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JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING: Theory and Applications 23, 293–307, 2007

* 2007 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC. Manufactured in The United States.
DOI: 10.1007/s10836-006-0711-0

The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs: A Conformability

Analysis Based Approach


Department of Engineering, University of Hull, Hull, UK

Received February 10, 2006; Revised November 23, 2006

Editor: A. Ivanov

Abstract. Test and inspection are an increasingly costly element of electronic system design and manufacture and so it
is critical that the cost effectiveness of test and inspection are well understood. This paper presents techniques which may
be used to assess test capability and hence the implied test quality costs of PCB level electronic circuits. The techniques
presented are based on the electronic Conformability Analysis (eCA) approach which combines process capability indices
and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis with a cost mapping procedure. It introduces a new measure of test capability
based on the widely used process capability measure Cpk. This analysis allows the quality costs associated with design
and manufacture induced faults to be estimated and the effectiveness of test strategies in reducing these costs to be
determined. It allows the trade-off between quality costs and the component, manufacturing process and test costs to be
explored. The technique has been applied to analogue & mixed signal, safety critical circuits from automotive systems.

Keywords: quality, test escapes, test coverage, design for test, test capability, process capability, electronics design

1. Introduction—The Cost of Quality orientated analogue test [14]. Defect orientated test is also
recognised as potentially providing reliability screening of
Failures incorporated into an electronic product during its circuits which would pass standard tests [13]. It is also
manufacture may be classified as either parametric (or amenable to metrics which distinguish between device and
soft) defects resulting from in-specification variation in connection test coverage [15]. Thus any general approach
component values or as hard defects resulting from attempting to analyse test quality needs to be able to deal
failures in manufacturing processes [7]. Defects cause with both defect orientated and specification based test and
quality costs to be incurred that may range from the costs must be workable with different levels of abstraction for
of repair through scrap and replacement costs and even design description.
up to compensation costs in the event of a product Most of the literature (e.g. [18]) relating electronics
liability claim. Alongside the occurrence of defects we manufacturing processes to fault modelling and simulation
must also consider the effectiveness of testing in terms of and to design centring focuses on IC design. The
test escapes and yield loss [5]. Part of our objective in this techniques described are not fully applicable to PCB
paper is to provide feedback to the designer of the circuit, manufacturing due to the different nature of the processes;
system, or manufacturing/test process on the quality cost in particular the use of commodity parts and the manner in
impact of design and production decisions relating to test. which test and inspection is deployed. In particular, the
In [5] we consider design optimisation in more detail; multi-stage, multi-modal nature of PCB manufacture has
here we concentrate on test aspects. different implications from IC test which is generally only
Traditionally digital circuit test has employed a very conducted at one or two points in the production process.
simple defect-orientated approach (e.g. using the classic Furthermore such work is often focused on yield max-
stuck-at fault model), whereas analogue circuits have been imisation rather than quality cost minimization. The
tested against their specification. This situation has been application of six sigma [22] techniques to PCB level
increasingly challenged over the past ten or more years due electronics manufacture has been considered [17] but this
to the need for more realistic and hierarchical digital fault has focussed on the capability of manufacturing processes
models, and the potential costs savings offered by defect- and has largely ignored design and test aspects.
294 Gilbert and Bell

This paper describes a methodology, suitable for use with The number of Defects Per Million Opportunities
analogue and mixed-signal electronics, which provides (DPMO) is the probability that the performance measure
feedback to the designer on the quality-cost implication of of interest lies outside of the specification limits [4].
decisions regarding design, testing and manufacturing Thus, if the probability that a performance measure has a
processes. Given that we are interested in this broad range value x is p(x) then the DPMO value is:
of activities, it is important that the output from applying our
methodology is consistent across the domains of design, 8 LSL 9
manufacture and test. The Conformability Analysis meth- <Z Z1 =
odology provides this consistency of approach. In terms of DPMO ¼ pð xÞdxþ pð xÞdx  106 ð2Þ
: ;
test, the methodology aims to provide tools that can deal 1 USL
with both design induced failures and failures due to
manufacturing defects in a consistent manner. Section 2 of The definition of the Process Capability Index is based
the paper provides a brief outline of the Conformability on the normal distribution. Where the process is not
Analysis methodology on which this work is based. We normal, we may however determine the value of DPMO,
show how this methodology may be adapted to electronic either by transformation or by curve fitting techniques
system design, manufacture and test. The particular issues [3], and hence derive an equivalent Cpk value. Target Cpk
associated with test capability are explored more fully in values are often specified for processes, a typical value
Section 3. Section 4 demonstrates the application of the being CpkQ1.5, which corresponds to fault occurrence of
technique to a simple example circuit while Section 5 less than 3.4DPMO.
discusses its application to a commercial safety critical
circuit. Evaluation and conclusions about the applicability
of the technique are presented in Sections 6 and 7. 2.2. Quality Cost Mapping

