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Clinical Expert Series

Top 10 Pearls for the Recognition, Evaluation,

and Management of Maternal Sepsis
Andrea Shields, MD, MS, Viviana de Assis, DO, and Torre Halscott, MD, MS

Maternal sepsis is an obstetric emergency and a leading cause of maternal morbidity and
mortality. Early recognition in a pregnant or postpartum patient can be a challenge as the normal
physiologic changes of pregnancy may mask the signs and symptoms of sepsis. Bedside
assessment tools may aid in the detection of maternal sepsis. Timely and targeted antibiotic
therapy and fluid resuscitation are critical for survival in patients with suspected sepsis. Once
diagnosed, a search for etiologies and early application of source control measures will further
reduce harms. If the patient is in septic shock or not responding to initial treatment,
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multidisciplinary consultation and escalation of care is necessary. Health care professionals

should be aware of the unique complications of sepsis in critically ill pregnant and postpartum
patients, and measures to prevent poor outcomes in this population. Adverse pregnancy
outcomes may occur in association with sepsis, and should be anticipated and prevented when
possible, or managed appropriately when they occur. Using a standardized approach to the
patient with suspected sepsis may reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.
(Obstet Gynecol 2021;138:289–304)
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000004471

S epsis is the leading cause of mortality and critical

illness worldwide, with a mortality rate of 28.6% in
the nonobstetric population.1 Maternal sepsis, defined
as sepsis with onset during pregnancy or postpartum,
is responsible for 10.7% of global maternal deaths.2 In
the United States, maternal sepsis is the fourth leading
cause of maternal mortality, occurring in 0.04% of
deliveries, but accounting for 23% of all deaths.3 Con-
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Connecticut,
Farmington, Connecticut; the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Eglin temporary data estimate that 63% of maternal deaths
Air Force Base, Eglin, Florida; and the Department of Gynecology and from sepsis may be preventable, and that for each
Obstetrics, Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, maternal death, there are 50 women who experience
life-threatening morbidity from sepsis.4 Therefore, the
The authors thank Lara Ouellette, MLS, from Baylor College of Medicine for
assisting our team with a literature review on maternal sepsis. early recognition, expedient evaluation, and appropri-
Each author has confirmed compliance with the journal’s requirements for
ate management of maternal sepsis are necessary to
authorship. reduce severe morbidity and mortality.
Corresponding author: Andrea Shields, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecol- The diagnosis of maternal sepsis remains a chal-
ogy, University of Connecticut, Farmington, CT; email: lenge as the normal physiologic adaptations of preg-
Financial Disclosure nancy can mask the recognition of common signs and
Dr. Shields is the Principal Investigator of an AHRQ grant for developing a symptoms. Moreover, robust data on recognition and
simulation course on maternal cardiac arrest; provided volunteer expert testimony
to KJS law; was an examiner for the ABOG specialty certifying exam; is a treatment of maternal sepsis are lacking, and clinicians
member of Varda5, LLC, a consulting company for patient safety and quality must largely rely on extrapolation of sepsis-based
initiatives; is a member of Body Wisdom S.A., LLC, a wellness company; and is guidelines for nonpregnant adults. Nonetheless, clini-
a member of Overlevende, LLC, for personal assets. The other authors did not
report any potential conflicts of interest. cians must be aware of best practices to recognize and
treat sepsis as decreasing time to intervention improves
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This is an
open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons outcomes. Common etiologies for maternal sepsis differ
Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), from that of the general population resulting in differ-
where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly
cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without
ences in initial and subsequent antimicrobial selection.
permission from the journal. Additionally, optimal management requires clinicians to
ISSN: 0029-7844/21 consider the unique needs of both the patient and fetus.


