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Name: Akash ur Rehman Roll No: FA19-BSE-112

Assignment 01: With reference to Lecture no 5 “Purpose of Life”, we know

that Worship doesn’t only mean offering prayers or fasting. All of our actions
can be the acts of worship if we intend to please Allah (SWT).
Discuss your role as being a student for achieving this purpose in your daily
university routine.
A Muslim spends his life that he comes here for test and after this life of few
days he will die and gives the answers of every work that he did in this world and face
the ALLAH (SWT) on the Day of Judgment. So, either he is alone or in crowd he
spends life that ALLAH (SWT) has seen him. As it is said in Quran:
"Everybody shall have a taste of death and only on the Day of Judgment shall
you be paid your full revenge…for the life of this world is but goods and
belongings of falsehood" (Quran 3:185).
As a being student our role should be that we can help other and try to please others so
that ALLAH (SWT) will pleased with us. HE (ALLAH) will give best reward of this
in this world and after this world on the day of judgment.
 Pay your attention:
A student first duty is that he focuses on his goals and we must ensure that
actions we are carrying about are being done:
 Sincerely: That we are pleased the ALLAH throughout this journey
 Correctly: Without violating the teaching of Quran and Prophet (PBUH)
As a student we must be take our “Self-assessment”. We should continuously assess
our activities and change them to make sure that we are on the right path to success
and we are pleasing ALLAH on every step in this journey. Hazrat Sayyiduna Umar
“Bring yourself to account before you are brought to account”
The most important method to achieve success is that is that we enrich our life with
“dhikr”, the remembrance of ALLAH. It will give us Strength and blessing our time
and our studies.
 Non-Academics Activities:
In free time, a student spends his free time in taking part in non-academic’s
activities that will keep healthy and make him social person. He reads Islamic
books which enlighten his mind and thoughts and he follow the life of the
Muslim heroes and spend life like a hero. In leisure he enjoys to help others.
 Student-Teacher Relationship:
In our religion, Islam gives much respect to teacher and called him spiritual
father of student. So that’s why as a student our foremost duty is that we respect
our teachers who work hard for our future and show us the right path and stand
with us in every difficult time. Sometimes teachers become rude with student
and teach strictly but we also respect them because they all do this for our
success. If we want to any discussion with teachers then we also follow the
teaching of Islam.

 Interaction with Staff and Students:

In University we interact everyday with students and staff, so our behavior with
them should be kind hearted. If staff stops us from doing something then we
must be stop because they are doing their duties and maybe we are doing such a
thing that is against the rules. As a Muslim we must be follow the rules and
regulations because it is good for us. If any junior students want to help then we
should be ready to help them because it is our duty as a Senior Student and if
they are going on wrong way then we must be advising them to follow the right
path that leads them to the success.

 Keeps good company:

In university, there are different kinds of people but we should spend time with
friends who are of good characters and remind us of ALLAH. During studies,
we face difficulties especially during exam times, so we should keep friends
that will create peace within us and we will remind of ALLAH. As it is said
“A man is known by the company he keeps”
So, we should keep Company that will improve our character and we enjoy that
company, whereas keeping bad company will taint our character. We should keep
friends which remind us of our duties to ALLAH and help us to remember him. As
Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Guiding one person is better than the worldly life and all it contains.”

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