The expected costs resulting from a particular product

2. Conformability Analysis defect depend on both the probability of its occurrence
and upon the severity of its effects. The relationship
Conformability Analysis (CA) [1, 4, 20] had been shown between quality and cost has been addressed by a number
to be effective in determining quality costs associated of authors. Taguchi [21] developed the concept of the
with mechanical products, arising from manufacture and Quality Loss Function (QLF) in which the cost of
assembly induced faults. This paper describes a modified deviation from the target value of a parameter is
form of CA applicable to electronic systems [5], with represented as a quadratic function of the difference
particular focus on mixed signal test. between actual and target values. This is scaled by the
The key elements of the Conformability Analysis acceptable range of performance and the cost of repair or
methodology are an assessment of the capability of a replacement. An alternative approach is to apply a scale
manufacturing process to produce products which meet to different severities of failure and develop a relationship
their specification and an assessment of the cost implica- between severity and cost. The definition of a failure
tions of any failures which do occur. The first of these is severity scale is not straightforward but one suitable
embodied in the process capability index Cpk while the scale, defining Impact (Severity), has been developed by
latter is determined using a quality cost mapping process. Batchelor and Swift [1] based on the Failure Modes and
These two steps will be explained before showing how Effects Analysis (FMEA) severity scale [23]. The
they may be adapted to the electronics design, manufac- characteristics of the points on the Impact (Severity)
ture and test arena. scale are given in Table 1 [1].
Having defined a scale against which to assess the
2.1. Process Capability Index, Cpk severity of failure the second issue is to relate this scale to
likely cost. This relationship will depend on a number of
The Process Capability Index, Cpk, represents a pro- factors including the market sector for which the product is
cesses_ ability to produce products that meet their designed, the internal organisation and field service
specification. Assuming a characteristic is normally arrangements of the company involved as well as the
distributed, with mean m and standard deviation s, and technologies adopted. Thus companies may wish to
that the acceptable range of performance is from the develop their own scale. However, a simple general scale,
lower specification limit, LSL, to the upper specification based on the Brule of ten^ [1], has been found to give a
limit, USL, then Cpk is defined as [6]: good indication of likely costs for a range of industries.
The rule of ten states that costs of failure generally
  increase tenfold at each process step in the supply chain
jm  LSLj jUSL  m:j until the failure is detected. After shipping, costs increase
Cpk ¼ min ; ð1Þ
3s 3s with the severity of the effect of failure. Table 1 provides
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 295

Table 1. Impact (severity) ratings. framework, as illustrated in Fig. 1. This common

Impact Cost (% product
framework allows the relative importance of hard and
(severity) Characteristics cost) soft defects to be assessed.
The capability of each aspect of a design/manufacture/
1 Component failure (before/at 1st 0.1 test combination may be expressed as a Cpk value. Thus
the capability of a design to function correctly in the
2 Failure in subassembly 1
presence of in-specification component parameter varia-
3 Failure at final assembly 10 tions may be termed Bfunctional capability,^ Cpk(func).
4 Scrap unit or customer reject (OE 100 The capability of a manufacturing process route for a
particular circuit may be termed Bmanufacturing capa-
5 Warranty return 1,000 bility,^ Cpk(man), and the capability of test/inspection
6 Warranty return, Consequential 104 processes to detect faults may be termed Btest capability,^
Cpk(test). Associated with each of these are defect or test
7 Breach of statutory/regulatory 105 failure rates, usually specified in DPMO.
Figures for Functional Capability may be derived from
8 Potentially hazardous failure 106
Monte-Carlo type simulations or from production sam-
9 Hazardous failure—some control 107 ples and typically a Cpk(func) value will be determined for
each specified measure of circuit performance.
10 Serious hazardous Failure—no 108
Manufacturing Capability values may be determined by
measuring production machine performance, for example
placement accuracy, and comparing these with the require-
ments for acceptable assembly. These manufacturing de-
a list of likely costs for the various Impact (Severity) fects may be based on a finite defect model and may be
ratings [1]. The rule of ten may be written as: subdivided as in [15]. Use of a fixed defect universe such as
this facilitates comparisons (e.g. of test processes), but is not
CO ¼ Cunit  O  10I4 ð3Þ essential for optimising different individual board designs,
although of course consistency is required for comparing
where Co is the average failure cost, Cunit is the unit cost alternatives for a given system. In the examples in this paper
of the product, O is the defect occurrence probability and we use only defects causing open and short faults, but our
I is the Impact (Severity) rating. methodology is not limited to this. In common with [15] we
The conformability analysis methodology consists of do not use assumptions on how testing will be conducted
assessing Cpk for each manufacturing process and hence when determining which defects may be present.
the defect occurrence and determining the probable Test capability is a little more complex and, since it is
quality costs given the Impact (Severity) rating. This is the primary focus of this paper, will be discussed more
repeated for each aspect of a products specification and so fully in Section 4.
an overall cost of quality can be determined. This cost The value of Cpk is a function of the variability in
may then be compared with a threshold value for component/process parameters. One of the advantages of
acceptable design, typically taken as 0.01% of the total this representation is that it may be manipulated to show
product cost [4]. In the following section we will show an estimate of the contribution which each component/
how this methodology may be adapted to aspects of process parameter makes to overall capability. Based on
electronics design, manufacture and test. this information, it is straightforward to direct design and
analysis effort at those components and processes which
2.3. Conformability Analysis in Electronics Design, have the greatest impact on poor capability [5].
Manufacture and Test