The purpose of this expert review is to provide simple more challenging and may result in delays in treat-
and easy-to-remember pearls for the early recognition, ment and source control.5–7
evaluation and management of maternal sepsis (Box 1). Because the symptoms of maternal sepsis are
often nonspecific, health care professionals need to
Pearl 1. Recognition is key: always maintain a maintain a high index of suspicion.8 The Society for
high index of suspicion for sepsis. Maternal-Fetal Medicine recommends that health care
Maternal sepsis can present with multiple and varied professionals consider the diagnosis of sepsis in preg-
symptoms such as lethargy, chills and rigors, generalized nant patients with otherwise unexplained end-organ
malaise, rashes, lower abdominal or pelvic pain, foul damage in the presence of an infectious process,
lochia, contractions, malodorous or discolored leaking regardless of the presence of a fever.9 Although every
of fluid from the vagina, and breast engorgement. Signs pregnant patient is at risk for sepsis, there are specific
of maternal sepsis include fever or hypothermia, tachy- patient characteristics that are associated with
cardia, hypotension, uterine tenderness, preterm labor increased risk for sepsis (Box 2).10–12 Close surveil-
or preterm prelabor rupture of membranes, altered lance of pregnant or postpartum patients with these
mental status, and end-organ dysfunction. conditions may aid in the early detection of sepsis.11
Although there are no standardized criteria to
diagnose maternal sepsis, vital signs changes are an Pearl 2. Recognition is key: implement a rapid
early indicator of infection. However, these early vital bedside tool for detection of
sign changes may be dismissed as normal physiologic maternal deterioration.
changes of pregnancy such as an increase in heart rate, Bedside assessment tools, such as qSOFA (quick Sepsis-
and decrease in blood pressure.5,6 Additionally, exter- related Organ Failure Assessment), are available to
nal influences (eg, blood loss during delivery, com-
mon infections, fluid administration, medications,
and effects of anesthesia) may further confuse the clin-
Box 2. Risk Factors Associated With Maternal
ical picture.5,6 Often there is no obvious source of
infection in maternal sepsis, which makes recognition
Patient factors
Box 1. Top 10 Pearls for Managing Maternal  Impaired immunity or immunosuppressant therapy
Sepsis  Impaired glucose tolerance
Recognition is key  Vaginal discharge
 History of pelvic infection
Pearl 1. Always maintain a high index of suspicion for  History of group B streptococcal infection
sepsis.  Group A streptococcal infection in close contacts
Pearl 2. Implement a rapid bedside tool for detection  Age older than 35 y
of maternal deterioration.  Disadvantaged socioeconomic background
Move fast during the golden hour to save lives  Congestive heart failure
 Chronic renal failure
Pearl 3. Implement sepsis bundles to facilitate rapid  Chronic liver failure
escalation of care.  Systemic lupus erythematous
Pearl 4. Laboratory and radiologic studies are keys to
search for etiology and source control. Obstetric factors
Pearl 5. Know your “bugs,” their likely origin, and that  Cesarean delivery
group A streptococcus can kill quickly.  Retained products of conception
Pearl 6. Choose antimicrobials tailored to the most  Prolonged rupture of membranes
likely diagnosis.  Multiple gestation
Pearl 7. Fluid resuscitation should be initiated rapidly  Cervical cerclage
for patients with a blood lactate greater than 4 mmol/L  Amniocentesis or other invasive procedure
or mean arterial pressure less than 65 mm Hg.  Complex perineal lacerations
Beyond the golden hour  Wound hematoma
Pearl 8. Escalation of care is critical to survival. Adapted by permission from BMJ Publishing Group
Pearl 9. Once the patient is stabilized, get to the source Limited. Buddeberg BS, Aveling W. Puerperal sepsis in
of the problem. the 21st century: progress, new challenges and the
Pearl 10. Anticipate and prevent adverse pregnancy situation worldwide. Postgraduate Medical Journal
outcomes. 2015; 91:572–578. Copyright 2015.

290 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
predict mortality in patients with suspected sepsis, and The S.O.S. modifies parameters from the Rapid
are now frequently used in nonobstetric patients to Emergency Medicine Score, as well as the sepsis cri-
identify those who are at greater risk for a poor teria as defined by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, in
outcome.13–15 However, these bedside tools, including accordance with well-known physiologic changes in
the qSOFA, have not been validated for use in obstetric pregnancy. The internal validation trial of the S.O.S.
patients. demonstrated a low positive predictive value of 15%;
Three pregnancy-specific scoring systems that however, it’s excellent negative predictive value of
allow early recognition of maternal deterioration 98.6% effectively rules out the need for intensive care
include MOEWS (Modified Obstetric Early Warning unit admission.19
System), S.O.S. (Sepsis in Obstetrics Score), and Although the best tool for identifying infection or
omqSOFA (obstetric modified quick SOFA) predicting mortality in pregnant or postpartum
(Table 1).16–18 The MOEWS and omqSOFA scoring patients remains unknown,20 the authors recommend
systems stratify level of risk based on changes in vital a step-wise approach, using a simple bedside screen-
signs and mental status, whereas the S.O.S. uses vital ing tool such as the MEOWS or omqSOFA, followed
sign changes and laboratory values. The MOEWS is a by further evaluation for evidence of end-organ dam-
simple bedside tool but it is only validated for the age. A sample flowchart for the diagnosis and treat-
detection of chorioamnionitis and has wide variation ment of maternal sepsis using a two-step approach was
in alert thresholds, format, and accuracy.16 The omq- developed by the California Maternal Quality Care
SOFA criteria, widely used in Australia, uses clinical Collaborative. The first step involves screening of
data (blood pressure, respiratory rate, and mental sta- vital signs parameters (eg, temperature, heart rate
tus) allowing for rapid diagnosis of sepsis; however, and respiratory rate) and the most recent white blood
concerns have been raised that altered mental status is cell count within 24 hours. If any two of these four
not a common presenting symptom for maternal sep- parameters are positive, source-directed antibiotics
sis, potentially making it less useful in the evaluation and intravenous fluids are administered, and further
of suspected sepsis in the obstetric population.18 The evaluation is recommended. The second diagnostic
S.O.S. scoring system is a validated pregnancy- step involves an evaluation for end-organ injury
specific score to predict intensive care unit admission. screening for sepsis, using the Centers for Medicare

