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American Tank Development

During the Cold War

Maintaining the Edge Or Just Getting By?
by Dr. Robert Cameron

The first in this series of three articles,

published in the September-October
1997 issue of ARMOR, addressed Ameri-
can tank development during the World
Wars. This article focuses upon the Cold
War era prior to the development of the
M1 Abrams, illustrating the influence of
the Soviet military threat. The desire to
field a technologically superior tank that
would more than offset Soviet numerical
superiority made this period one of sig-
nificant pioneering efforts in American
tank technology. Despite problems in
fielding reliable and effective designs,
the efforts to build an ideal tank made
possible the later development of the
successful Abrams tank.

“We know exactly what we want. We

want a fast, highly mobile, fully ar- but it lacked sufficient firepower and possessed far more tanks of superior
mored, lightweight vehicle. It must be protection. The M26 heavy tank in- quality.5 The Army considered its own
able to swim, cross any terrain, and creased firepower and armor at the ex- armored divisions as the principal de-
climb 30 degree hills. It must be air- pense of mobility. It suffered from being fense against the Soviet military threat,
transportable. It must have a simple under-powered. Its replacement, the but it did not believe it possessed
but powerful engine, requiring little or M46, featured a new engine, cross-drive enough tanks of the right type to sustain
no maintenance. The operating range transmission, a bore evacuator, and fire a ground conflict. Therefore the Army
should be several hundred miles. We control and suspension improvements, Field Forces Advisory Panel on Armor
would also like it to be invisible.” modifications that resulted in better recommended accelerating development
- General Bruce C. Clarke1 overall performance, but it was still not of new tank designs and focusing re-
an ideal heavy tank.3 search and development efforts upon
tank guns and ammunition.
The close of World War II left the U.S. In May 1946, the War Department
Army with three principal tanks in its in- Equipment Board completed its report It also requested immediate and sus-
ventory: the M24 light tank for cavalry on Army materiel needs. It acknow- tained fiscal support of tank develop-
missions, the M4 Sherman medium tank ledged the need for a light, medium, and ment and production to bridge the gap
that constituted the bulk of the Army’s heavy tank, and recommended that a between American and Soviet tank num-
tank strength and equipped the armored new tank be developed for each class.4 bers and capabilities.6
divisions, and the M26 heavy tank origi- Worsening relations with the Soviet Un- The outbreak of the Korean War in
nally designed as a counter to the Ger- ion encouraged implementation of the
Board’s proposals and development be- 1950 added urgency to the Advisory
man Tiger and Panther tanks. None of Panel’s recommendations. Not only did
these vehicles were considered ideal. gan upon the T37 light tank, the T42
medium tank, and the T43 heavy tank. the war catch the Army unprepared, the
The M24 proved popular and superior to fear that it might become a global con-
the M5 light tank that it replaced, but it In the immediate postwar years, how- flict highlighted the U.S. tank fleet’s
remained under-armed. Its low-velocity ever, this development occurred slowly
amid Army demobilization and downsiz- weaknesses, both in numbers and qual-
75-mm gun, originally developed for air- ity. The first tanks rushed to Korea came
craft use, possessed little antitank capa- ing. from infantry divisions stationed in Ja-
bility.2 The various versions of the M4 The Cold War’s onset in the late 1940s pan. On paper, each formation included
medium tank proved mobile and reliable, triggered fears that the Soviet Union one battalion of M4 medium tanks, but

30 ARMOR — July-August 1998

in fact each division possessed only a gunner with a separate target image for popular, and its 500-horsepower engine
company of M24 light tanks, which each eye. Range determination occurred permitted rapid cross-country movement.
proved no match for the North Korean by alignment of the two images into one, However, at 25 tons, it was considered
T34/85s. Not until the arrival of M4 and but its accuracy depended upon focusing too heavy for efficient air transport to
M26 tanks in August 1950 did American abilities that not all people possessed. support airborne operations. As a recon
forces possess a comparable armor abil- Although this device enhanced target ac- vehicle, the M41 suffered from exces-
ity to the North Koreans.7 quisition at long ranges, its complexity sive noise and poor fuel efficiency, man-
In the United States, tank development led to its removal from the design. Thus aging only 75 miles before refueling. It
and production entered a period of fren- altered, the vehicle became the T41. The was seen as having minimal combat po-
first production vehicle was built in tential against the Soviet T54 or JSIII,
zied activity similar to that experienced 1951, and the series became stand- and its survival even against the older
in 1940 and 1941. Testing and develop- ardized as the M41.8 T34/85 depended upon scoring a first-
ment cycles occurred simultaneously round hit.11
with production to ensure the speedy No M41s saw combat in Korea, but the
fielding of new tanks. Such rapid pro- tank remained in service throughout the Progress in developing a new medium
duction guaranteed teething troubles, but 1950s, and 5,500 were built. Principal tank occurred slowly until the Korean
the importance attached to rapidly equip- modifications included a fuel-injected War. The T42’s turret design carried an
ping combat units with the new tanks engine and a hydraulic turret traverse improved 90mm gun and possessed bet-
precluded detailed testing and evaluation that provided exceptionally fast turret ter protection in comparison with the
prior to quantity production. movement.9 The M41 saw extensive M46. It also featured a stereoscopic
Of the triad of new tanks under devel- service with other nations. In foreign rangefinder. The main armament could
hands, primary modifications included be operated by either the tank com-
opment, the T37 light tank reached com- replacement of the gasoline engine with mander or gunner. However, its engine
pletion first. Design work began in 1947
to build a vehicle to perform cavalry a diesel, an upgrade in armament to remained unsatisfactory.
105mm, and new ammunition.
roles and support airborne operations. To The M47 resulted from mounting the
overcome the M24’s weakness in fire- Later retrofit packages focused upon T42 turret on an M46 hull. After a short
power, the T37 design featured a long- improved fire control systems, provision trial and test period, the tank entered
barreled 76-mm with a stereoscopic of an NBC system, laser rangefinder, quantity production in 1952, but a series
rangefinder. This device provided the and thermal sights.10 The M41 proved of teething troubles prevented it from en-