The CA methodology has been applied to mechanical Manufacturing Functional

Capability Capability
aspects of board level electronics manufacture such as Will the proposed processes If the circuit is put together
allow us to put it together
PCB manufacture and soldering [11]. However other correctly?
correctly will it meet the
aspects of electronics design, manufacture and test could Capability
Cpk (man) Cpk (func)
benefit from this approach. The concept of capability and Will our test strategy tell
us when things are going
Critical Critical Components/
cost mapping may be applied to variations in the Components
Operating conditions
functional behaviour of a circuit, to variations in the Cpk(test)

manufacturing processes used to produce the circuit and

Impact (Severity)
to variations in the test and inspection processes used to What are the consequences
Cost of
detect faulty circuits. Thus these different sources of of defects? Quality
product failure may be assessed within a common Fig. 1. Three elements of electronics CA.
296 Gilbert and Bell

3. Test Capability of test variability. Other test processes such as visual

inspection will also contribute to the overall test capabil-
As described above, Conformability Analysis involves ity and will require an evaluation of their effectiveness
capability assessment to determine the probabilities of for each fault of interest. Evaluations of multiple test
particular faults followed by an estimation of the resulting stages have to be combined to determine overall test
quality costs. The same two stages may be applied to test capability and this is discussed in Section 4.3.
and inspection processes as discussed below.
Variability in the test/inspection process can result in
both yield loss and defect escapes. Comprehensive assess- 3.1. Test Capability Measurement
ment of defect escapes requires understanding of the
behaviour of the circuit under all possible fault conditions, In defining a measure of test capability we wish to develop a
in the presence of within-specification component param- quantity which indicates the extent to which a particular test
eter variations. This can be computationally very expensive can distinguish between the behaviour of defect-free
and so is not attractive. It is thus desirable to only analyse circuits and those which contain hard defects. Any test or
those faults which are likely to occur or, preferably, those inspection process involves measurements of circuit char-
which are associated with the greatest quality costs. acteristics which are corrupted by noise. Thus these
As illustrated in Fig. 1 functional and manufacturing processes introduce variability which must be combined
capability assessments identify the most likely and most with the inherent variability in those circuit characteristics
costly defects. This information may be used to ensure that in order to determine the distribution of measured perfor-
the efforts expended in test generation and testability analysis mance. Consider Fig. 2 which shows the distribution of
are focusing on those aspects of manufacture and functional measured behaviour under defect-free conditions and
behaviour, which have the greatest cost implications [5]. under three different defect conditions. It is clear that this
Inductive Fault Analysis (IFA) [16] has also been test, with the upper and lower test limits (UTL and LTL)
proposed as a method of producing an ordered fault list, indicated, is highly capable of detecting defect conditions
and so reducing fault simulation effort for ICs. IFA has 1 and 2 but poor at detecting defect condition 3.
been extended to analogue ICs [8] by using a methodol- Based on the definition of Cpk for manufacturing
ogy that employs statistical process simulation. IFA processes we may define Cpk(test) in terms of the distance
techniques may also be adapted to board layouts [12] to between the mean and the test limits scaled by the
determine probabilities of short-circuit and open-circuit variability in the measured behaviour under defect con-
tracks if the properties of such defects are known. One ditions. Considering the upper test limit, we may define:
difficulty with this is that it requires a multi-stage
approach, as processes such as soldering may be multi- mi  UTL
CpkðtestÞi ¼ ð4Þ
staged with a typical board going through several 3s i
soldering operations. A straightforward application of
IFA analysis to board tracks may also not produce the where mi is the mean of measured behaviour under defect
most effective ordered list of faults to be investigated. For condition i and s i is the standard deviation of measured
example, this approach may not indicate variation in fault behaviour under defect condition i. Thus a large positive
probability due to the positioning of a large component at value of Cpk(test)i implies that the test is effective in
different distances from the edge of a board. detecting defect i. Note that if the mean behaviour lies
The functional and manufacturing capability and cost below the upper test limit, as in defect condition 3 in Fig. 2,
assessment described in Section 3 may readily be the value of Cpk(test) will be negative, indicating that the
presented as an ordered fault list since this simply test is not capable of detecting the defect. This measure
involves a ranking of design and manufacture induced may also be applied to the defect-free case where it gives
faults on the basis of capability or cost [10]. an assessment of yield loss. In this case the Cpk(test) value
Having obtained an ordered fault list, assessment of the will be negative (assuming the test limits span the mean
capability of the electrical test processes may be carried performance) and a more negative Cpk(test) value corre-
out using fault simulation. In our work we use a modified sponds to lower yield loss.
form of the ANTICS fault simulator [2, 19] to estimate In the more general case where we have an upper and
the probable occurrence of defect escapes. The ANTICS lower test limit (UTL and LTL) this may be extended to:
software works by controlling SPICE simulations of the  
test process. In our methodology we perform an initial m  UTL LTL  mi
CpkðtestÞi ¼ max i ; ð5Þ
analysis based on a small number of simulations of each 3s i 3s i
defect to determine which ones are easily identified and
which are more subtle. More extensive simulation is then The use of the maximum of the two values ensures that
performed on these latter faults to obtain information the capability in respect to the closest test limit is
about the distribution of circuit behaviour and the effect considered. It may be noted that if the mean of behaviour
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 297