Table 1. Characteristics of Common Maternal Early Warning Systems for Sepsis

System Parameters Evaluated Threshold Advantages Disadvantages

MOEWS16 Heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, Varies Simple bedside Marked variation of thresholds
systolic blood pressure, temperature, and screening tool and formats
mental status changes Validated for
Overdetects severe sepsis
Need for secondary testing to
identify true-positives
Low specificity; low PPV
omqSOFA18 Systolic blood pressure, respiratory rate, and 2 Simple bedside Altered mental status in
altered mental status screening tool criteria may have nonseptic
Uses only clinical causes in obstetric patients
data, allowing for Need for secondary testing
rapid diagnosis
S.O.S.17,* Temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen 6 Excellent NPV Complex scoring system with
saturation, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, 98.6% multiple variables
leukocyte count, percentage of immature Rapidly rules out Requires laboratory data,
neutrophils, and lactic acid need for ICU which can delay diagnosis
Does not use altered
mental status in
MOEWS, modified Obstetric Early Warning Signs; PPV, positive predictive value; omqSOFA, obstetric modified quick Sepsis-related Organ
Failure Assessment; S.O.S, Sepsis in Obstetrics Score; NPV, negative predictive value; ICU, intensive care unit.
* Free online calculator available at

VOL. 138, NO. 2, AUGUST 2021 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis 291
& Medicaid Services criteria for end-organ injury ities, mottling, oliguria, or chest pain), a rapid response
modified to account for normal maternal physiologic should be called. When the patient is stabilized, a more
changes.21 More research to examine the validity of detailed history and physical examination is performed.
scoring systems for the identification, evaluation and History should focus on presenting symptoms or those
monitoring of pregnant and postpartum patients with proximate to maternal deterioration, current or prior
sepsis is needed.20 infections diagnosed, interventions or procedures per-
formed, current medications including recent antimicro-
Pearl 3. Move fast during the “golden hour” to bial exposure and medication allergies. Physical
save lives: implement sepsis bundles to examination should focus on current vital signs (eg,
facilitate rapid escalation of care. fever, tachycardia, or hypotension); general appearance
The concept of the golden hour of sepsis highlights the (eg, lethargy); cardiovascular examination (eg, delayed
importance of timely initiation of antibiotic treatment to capillary refill, murmurs); respiratory examination (eg,
improve outcomes. In the nonobstetric population, each use of accessory muscles, rales or rhonchi), neurologic
hour delay in antibiotic treatment reduces sepsis survival examination (eg, mental status changes), skin examina-
by 7.6%.22 Conversely, initiation of effective antimicro- tion (eg, cool skin, cyanosis, discoloration, pallor or
bial therapy within the first hour of diagnosis was asso- rash), and reproductive system evaluation (eg, breast
ciated with 79.9% survival to hospital discharge.22 Early engorgement, leaking of fluid, preterm contractions, or
studies validating the golden hour principle excluded fetal tachycardia). This initial survey will then guide
pregnant patients; however, poor outcomes and an further management, help determine whether the
increased risk of maternal death have been observed patient needs to be moved to a higher level of care,
with delays in recognition of sepsis, timely administra- and guide immediate therapies.
tion of antibiotics and escalation of care in the obstetric
population as well.7,23,24 Therefore, the best evidence Pearl 4. Move fast during the golden hour to
suggests that the golden hour principle is applicable to save lives: laboratory and radiology studies
obstetric patients, and that maternal sepsis should be are keys to identifying the etiology and
classified as an obstetric emergency. gaining source control.
If there is concern for maternal deterioration after Initial laboratory assessment of patients with sus-
the initial evaluation, the nurse or physician must pected sepsis should prioritize collection of a
immediately call for help from a rapid response team, complete blood count with differential, serum
and stabilize the patient. More research is needed to lactate, and cultures from various sources (Table 2).
evaluate the efficacy of sepsis bundles and clinical care Established institutional protocols may assist with
pathways for the rapid diagnosis and treatment of rapid collection of laboratory values before admin-
maternal sepsis4; however, in the absence of available istration of antibiotics.4 However, antibiotic initia-
trials, the authors recommend implementation of sepsis tion should never be delayed more than 1 hour if
bundles simply to improve standardization of care.25 cultures cannot be collected in a timely fashion, and
Rapid response teams specifically trained in the early collection of cultures is still recommended even
recognition, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with after antibiotics have been initiated.27 Additional
suspected or diagnosed sepsis have been found to laboratory values proposed in the evaluation and
decrease in-hospital mortality by 2–3%, and decrease management of maternal sepsis include a compre-
length of stay.26,81 An efficient and coordinated response hensive metabolic panel that includes hepatic and
by the “sepsis rapid response team” aids in facilitating renal function, coagulation panel with international
the correct treatment measures and resource utilization. normalized ratio, arterial blood gas, and peripheral
The authors recommend that institutions implement a blood smear (Table 2). Rapid molecular testing for
standardized pathway to alert the health care team of viral pathogens is recommended as part of the ini-
maternal deterioration, and that these trained profes- tial laboratory assessment for pregnant or postpar-
sionals arrive at the bedside within minutes of being tum patients with suspected sepsis who present with
called to stabilize the patient and administer antibiotics. respiratory complaints, flu-like symptoms, rash, or
When arriving at the bedside, a primary survey is hepatitis. Once the patient is stabilized, radiologic
performed. If the patient shows signs or symptoms of assessment may be performed. Imaging studies
hemodynamic instability or shock (eg, mean arterial should be guided by the bedside clinical assess-
pressure less than 65 mm Hg, respiratory rate 25 or ment. A chest radiograph should be obtained,
greater or shortness of breath, abnormal heart rate, unless a source of infection is already known (eg,
mental status changes, peripheral cyanosis, cold extrem- urosepsis with normal respiratory status). A

