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Interpreter Application Form

The Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) is currently

soliciting applications for interpreters for the 2011 CLP training
course. The course will take place at the Barrier Lake Field Station
near Calgary, Alberta, Canada, from June 17th to July 3rd (includes
arrival and departure dates). This is a fantastic opportunity for CLP
alumni to meet 2011 award winners, help them to break the
language barrier, and learn from the information provided during
the training course. You do not need to have experience in
professional interpreting to apply for this position. If you are
chosen for this position, all travel expenses will be covered by the
CLP and you will be offered a small stipend.

Please read the “CLP Interpreter Job Description” before filling out
this form. To apply, please return completed application forms by
email to Deadline: March 23, 2011.

I. Personal Information

1. Title: Mr. Ms.

2. Family/Surname: Kurniawan Given Name: Erry

3. Street address: J-Camp, Balumbang Jaya Rt 2/5 No.

22, West Bogor City: Bogor Country: Indonesia
Postcode: 16680
Telephone: +6281804975690 Email Address: Fax: -

4. In what year did you receive a CLP award? 2009

5. What was the name of your project and who was the
team leader? Assessing Tiger Translocation in Sumatra,
Indonesia with Mr. Dolly Priatna

6. Was the final report for your project submitted? No,

not yet

7. Have you attended the CLP award winners training

course before? No If yes, in what year? -

8. Have you previously received a CLP Alumni Grant?

When and for what? No
9. Describe your level of oral and written English
(Fluent, Advanced, Intermediate)? Intermediate

10. What is your native language? Bahasa Indonesia

11. Are you fluent in any other languages (that you could
interpret for)? 1Javanese 2 - 3-

12. Do you have a passport? No If yes, please provide

expiration date -

13. If selected, we will provide a stipend of $500, which

will be sent via wire transfer following the training course.
Please provide all of the following account information for
payment (contact your bank for these details if necessary).
If a wire transfer is not possible, let us know an alternative
for payment.

Bank Name: BNI 46

ABA or SWIFT code (required): BNINIDJA
Branch Address: Bogor
Name on Account: Erry Kurniawan
Account Number: 0109729010
Account holder address: Dagen, RT 3/IX, Jaten,
Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia, 57771

II. Justification

14. Please describe any experience you have with

interpreting and/or translation, as well as any other relevant
skills you would contribute to this position: I have assist a
graduate student for assessing final thesis about GIS
Carbon Mapping at Jambi in 2009, and in 2010 I became a
research consultant and assistant for a graduate student in
assessing final thesis about relationship between trees and
birds in Bogor.
3. Please explain briefly how you will benefit from
participating in the training course as an interpreter;
describe the skills and/or knowledge that you will gain from
this experience: I will gain an incredible experience to
go abroad and meet other CLP award winner and
share experiences. I can increase my skill and
knowledge in biology conservation by attending the
international training course.

IV. Employment and Professional Training Goals

15. Current place of employment: Senior officer

16. Job Title: -
17. When did you begin employment with this
organization? month/year September/2005
18. Please describe your current job responsibilities: to
19. Do you have approval from your supervisor to take
on this assignment for the CLP? Yes

Please return completed applications by email to

Deadline: March 23, 2011.

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