Defect 1

Defect Free Defect 3

Defect 2

μ2 LTL μ0 UTL μ1 performance
Fig. 2. Effect of defects on measured performance.

under defect conditions lies between the test limits, as failing a particular test under defect or defect-free
illustrated in defect 3 in Fig. 2, both terms in Eq. 5 are conditions. In doing so we must consider defect escape
negative. and yield loss probabilities using both circuit behaviour
Clearly not all tests are equally effective at detecting all and test measurement variability. In order to estimate
defects and so it is common that several tests may be used these values, the method outlined below has been used.
to ensure coverage. Thus we may consider the capability Assume that the probability distribution of performance
of test j to detect defect condition i, defined as: of the circuit in the absence of hard faults but in the
  presence of component parameter variations is Ps(x).
mij  UTLj LTLj  mij Given performance specification limits of LSL and USL
CpkðtestÞij ¼ max ; ð6Þ
3s ij 3s ij then the circuit behaviour is acceptable for LSL <
x < USL. The distribution of this acceptable behaviour
where mij is the mean of behaviour under defect condition is a truncated version of Ps(x), namely:
i as measured in test j, s ij is the standard deviation of 8
behaviour under defect condition i as measured in test j < 0 x  LSL
and UTLj and LTLj are the upper and lower test limits Psg ð xÞ ¼ Ps ð xÞ LSL < x < USL ð7Þ
adopted in test j. Provided one of the test processes 0 x  USL
applied is capable of detecting each of the i defect
Likewise, the distribution of unacceptable behaviours is
conditions then there should be minimal defect  escapes.

the remainder of Ps(x), namely:
This may be interpreted as ensuring that max CpkðtestÞij
is above a specified minimum e.g. 1.5.
j¼1::m 8
< Ps ð xÞ x  LSL
Psf ð xÞ ¼ 0 LSL < x < USL ð8Þ
3.2. Test Error Occurrence :
Ps ð xÞ x  USL

On the basis discussed in Section 2.1, the Cpk(test) value Now, the variation in the performance of the test/
may be related to the probability of a circuit passing or inspection process may be represented by a distribution
298 Gilbert and Bell

T(x). The shape of this distribution will depend on the probability of defect escapes is the integral of the
nature of the test/inspection method used. The distribu- probability of faulty circuits whose measured behaviour
tion of measured performance is found from the convo- falls within the test limits, LTL to UTL:
lution of actual performance distribution and the test
performance distribution. Thus the measured performance ZUTL
of good circuits is: PDE ¼ Msf ð xÞdx ð11Þ
Msg ð xÞ ¼ Psg ð xÞ*T ð xÞ ð9Þ
Similarly the overall probability of yield loss errors is
where *R1 represents the convolution operation f ð xÞ* given by:
gð xÞ ¼ 1 f ð xÞgðx  yÞdy. Likewise, the measured per-
formance of faulty circuits is: ZLTL Z1
PYL ¼ Msg ð xÞdxþ Msg ð xÞdx ð12Þ
Msf ð xÞ ¼ Psf ð xÞ*T ð xÞ ð10Þ

This latter case is illustrated in Fig. 3. Clearly the effect of The benefit of using the probability distributions to
measurement noise is to produce apparent behaviour which represent the variation in performance and measurement
is spread from the actual behaviour. A similar smearing is that the computation of this smearing effect is
effect occurs on the measured performance of fault-free straightforward (since it is simply the convolution of
circuits. It should be noted that although both the circuit two functions) and the calculation of integrals given in
behaviour and the test noise are represented by normal Eqs. 11 and 12 may be performed by numerical methods.
distributions in this illustration, this is not a requirement and
any distributions may be treated in the same manner.
The occurrence of test errors depends on the test limit 3.3. Test Error Cost
selected. The defect escapes and yield loss probabilities
may be found from the integral of the smeared functions Using the methods described in Section 3.2 we may
above and below the test limits. Thus the overall estimate the probability of a particular board passing or