ARMOR — July-August 1998 31

tering active service until after the Ko- computer and drive computed the range tank’s range but increased vulnerability,
rean War. The principal source of these and elevated the gun. The gunner’s pri- making them unpopular. Poor range re-
problems lay with the rangefinder that mary responsibility lay in keeping the mained a problem until the Army lifted
proved unusually complex and fragile sight on the target. The mechanical bal- its prohibition on the use of diesel fuel
for operation on a battlefield environ- listic computer made a more accurate by large combat vehicles in 1955.
ment. Its turret control system too often computation of range possible by mathe- Shortly thereafter the M48A3 emerged
malfunctioned. Its air-cooled, gasoline matically accounting for such factors as with a more fuel-efficient diesel engine
engine and cross-drive transmission per- vehicle cant and ammunition type.14 that doubled the effective operating
mitted a top speed of 37 miles per hour The Army planned to produce over range.19 Not until the emergence of the
and good cross-country mobility, but it M48A5 in 1975, however, did the vehi-
possessed a range of only 85 miles. 9,000 M48s within three years of devel- cle receive an 105mm gun to keep it
Symbolic of its evolutionary back- opment. Such rapid, mass production competitive with more modern designs.
ground, the M47 retained the standard would redress the imbalance between The large turret and unusually large gun
Soviet and American tank forces. Meet-
five-man crew and hull machine gun of ing this goal, however, required produc- mounting of the orginal M48 design
the WWII generation of tanks. Produc- made it possible to increase the main ar-
tion of the M47 reached 9,100 by No- tion simultaneous with operational test- mament with minimal modifications.
ing and development. Chrysler Corpora-
vember 1953 of which 8,500 were ex- tion became the principal producer of Combat experience in Vietnam also gen-
ported, many going to NATO countries.12 erated several field modifications in-
the tank. In a manner reminiscent of the tended to provide better protection
The Army intended the M47 only as a M3 medium tank in WWII, Chrysler be- against shaped charge weapons, includ-
stopgap until a superior medium tank de- gan building a new plant in Newark, ing covering the turret with sandbags
sign could be developed. Work on this New Jersey, to build the M48 while it
successor vehicle began in October 1950 continued to evolve the design. Expected and carrying chain-link fencing. When
the tank moved into a position, the fenc-
before the first deliveries of the M47. production and teething troubles led to ing was set up in front of the vehicle to
The new tank that became the M48 un- the creation of integrating committees to
derwent testing in 1952. It featured a coordinate tank and component develop- detonate projectiles before they hit the
tank. The cramped interior of the com-
one-piece cast turret in a dome shape ment. These committees included mili- mander’s cupola also led to the .50 cali-
that offered improved ballistic protec- tary and industrial representatives who ber machine gun being remounted on a
tion. Most contemporary turrets nar- provided early warning of defects and pedestal mount above the cupola for eas-
rowed at their base, creating a shot trap recommended remedies.15
between the lower turret and hull that in- ier operation. The Israelis received the
Between April 1952 and December M48 in the mid-1960s. They immedi-
creased vulnerability. The M48 design 1954, nearly 7,000 M48s were produced, ately upgraded the tank with a diesel en-
eliminated this weakness, since the turret
base overhung the tracks. The turret’s with an additional 2,500 to be built gine, 105mm gun, and lower silhouette
through 1956. Combat units immediately cupola. In American service, these
shape derived from the Soviet JSIII, con- received 2,120, but correction of defects changes were not implemented until the
sidered the nemesis of American tanks in M48A5.20
the late 1940s and early 1950s because discovered after production delayed the
of its superior armor, armament, and fielding of the remaining tanks. The first
range. Other principal features of the production vehicles suffered from exces- The various models of the M48 repre-
sive oil consumption and engine failures sented technologically advanced weapon
M48 included wider tracks, a 90mm gun after only 1,000 miles. The gasoline en- systems. They fulfilled their intended
mounting that permitted 15-minute gun
tube changes, and for the first time in an gine managed only .33 miles per gallon, role by providing the Army with a tank
limiting range to 75 miles. The M48’s able to hold its own against all but the
American medium tank, a four-man width proved too wide for many Euro- heaviest of contemporary Soviet tanks. It
crew. The design incorporated a cross-
drive transmission and the same 810 pean tunnels, complicating rail trans- emerged during the crisis atmosphere of
horsepower, 12-cylinder gasoline engine port.16 Operational readiness rates of the Korean War, when America seemed
intended for the T43 heavy tank to en- M48-equipped units tended to be low. to lag behind the Soviet Union in terms
The tanks suffered from engine, trans- of tank quality and quantity. In 1960, the
sure sufficient mobility.13 mission, track, and suspension problems, Controller General reported to Congress
The Army’s emphasis upon long range and the fire control system’s complexity the findings of a General Accounting Of-
made it difficult to operate.17 However, fice study of the M48 program. The re-
accuracy led to the incorporation of a the M48 was considered an even match port criticized the Army for placing a ve-
fire control system in the M48. This sys-
tem included a stereoscopic rangefinder, for its Soviet counterpart, the T54. The hicle with known defects into mass pro-
Army expected difficulties in engage- duction before correction, resulting in
ballistic computer, ballistic drive, and ments with the JSIII, since the M48’s costly modifications only partially effec-
gunner’s periscope. Collectively, these 90mm gun could not consistently pene- tive. It further accused the Army of issu-
mechanical devices resembled in mini- trate the JSIII’s frontal armor, even with ing a defective tank to combat units.
ature the fire control systems used by
naval vessels. Only after WWII did such special armor-piercing or HEAT ammu- This report ignored the impact of the
nition.18 Korean War upon its development and
systems become small enough for use in the general satisfaction of crews issued
combat vehicles. They permitted tanks to Correction of mechanical deficiencies
engage effectively at much longer ranges resulted in a series of product improve- the tank. It did, however, undermine
Congressional faith in the Army’s tank
than in WWII — a critical consideration ments throughout the 1950s. The suspen- program.21
for an army expecting to enter the battle- sion, engine, and transmission underwent
field outnumbered. Instead of a gunner’s modifications that resulted in the The last of the new triad of tank de-
sight slaved to the gun tube, the ballistic M48A2. External fuel tanks boosted the signs established after WWII was the

