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(according to alphabetic order) SIGNATURE

1. ALEX LEE JUN FEI 2132021070023

2. T’NG CHIA YIAW 2132021070024






Organizational Behaviour, a lot of people might not even heard about this term
before. But fret no, here’s a quick introduction about what Organizational Behaviour
is. First of all, Organizational behaviour is a field of study that investitages how
individuals, groups and also stuctures impact behaviour within organizations and how
such knowledge can be used to improve the effectiveness of the organizations. Such
as morale boost among employees and also help organizations to establish a stron
and trusting relationship within the organization.

Other than that, Organizational behaviour also involves in the systematic study of
behaviour processes an stucture found in an organization. While working in an
organization, it is very important to understand others behavior as well as make
others understand ours. In order to maintain a healthy working environment, we need
to adapt to the environment and understand the goals we need to achieve. This can
be done easily if we understand the importance of OB.


Synopsis of the movie:With their headquarters destroyed and the world held
hostage,members of Kingsman fid new allies when they discover a spyorganization in the
United States known as Statesman. In anadventure that tests their strength and wits, the elite
secret agents fromboth sides of the pond band together to battle a ruthless enemy andsave
the day, something that's becoming a bit of a habit for Eggsy.

Kingsman the golden circle is a 2017 action spy film directed by Matthew Vaughn and written by
Jane Goldman and Vaughn. The second installment in the Kingsman film series, it is a sequel to
2014's Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is based on the comic book The Secret Service by
Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons. The film features Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Mark Strong, Edward
Holcroft, Hanna Alström, and Sophie Cookson reprising their roles from the first film with Julianne
Moore, Halle Berry, Pedro Pascal, Elton John, Channing Tatum, and Jeff Bridges joining the cast.
The film follows members of Kingsman needing to team up with their American counterpart,

Statesman, after the world is held hostage by Poppy Adams and her drug cartel, "The Golden

iii. Issue/ Problems revealed in the movie

For some, one of the big issues with Kingsman: The Golden Circle was it lacked the heart of the
original. The first movie had its share of violence and non-PC humor, but it was grounded by its
relationships. Chief among these was the friendship between Eggsy and Roxy, who both train to
join The Kingsman. Unlike the other snobby candidates who look down on Eggsy, she treats him
with respect, and the pair help each other out during training. Roxy proves to be an exceptional
agent too - despite a fear of heights - and eventually wins the title of Lancelot over Eggsy.
Nonetheless, she, Eggsy and Merlin work together in the finale to take down villain Valentine's

Roxy became a fan favorite and a sequel should have given her more room to grow. Sadly, the
character - alongside every Kingsman aside from Eggsy and Merlin - is blown up by a missile in
the first act of Kingsman: The Golden Circle. This obviously raises the stakes and makes things
personal for Eggsy, but it also felt like a cheap death for a character with lots of potential. Another
element that hurts the sequel is the ludicrous resurrection of Firth's Harry. The death of Harry
was a major turning point in Kingsman and underlined the danger facing Eggsy, but it's revealed
in the sequel he was saved by the Statesman, who applied a magical gel that repairs the brain
damage caused by his headshot.

While Colin Firth is great in the role, this flippant resurrection cheapens the dramatic impact of
his death. It also highlights how pointless Roxy's death was, since Kingsman: The Golden
Circle seemingly killed her to make way for new character's like Channing Tatum's Agent Tequila
- who is quickly sidelined due to Tatum having schedule conflicts with Logan Lucky during
production. Roxy could have easily filled Tequila or Harry's role, or just been worked into the

narrative in another way. Some fans are hopeful Roxy somehow escaped the explosion and could
return for a future Kingsman movie. Given that they've pulled that trick once with Harry Hart, it's
unlikely they'll pull it again to resurrect Roxy - even though she deserved better.

iv. How the issues identified are related to the chapters of Organizational Behaviour
1. Timing is everything:
A rejected Kingsman candidate, Charlie (Edward Holcroft), launches an attack on Eggsy.
He and his henchmen try to kidnap Eggsy but they fail. Eggsy escapes and takes control of
his taxi. All the while, Eggsy wants to launch a rocket attack on the henchmen pursuing
him. His contacts at his command center told him to wait. He would be better off to launch
the attack when there are no people in the area. Eggsy relents and waits until the coast is
clear. Then he launches the attack and wipes the villains off the face of the earth. It is easy
to want to rush into situations where there appears to be an opportunity or maybe it is
the desire to take action because things seem desperate. Yet if you’re not careful, the

timing of your actions may be wrong. Know there is a right and a wrong time to take
action. Assess the situation and take action accordingly.

