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Glossary of terms

increase: it refers to several things since it can be weight gain, forced increase to breathe, etc.

health care: according to the who, health care encompasses all goods and services designed to
promote people's health

checkup: medical examination, review or control

cholesterol: fluid found in body tissues and in the blood plasma of vertebrates; is present in high
concentrations in the liver, spinal cord, pancreas, and brain

convulsions: followed by intense, involuntary and violent contraction of one or several muscles,
of pathological origin; It is associated with several neurological disorders and diseases, among
which the most common and well-known is epilepsy.

diagnosis: defining a pathological process differentiating it from others

dose: taking of medicine that is given to the patient at a fixed time each time

pain: unpleasant sensation that causes physical and emotional discomfort; is due to anatomical
or functional alteration in some part of the body

epilepsy: chronic brain condition that causes recurrent seizures due to excessive discharge of
nerve impulses by brain neurons

disease: more or less serious alteration of health; medicine studies these alterations and
classifies them according to their symptoms

ill: suffering from some disease

insulin: hormone secreted by the islets of langerhans in the pancreas, which regulates the
amount of glucose in the blood

patient: person who is sick or who has undergone treatment for illness

treatment: media set

therapeutic: branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases

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