292 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
computed tomography scan of the chest, abdomen, Pearl 5. Move fast during the golden hour to
and pelvis can be considered to further evaluate for save lives: know your bugs, their origin, and
sources of infection if the source remains unknown. that group A streptococcus kills quickly!
In some circumstances, ultrasonography may also Causes of maternal sepsis differ from those of the
be used; for example, in the setting of pyelonephri- nonobstetric population. Based on the National Re-
tis, ultrasonography may identify a renal or perire- admissions Database from 2019, the most frequent
nal abscess. sources of infection associated with episodes of sepsis

Table 2. Common Laboratory Studies for Initial Evaluation of Maternal Sepsis

Laboratory Evaluation Common Results Pearls to Remember

Complete blood count with differential
WBC count Elevated Can be elevated, normal, or decreased
Immature granulocyte count Elevated “Left shift” or immature granulocytes may
be a normal finding in pregnancy
Hemoglobin Normal Can be elevated, normal, or decreased
Decreased in septic shock
Platelets Increased in early sepsis Can be elevated, normal, or decreased
Decreased in septic shock
Serum lactate Normal in early sepsis Positively correlated with ICU or telemetry
Elevated in septic shock unit admission; false-positives may occur
from 2nd stage labor, anaerobic
metabolism, tourniquet left on too long
during blood draw, administration of
beta-agonists, and liver failure
Blood cultures Blood cultures positive in approximately Blood cultures collected from 2 separate
50% if collected before antibiotic sites; do not draw from indwelling
administration catheters or a central intravascular
If CR-BSI is suspected, draw 1 set through
device and 1 set from a separate
Urinalysis and urine culture Presence of bacteria, nitrates, WBCs or Collect by urinary catheterization; positive
leukocyte esterase results may indicate a genitourinary
Comprehensive metabolic panel that Elevations in liver enzymes, total serum Used to assess for presence of end-organ
includes hepatic and renal bilirubin, and serum creatinine; dysfunction
function hyperglycemia
Coagulation studies with INR Prolonged INR, low fibrinogen DIC: thrombocytopenia, elevated levels of
fibrin-related markers, decreased
coagulation factors
Arterial blood gas High anion gap metabolic acidosis Used to assess acid–base status and tissue
Peripheral blood smear Toxic granulation, Döhle bodies, Useful when diagnosis is unclear; results
cytoplasmic vacuoles, intracellular may be delayed because it requires
bacteria, and neutropenia interpretation by a qualified physician;
schistocytes may be seen with DIC
Other cultures (eg, sputum) with Most positive cultures will result in 2–3 Do not delay antibiotic administration to
additional cultures as clinically d; amniotic fluid and cerebrospinal collect these cultures; they may be
appropriate (eg, wound, surgical fluid cultures may take more than 1–2 collected after antibiotic administration
site, body fluids such as amniotic wk Sputum cultures will not detect
fluid or cerebrospinal fluid) Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia
pneumoniae, legionella species,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
Pneumocystis jiroveci or other fungi, or
WBC, white blood cell; ICU, intensive care unit; CR-BSI, catheter-related bloodstream infection; INR, international normalized ratio; DIC,
disseminated intravascular coagulation.

VOL. 138, NO. 2, AUGUST 2021 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis 293
during and after hospitalization for delivery were the predominant isolate in cases of urosepsis and cho-
genitourinary and respiratory (Fig. 1).3 In compari- rioamnionitis or endometritis.33
son, the most common sources of infection for non- The deadliest pathogen in infectious sepsis is
obstetric patients admitted to the intensive care unit invasive group A streptococcus (also known as Strep-
with sepsis were respiratory, abdominal, and blood- tococcus pyogenes).7 Group A streptococcus is not part of
stream infections.82 the normal microbiome of the urogenital tract. It is
Causes of maternal sepsis vary based on timing of present in only 0.03% of individuals, so routine
infection (eg, antenatal, intrapartum or postpartum). screening is not recommended.34 Group A streptococ-
Genitourinary infections are the most common source cus causes a diverse range of infections including en-
of infection throughout pregnancy and postpartum, domyometritis, necrotizing fasciitis, pneumonia,
and are most commonly diagnosed antenatally.3,11 cellulitis, and pharyngitis.35 Patients with group A
Pyelonephritis is one of the leading causes of nonob- streptococcus have rapid clinical deterioration; in
stetric antepartum hospitalization.28,29 Sepsis associ- 75% there are less than 9 hours between the first signs
ated with chorioamnionitis is most likely to present of infection and septic shock, and in 50% of patients
intrapartum. Respiratory infections are equally dis- this progression occurs in less than 2 hours.36 Due to
tributed during pregnancy and postpartum.3 Sepsis this rapid clinical deterioration, about 20% of women
from endomyometritis, mastitis, gastrointestinal, and will die within 7 days of diagnosis.37 Although the
soft tissue sources are more commonly encountered incidence of invasive group A streptococcus has been
postpartum.3,30 increasing globally over the past 30 years, the inci-
Knowledge of the potential pathogens associated dence has remained stable in the United States at
with each sepsis etiology is critical to optimal man- 3.48 per 100,000 persons.35,38
agement and antibiotic stewardship. The major path- Both viral and fungal pathogens can cause mater-
ogens causing sepsis in the puerperium are Escherichia nal sepsis. Pregnant women are at greater risk of viral
coli, group B streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, sepsis than the general population.39 The most com-
anaerobic bacteria, and Listeria monocytogenes.28 Simi- mon viral pathogens associated with maternal sepsis
lar to the general population, the most common path- are influenza, varicella zoster, and herpes simplex
ogen identified in positive blood cultures from virus.30,39,40 Patients with sepsis from viral infections
pregnant and postpartum patients is E coli, which typically present with pneumonia, but may also pre-
occurs in up to one half of cases.28,31,32 E coli is also sent with hepatitis, encephalitis, coagulopathy, acute
respiratory distress syndrome, or septic shock.41–43
Several viral infections confer a high risk of
mortality in pregnancy. Severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), may result in
end-organ dysfunction and mortality rate on the order
of 1.3% during pregnancy.44 A rare but important
viral pathogen is varicella zoster, which causes chick-
enpox, and severe infections are associated with mor-
tality rates of 3–14% in pregnancy.35 The risk for
varicella pneumonia increases with advancing gesta-
tional age.45,46 Disseminated herpes simplex infec-
tion, although uncommon during pregnancy, may
occur with a primary mucous membrane infection
during the third trimester, and carries a maternal mor-
tality rate of approximately 50%.42
Fungal sepsis accounts for 5% of all sepsis cases in
Fig. 1. Most frequent sources of maternal infection asso- the general population, and is an increasingly frequent
ciated with episodes of sepsis during and after hospitali- cause of sepsis in critically ill patients.47,48 Candida
zation for delivery. Data from Hensley MK, Bauer ME,
Admon LK, Prescott HC. Incidence of maternal sepsis and
species account for the majority of cases of fungal
sepsis-related maternal deaths in the United States. JAMA sepsis. Fortunately, fungal sepsis is extremely rare in
2019; 322:890‒92. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.9818. pregnancy and postpartum, but is associated with a
Shields. Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis. Obstet Gynecol very high mortality rate.49 Table 3 reviews the pre-
2021. senting symptoms and signs and recommended