Faulty Circuit
Fault Free Performance
Performance of
Faulty Circuits

Upper Defective
Specification Circuits
Fig. 3. Combined effect of performance variation and measurement variability of measured performance of out of specification behaviour.
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 299

failing a particular test, both in the case where the board of fault 1 and when failing test 2. The probability of a
contains a specific defect and when it is defect-free. In fault-free circuits which pass all tests and which meets all
most manufacturing environments the situation is more aspects of the specification is denoted P000.
complex since there are many possible defects and many It can be difficult to determine the conditional
different test/inspection operations. In addition, since probabilities for multiple defects so we will assume that
board production is a multi-stage/multi-test process of a board can only contain a single defect. This is a
the type illustrated in Fig. 4, the probability of each fault conservative assumption since, for a given number of
type varies through the manufacturing process. In parallel defects, it results in the maximum number of defective
with this, the value of the board increases as it progresses boards. In this case, the probability of an item being
through the various stages of manufacture. In order to scrapped (either because it fails at test due to hard faults
represent the probability of fault occurrence, the proba- and or because it fails at test despite containing no hard
bility of passing at test and the probability that the circuit faults) is:
meets its specification, we will introduce the following
notation: l X
X m X
Ps ¼ Pij þ P0j ð13Þ
i¼1 j¼1 j¼1
probability that circuit contains no hard defects, The first term in this equation represents all those
circuits which contain hard defects and fail at test while
Pi i ¼ 1:::l the second term represents those that contain no hard
probability that circuit contains hard defect i defects but which fail at test; in other words yield loss.
For the purposes of this paper we will also assume that all
Pi0 circuits which fail at test are scrapped although, in
conditional probability that circuit passes all tests in the practice, further test and rework may be carried out.
presence of defect i, The costs associated with this may be represented through
the use of an appropriate Impact (Severity) rating. The
Pij j ¼ 1:::m point in the manufacturing process at which a unit is
conditional probability that circuit fails at the jth test scrapped determines its value, as reflected in the Impact
stage in the presence of defect i (Severity) rating. If this is denoted Isj for an item
scrapped at the jth test stage then the total value of
Pij0 scrapped items is:
conditional probability that circuit meets all aspects of
the specification, in the presence of defect i and test X l Xm
Isj 4
Isj 4
outcome j Cs ¼ Cunit Pij 10 þ P0j 10 ð14Þ
i¼1 j¼1 j¼1

Pijk k ¼ 1:::n Or
conditional probability that circuit fails to meet the kth
l X
aspect of the specification in the presence of defect i and Cs ¼ Cunit Pij 10Isj 4 ð15Þ
test outcome j i¼0 j¼1
Thus, P123 is the probability that a board contains hard
defect number 1, fails test number 2 in the presence of Circuits which pass all tests are shipped and of these
this fault and fails to meet specification 3 in the presence some may contain hard defects while others may exhibit

Field Failure
Process Test Process Test k Test n Im pact I fk
G ood Product


Scrap Scrap Scrap

Impact I s1 Impact I sk Im pact I sn free
Fig. 4. Test cost model.
300 Gilbert and Bell

soft defects. In both cases these may result in field failure. 12V Node 1
The probability of field failure is thus given by:
l X
n 10k R1
Pf ¼ Pi0 þ P00k ð16Þ
i¼1 k¼1
Node 2
where the first term represents circuits with hard faults
which nevertheless pass all tests and the second term 100Ω R2 V3
represents circuits with no hard faults which pass all tests
but fail to meet the kth aspect of the specification. Node 3 V1
The costs resulting from a field failure depends on which
aspect of the specification is violated. Failure to meet aspect
k of the specification has an associated Impact (Severity)
220k 22k V2
rating Ifk and hence average cost for units containing soft R4 R3
defects is Cunit P00k 10Ifk 4 . It is possible that a single defect
may cause a circuit to fail to meet several aspects of its 0V Node 4
specification and these may have different consequences. Fig. 5. Example circuit design.
In general we are most concerned about those faults which
have the highest cost consequences. Thus the cost of field
failures is approximated by: interpreted as 3s=5% of the nominal value with the
distribution truncated at T 5% [18]. Using nominal
( ) component values the output voltages are V1=8.01 V,
Ifk 4 Ifk 4 V2=7.97 V and V3=39.9 mV. A PCB layout of an
Cf ¼ Cunit max Pi0 10 þ max P00k 10
k¼1::n k¼1::n implementation of the proposed design is given in Fig. 6.