32 ARMOR — July-August 1998

T43 heavy tank. Wartime experiences captured by the Israelis during
with German Tiger tanks and the post- the 1956 Arab-Israeli War
war threat posed by the JSIII inspired found the capabilities of the
this design. The T43 would support me- Soviet heavy tanks overrated.
dium tanks, providing the necessary fire- No need existed for American
power to destroy heavier Soviet tanks heavy tank units.26 The Army
like the JSIII and its successor, the T10. also preferred to merge the ca-
Design work began in 1948, but the out- pabilities of the heavy and me-
break of the Korean War resulted in a dium tank into a single vehicle.
crash development program. The Army The Marine Corps thus became
feared that an expansion of that conflict the beneficiaries of the M103, A gasoline engine limited the range of the M47, above.
might result in American tanks entering continuing to employ and Most were exported. Instead, the U.S. adopted the diesel-
combat against more heavily armed and modernize it through the powered M48, below.
armored Soviet models that they could 1960s. Principal changes in-
not defeat. The Army authorized produc- cluded improvements to the
tion of the T43 in 1950, despite the in- fire control system, turret, and
complete state of the design. Chrysler the installation of a diesel en-
Corporation received an initial contract gine. Although the tank never
to build 80 tanks, later boosted to 300. entered combat, tank crews as-
All were complete by the end of 1954.22 signed to the M103 liked it and
The T43 became standardized as the appreciated its firepower.27
120mm Gun Full-Tracked Combat Tank The M41, M48, and M103
M103. Armament consisted of a 120mm symbolized the Army’s initial
gun capable of direct or indirect fire, a postwar reaction to the threat
coaxial .30 caliber machine gun, and a posed by massed Soviet armor.
.50 caliber on top of the turret. Its fire All three vehicles experi-
control system included a stereoscopic mented with advanced range-
sight for the tank commander for long finders and/or fire control sys-
range accuracy. The Continental AV- tems intended to improve long
1790 gasoline engine provided 810 range accuracy and the prob-
horsepower. The tank’s weight of 62.5 ability of a first-round kill. All
tons, however, limited its top speed to 21 suffered extensive teething troubles be- fin-stabilized penetrators and guns, be
miles per hour, and it possessed a range cause of rushed production. None were sharply curtailed.”29
of only 80 miles.23 considered ideal for their class, resulting Pending development of new tanks car-
in a reevaluation of the direction tank rying missile weapons, the Army opted
The M103 suffered a number of short- development would follow in the 1960s. to maintain production of the M48
comings. Tests conducted at Fort Knox In 1957, Army Chief of Staff General D. through FY 1961, while completing de-
in October 1954 indicated substandard Maxwell Taylor directed that new design velopment of a replacement vehicle des-
turret and main gun controls. The main efforts focus upon two vehicles: a uni- ignated T95. This new tank would fulfill
gun ammunition required two loaders, versal tank that merged the roles of the the heavy and medium tank roles. De-
and it proved erratic in flight.24 Repeated heavy and medium tanks, and a light sign had begun in 1954 and focused
firings of armor-piercing ammunition tank to perform both cavalry and air- upon creating a lighter tank with a diesel
damaged the gun tube. Worse, the M103 borne support operations. engine and an armament capable of
initially proved underpowered for Euro- penetrating the current and anticipated
pean terrain. Its engine and transmission The new policy bore the influence of armor of Soviet tanks. The first proto-
required replacement after only 500 the Ad Hoc Group on Armament for Fu- types became available for test purposes
miles, and it threw its tracks easily. Early ture Tanks or Similar Combat Vehicles in 1958. The T95’s range of 150 miles
problems with the tank were considered (ARCOVE), a study group under the As- doubled that of the M48. The design also
correctable, but the Army suffered Con- sistant Secretary of Defense for Research offered better protection and incorpo-
gressional criticism in 1957 for fielding and Engineering. ARCOVE believed the rated a hydropneumatic suspension that
a defective tank. The Seventh Army, sta- state of fire control system technology enabled the vehicle to raise, lower, or tilt
tioned in Europe, refused to accept the inadequate to improving long range ac- itself.30 Several different turrets were
M103 until it demonstrated its ability to curacy for kinetic energy weapons. It built to experiment with different weap-
provide overwatch for the M48 and con- therefore embraced missile technology ons, including large caliber smoothbore
duct mobile defensive operations. Cor- as a more promising alternative. AR- guns and hypervelocity ammunition.31 A
rective modifications permitted the tank COVE recommended that: new rangefinder known as the Optical
to satisfy these requirements. In 1958, “Maximum effort should be made to Tracking, Acquisition and Ranging (OP-
the M103 equipped the heavy tank bat- equip tanks, by 1965, with small guided- TAR) system measured the time taken
talions of the 1st and 2d Armored Divi- for a pulse of light to travel to and from
sions.25 missile weapons with line-of-sight com-
mand guidance. To achieve this step the target to provide an accurate range.
The same year the Army abandoned within the framework of budgets, it is OPTAR was the precursor to the laser
the heavy battalions from its organiza- recommended that conventional-weap- rangefinder and more accurate than opti-
tion. Inspection of Soviet tank models ons programs, including hypervelocity cal ranging systems. However, OPTAR

