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Kalpesh Thakkar

7706 Random Run Lane, Falls Church, VA, 22042

Mobile: (703)-953-8030
Determined, enthusiastic, and reliable professional pursuing a bachelors degree
in Computer seeking an opportunity where I can utilize my analytic ability and p
rofessional skills. To expand my proven record of:
Teamwork - working with other individuals in a professional environment and atm
osphere in a positive and creative way
Multitasking - the ability to accept multiple tasks, prioritize them, and achie
ve results while displaying a strong work ethic
Strong Communication Skills - experience in communicating with team members of
ideas and concepts, as well as public speaking
Adaptability - flexibility to cope with difficult situations
Self-Motivated - eager to continue professional development
Microsoft office LexisNexis, Adobe Photoshop, Summation blaze LG, Microsoft Visi
o, Microsoft Windows Platform, imaging software applications, MS Access, Concord
ance, Opticon, IPRO, Lotus note, MS word, Ultra edit, MS excel, Adobe Acrobat, M
S Outlook, Word Perfect, FTP and SQL.
Professional Work Experience:
Capital Legal Solution, Virginia
System engineer, Aug 04 Present
Process PST, NSF and Loose Documents on day to day base along with other in hou
se litigation processes.
Engage into Loading, configuring, and maintenance of concordance database.
Provide expert level training to newly hired associates in concordance, IPRO, O
PTICON, RING TAIL, SUMMATION, execution of queries and last but not least constr
ucting dynamic queries.
Use of Microsoft Access to verify data and build basic scripts for end user da
tabase applications.
Creating of new image collection, configuring new groups/users for access to i
mages, setting up custom right to images, supervision of scanning, insertion of
newly scan documents into existing image database.
Use of Informatics Driver for creation of page level images for building optico
n load files and insertion into linked Concordance/opticon database.
Development of naming convention for all image collections within IPRO based on
BATE prefix and folder structure for control and ease of identification on laym
an level.
Heave interaction with vendors for given work, familiar with status of ongoing
project and send them project report after finishing each and every level of pro
cess like Inventory, culling, De-duplication, Indexing and searching, process o
f documents, and QC ing of work with quality of work returned and turn around c
ustomer service.
Ability to convert and build load files from bare-bones cross reference CSVs us
ing Microsoft Access and also Provide technical knowledge to facilitate pinpoint
accuracy in delivered data .
Troubleshooting litigation support application, distinguishing among hardware p
roblems, software problems and user error, and provide end user application supp
Provide user training in software, equipment and procedures pertaining to liti
gation support applications.
Deliver final data into encrypted CD or DVD, Hard drive or FTP (File Transfer P
rotocol) server as per requirement along with all kinds of data reports.
Solution 2000 Inc, Chicago
Programmer Analyst April 03 to July 04
Project: Information System
Allows Admin to track the recruiters activities, track the pending positions, ge
nerate custom reports and also allows users to post their queries.
Worked in ASP Web Forms, ASP session Management, ASP objects.
Established database connectivity and data retrieval using ADO objects
Modifying existing applications to meet client requirements
Designing and normalizing Database
Prepared Technical Documentation.
Implemented server side scripting using VB script and client side scripting usi
ng JavaScript.
Involved in database administration tasks such as backing up and restoring data
bases, creating logins, and creating & scheduling jobs to automate reports.
Created stored procedures for transforming relational data into multi dimension
al data.
Environment: ASP, VB 6.0, HTML, JavaScript, VB Script, ADO
InfoTech Global Inc, New jersey
Consultant Jan 01 to mar03
Gathered information from the client.
Interacted with the users for the requirements and testing of the application.
Developing a Strategy for deployment and re-use of components of the system
Designed many user screens with extensive use of Server controls like Data grid
s, Validation Controls, Repeater, Web User controls.
Development of the XML Web Services layer of the application using .NET Framewo
rk and SOAP protocols
Used several .NET features like passing value to the Query String, Caching, Tra
ce and State management, exception handling and Server side event handling.
Designed and implemented the Business Layer/assemblies and strongly typed datas
et to support the business logic for the GUI User Controls process Using ASP.NET
Authenticated user will be directed to respective page depending on their role
Modified the Web Config file to Configure Security, Compilation, Error, Session
State and other issues.
Used ASP.NET Caching features to store frequently used items in the servers mem
ory for quick retrieval.
Used MS SQL Server 2000 with Stored Procedures and T-SQL to communicate with Ba
ck End Databases.
Developed stored procedures and interacted with them using business components.
Used ADO.Net objects such as Data Reader, Data Set and Data Adapter for consist
ent access to data sources.
Used ADO.NET for Data binding and Data Access with SQL Server using ASP.NET.
Involved in Configuration, Debug and Deployment.
Environment: ASP.NET, XML, HTML, ADO.NET, Web Services, MS SQL-Server2000, Java
S.J. Securities Ltd India
Consultant Dec 98 to Feb 03
Job-Portal was developed and deployed as a web based recruiting process. It was
designed to provide end-to-end solutions to job hunters and employers. It has a
very efficient search engine to give results based on given keywords. This appli
cation has many powerful features like Job Seeker Panel, Recruiter Panel, Search
Engine and Admin Panel.
Developed ASP.Net pages using Web Forms, Server Side Controls, Validation Contr
ols, User Controls and Custom Controls of ASP.NET.
Implemented the project in n-tier architecture with presentation tier using ASP
.Net, backend database tier using SQL Server 2000.
Designed cooperative control and message passing system. Technologies implement
ed with C++.
Created connection assembly using ADO.NET connection, command, datasets, data a
dapter, data reader and XML to retrieve, display, manipulate and store the data
in SQLServer2000 database.
Used Validation Controls and JavaScript to provide Client- Side Validations
Used form and role based authentication as a .NET Security, Global. Access for
setting application and session variables.
Used ASP.NET Fragment Caching features to store heavy images frequently used
items in the servers memory for Fast retrieval from the cache memory
Involved in designing and developing Tables, Stored Procedures and Views using
SQL Server 2000.
Redesigned Configuration settings in web configuration.
Implemented unit testing.
Project# 2 Lead Generation
This application is designed to generate the leads for the Sales. Checking the d
omain name mentioned with some set up combinations and allowing generator to ent
er the information for the respective domain. Sales are finding lead information
either through firing custom query or through the user interface with some set
up of parameters and can also update the information while the time of finding a
s well.
Designed the Front end for the application using Web Forms and Involved in codi
Wrote the front-end of progress report module using Server Controls (Data Grid,
Data list, and Validation control), user controls, and custom control using C#.
Developed data access components and business logic components using ASP.NET, O
bject Oriented Programming.
Write and Execute Stored Procedure and Queries to validate the data at backend
and to execute the desired result at front end.
Designed and modified database tables and used SQL Queries, Views, Stored Proce
dures and Triggers
Designed the Service to send email to the users on a daily basis with the links
to the Generated reports.
Windows authentication and User-Role based security mechanisms were coded and i
Involved in preparation of Test Plan and Test Cases and Unit test and Integrati
on test.
Environment: ASP, VB 6.0, HTML, JavaScript, VB Script, ADO
Educational Qualification:
Gujarat University
Bachelor in Science
Professional Qualification:
Certificate of Visual Basic 6.0 (MCSD) Oct99.
Certificate of MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
From Microsoft Company in Octo99

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