294 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
treatment for common viral and fungal infections that 1) septic shock or admitted to the intensive care unit,
cause maternal sepsis.42,43,45,49–52 2) liver or kidney impairment, or 3) a large volume of
distribution.60 The antibiotic regimen should be reas-
Pearl 6. Move fast during the golden hour to sessed daily, with the goal of narrowing the spectrum
save lives: choose antimicrobials tailored to as soon as possible. Clinical improvement or isolation
the most likely diagnosis. of a pathogen with susceptibility patterns should
The appropriate initial selection of antibiotics in prompt de-escalation of antibiotic therapy. This is
nonobstetric patients has been shown to decrease necessary to prevent the development of antibiotic
mortality.53–55 Therefore, once the diagnosis of sepsis resistance, and to reduce the risk of superinfection
is suspected, broad-spectrum antibiotics tailored to the (eg, candida, vancomycin-resistant enterococcus, and
most likely diagnosis should be initiated. Because clostridium), toxicity, and costs.60
most cases of maternal sepsis are due to genitourinary
sources, a cost-effective, first-line therapy with intra- Pearl 7. Move fast during the golden hour to
venous ampicillin, gentamicin, and clindamycin is save lives: fluid resuscitation should be
usually suitable, especially if the source is unknown. initiated rapidly for patients with a blood
However, if a soft tissue infection is present, or if lactate level greater than 4 mmol/L or mean
initial evaluation suggests a respiratory cause, first- arterial pressure less than 65 mm Hg.
line antibiotic selection will differ (Table 4). In addi- Adequate tissue perfusion is vital to proper cellular
tion, local resistance patterns as well as emerging function and fluid resuscitation should be initiated
strains of resistance and prior antibiotic exposure in rapidly for patients with a blood lactate greater than 4
the prior 30 days should be considered.56–58 After mmol/L or the mean arterial pressure less than
initiating first-line antibiotics, reviewing the hospital 65 mm Hg.61,62 Early fluid resuscitation optimizes
antibiogram of antimicrobial susceptibilities and con- cardiac preload, afterload, and contractility in preg-
sulting with an infectious disease specialist may be nant patients.35 Crystalloid fluids (eg, lactated Ring-
useful to help tailor antibiotic selection.59 If a viral er’s solution or normal saline) are the mainstay of
or fungal etiology is suspected, targeted antimicrobial therapy. For resuscitation in sepsis, the initial infusion
treatment can be concurrently administered (Table 3). is 30 mL/kg followed by additional fluids as clinically
In certain situations, drug monitoring may be applicable; in a 70 kg patient this would translate to
considered; this should be performed in patients with a minimum of 2.1 L of crystalloid fluid as an initial

Table 3. Presenting Signs and Symptoms and Recommended Treatment for Common Viral and Fungal
Infections in Maternal Sepsis