ARMOR — July-August 1998 33

often generated multiple returns, requir- ger missiles and rocket-propelled gre- Design work upon the AR/AAV, later
ing the gunner to use a visual estimate to nades. Two features in particular lowered redesignated the M551, began in 1959,
determine the correct range reading. It the vehicle’s survivability: a flammable and in 1961 General Motors Corporation
was also considered too vulnerable, hydraulic system that horribly burned began developing a pilot model. By
since it required a large external mount- crew members if ruptured, and the turret 1964, prototypes had satisfactorily
ing on the side of the turret.32 ammunition stowage. A high probability passed their initial engineering tests. In
existed that this ammunition would ex- 1966, training preparations started and
The T95 served an important role as a plode if a round penetrated the turret ar- discussion commenced regarding the
test bed for new tank technologies. Its
associated cost and its experimental mor. In response to these vulnerabilities, early employment of the M551 to Viet-
a fire resistant hydraulic fluid was intro- nam. In the same year, production time-
status, however, led the Army to aban- duced into the M48 and M60-series lines and funding streams were estab-
don it as the M48’s replacement. Instead, tanks. New stowage arrangements were lished. Behind this rapid pace lay a de-
the Army opted to build a new tank also proposed to move ammunition be- sire to place a promising weapon quickly
based upon proven concepts and compo-
nents from the M48. This new design low the turret ring, but these changes re- into the hands of combat troops, espe-
quired considerable change to the de- cially in Vietnam.38 From this point,
would serve as an interim vehicle pend- sign. 35 however, an endless series of controver-
ing development of a more sophisticated
vehicle that would possess protection The pragmatism represented by the sies began to plague the vehicle.
against nuclear, biological, and chemical M60-series, however, did not end efforts Despite the use of an aluminum-based
(NBC) weapons and a missile armament. to field tanks carrying missile systems
This “interim” design was standardized instead of guns. The ARCOVE report chassis to keep the vehicle light, its 18
in March 1959 as the 105mm Gun Full- had considered such an armament vital tons exceeded the original AR/AAV
Tracked Combat Tank M60. In various to ensure American tanks possessed su- limitation of 10 tons. Nor did the M551
ever achieve its desired amphibious ca-
configurations it would constitute the perior lethality over their Soviet counter- pability. Although capable of a low ve-
backbone of the American tank fleet un- parts. Such a system appeared to be
til the 1980s.33 within reach with the Shillelagh locity air drop, this procedure was never
used in an operational environment.39
Typical of its evolutionary nature, the gun/missile system. This weapon merged The principal source of the M551’s
a conventional gun with an antitank
original M60 resulted from mating a guided missile launcher. Tests suggested problems stemmed from its armament.
105mm gun and an AVDS-2 diesel en- that the missile had an 80%+ probability The Shillelagh missile promised the abil-
gine with an M48. Combat units in of a first-round hit at 1,500 meters and ity to kill any known tank at long ranges.
Europe first received the M60 in Decem- Once fired, the missile received course
ber 1960, and a total of 2,205 M60s could effectively engage targets out to adjustments via infrared transmissions
3,000 meters.36 This promising weapon
were built. Subsequent modifications became the key to the next generation of from the vehicle. The gunner had only to
made the M60-series more distinctive. keep the sight on the target; the elec-