4.1. Functional Capability
It should be noted that these equations can only be
regarded as an estimate of expected quality costs since they Based on a sample of 1,000 randomly selected sets of
neglect costs from some, less expensive, failure modes. resistor values taken from truncated normal distributions,
However, this figure is useful in itself and the terms in the the defect-free distributions of each voltage may be
summation also indicate which aspects of the specification found. From this data the functional capability of the
and which faults are associated with the greatest quality design, the expected failure rates and the implied average
costs. Once this is established, additional analysis may be quality costs may be calculated using Eqs. 1, 2 and 3.
applied to determine a more accurate figure for the major This information is given in Table 3.
cost elements and to address the causes of these costs. It can be seen that although the circuit has a fairly high
level of capability with regard to the lower limit for V1
there is a relatively high cost due to the high Impact
4. Example Circuit

In this section we describe a very simple example circuit Node 1 R1

to illustrate each stage of our approach. The circuit is a
potential divider required to meet the output voltage Node 2
specification given in Table 2. The Impact (Severity) R2
rating if the circuit fails to meet this specification is also
given in Table 2, these values being set for illustrative
purposes only. Figure 5 shows a proposed design where
all resistors have 5% tolerance. This tolerance is Node 3 Node 4
Table 2. Example circuit specification.
Parameter LSL USL Impact (severity)

V1 7.75 – 7
V1 – 8.25 6 R4
V2 7.75 8.25 5
V3 0.035 0.045 6
Fig. 6. Example circuit layout.
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 301

Table 3. Functional capability of proposed design.

Parameter LSL USL Impact (severity) Cpk(fun) Fault Occurrence (ppm) Average cost (% of unit cost)

V1 7.75 – 7 1.49 4.1 0.41

V1 – 8.25 6 1.34 30.2 0.302
V2 7.75 8.25 5 1.26 80.3 0.08
V3 0.035 0.045 6 2.05 0.0004 410j6
Total 0.792

(Severity) factor. It may further be noted that the lower specification if the remaining component parameters fall
limit for V1 and the limits for V2 are associated with lower within certain regions of their specified ranges. A short
levels of capability and hence higher levels of fault circuit between nodes 2 and 3 will clearly result in the
occurrence. The resulting costs are lower however due to circuit failing to meet the specification for V3. It will not
the lower Impact (Severity) rating. The performance with necessarily however cause it to fail to meet the specifi-
respect to the specification for V3 is highly capable and cations for V1 and V2.
hence has negligible quality cost consequences. The probabilities of the circuit complying with each
aspect of the specification in the presence of these hard
4.2. Manufacturing Capability defects are listed in Table 5. Since we are not, at this
stage, considering test processes then we can treat the
In the analysis of manufacturing capability, we will only circuits as though they have all passed all tests and simply
consider two types of defects: open circuit and short circuit consider the FOccurrence Probability_ (the probability of
defects. It is assumed in this analysis that the probability of the ith hard fault occurring, Pi) and the FEffect Proba-
such defects depends solely on the processes used and not bility_ (the probability of failing to meet the kth aspect of
on the component value or its location on the board. The the specification in the presence of the ith hard fault,
occurrence rate for open circuit defects is set to 10DPMO Pi0k =Pi ). The actual defect rate, Pi0k is the rate of
(Cpk(man)=1.42). Unintentional short circuits may be occurrence of the manufacturing defect i multiplied by
introduced between nodes if solder is placed or re-flowed the probability of the circuit failing to meet specification
incorrectly. The probability of such faults decreases as the k in the presence of the defect i. Thus the probability of
distance between nodes increases. The illustrative prob- an open circuit in place of R4 is 10 ppm and when such a
abilities of short circuits are given in Table 4, as are the defect occurs, the probability that this will force V1 above
corresponding Cpk(man) values in brackets. its upper specification limit is 0.576 and so the probability
A Monte Carlo analysis of the circuit behaviour, in the of this failure due to this cause is 5.76 DPMO. Given that
presence of component parameter variations, has been the corresponding Impact (Severity) factor is 6, the
performed for each short and open circuit defect resulting average quality cost is 0.0576% of the product
condition. In most cases there will be a significant change cost. In the case of defect 8 (a short circuit between nodes
in circuit response. These may be identified on the basis N2 and N3), the probability of the defect occurring is ten
of a fairly small sample of simulations and so an initial DPMO but this pulls voltages V1 and V2 closer to the
screening process involving 100 Monte Carlo simulations centre of their specified range and so it is very unlikely
was performed under each defect condition. There are, that the performance
 will be outside
 of these specification
however, circumstances in which defects occur but the limits Pi0k Pi ¼ 12:4  106 . However, given this
circuit still meets at least some aspects of the specifica- defect, it is certain that the circuit will fail to meet its
tion. In particular, if R4 is not included in the circuit then specification for V3 and so in this case Pi0k =Pi ¼ 1. In this
it is still possible for the circuit to meet all aspects of the case the Impact (Severity) rating is six and so the average
quality cost is 1% of the product cost.
In the case of soft defects, assuming that any board can
Table 4. Probabilities of short circuit faults between nodes (corresponding
only contain one hard defect, the number of boards which
values of Cpk(man)). contain no hard defects is simply the total boards less the
sum of hard defect occurrence probabilities (in this case
Nodes N1 N2 N3 N4 106  262 ¼ 999738ppm). The corresponding Effect
N1 – 10 ppm (1.42) 100 ppm (1.24) 1 ppm (1.58) Probabilities are the same as those given in Table 3, with
N2 – 10 ppm (1.42) 100 ppm (1.24) corresponding average quality costs.
N3 – 1 ppm (1.58) Based on the figures given in Table 5 the overall
N4 –
average quality cost may be estimated as 24.8% of the
unit cost. We may also see that the major contributors to
302 Gilbert and Bell