Presenting Symptoms
Common Pathogens and Signs Treatment

Seasonal influenza (A, B, Pneumonia Oseltamivir 75 mg orally twice daily for 5 d

H1N1)43 Hepatitis Alternatives: zanamivir two 5-mg inhalations (10 mg total) twice daily for
Flu-like illness 5 d or peramivir 600-mg dose by IV infusion for 15–30 min
Septic shock
Varicella zoster Pneumonia Acyclovir 10–15 mg/kg of body weight IV every 8 h for 5–10 d for VZV
(chickenpox)45,46 Hepatitis pneumonia and should be started within 24–72 h of rash
Flu-like illness
Disseminated herpes Hepatitis Acyclovir 5–10 mg/kg of body weight IV every 8 h for 2–7 d or until
simplex disease40,42,51 Encephalitis, clinically improved, then oral therapy for primary infection to complete a
thrombocytopenia, total of 10 d (if encephalitis, extend treatment to 21 d)
Invasive Pneumonia Liposomal amphotericin B 3–5 mg/kg/d
candidiasis49,50,52 Acute renal failure Alternative: amphotericin B deoxycholate 0.5–1.0 mg/kg/d (treat for at
Osteomyelitis least 2 wk after symptoms have resolved, longer if involvement of bones,
Septic shock joints, heart, or CNS)
ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; IV, intravenously; VZV, varicella zoster virus; CNS, central nervous system.

VOL. 138, NO. 2, AUGUST 2021 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis 295
Table 4. Common Antibiotic Regimens for Maternal Sepsis by Suspected Etiology

Initial Antibiotic Alternative Antibiotic Penicillin-Allergic Treatment

Suspected Source Selection Selection Antibiotic Selection Considerations

Chorioamnionitis83,84 Ampicillin 2 g IV every 6 Vancomycin 15 mg/kg Vancomycin 15 mg/kg Alternative dosing for
h IV, then dose by IV, then dose by gentamicin: 5 mg/kg
Plus pharmacy pharmacy actual body weight IV
Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg Plus Plus single daily dose
IV, then 1 mg/kg IV Piperacillin- Meropenem 500 mg IV May use
every 8 h tazobactam 4.5 g IV every 6 h metronidazole in lieu
Plus every 6 h of clindamycin
Clindamycin 900 mg If MRSA is suspected or
IV every 8 h or isolated, start
metronidazole (if vancomycin or
cesarean delivery is linezolid
Endometritis, Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg IV, Alternative dosing for
endomyometritis84,85 IV, then 1 mg/kg IV daily then 1 mg/kg IV every gentamicin: 5 mg/kg
every 8 h Plus 8h actual body weight IV
Plus Metronidazole 500 mg Plus single daily dose
Clindamycin 900 mg IV every 8 h Clindamycin 900 mg If MRSA is suspected or
IV every 8 h or IV every 8 h or isolated, start
metronidazole (if metronidazole (if vancomycin or
cesarean delivery is cesarean delivery is linezolid in lieu of
performed) performed) ampicillin
6ampicillin 2 g, then 6vancomycin 15 mg/
1 g every 8 h kg IV, then dose by
UTI such as Ampicillin 2 g IV every 6 Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV Mild allergy: Combination therapy has
pyelonephritis or h daily or piperacillin- Carbapenem 1 g once not been found to be
renal abscess86,87 Plus tazobactam 4.5 g IV a day IV or IM (use superior to
Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg every 6 h6gentamicin with caution) monotherapy except
IV, then 1 mg/kg IV 1.5 mg/kg IV, then 1 Severe allergy: when offending agent
every 8 h mg/kg IV every 8 h Consult with ID is Pseudomonas
specialist aeruginosa
Monotherapy for
ampicillin or
Monotherapy for VRE:
linezolid or
If postpartum,
alternative 1st-line
agent may be
If nosocomial
infection, 1st-line: 4th-
imipenem, or
If ESBL is suspected or
confirmed, start
(continued )

296 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
Table 4. Common Antibiotic Regimens for Maternal Sepsis by Suspected Etiology (continued )
Initial Antibiotic Alternative Antibiotic Penicillin-Allergic Treatment
Suspected Source Selection Selection Antibiotic Selection Considerations

Pneumonia Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV Cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, Mild allergy: If there is strong

(community- daily or ampicillin- ertapenem, or Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV suspicion for MRSA or
acquired)88–90 sulbactam 1–2 g IV ampicillin single daily dose Pseudomonas,
every 6 h Plus Plus coverage should
Plus Clarithromycin or Azithromycin 500 mg include vancomycin or
Azithromycin 500 mg erythromycin IV or orally single daily linezolid
IV or orally single dose
daily dose Severe allergy:
Consult with ID
Hospital-acquired Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV Meropenem 500 mg IV Consult with ID specialist If postpartum, alternative
pneumonia (low- single daily dose or every 6 h 1st-line monotherapy
risk)88,89,91 ampicillin sulbactam is quinolone
1–2 g IV every 6 h or Alternatives to
ertapenem 1 g IV once meropenem:
daily imipenem or cefepime
Hospital-acquired Piperacillin-tazobactam Ceftriaxone 1–2 g IV Consult with ID specialist Alternatives to
pneumonia (high- 4.5 g IV every 6 h daily piperacillin-
risk, double cover for Plus Plus tazobactam: cefepime,
pseudomonas and Vancomycin 15 mg/kg Azithromycin 500 mg ceftazidime imipenem,
MRSA)88,89,91 IV, then dose by IV or orally single daily meropenem,
pharmacy dose gentamicin,
tobramycin, or
If postpartum,
alternative 1st-line
agent may be
Alternative to
vancomycin: linezolid
600 mg every 12 h
Alternatives to
ceftaroline, ertapenem,
or ampicillin-
Alternatives to
clarithromycin or
clarithromycin XL
Intra-abdominal Single agent: Carbapenem 1 g IV or IM Carbapenem 1 g IV or IM Primary treatment of
abscess, abdominal piperacillin- single daily dose single daily dose abscess is drainage, if
infections92,93 tazobactam 4.5 g IV amenable
every 6 h Alternative single
Combined agents: agent: ertapenem,
ceftriaxone plus meropenem,
metronidazole or imipenem cilastatin, or
clindamycin ticarcillin clavulanate
If MRSA: vancomycin
Appendicitis94 Cefoxitin 2 g IV every 6– Cefoxitin 2 g IV every 6– Carbapenem 1 g IV or IM Surgical source control is
8h 8h single daily dose definitive treatment
Plus Plus
Clindamycin 900 mg Metronidazole 500 mg
IV every 8 h IV every 8 h
(continued )