These changes included a longer turret tanks intended to replace the M60 and tronic fire control system provided the
the M41.
more suited to the 105mm gun, better necessary guidance to the missile.40 Not
suspension, a redesigned commander’s General Taylor’s 1957 guidance also only the M551, but the next main battle
cupola, a T-bar instead of a steering encouraged development of a single ve- tank design and a planned M60A1 up-
wheel, better armor protection, an elec- hicle capable of performing the roles of grade would carry this system.
trical computer, and a coincidence range- reconnaissance and support of airborne The 152mm gun, however, required the
finder. The last device proved much sim- operations. The emergence of the Soviet design of new caseless ammunition, in-
pler to operate than the stereoscopic PT76 amphibious tank underscored this
rangefinder. The viewer observed the tar- need. The PT76 possessed an amphibi- cluding a canister round. Firing the gun
propelled the round out of the gun tube
get as a split image. Aligning the image ous capability that enabled it to maintain and burned up the casing. In an environ-
determined the range. These modifica- uninterrupted movement on land and
tions resulted in the M60A1 that re- water. The M41 possessed only limited ment contaminated by the effects of
placed the M60 on the production line, water-crossing ability. Its weight pre- NBC weapons, the gun could be fired
starting in October 1962. The production cluded its use in support of airborne as- from a sealed fighting compartment
without allowing external toxins to enter
run stopped in 1980 after 7,948 M60A1s saults. the vehicle. Unfortunately, the caseless
had been built.34
As a replacement, design work began ammunition tended to absorb moisture,
The M60-series proved popular and re- on the Armored Reconnaissance/Air- reducing its combustibility. Upon firing,
liable, free from the major teething trou- borne Assault Vehicle. This vehicle smoldering debris often remained in the
bles encountered by its predecessors. It would weigh 10-tons; offer protection gun tube, resulting in the premature
represented the final evolution of a series from artillery blasts, 12.7mm machine detonation of subsequent rounds. This
of tank designs begun with the M26. gun fire, and antipersonnel mines; and problem represented a major safety haz-
Moreover, it fulfilled the roles of the ear- be able to destroy tanks at 2,000 meters. ard that plagued the vehicle until an ef-
lier medium and heavy tank classes. Al- Development priority initially went to fective scavenger system could be devel-
though only the engineer and bridgelay- the vehicle’s amphibious capability and oped. The scavenger system removed
ing versions of the M60 saw service in firepower. The Shillelagh gun/missile debris from the gun tube after each fir-
Vietnam, the Israelis used them in the system was considered the “ only weap- ing. Even without the danger of prema-
October War of 1973. This war provided ons system acceptable.” This weapon ture ammunition explosions, the recoil of
American military analysts a treasure consisted of a 152mm conventional gun the 152mm gun lifted the front two road
trove of data on armored warfare and also capable of firing antitank guided wheels off the ground and knocked the
weapon systems, including the M60-se- missiles. The Shillelagh system would vehicle backward several feet. Special
ries tanks. They outperformed the new provide the light tank with massive fire- instructions had to be issued before fir-
Soviet T62, but were not invincible. power without a large increase in ing to prevent crew injuries. Worse, the
Many became victims of Egyptian Sag- weight.37 recoil tended to damage the delicate