this cost are short circuits between nodes 1 and 3 and the test limits were set to the specification limits although
between nodes 2 and 4. Note that where a defect affects other values could readily be used. The test capability
several measures of performance we have included in the figures calculated are given in Table 6.
total cost only that aspect of performance which has the The first row of Table 6 is for the case with no hard
highest cost consequences. This is based on the premise defects. The negative capability indicates that the mean
that a board will be removed from service as soon as any performance lies between the test limits, as would be
fault occurs and so it would not be reasonable to add the expected for the defect-free circuit. The absolute values
costs of all possible failures. We do not however know in of Cpk(test) mirror those for the functional capability given
what sequence failures may occur and so it is conserva- in Table 3 but indicate a slightly lower capability due to
tive to assume that the most expensive failure will occur the measurement noise introduced. These capability
first. Thus, in the total column of Table 5 we include the figures may be related to the number of boards containing
maximum cost for each possible defect. no hard defects which will fail at test. The majority of the
remaining rows of Table 6 indicate that the tests are
4.3. Test Capability highly capable of detecting these defects (High values of
Cpk(test)). Consider, for example, defect 1 (R1 open
Using the method outlined in Section 3 and the circuit) and test 1 (for the lower limit on V1). Under this
performance distributions determined above we may defect condition V1 will become zero but the measured
estimate the test capability and hence quality cost for voltage will have zero mean and standard deviation of
the example circuit. Using the same 100 run Monte Carlo 10 mV due to measurement noise. The test capability
simulations as used to assess manufacturing capability, is thus CpkðtestÞ11 ¼ LTL3s1 m
¼ 7:750
30:01 ¼ 258. Clearly this
we can assess test capability. Measurement noise with a test is effective at detecting this defect but is not capable
standard deviation of 10 mV was assumed with respect to of detecting defect 2 (open circuit on R2) since this causes
V1 and V2 and 50 mV with respect to V3. These values V1 to move further above the lower test limit. This defect
assume that the measurement instrument is capable of is, however, readily detected by test 2 (V1 above 8.25 V).
measuring to 3 digits but in practice this would require The only defect for which all tests show poor capability is
knowledge of the instrumentation used. In this evaluation defect 4 (R4 open circuit). This may be predicted since R4

Table 5. Manufacturing capability of proposed layout.

Fault Component/ Occurrence Effect Impact Possible costs

Fault number, nodes probability, probability, (severity) for defect Highest
 cost fordefect
type i affected Pi (ppm) Pi0k =Pi Ifk Pi0k 10Ifk 4 max Pi0k 10Ifk 4

Soft 0 999738 V1l: 4.1 ppm 7 0.41 0.41

V1u: 30.2 ppm 6 0.3
V2: 80.3 ppm 5 0.08
V3: 0.0004 ppm 6 410j6
Open 1 R1 10 1 7 1 1
2 R2 10 1 7 1 1
3 R3 10 1 7 1 1
4 R4 10 V1l: 0 7 0
V1u: 0.576 6 0.0576 0.0576
V2: 0.333 5 0.00333
V3: 0.0009 6 0.000091
Short 5 N1+N2 10 1 7 1 1
6 N1+N3 100 1 7 10 10
7 N1+N4 1 1 7 0.1 0.1
8 N2+N3 10 V1l: 12.410j6 7 12.410j12
V1u: 12.410j6 6 1.2410j12
V2: 12.410j6 5 0.12410j12
V3 : 1 6 0.1 0.1
9 N2+N4 100 1 7 10 10
10 N3+N4 1 1 7 0.1 0.1
Total (% unit cost) 24.8%
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 303

Table 6. Test capability figure for proposed design.

Test, j
Defect 7.75V < V2 < 0.035V < V3 < Maximum
Number, i Defect Name V1 > 7.75V V1 < 8.25V 8.25V 0.045V capability
0 None -1.46 -1.32 -1.24 -2.04 -1.24
1 Open R1 258 -275 259 233 258
2 Open R2 -142 125 258 79700 79700
3 Open R3 -81 70.2 69.9 77.1 77.1
4 Open R4 -2.82 0.063 -0.143 -1.03 0.063
5 Short N1 + N2 -142 125 122 3.70 125
6 Short N1 + N3 -142 125 125 232 233
7 Short N1 + N4 -8.33 -8.33 125 26400 26400
8 Short N2 + N3 -1.38 -1.39 -1.38 233 233
9 Short N2 + N4 258 -275 258 233 258
10 Short N3 + N4 245 -262 258 8.99 258

Shaded cells indicate those tests which are not capable of detecting the corresponding defect.

