssuuLL§|.

14. Signature / Thumb Impression of the Complainant / Informant Signature a t io i

@j)jD(y>«n«)u5ili_ireiTfr / $sojci) Qsngluuaifid §uuia / ffiiiajm rfl«ncoiy> Quirp
Qu0afl(ra) QGircmsu usSlaj

Q 3- 02.. N am e. Q u iu ir S - S a r 'K a t
J ) | f f l) J U U L I L J L . l_ I f l lt S m iil , f5r5(T(Lpi£> J 2S P y C C - 1 - , N/g-flC,
c V \e .v\v\cu - l f > .

* GCP-240-34(Type-2) 90,000 Cps.-21.3.16(HCL-12)p 2

T r.M .S elvakum aran, form e rly SRO, Thiruttani, w orked as Sub R egistrar at O/o

the Sub Registry, T hiruttani from 01.08.2018 to 29.12.2019. He is a public servant as

defined u/s 2 (c) o f PC Act. During that period, he has registered the follow ing 3

se ttle m e n t deed docum ents on 29.11.2019. The details o f the docum ents are as

follow s:

(I) Document No.4770/2019 :

Date o f E xecution o f d ocum ent 29.11.2019

T itle o f the d ocum ent Deed o f Settlem ent,

Rs.2,43,000 Crores
(R upees Tw o Lakhs Forty three thousand
crores only)

E xecutant Tr.T.D .N aidu, S/o Tr.K .P .N aidu,

Rep o f D.D. E ducational And Health Trust.

C laim ant Tr.Tataji S/o. Tr.T.D .N aidu, Rep o f D.D.

M edical and E ducational Trust.
P roperty com prised in the Item No. 1: Acre 21.57 C ents situated in the
d ocum ent ju risd ictio n of Thiruvalangadu SRO.

Item No.2: Acre 0.12 C ents situated in the

jurisdiction of Thiruttani SRO.
(II) Document No.4771/2019
Date o f E xecution o f d ocum ent 29.11.2019

Title o f the d ocu m e n t Deed o f Settlem ent,

R s.72,900 C rores
(R upees S eventy Tw o T housand Nine Hundred
crores only)

E xecutant Tr.T.D .N aidu, S/o Tr.K .P .N aidu,

Rep o f D.D. E ducational And Health Trust.

C laim ant Tr.Tataji S/o. Tr.T.D .N aidu, Rep of D.D.

M edical and E ducational Trust.

P roperty com prised in the Item No.1: A cre 6.12 C ents situated in the
d ocum ent ju risd ictio n o f T hiruvalangadu SRO.

Item No.2: A cre 0.10 C ents situated in the

ju risd ictio n of Thiruttani SRO.

(III) Document No.4773/2019

Date o f E xecution o f d ocum ent 29.11.2019

Title o f the d ocu m e n t Deed o f Settlem ent,

Rs.2,45,700 Crores
(R upees Tw o Lakhs Forty Five T housand
Seven Hundred crores only)

E xecutant Tr.T.D .N aidu, S/o Tr.K .P .N aidu,

Rep o f D.D. E ducational And Health Trust.

C laim ant Tr.Tataji S/o. Tr.T.D .N aidu, Rep of D.D.

M edical and E ducational Trust.

P roperty com prised in the Item No.1: A cre 22.17 C ents situated in the
docum ent ju risd ictio n o f T hiruvalangadu SRO.

Item No.2: A cre 0.10 C ents situated in the

ju risd ictio n o f Thiruttani SRO.

2) As per the above docum ents, the property m entioned as item No.1 in

Table - I, II & III, m easuring extent o f A cre 21.57 cents, A cre 6.12 cents & Acre

22.17 cents w ere acquired by the executants T ru st under 41 registered docum ents

viz., 1 to 41. T hese properties to an exte n t o f A cres 49.86 cents is situated in

R am anchery R evenue Village, T h iru va llu r Taluk and lying w ithin the ju risd ictio n o f

T h iruvalangadu S ub -R eg istra r office.

3) As per the above docum ents, the property m entioned as item No.2 in

Table - I, II & III, m easuring extent o f 12 cents, 10 cents & 10 cents w ere said to be

ow ned by the m other o f executants nam ely T m t.K am alam m al and she died on

15.02.2012. T hese properties totally 32 cents situated in P eriyakadam bur V illage,

T hiruttani Taluk and lying w ithin the ju risd ictio n o f Thiruttani S ub -R eg istra r office.

4) The land to an extent o f A cre 49.86 cents lying in the ju risd ictio n o f

T h iruvalangadu S R O w as registered along with 32 cents o f the lands lying in the

ju risd ictio n o f SRO, T hiruttani in d ocu m e n t No.4770/2019, 4771/2019 and 4773/2019

by the (A.O ) T r.M .S elvakum aran, form erly SRO, Thiruttani on 29.11.2019.


5) A s per the instructions given in the circular N o.39375/C 1/2001, dated

22.11.2001 issued by the Inspector G eneral of Registration, on the date of

presentation o f these docum ents, viz. 29.11.2019, the registering o ffice r has to keep

the docum ents pending and should have addressed the S ub-R egistrar,

T hiru va lan g ad u to ascertain as to w h e th e r the properties com prised in these

docu m e n ts are poram boke and w h e th e r there is any orders o f attachm ent/orders

restraining the registration o f these docum ents issued by the C ourt etc..