34 ARMOR — July-August 1998

electronics and sights necessary for Congress became disillusioned
the missile’s operation. The gun with the Army’s tank program and
was too powerful for the vehicle’s viewed subsequent tank designs
light aluminum chassis.41 with an unprecedented degree of
Operational tests done at the Pan- skepticism and cynicism.
ama Tropic Test Center in 1967 re- Nor did the development of a
vealed most of these problems. successor to the M60 series im-
They also indicated that moist prove this negative perception. In
tropical climates adversely effected August 1963, the United States
the tank’s electronics, especially and West Germany agreed to de-
the missile system. The engines velop jointly a main battle tank
tended to overheat and proved ex- design known as the MBT70. The
ceptionally noisy. The vehicle also design team identified weaknesses
did poorly in Arctic tests con- in the M60 and M60A1 and then
ducted in Alaska. Despite these planned a tank that would elimi-
flaws, the vehicle entered full rate nate them. The MBT70 was spe-
production and deployed to Viet- cifically intended to operate in the
nam in early 1969. A belief existed The M551: Its problems were never solved. high intensity combat environment
that these flaws could be corrected of central Europe. Armament in-
and that use in combat would dem- cluded the Shillelagh gun/missile
onstrate the M551’s potential effective- erator’s manual constantly undergoing system with an autoloader, a 7.62mm co-
ness. Supporters of the vehicle also change, ensuring that few soldiers under- axial machine gun, and a 20mm cannon
feared that delays in fielding would re- stood how the M551 operated. An end- for the commander. A special air-condi-
sult in the withdrawal of Congressional less stream of product improvements tioned fighting compartment in the turret
funding, effectively killing the pro- failed to eliminate these problems, but housed the three-man crew. While this
gram.42 sharply increased the expense of the arrangement allowed the tank’s height to
M551 program.44 In 1978, the Army be reduced and simplified protection
In Vietnam, the canister round proved withdrew the M551 from all active units against NBC weapons, it became an en-
devastating against personnel. However, except the 3-73 Armor Battalion of the gineering challenge to permit the driver
the light chassis was easily torn and 82d Airborne Division. It also continued to continue to see forward while the tur-
damaged beyond repair. Mine explosions to equip the OPFOR at the National
that only immobilized the M48 resulted ret rotated. Other features that would be-
Training Center.45 In 1996, however, the come common on tanks of the 1980s
in catastrophic destruction of the M551. Army inactivated the 3-73 Armor. The and 1990s included a digital computer,
Fear of mines led some crews to ride tank’s NTC role will also end soon as
outside the vehicle and rig the gun for laser rangefinder, and a sophisticated
funding for the M551 stops.46 gun stabilization system for firing while
remote firing. Several modifications moving. The complexity of the tank and
were introduced based upon the recom- The failure of the M551’s innovative
armament destroyed plans to upgrade the specific problems related to the Shille-
mendations of M551 tank crews in Viet- lagh gun/missile system slowed develop-
nam. The most important of these entire M60 fleet by equipping it with the
changes included the provision of a belly Shillelagh gun/missile launcher. Al- ment and resulted in massive cost in-
though the M60A2 did enter service creases. The West Germans abandoned
armor kit to reduce the danger posed by the program in 1969 in favor of a newer
mines and a gunshield kit for the tank with this armament, it did not meet ex-
commander’s machine gun. The latter pectations. It, too, suffered development Leopard design. American efforts to con-
problems never entirely solved. It proved tinue the project as the XM803 finally
created an armored “crow’s nest” that re- ended in 1971, when Congress stopped
duced the commander’s exposure to difficult to maintain in the field and
earned the nickname “Starship” for its funding the program.48
sniper and small arms fire when operat-
ing the weapon. Other changes based complexity. Although development be-
upon combat experience included a gan in the 1960s, the M60A2 did not The growing problems and costs of the
reach combat units until 1974. Only 540 MBT70 coincided with the controversy
winch kit for self-recovery, an increased surrounding the M551 development and
capacity bustle rack, and efforts to im- of these tanks were produced, equipping
prove the fire protection system follow- six armor battalions. By 1982, the fielding. The program further alienated
M60A2 had been phased out of active support for the Army’s tank program,
ing complaints from the field. In Europe, and it ensured that any future tank de-
field units requested the vehicle be service. Most of these tanks were sent to
equipped with a laser rangefinder before Anniston Army Depot for conversion to sign would receive critical scrutiny from
accepting delivery. This request was met, other M60 configurations.47 a skeptical public. However, many of the
and thus equipped, the tank received the MBT70’s components would be devel-
The priority given to the Shillelagh’s oped and incorporated into the M1-series
designation M551A1.43 development also slowed work on con- tanks. While the MBT70 overstretched
However, even when deployed to the ventional gun designs. When the gun/ the technological capabilities of the
more moderate European climate the missile system failed, the Army found it- 1960s, it symbolized the pioneering ef-
M551 suffered an excessive part failure self without an effective conventional forts of the 1950s-1970s. In this period,
rate that sharply reduced its operational substitute other than the M68 105mm American tank designs too often suffered
readiness rate. The vehicle’s armament gun originally designed by the British. from rushed production and a desire to
and turret proved exceptionally difficult Congress viewed the M551’s unhappy compensate for numerical inferiority on
to maintain, even with the availability of service life as a complete debacle, blam- the battlefield with technological gadg-
mechanics familiar with the tank’s ing the Army for again rushing a flawed etry. Yet the continued interest in sophis-
unique components. The complexity of design into production and making false ticated components made possible the
the vehicle resulted in a four-volume op- promises of performance. Moreover, very real advances achieved in the de-

