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Lauren Pittman-Engaged Learning Project Final

Title of Project​: A Recycled Orchestra

Subject(s)​: Orchestra/Music
Grade Level(s)​: 7

The orchestra classes will design and produce their own Recycled Orchestra inspired by the Recycled
Orchestra of Cateura, Paraguay. Students will explore and produce the qualities of pitched and non-pitched
instruments and create their own versions out of household or recyclable items. Within the lesson, students will
compare/contrast traditional Western instruments vs. the instruments of the Recycled Orchestra. Secondary topics
explored will include poverty, inequality, disparities between economic groups. etc Lastly, SEL inclusion and
the importance of music for personal well-being and community will be incorporated into the lesson.
Students will research the qualities of sound production to assist with their design. Students will
collaborate to create an original composition using their original instruments. The performance will be shared
with their peers, friends, family, and students around the world via Pen Pal Schools.

Learner Description/Context​:
The learning experience will take place at Creekland Middle School located in Gwinnett County, GA.
Gwinnett County is located outside of Atlanta, GA, and is one of the largest and most diverse school districts in
the nation. This project will be completed by approximately 150 7​th​ grade orchestra students. The demographic of
the students are as follows:

12% Asian
32% African American
30% Hispanic
5% Multiracial
22% White

50% Free & Reduced Lunch (not Title I)

This project can be differentiated to meet the needs of all learners; including Special Ed, ELL & Gifted

Time Frame​:
This project lasts between 10-12 instructional days.

Standards Assessed​:

Georgia Standards of Excellence (Primary Standards)

MSBO.CR.1 Improvise, compose, and arrange music within specified guidelines​. a. Improvise, compose, or arrange
rhythmic patterns (e.g. clapping, singing, playing an instrument). b. Improvise, compose, or arrange a melody or variation
of a melody. c. Share improvised, composed, or arranged pieces. d. Use teacher-created criteria to refine improvised or
composed pieces.
MSBO.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music.​ a. Discuss how the basic elements of music, including mood,
tempo, contrast, and repetition in selected examples (e.g. aural, written, performed) are important to a performance. b.
Identify the difference between melody and accompaniment in given examples (e.g. aural, written, performed).
MSIO.RE.2 Evaluate music and music performances ​Using student- or teacher-criteria, assess the quality of
performance in tone, intonation, balance, dynamics, articulation, precision, and rhythm. d. Develop strategies to improve
the quality of a performance.
MSIO.CN.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines
outside the​ ​arts​. a. Discuss and describe the benefits of musical study as part of a well-rounded education. b. Discuss and
describe how other subjects relate to music.
MSIO.CN.2 Understand music in relation to history and culture​. a. Discuss and describe performance styles of music
learned in class. b. Discuss how the music performed in class relates to the culture and society in which we live.
Lauren Pittman-Engaged Learning Project Final
Secondary Standards

6th Grade Social Studies SS6G1 Locate selected features of Latin America
SS6G2 Explain the impact of environmental issues in Latin
SS6G3 Explain the impact of location, climate, distribution of
natural resources, and population distribution on Latin America
SS6E1 Analyze different economic systems.

8th Grade Science S8P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the
structure and properties of matter.

SEL Standards (Illinois State Board of  1A — Identify and manage one's emotions and behavior. 
Education, 2020) 
2.Name the emotions felt by characters in stories. 
4.Describe a time you felt the same way a story 
character felt. 
2B — Recognize individual and group similarities and 
1. Recognize that all people are similar in the needs they 

ISTE-S Standards:

Innovative Designer 
4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative 
artifacts, or solving authentic problems 
4c: Students develop, test, and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process 
Creative Communicator 
6d​. ​Students publish or present content that ​customize​s​ the message and medium for their intended 
Global Collaborator 
7a. Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with 
them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning. 
7c. Students contribute constructively to project teams assuming various roles and responsibilities to work 
effectively toward a common goal.

Learner Objectives:
● Students will design and create an original instrument made from household and/or recyclable items
● Students will create original compositions using pitched & non-pitched instruments
● Students will perform original compositions for a local and global audience.
● Students will create an informational video about the design process. The video will include the original
composition performance.

The “hook” or Introduction​:

Lauren Pittman-Engaged Learning Project Final
We will read​ Ada’s Violin ​by Susan Hood & explore the geography of Cateura, Paraguay using Google Earth.
Class discussions will be related to why the children of Cateura have to use instruments made of trash. How does
participating in a musical group affect your well-being? How does this help the children of Cateura? How does
music help you emotionally? Why should we share our music with others? Through this line of questioning
students can begin to place themselves in the shoes of the children of Cateura and how much they actually have in
common. The inclusion of a public performance will also aid in the “hook” or buy-in of the project.