VOL. 138, NO. 2, AUGUST 2021 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis 297
Table 4. Common Antibiotic Regimens for Maternal Sepsis by Suspected Etiology (continued )
Initial Antibiotic Alternative Antibiotic Penicillin-Allergic Treatment
Suspected Source Selection Selection Antibiotic Selection Considerations

Skin and soft tissue (eg, Vancomycin 15 mg/kg Cefotaxime 2 g IV every Gentamicin 1.5 mg/kg IV, Alternatives to
necrotizing fasciitis) IV, then dose by 6h then 1 mg/kg IV every vancomycin: linezolid
95 pharmacy Plus 8h or daptomycin
Plus Metronidazole 500 mg Plus Alternatives to
Piperacillin- IV every 6 h Metronidazole 500 mg piperacillin-
tazobactam 4.5 g IV IV every 6 h tazobactam: imipenem
every 6 h and meropenem
If group A Alternative to
streptococcus (or metronidazole:
Clostridium clindamycin
perfringens): Alternative to
Penicillin G 2 to 3 gentamicin:
million units/d IM or fluoroquinolone
IV given in divided (postpartum)
doses every 4–6 h
Clindamycin 900 mg
IV every 8 h or
vancomycin 15 mg/kg
IV, then dose by
IV, intravenously; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; UTI, urinary tract infection; IM, intramuscularly; ID, infectious
disease; VRE, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus; ESBL, extended-spectrum b-lactamase.

bolus.63 Patients can be assessed quickly for likelihood organ systems, and maternal death when compared
of fluid responsiveness by undergoing a passive leg with pregnant and postpartum patients without septic
raise of approximately 45°. This test results in approx- shock.6 Mean arterial pressures (estimated as the sum
imately 300–500 mL autotransfusion.9 Those who are of the diastolic blood pressure plus one third of the
likely to respond to fluids will have an increase in difference from the systolic to the diastolic blood pres-
cardiac output with this maneuver, often apparent as sure) consistently lower than 65 mm Hg indicate the
an immediate rise in blood pressure or appropriate presence of septic shock. Studies in critically ill patients
decrease in heart rate.64 Passive leg raise may be less with sepsis have shown that mean arterial pressure
predictive of fluid responsiveness in the third trimes- greater than 65 mm Hg is associated with lower mor-
ter due to occlusion of the great vessels by the bidity and mortality.68 A mean arterial pressure greater
uterus.65 than 65 mm Hg has been put forth as optimal for
uterine and fetal perfusion as well.35 Frequent measure-
Pearl 8. Beyond the golden hour: escalation of ment of vital signs, and interventions to maintain a
care is critical to survival. mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg or greater, should
Once sepsis is recognized and initial evaluation and therefore be a cornerstone of managing maternal sep-
management are underway,66 rapid escalation of care sis. The goal mean arterial pressure remains the same
is critical. Early consultation with physicians trained whether determined by invasive (eg, direct intra-
in infectious disease and critical care medicine is arterial catheter measurement or arterial line) or non-
advisable to assist with escalation of care and manage- invasive blood pressure devices (eg, a properly sized
ment of the patient. In some cases, prompt transfer of arm cuff), because evidence-based superiority of one
the critically ill pregnant patient to a higher level of modality over the other has not been demonstrated.69
care may be necessary as death from septic shock is Although the mean arterial pressure is easily calculable
reported to be as high as 50%.67 and often automatically reported in electronic medical
Pregnant and postpartum patients with septic records, a ready alternative that is associated with tissue
shock have significantly higher rates of disseminated hypoperfusion is a systolic blood pressure less than
intravascular coagulation, altered mental status, total 100 mm Hg; this parameter is also used in the qSOFA
bilirubin greater than 4 mg/dL, failure in three or more scoring system.