ARMOR — July-August 1998 35

sign and operation of every major tank the M48 90mm Gun Tank,” pp. 17-21; Hilmes, 35
Hunnicutt, Patton, pp. 400-401.
part. The M60A1 represented the culmi- Main Battle Tanks, p. 12. 36
14 Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Armor,
nation of lessons learned from the WWII Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, “A p. 20.
generation of tanks. The failures of the History of the Development and Production of 37
the M48 90mm Gun Tank,” pp. 70-72; T.W. Subcommittee on Artillery and Vehicle Sys-
M551, M60A2, and the MBT70 demon- tems, “Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault
strated the danger of over-reliance on Terry, S.R. Jackson, C.E.S. Ryley, B.E. Jones,
P.J.H. Wormell, Fighting Vehicles (McLean, Va.: Vehicle, Initiation of Development and Recording
unproven technology. Consequently, the Brassey’s (US) Inc., 1991), p. 91. of Military Characteristics. (Department of the
Army adopted a back-to-basics design 15 Army Project No. 545-02-003, Ordnance Project
philosophy that merged the practical les- Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, “A No. TW-429),” August 20, 1959, Appendix I, pp.
History of the Development and Production of 110-111; Appendix II, pp. 113-114, 117-120,
sons learned since WWII with advanced the M48 90mm Gun Tank,” pp. 21-22, 27, 29,
technology in the final stages of devel- PTM Archives, Mark Falkovich Papers, Box 10.
57-59. 38
opment. One of the most effective 16 “Summary Chronology of Major Deci-
Ibid., pp. 67-69, 76, 80. sions/Events, M551 Sheridan, 152mm Ammuni-
American tanks resulted: the M1 17
Abrams. COL Robert J. Icks, (Ret.), “The M48-M60 tion and XM35 Conduct of Fire Trainer,” un-
Series of Main Battle Tanks,” in Modern Battle dated; PTM Archives, Mark Falkovich Papers,
Tanks (New York: Arco Publishing Company, Box 10.
Notes 1978), pp. 22-23. 39
CPT John Orifici, 1LT Rene Junco, and Wil-
“Final Report of United States Army Armor liam J. Bielauskas, Report No. ARSEM 79-7, “A
General Bruce C. Clarke, “Future Tank Re- Policy Conference, 15-19 November 1954,” Sec- Comparative Evaluation of Lightweight Anti-Ar-
quirement,” ARMOR, September-October 1960, tion V, p. 12. mor Systems,” October 1979, pp. 39-41, PTM
p. 11. 19
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Archives, Mark Falkovich Papers, Box 8.
Steven J. Zaloga, U.S. Light Tanks 1944-84: for Research and Engineering, “Armament for U.S. Army Missile Command, “Information
M24 Chaffee, M41 Walker Bulldog, and M551 Future Tank or Similar Combat Vehicles,” report, Booklet: Shillelagh Missile System,” April 17,
Sheridan (London: Osprey Publishing Limited, January 20, 1958, p. 32, PTM Archives, Mark 1968, PTM Archives, Mark Falkovich Papers,
1984), pp. 5-6. Falkovich Papers, Box 1; Richard P. Hunnicutt, Box 5; Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Ar-
3 Patton: A History of the American Main Battle mor, p. 32.
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, “A Tank (Novato, Calif.: Presidio Press, 1984), Vol. 41
History of the Development and Production of Orifici et al, “A Comparative Evaluation of
I, pp. 107-114. Lightweight Anti-Armor Systems,” pp. 52-55,
the M48 90mm Gun Tank,” report, January 3, 20
1955, pp. 1-2, Patton Musem of Cavalry and Ar- Hunnicutt, Patton, pp. 238, 381, 400. 116-117; Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Ar-
mor (hereafter referred to as PTM) Library; 21
Icks, “The M48-M60 Series of Main Battle mor, p. 33.
Steven J. Zaloga and LTC James W. Loop, Mod- Tanks,” pp. 22-23. “M551 Sheridan Weapon System Chronol-
ern American Armor: Combat Vehicles of the 22
Richard P. Hunnicutt, Firepower: A History ogy,” undated, PTM Archives, Mark Falkovich
United States Army Today (Harrisburg, Pa.: Arms of the American Heavy Tank (Novato, Calif.: Papers, Box 8; Zaloga, U.S. Light Tanks 1944-84,
and Armour Press, 1982), p. 7. Presidio Press, 1988), pp. 113, 115; COL Robert pp. 15-16.
4 43
”War Department Equipment Board Report,” J. Icks, (Ret.), “M103 Heavy Tank,” in American List and Description of Improvements De-