Day I: Students will read ​Ada’s Violin​ by Sally Hood.​ ​Discuss Ada and her home, Cateura, Paraguay. Use of
Google Earth to visualize the landscape & living conditions (Virtual Field Trip)
Day 2: Students will watch the Recycled Orchestra documentary (Landfill Harmonic). Students will list items that
they see as instrument examples.
Day 3: Students will participate in sound modules/lessons where they learn about how pitch, frequency, and
timbre are related. (Google Slides/Nearpod/Chrome Music Lab)
Day 4-5: Students will brainstorm as a class via Padlet for materials that would be appropriate for their recycled
instruments. Students will begin designing their instruments (Google Draw) & hands-on design with recyclable
Day 6-7: Students will begin to create their instruments and make design changes as needed. Instruments must be
able to play at least 5 distinct pitches. A peer review will be included for feedback and evaluation of the
instrument design.
Day 8-9: Students will create original compositions with a partner. The composition will include at least 5 pitches
that are able to be played with the instrument. Students will practice and notate in prep for the final performance.
Day 10-11: Students will record their design process using Adobe Spark. They will include their drawings from
Google Draw, self-reflections of the process, and material selections for the informational piece. A video of the
final musical performance will be included.
Day 12: Share Day!

Students will create instruments from recyclable materials. Students will perform their instruments for their peers. Students
will also create informational videos about the design process that will include their final performance. Adobe Spark will be
the video platform but students can use a variety of other technology tools to create visual presentations to embed into the
Adobe Spark presentation.

Informal/Formative Day 6-7: Students will give peer reviews on the design of
the instruments. What is working well & what needs to be
improved? Would a change of materials be helpful or a
change of design? Does the instrument meet all of the
requirements for the final performance requirements?

Informal/Formative Day 8-9: The teacher & student partners will evaluate the
composition for all necessary elements of the final
performance. Does it meet the rhythmic & melodic
requirements? Are both instruments equally represented?
Does the notation match what the composer intends the
musicians to perform?

Formative & Final Assessment: Does the final performance and instrument design meet all
(Examples of an exemplary performance will be included the required elements of previous informal assessments?
along the way for students to reference) Does the informational video provide a clear explanation of
why students choose certain materials and why they
selected these materials? What were the challenges &
successes students found along the way? How has music
Lauren Pittman-Engaged Learning Project Final
been important in their lives?

Evaluation Rubric Templates

Technology Used:

Task Technology Used Indicators of Engaged Learning

Read Aloud of ​Ada’s Violin YouTube/visual presentation Teacher Role: Facilitator

Content & Learning Goals:
Landfill Harmonic documentary YouTube/visual representation Standards-Based
Learning Tasks: Culturally Responsive
Virtual Field Trip Google Earth

Sound wave/characteristics module Google Slides/Nearpod Teacher Role: Co-learner/investigator

Chrome Music Lab Content & Learning Goals:
Learning Tasks: Multi-Disciplinary
Student Role: Explorer

Instrument Design Brainstorming Google Drawings/Pen & Student Role: Explorer

Paper/Photographs Learning Tasks: Multi-Disciplinary

Creation of Informational Video on Google Slides/Canva/Google Draw Learning Tasks: Student Directed
Instrument Design

Partner Compositions Pen/Paper Social Interactions: Collaborative

Noteflight/Flat for Docs

Record Partner Musical Performances Video/Cameras Social Interactions: Collaborative

Assessments: Performance-based

Submit Info Video & Musical Pen Pal Schools Assessment: Performance-based
Performances to a global audience

References and Supporting Material​:

Book Ada’s Violin by Susan Hood

◆ Hardcover Book:​
◆ Read-Aloud Book Option: ​

Chrome Music Lab ​

EvaluationRubric Templates

Georgia Standards of Excellence. (2020). Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). Retrieved November 08, 2020, from

Google Earth​ (Virtual Field Trip to Cateura, Paraguay)

ISTE Standards for Students. (2020). Retrieved November 08, 2020, from ​

Landfill Harmonic Documentary: ​

Lauren Pittman-Engaged Learning Project Final
◆ Recycled Orchestra ​feature from “60 Minutes/CBS
◆ Transcription of 60 Minutes Video:

Social/Emotional Standards

◆ Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). (2020). Social/Emotional Learning Standards. Retrieved
November 07, 2020, from ​

Padlet for collaborative brainstorming ​

PenPalSchools to connect with other students from around the world: ​

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