298 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
If the mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg or bodies associated with the infection such as catheters
greater cannot be maintained with adequate fluid and intravenous access, and optimization of medica-
resuscitation, vasopressors should be initiated. First- tions that concentrate in the targeted anatomical areas
line therapy for refractory hypotension in pregnancy (eg, kidneys, within the blood–brain barrier). Delays
is norepinephrine, though this may not be readily in rapid identification and directed therapies for
available on all units; less potent though still effica- source control are associated with excess mortality.75
cious alternatives to norepinephrine are phenyleph- As it pertains to maternal care, source control may
rine and ephedrine, which are often available from include targeted antibiotic regimens, surgical
our anesthesiology colleagues. Ongoing use of vaso- debridement, delivery, uterine evacuation or curet-
pressors requires an appropriate clinical setting with tage, or even hysterectomy. Utilization of additional
physicians trained in critical care medicine. collaborative resources, such as expertise from our
Serial assessment of serum lactate can be used as general surgery or interventional radiology col-
an informative marker of adequate tissue perfusion. leagues, should be employed as needed to achieve
Serum lactate should be obtained at least every 6 source control, with subsequent clear documentation
hours until normalized (less than 2.2 mmol/L). Earlier of a collaborative plan in the medical record.
correction of serum lactate is associated with survival If signs and symptoms of ongoing infection persist
benefit.70 Continuous pulse oximetry should be used despite perceived source control, reevaluation of
along with arterial blood gas assessments to dictate potential etiologies as well as expansion of diagnostic
oxygen supplementation and respiratory support.35 evaluations should be undertaken, including for those
If the patient is severely anemic or has acute blood that may have some clinical overlap with sepsis, such
loss, blood transfusion may be used as fluid as diabetic ketoacidosis, pancreatitis, hepatic dysfunc-
replacement. tion, adrenal insufficiency, and drug or transfusion
Sepsis and pregnancy are both independent risk reactions. In the setting of maternal sepsis without
factors for thrombus formation.71,72 The incidence of other obvious sources, amniocentesis may be per-
venous thromboembolism in patients with sepsis or formed to evaluate for intraamniotic infection. Given
septic shock has been reported to be as high as that culture results may not be available for several
37.2%.71 Unfractionated heparin and low molecular days, initial diagnosis of chorioamnionitis. is often
weight heparin are used extensively in pregnancy made based on the gram stain, cell count and glucose
and are effective in prevention of thromboembolism; level.33 If sepsis is due to chorioamnionitis, delivery of
additionally, patients can be reassured that these med- the pregnancy is a suitable source control measure
ications do not cross the placental barrier.73 Prophy- irrespective of gestational age.
lactic dosing is appropriate for most patients; full-dose
anticoagulation should be reserved for the usual indi- Pearl 10. Beyond the golden hour: anticipate
cations, and intermediate dosing may be considered and prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes.
for some patients based on the unique clinical sce- Sepsis as a lone diagnosis is not an indication for
nario, such as multiple risk factors for venous throm- delivery unless intraamniotic infection is suspected.
boembolism. Because some of the excess risk in both However, preterm delivery is common, reported in
septic and obstetric patients may be related to immo- 29% of cases with bacteremia.76 Additionally, a fetal
bility, ambulation is also recommended whenever fea- mortality rate of 10–12% has been reported in cases of
sible.74 For patients without clinical illness resulting in maternal sepsis, and fetal deaths appear to be higher
immobility, the decision to use pharmacologic antico- in sepsis with a genital tract origin.28,76 Knowles
agulation, compared with ambulation alone, should et al28 noted that 78.1% of all fetal and neonatal deaths
take into account the respective risks and benefits from maternal bacteremia were due to one of the fol-
for each in the specific clinical scenario. lowing organisms: E coli, group B streptococcus,
anaerobic bacteria, and Haemophilus influenzae.
Pearl 9. Beyond the golden hour: once the Sepsis also results in significant changes in the
patient is stabilized, get to the source of maternal circulation that may compromise uteropla-
the problem! cental circulation when the mean arterial pressure falls
The concept of “source control” is an important aspect below the premorbid mean arterial pressure.77 A sys-
of sepsis therapy whenever feasible, and refers to tolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or greater and
removing as much of a nidus of infection as possi- mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg or greater will
ble.75 Source control may be accomplished using sur- usually maintain uteroplacental perfusion.19,35 A col-
gical or procedural interventions, removal of foreign laborative approach is recommended if the patient is

VOL. 138, NO. 2, AUGUST 2021 Shields et al Pearls for Managing Maternal Sepsis 299
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et al. International clinical practice guidelines for treatment of
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87. Wagenlehner FM, Lichtenstern C, Rolfes C, Mayer K, Uhle F,
Instructions for Obtaining AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
Weidner W, et al. Diagnosis and management for urosepsis. Int
J Urol 2013;20:963–70. doi: 10.1111/iju.12200 Continuing Medical Education credit is provided through joint
providership with The American College of Obstetricians
88. Mandell LA, Wunderink RG, Anzueto A, Bartlett JG, Camp-
and Gynecologists.
bell GD, Dean NC, et al. Infectious Diseases Society of Amer-
Obstetrics & Gynecology includes CME-certified content that is designed
ica/American Thoracic Society consensus guidelines on the
management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Clin to meet the educational needs of its readers. This article is certified for 2
Infect Dis 2007;44(suppl):S27–72. doi: 10.1086/511159 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. This activity is available for credit
through August 31, 2024.
89. Bartlett JG, Dowell SF, Mandell LA, File TM Jr, Musher DM,
Fine MJ. Practice guidelines for the management of Accreditation Statement
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nia in pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2009;114:915–22. doi: 10. (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
1097/AOG.0b013e3181b8e76d AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
91. American Thoracic Society, Infectious Diseases Society of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists desig-
America. Guidelines for the management of adults with nates this journal-based CME activity for a maximum of 2
hospital-acquired, ventilator-associated, and healthcare- AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should claim only the
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