6) As the property m entioned against Item No.2 w as declared that the

sam e w as ow ned by one T m t.K am alam m al and that she died on 15.02.2012. A s per
the circular N o.18339/C 1/2012 dated 25.04.2012 issued by the Inspector G eneral of

R egistration, the registering o ffice r should have obtained her death certificate, legal-

heir-ship certificate in o rd er to ascertain as to how the execu tan t derived title over

the said property.

7) As per the C ircular 39708/C 1/2018 d t 3.9.2018 o f IG, Registration,

docum ents should be returned to the parties, if they failed to furnish the legal heir
certificate and death certificate.

8) As per the C ircular N o.18223/C 1/2013-3 d t 8.11.2013 - the SR O after

verifying and satisfying the ow nership and connectivity with a person who claim ed

rights over the property then only he has to register the docum ents.

9) Both the two item s o f property referred to above were settled by trustee

of one trust to the trustee o f other tru st ie., from D.D. E ducational & Health T ru st to

D.D. M edical & E ducational Trust. A lso in all the previously registered 41 deeds, the

properties m entioned against Item No.1 w ere purchased in the nam e o f executants

T ru st nam ely D.D. E ducational and Health Trust. Further, w hen the relationship

betw een the parties had not been stated in the subject docum ent, there is no locus

standi fo r the registering o ffice r to treat these docum ents as S ettlem ent in favo u r of

fam ily m e m b e r under A rticle 58(a)(1) o f the Tam il Nadu S tam p M anual o f the

R egistration D epartm ent


10) A s per A rticle 58 (a) (i) o f Tam il Nadu S tam p Manual, if the in stru m e nt

of se ttle m e n t in favo u r o f a fam ily m em ber, the y have to pay one rupee for every

R s.100/- o f m arket value o f the property or m axim um o f R s.25,000/- w ith registration

fees. Fam ily m eans Father, M other, Husband, wife, son, daughter, grandchild,

brother or sister.

11) In this case, 3 docum ents w ere executed betw een two trusts not w ithin

fam ily m em bers. T hese 3 docum ents should have been registered with norm al

stam p duty & registration fees as a sale deed.

12) The above docum ents should have been registered by considering

A rticle No. 58 (a) (ii) o f the Tam il Nadu S tam p M anual o f the R egistration

Departm ent. . As per the A rticle No. 58 (a) (ii), 7% stam p fees, 4% R egistration Fees

total 11% o f the value o f the docum ents have to be collected. The A .O treated the

above m entioned docu m e n ts as settlem ent and collected a sum o f R s.29,000/-,

R s.29,000/-, and R s.29,000/-, respectively. T hereby the A.O. caused huge loss to

the G overnm ent. T he A.O has perform ed his duty im properly with dish on e st intention

and he w as suspended fo r the registration of the above said docum ents on

30.12.2019 vide P roc.N o.52889/B 2/2019 dated 30.12.2019 o f the Inspector G eneral

o f Registration, C hennai-28.

13) The e xecu tan t m entioned abnorm al value o f the properties in their

docum ents. The d ocum ents w ere registered on the date o f production w ith o ut

clarifying the details o f the properties situated at neighbouring SR O limit.

14) It show s tha t the accused officer has abused his official position in

registering the above said d ocum ents by violating the rules and registration laws laid

dow n by R egistration D epartm ent fo r causing w rongful gain to the educational trust

and huge loss to the G ove rn m e n t exchequer. P rior approval w as accorded to

register a R egular Case against Tr.M .S elvakum aran, form e rly SRO by IG

R egistration vide P roceedings in N o.4443/VI/2021 dt 5.5.2021.


15) The available evidence is sufficient to register a R egular Case against

the accused (A-1) Tr.M .S elvakum aran, form erly Sub Registrar, O /o the Sub

Registrar, Thiruttani now under suspension, (A-2) Tr.T.D .N aidu, S/o Tr.K .P .N aidu,

Rep o f D.D. E ducational A nd Health T rust and (A-3) Tr.Tataji S/o. Tr.T.D .N aidu, Rep

o f D.D. M edical and E ducational T ru st u/s 7 C, 8, 9 o f P revention o f C orruption

(A m endm ent) A ct 2018 r/w 120 (B), 420 IPC.

16) Hence, today 03.02.2022 at 17.00 hrs, I am registering a case in

V igilance and A nti-C orruption, Chennai City-1 D etachm ent, C r.N o.1/2022/A C /C C -1,

u/s 7 C, 8, 9 o f P revention o f C orruption (A m endm ent) A ct 2018 r/w 420, 120 (B) IPC

against the accused (A-1) Tr.M .S elvakum aran, form erly Sub Registrar, O/o the Sub

Registrar, T hiruttani (now und e r suspension), (A-2) Tr.T.D .N aidu, S/o Tr.K .P .N aidu,

Rep o f D.D. E ducational A nd Health T ru st and (A-3) Tr.Tataji S/o. Tr.T.D .N aidu, Rep

o f D.D. M edical and E ducational Trust.

17) The original F.I.R is subm itted to the H on’ble C hief Judicial M agistrate

cum Special Judge, T h iru va llu r and copy o f the F.I.R is forw arded to officers

D eputy Su| ;e,

C hennai City-1 D etachm ent,
V igilance and A nti-C orruption,
C hennai-16.

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