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Mitchell Weatherall 1110383809 Sara Gomez

Marine Biotechnology

Date: 8/03/11
Student name: Mitchell Weatherall
Student number: 1110383809
Lecturer name: Sara Gomez
Mitchell Weatherall 1110383809 Sara Gomez


This report outlines some applications of marine biotechnology and how it contributes to both aqua culture
industries and in conservation biology. To do so we have to understand what biotechnology and marine
biotechnology is and how it helps our daily live in industries and research.

Table of contents


How biotechnology has advanced.

Defining Marine Biotechnology

Tools of Marine Biotechnology

Applications of marine biotechnology



The purpose of this report is to inform the audience about the applications of marine biotechnology.

By examining a range of informative sources on the topic of marine biotechnology this report what
biotechnology is, how it has developed in the modern world and what makes biotechnology a new field
with the recent advances in molecular biology, defining marine biotechnology apart, how and how the
applications of these advancements are helping the human society.

Biotechnology is not actually “technology” at all; it is using organisms and their molecules to enhance our
abilities of making and creating new things. In other terms it can be widely define as using living cells or
their products for commercial purposes. Biotechnology has been around for years in forms like using
yeast to bake bread with yeast or to brew alcohols

How biotechnology has advanced.

Biotechnology over the last couple of decades has advanced due to the recent discoveries of molecular
biology and DNA engineering. Molecular biotechnology is mainly concerned with the interactions of
different systems of a cell including DNA, RNA and protein biosynthesis.

Willam Astbury defined molecular biology in 1961 as a new field of research. His definition is

".... not so much a technique as an approach, an approach from the viewpoint of the so-called basic sciences with the
leading idea of searching below the large-scale manifestations of classical biology for the corresponding molecular plan. It is
concerned particularly with the forms of biological molecules and ..... is predominantly three-dimensional and structural -
which does not mean, however, that it is merely a refinement of morphology - it must at the same time inquire into genesis
and function"  (W.T. Astbury [Nature 190, 1124 (1961)] 
Mitchell Weatherall 1110383809 Sara Gomez

Watson and Crick's 1953 article contains the answer to a fundamental mystery about living organisms this
discovery of the double helix had a major impact on biology and especially genetics. Their article outlines
and answers the mystery of how it is possible for genetic instructions were held inside organisms and how
they were passed through generation to generation.

Defining Marine Biotechnology.

Marine Biotechnology encompasses using marine organisms and resources to help our causes as a
human society. This includes everything from creating skin products from plankton to deriving cancer
treatment from deep sea sponges. This new field is creating a lot of new jobs and wealth but also creates
a smarter, greener economy.

Tools of Marine Biotechnology

Many tools are used in marine biotechnology as most scientists and researchers are only after a specific
molecule to complete the research they are studying, because of the recent advances in molecular
biology some of the tools are;

 Bioprocessing (any process that uses living organisms to obtain desired product)
 Bioharvesting (harvesting with only organic materials)
 Bioremediation (Using biological agents to remove or neutralize contaminates)

Applications of Marine Biotechnology

Applications of Marine biotechnology are mainly derived for their pharmaceutical uses as there are
extensive amounts or microorganisms that all have incredible biodiversity due to having to bear

 Extreme light
 High pressures
 Extensive temperatures

And vary of other environmental conditions

Some pharmaceutical applications of marine technology are

1) Algae
 Incorporated into cosmetics.
 They play crucial roles in aquaculture.
 They have lots of research opportunities for the future including metabolic rates
and genetic medication strains
2) Sponges
 Several medicines have been derived from sponges, especially ones relating to
cancer vaccinations
3) Coral
 The structure of human bone is very similar to that of coral as they are both
interconnected and pores. Some companies can convert coral into
hydroxyapatite using a patented chemical process.
4) Marine Fungi
 Research divisions are finding all sorts of antibiotics from fungi for example “
Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. created an antifungal antibiotic from marine
fungi which is effective against
Mitchell Weatherall 1110383809 Sara Gomez

i. Candida Albicans
ii. Crytpococcus neoformans
iii. Aspergillus fumigates
5) Sea Hares
 Isolated dolastains from sea hares in the Indian ocean have recently been
discovered to help in the cancer medications underway

Some other applications of Marine biotechnology are looking for new sources of biofuel, developing
aquacultures to feed people, cosmetics and many other things.

Some examples of this are

 Industrial applications include

o Enzymes extracted from fish and other marine organisms have
numerous advantages because of their biodiversity to withstand more
extreme conditions compared to traditional enzymes used for food
processing and storing
o Novel glues extracted from mussels
o Fluorescent compounds from Jellyfish
 Cosmetic functions
o Derived from algae, crustaceans and deep sea microorganisms
 Nutritional Supplements
o Like Omega 3 from Fish
o Algae


This report has outlined and informed you as the reader what biotechnology is, its recent history, some
recent discoveries, how marine biotechnology differs and some of the applications of marine
biotechnology in our human society from Cosmetics to industry grade glue. Marine biotechnology is only a
new field and is bound to get bigger with every year that passes.
Mitchell Weatherall 1110383809 Sara Gomez

Reference list

North Carolina State University, BIOTECHNOLOGY and its APPLICATIONS, retrieved March 8, 2011

Padma Kumar, 2010, Marine Biotechnology and its Applications in making drugs. Retrieved 8 of
March 2011, from

The University of Western Australia, Oceans Institute, Marine Biotechnology, Retrieved 8

March 2011 from

Harbour Branch Media Laboratory,, Retrieved 8 March 2011, from\

Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Seven Bungalow, Versova, Mumba MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY :

Nature (Journal) 1961 William Astbury

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