2. Adapt to your situation:

The Kingsmen have a lot of fun tools at their disposal. After Eggsy blew up the henchmen,
he had to avoid the police. To do this, he drove the taxi into the water. You then see the
taxi become an underwater sub. The taxi adapted to the situation it was presented with.
Leadership requires you to enter into situations you may not know everything about. Yet
you can learn to adapt to the situations you face. Be ready and willing to adapt (but not

3. Merlin:
How important is this dinner? Eggsy drives the sub to a secret, underwater chamber. He
has a choice – wait out the police presence or find another way out. Merlin tells Eggsy
there is a way out but he won’t like it. The only other way to exit the chamber is by
jumping into human waste and swimming through it. Thus, Merlin presents the question
of how important the dinner is. Amazingly, Eggsy chooses to take the plunge. That’s how

important the dinner was. You’re going to have to evaluate the importance of the
situations you’re faced with. Choose wisely.

4. Your past training will play into future roles:

Harry Hart (Colin Firth) was a Kingsman with the codename Galahad. We see him shot in
the head by Samuel L. Jackson’s character Valentine in the first Kingsman movie. In The
Golden Circle, we see Eggsy have a flashback to a time when Harry and Eggsy were at a
dinner table. There, Harry was teaching Eggsy the proper way to conduct oneself during
a formal dinner. This training came into play when Eggsy was to meet his girlfriend’s,
Princess Tilde (Hanna Alström), parents. Princess Tilde’s parents are the king and queen
of Sweden and they wanted to have Eggsy over for a formal dinner. Eggsy nailed the
dinner because he had the proper training, though he didn’t know he would be using what
he learned from a situation like this. You’ve had multiple experiences that may seem
disconnected from your current leadership position. You would be surprised how often
those past experiences can help you lead better. Examine each of your past experiences
and learnings. How could you apply those to your current leadership?

5. Get help from people who are wiser than you

During the dinner, Princess Tilde’s father tried to stump Eggsy. The king asked questions
about the financial markets, art, and other sophisticated areas he thought Eggsy would
be clueless about. The king would have been right had Eggsy not had help. Eggsy knew he
would be stumped so he’d set up a communication link with another Kingsman helper.
This helper fed Eggsy the information as he needed it.

v. Suggestion to rectify the issues

From our discussion, we suggest that the president must apply Hisbah on their system. In
Islam, the role hisbah is to enforce Allah’s order to enjoin what is good and forbid what is
wrong (Noor, 2015, p. 65). People tend to forget and stray from his responsibilities. That is
why, they need someone to monitoring and reminding them about their responsibility. To
overcome the corruption in the movie, the implementation of hisbah is needed Hisbah does
not require the creation of special institution. For example in Malaysia we have The Malaysian
Anti-Corruption (MACC) functioning as a government watchdog to make sure and prevent
the corruption, appropriation of funds and abuse of power. They play an important role to
keep or country clean from any corruption and it can be apply in United States. Aside from
that, the government also need to put someone that have the power, influence and good
ethical behavior to monitor every decision that had been made by the president. He also need
to stay with the president to make sure he make an ethical decision. In the movie, both Fox
and General McCoy are the person that stay with him along the meeting. However, both of
them don’t have enough power to against him. Fox make the right decision to get the antidote
for the people but unfortunately she don’t have the power to argue and influence him to
change his mind. Meanwhile, General McCoy may able to change Mr. President’s decision by
agreeing with Fox idea but instead of doing that, he just follow whatever decision that Mr.
President decided evenhough he know that what they did is unethical and wrong.


From our discussion, the moral principle to solve this ethical issues is ethic of care. In ethic of
care, it need to be impartial. It is used to emphasize preserving and nurturing concrete
valuable relationships. The president should care for those that dependent on and related to
him. It is because the self requires caring relationships are valuable and

should be nurtured. To make sure that Mr. President will not neglect his job and
responsibilities as the president, he must think of the people that he loves when he wants to
make the decision. There are three group of people that he can think of. These people are
family, Fox and the society. When the president being corrupt he must think what will happen
to them. For his family, if his secret have been exposed to society


Conclusion :The first film in the Kingsman franchise The final joke, I did say, was ill-advised.
At the very least, Elton John gets a more witty rendition in the sequel. The Golden Circle's
Eggsy (Taron Egerton) is back, and he's every inch the gentleman this time. He even lives with
the Scandinavian princess and charms her parents, albeit with one minor snag. Merlin and
Eggsy travel to the United States to seek assistance from their sister organisation, Statesman,
led by Champs (Jeff Bridges), and to learn what happened to Harry Hart's body after he was
shot in the last film. This time, the big evil is Poppy (Julianne Moore), who simply wants to be
recognised for her accomplishments. Then , Organizational Behavior is the use of
understanding about how people, individuals, and groups act and react in an organisation to
achieve and achieve the highest quality of performance and dominant results.Every
organisation requires a structure in order to function properly. Any organisation can use
organisational structures if the structure fits the nature and maturity of the organisation.




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