Tank Effectiveness of Conqueror, Conway and Charioteer

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623.438-9 Bewgrode le BESTRICTI oe 60 ws corr Ho. a Las seis pred BOE A.O.RG. LIBRARY Duc rec 16-684 cae | 249 See 2 Saat ‘Tank Ertectivences Sti Ghariotecr - e i. ’ : 4 ij 7 i re RESTRICTED. RES sRUY_OPRRATONAL RSARON_GHOUE yamoRyDOL Hoe Bet ‘yok gprsorrvss In AORG Reports No 52, pftectivenoas nave bocn calculated far 9 ninbor of past end current tansy Ertectiverese, resulta are obtained for threo nov British tanks, the Con y Ind Gharistcer, when opposed to. tro Russian tanks, the JS3 Stive figires ere given for tho Centurion 3. nko considered in this note, the pest oerforma of the British ‘ror, whose against the 083 is given, as night be cxpooted, by the 0 Fe . +e Sok greater than that of tho Conturion 3." This Bifoctivences is Bee cvosunt ie due prinarily to the bettor perfarnancs Bist tho frontal armour of the JS}. The rolativo setpor and Conturion,is likely to be maintained SLOT ae oot toe 454/85 the Effestivences of the Conqueror is no. tere sire tie Centurion since both British tanks aro very effective sgsinst the Lighter Russian vehicle. ‘tho Comay is on up-gunnca Centurion with a 120 nm gun, and at fore has the sone gun performance as the Conqueror ‘thd front of the Jah, tus inprovonent. in gun porformange over tha Centurion he, S oerrtact by an increase in vulnerability due to @ redustier 4m tee, ana the two tonks have the sane ‘he the sane tine the Refectiveness of the ne So Leas than that of the Centurion, Lersely The value of the Cony therefore the edventage of being able 0 {ited disadvantage of incressed nour and sn inerease in siThouc! Freotivencss egainst the JS3. ronway against the 731/8 Gnaesount of its greater vulnerability, depends on wacther, fron teotical considerations, defeat the J83 fron the front outweighs the as vulnerability, ison with the Conturion Tring the 754/85 ond eierebie Gisedvantage, jo pore oF 1088 eer, an up-gunned Cromwell, the Conturion 3, ite ermour is’much Lighter end comperise ie rather unfoir, Nevertholess, at has a bigh chance of Maiviont to this tank. . ‘Ameppst $be JB>i40 daueeng com round'toy rou, but its superior rato of fire and ewitohing tat Stfact this distdvantage in an extended cotion. cathough tbe wen above relote to ranges of up to’ 1,000 yards, whey ayn, the 120 ua gunidauthe samgombersee Fez, Fer tar ae 3,000 yanc ota 8 SO aanM Seay of Fa ae or ee crag AzDs oamandtion 15, grostor then, UStlct Dee ata fina, but theoe an turn are more accurate than the 120 pe FSS HESH. Bet tne Effostivances of British tanks at 2,000 92705) S40 ‘eronter Tesatthat at 1,000 yerde when they fire AEDS samnition, Put Ae Ue. of SH ae 000 are neee auction an Béfoctvonoael et SAGAS. eg ‘The comparisons Biv he Effectiveness of the t RESTRICTED — RESTRICTED RESTRICTED — zs we soon tht ot 100 yrds eo anane of At (oy) ie nove tte Tae the overall Kill probability (pq) elotely rUserbies the ohanoe on ee choco ¢ nue wll Wo otal (gh: it 2000 yards thors 4s fn yetuotion {ongey, for, SH aoranstion) in the clones thet sos obi thoro de one gonerel point. that aight Be conto rite, 1e.ot Ghonoe of hut and KiLh 49 Rian Cos a] canonili tire, it would be unreasonable to give either side a cf ehte the opportunity of faring Carat wii, oi sn ol b es not claim ti tho re ‘of imiridunl engagenonts. pable 2 volow gives th. valucs of Bffectiveness for