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Listening questions

Where did Peter and Anna last see each other?

Where did Anna meet her husband?

How has Peter's beard changed?

How has Peter's hairstyle changed?

Why did Peter get his hair cut short?

Why did Peter get his beard cut short?

What color is Anna's new car?

What color were Peter's glasses?

Where is Peter going now?

Where did Peter use to work?

Why did Anna move into a new apartment?

Why did Anna sell her old car?

When are they meeting tonight?

When can Peter call Anna?

Answer keys
Listening questions
Where did Peter and Anna last see each other?
At Cathy’s graduation party.

Where did Anna meet her husband?

It doesn’t say.

How has Peter's beard changed?

He has shaved it.

How has Peter's hairstyle changed?

He has cut his hair.

Why did Peter get his hair- cut short?

Because he didn't like brushing and washing it so often.

Why did Peter get his beard cut short?

It doesn’t say

What colour is Anna's new car?

It doesn’t say

What colour were Peter's glasses?


Where is Peter going now?

It doesn’t say

Where did Peter use to work?

In a book store

Why did Anna move into a new apartment?

The other one was too small for her.

Why did Anna sell her old car?

It doesn’t say

When are they meeting tonight?

This week.

When can Peter call Anna?

After 7:00 p.m.
Peter: Hi, it's Anna, isn't it?

Anna: Hey, Peter. How are you? I haven't seen you for ages!

Peter: Yeah, I think it was four years ago at Cathy's graduation party. Do you still
see her?

Anna: I saw her last week in fact. She's just had a baby.

Peter: Oh wow! I can't believe that - Cathy, a mother!

Anna: I can't believe how different you look.

Peter: Do you think so?

Anna: Yeah! You've changed your hairstyle completely. You used to have really long
hair, didn't you?

Peter: Yeah, I got tired of washing and brushing it five times a day!

Anna: And of course, you used to have a beard. You've shaved that off too.

Peter: Hey, that's true. I haven't had a beard for at least three years now.

Anna: And where are your glasses? You've stopped wearing your glasses with the red

Peter: Oh, they were terrible. I can't believe you can still remember them! I wear
contact lenses now.

Anna: They were so "you", those glasses. So, what else is different with you?

Peter: Hmm, well I've changed my job too. You remember I used to work in the book

Anna: Yeah...

Peter: Well, I have another job now and it's a lot better.

Anna: What do you do now?

Peter: I work for a computer software company in the city. The pay is great and the
job is pretty interesting too.

Anna: That sounds terrific. What about Benji?

Peter: Benji? Who's he?

Anna: Don't tell me you've forgotten about that old Volkswagen you used to drive
around in!

Peter: Benji!!!! Wow...I can't believe you remembered! I've bought a new car now
and it doesn't have a name. So what about you? What's changes in your life since we
last saw each other.
Anna: Very little actually. I've moved into a new apartment on the other side of
town. That place I used to live in was just too small and cramped for me.

Peter: But you lived so close to your job.

Anna: Yeah, well I've changed my job too, just like you. Now, I work for my father in
the sales department so I'm pretty close to the office.

Peter: Look, I've got to hurry off now but it's been great talking to you. What do you
say, should we meet up for dinner or a drink this week and catch up on old times?

Anna: Absolutely! Here's my home number. You can reach me any time after 7.

Peter: Ok, I'll call in a day or two and we'll get something together. Bye for now,

Anna: Bye Peter.

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