May 29, 1946, pp. 32-36, PTM Archives, Mark AFVs of World War II (Garden City, NY: Dou- sired in M551, untitled, undated report, PTM Li-
Falkovich Papers, Box 5. bleday and Company, Inc., 1972), p. 190. brary, Vertical Files, Folder “M551 (Sheridan)”;
Hanson W. Baldwin, “The Decline of Ameri- 23
Icks, “M103 Heavy Tank,” pp. 193, 197. Orifici et al, “A Comparative Evaluation of
can Armor,” ARMOR, September-October 1949, 24 Lightweight Anti-Armor Systems,” pp. 70, 72;
Hunnicutt, Firepower, p. 122. Hunnicutt, Sheridan, pp. 255, 264, 267.
pp. 2-6. 25
6 “Final Report of United States Army Armor 44
Orifici et al, “A Comparative Evaluation of
Department of Army Office of the Chief of Policy Conference, 15-19 November 1954,” Sec-
Staff, “Report of Army Field Forces Advisory Lightweight Anti-Armor Systems,” pp. 114-120;
tion V, pp. 5-6; Icks, “M103 Heavy Tank,” pp. General Donn A. Starry, Mounted Combat in Vi-
Panel on Armor,” February 25, 1949, pp. 1-11, 190, 193; Zaloga and Loop, Modern American
U.S. Army Armor Center Historian’s Office. etnam (Washington, D.C.: Department of the
Armor, pp. 7-8. Army, 1978), pp. 142-145.
Zaloga, U.S. Light Tanks 1944-84, pp. 6-7. 26
Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Armor, 45
8 Orifici et al, “A Comparative Evaluation of
Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Armor, p. pp. 7-8. Lightweight Anti-Armor Systems,” p. 23.
29. 27
Hunnicutt, Firepower, pp. 134-137, 140-143. 46
9 Sean D. Naylor, “Goodbye, Sheridan,” Army
Zaloga, U.S. Light Tanks 1944-84, pp. 9-11; 28
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Times, September 23, 1996, pp. 14-16.
Richard M. Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks for Research and Engineering, “Armament for 47
(Coulsdon, Surrey, UK: Jane’s Information Group Orifici et al, “A Comparative Evaluation of
Future Tank or Similar Combat Vehicles,” Janu- Lightweight Anti-Armor Systems,” p. 119;
Limited, 1991), Vol. I, pp. 45-46. ary 20, 1958, Appendix B, p. 19; Hunnicutt, Pat-
10 Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Armor, p.
Richard P. Hunnicutt, Sheridan: A History of ton, p. 149. 20; Jane’s Armour and Artillery 1982-1983, 3d
the American Light Tank, (Novato, Calif.: 29
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense edition (London, United Kingdom: Jane’s Pub-
Presidio Press, 1995), Vol. 2, pp. 246-248. for Research and Engineering, “Armament for lishing Company, Ltd., 1982), p. 116.
“Final Report of United States Army Armor Future Tank or Similar Combat Vehicles,” Janu- 48
Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Armor,
Policy Conference, 15-19 November 1954,” Sec- ary 20, 1958, p. iv. p. 19; Hilmes, Main Battle Tanks, p. 20; Mark S.
tion V, p. 11, PTM, Falkovich Papers, Box 2. 30
Ibid., p. 32. Watson, “MBT-70 — The Tank in Your Future,”
“Final Report of United States Army Armor 31
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense ARMOR, January-February 1966, pp. 7-10.
Policy Conference, 15-19 November 1954,” Sec- for Research and Engineering, “Armament for
tion V, pp. 3-4; Ordnance Tank-Automotive Future Tank or Similar Combat Vehicles,” Janu-
Command, “A History of the Development and Robert S. Cameron, the Armor Branch
ary 20, 1958, p. 32; Zaloga and Loop, Modern
Production of the M48 90mm Gun Tank,” pp. 16- historian, earned BA degrees in history
American Armor, p. 12.
17; Rolf Hilmes, Main Battle Tanks: Develop- 32 and economics at the State University of
ments in Design since 1945 (McLean, Va.: Per- Ogorkiewicz, Technology of Tanks, Vol. I, p. New York at Binghamton and a doctorate
gamon-Brassey’s International Defense Publish- 174.
in history at Temple University. Formerly
ers, 1987), p. 11; Zaloga and Loop, Modern Hunnicutt, Patton, pp. 152, 157. a history instructor at Temple and several
American Armor, p. 8. 34
Hunnicutt, Patton, pp. 163-165, 168-174; other colleges in the Philadelphia area,
Ordnance Tank-Automotive Command, “A Zaloga and Loop, Modern American Armor, p. he also teaches history at the Armor
History of the Development and Production of 12. Center.

36 ARMOR — July-August 1998

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