the British finest the two Runes! Joes of ffectaveness Reve. boon: isinca From the Kill probobili tice civon in Tables 1(o) ond 4(b), ena from °: oof tho avorage rates of fire of tho equipnente mae in seoordanco with the oxpression given in 4ONG Roport 6/52, This expression tak of the normal rato of aimed fire and of tho tine taken hon the previous Ono nas becn knocked out; ineressdt Yntter we tho Kill cherec increnses sir nore tage wid be spent 4m from one target to cnothors ‘toe of fire (R rds/nan) oun seeuned for Pn tion are eho in Table 25 sidered thot thoy x tia Likely t2 be sehioved indor Battle conditions and, z, favo Russian tones. Tho bversco switehing Hines havo bo ‘cons for each vehicle, excopt the JS}. For thie tank, in whiel Somitiona binder the Sparation rol syotém, 2 a, 7,000 2,000 4,000 25000 Oharisteor (R=6-8) 20 pr AEDS Wk 3 Gonturion 3 (Re?-10) 20 pr «DS wk 3 Hote : Tho figures for tho Centurion 3 aro slightly different trem thesg, quoted’ in an earlier report, This is ‘beomuse mare, receat SAGE: for tho performance of the Russian 65 mm APE ammunition neva used, lao soo footnote to porsgroph 3» * Te is worth pointing out that the Linitcd ovidenoo cvadloble the "tino into action” is comparable with this switching tina, al — RESTRICTED aot sg dts below; tho soaulte Aseity tho’ discussion will reists prigartly ?scibed: AAPOR {00 det gun in De nova that. the 754/85 hoo turion. Round far Pound he yr the 734/85, Tho ratus of is" thot "the Centurion below 50% 422 nm. pun compared with a parts oes tua aaa A to shout 2/3, Round JS}. However, the ‘nd ovatening the, coount ° 6 2 2 seals in favour of 47. The 2 Centurion 3 cennot in gonoral defeat the front nour S Conqueror wee designe © roquironent for @ tank noun vior gun which vould hay port ormpnes acoinst the JS3 : or tenk shiek cna aight aubssguently c out 2/3 for the 120 cm ‘tho conturion. introduos. £ killin; € gun, 25 r out 1/2 for the 20 or. Gonguerar ss that ite turrst 1s considersbi On the othor herd, thore hes boon no increase 4 fon the bull, vid intreduction of tho lerysr gun b in’ th otto, Tho reduced vulnerability ‘a, nnd round Tor round the Tso its avoraco rate of fire, stun than that 3 roflect he figure of rs f the J Bfrectiven f the turret n the 734 ear 43, r higher Chane Slightly lesa effective than the Gentur Tishtiy Lower average rate of fire gives ri further ni ustion in Effeetiv Be is dirticuit to cotinate the performance of the Conguasan Bae Net iRifore Russian heavy tanks in the abscnce of any information on Ties Rta Gees ovever, 2 mmbcr of hypothoticod designs Hive Pen aves Tig) op gun perfomance ett? 20 mm Beitish gun, and ommour thickness Te fo 30g groster than that of the JS}. | 1thowh ti log Gueror naturslly varies according to the pr page Beare fee scrsctivoncss solative to, tint of the Cont iiat lai Meeetetiy Sonstons ct 1-1 - 1.2. Comparison vith Table 2 Uh TDi ctea by THe relative Eefectivonoss of Conqueror and pre orate fémont in the gun porfomanco oF arnour Gt Ivast within tho Limits considered. ae RESTRICTED RES TRICTED aveor reser.” cate 1200 on vost equivalent A nay be ovor-oatinst tion ( 7y) total vortical 1 the cline mentioned im thie report ronze-finior, The range sagina= fon error i fition (in gars) of (9 renge in thoveends i horizontal errors, whigh aro 1 dont of the moans of r- Anat ‘so resented ( ). RESTRICTED

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