(220 k) is in parallel with R3 (22 k) and so any change in tion. However, a small proportion will fail to meet some
R4 is largely masked by R3. Thus the absence of R4 has aspects of the specification. 0.92 ppm will fail to meet
little impact on the voltages tested and so all tests display the specification for V1L, 5.9 ppm will fail V1U, 16 ppm
poor capability. Three of the tests have negative capability, will fail V2. Given the corresponding Impact (Severity)
indicating that the mean performance with the defect still ratings of 7, 6 and 5, the resulting average costs
lies between the test limits while the most effective of the are 0:92  1074 þ 5:9  1064 þ 16  1054 106 
tests (Test 2) has a Cpk(test) value of only 0.063, which 100 ¼ 0:167%. There are a negligible number of circuits
indicates that only 0.576 of circuits suffering from this which fail to meet the specification for V3.
defect will fail this test. Considering defect 4, an open circuit on R4, which
We may also use the data in Table 6 to asses test occurs with a probability of 10 ppm, we may calculate
coverage. It may be seen that test 4 is capable of that in 0.5768 of cases these circuits will fail one or more
detecting all defects except Defect 4 while test 1 is only tests and be scrapped (average cost 10  106  0:5768
effective in detecting defects 1, 9 and 10, which are 1044  100 ¼ 0:00058%). The remaining proportion
adequately covered by other test. We may, therefore wish (0.4232 of units with defect 4 or 4.23DPMO of all units)
to consider eliminating tests 1, 2 and 3 and determining will pass all tests and be shipped. We may consider these
other methods to identify Defect 4. Before undertaking defective boards in a number of ways. We may consider
such steps, it is worthwhile considering the cost con- that although they contain defect 4 the majority will meet
sequences of the various defects and proposed test all aspects of their specification. We may further calculate
strategy. As has been seen from Table 6, the tests display that only approximately 2.5% of these
 defective boards
good capability for all but two defect types, defect 4 and 4:23  106  0:025 ¼ 0:106DPMO will fail to meet
soft defects represented in the first row of Table 6. Given the specifications for V1U and V2. The average cost
the Cpk(test) figures in this first row, we can see that a resulting from these failures is therefore 0:106  106 
significant proportion of defect-free units will fail this test 1064  100 ¼ 0:00106% and 0:106  106  1054 
(approx 100DPMO in the case of Test 3 since 100 ¼ 0:000106%, respectively. More conservatively,
Cpk(test)=1.24). Those defect-free units which fail a test will we may take the view that having shipped a defective
be scrapped but the fact that their performance lies close to board we should expect it to fail at some point and
the test and specification limit implies that some other calculate the cost on this basis, even if it does meet the
boards may pass the test (due to the measurement noise) but specification when shipped. In this case we have 4.23 ppm
fail to meet the specification. These units which possess soft defective boards which are liable to fail the specification
defects will be shipped and are liable to field failure while for V1U and V2, and so average quality costs of 4:23 
other defect-free units are scrapped. The cost consequences 106  1064  100 ¼ 0:0423% a n d 4:23  106 
of these two outcomes will be investigated further. This, 1054  100 ¼ 0:00423%, respectively.
more detailed, investigation is based on a more extensive
fault simulation of these two defect conditions. 4.4. Combined Capability
Consider first the 999738 ppm circuits which contain
no hard defects. Out of this total, 145 boards will fail one We can see from the above analysis that the circuit
or more of the tests and be scrapped. Given the Impact exhibits poor capability. The functional capability is low,
 rating of of Isj ¼ 4, the resulting
 average cost with a minimum Cpk(func) value of 1.26 and an average
is 145  106  1044  100 ¼ 0:0145% . Of those that quality cost of 0.79% of the product cost even if the
pass the test, the vast majority will meet their specifica- circuit could be built without the introduction of any hard
304 Gilbert and Bell

defects. Manufacturing capability is poor resulting in a The test capability figures for the modified circuit are
large number of faulty circuits, giving an average quality shown in Table 7. It can be seen that the tests are capable
cost of 24.3% of the product cost. If we use test (with test of detecting all of the defects and, indeed Test 4 alone is
limits set to the same values as specification limits) to capable of detecting all of the defects. Thus we are able
identify faulty boards then, due to the presence of to eliminate the remaining tests. It may also be noted that
measurement noise, we are not able to identify all faults the capability with respect to soft faults is improved
and face a quality cost of 0.23% of the product cost. It is (more negative). Thus the tests will be expected to fail
often considered that the maximum acceptable quality fewer circuits which contain no hard defects and so the
cost is 0.01% of the product cost [4] and hence the costs yield loss is similarly reduced. With the modified circuit
found here are unlikely to be acceptable. Improving the the average quality cost reduces to 0.00056%.
capability of manufacturing or test processes is likely to The analysis carried out on this circuit clearly quanti-
require new capital equipment and hence be expensive fies the effectiveness of test in controlling quality costs.
and so it would seem sensible, in the first instance, to This does not directly take account of the cost of
investigate design modifications. conducting the test but this is a relatively simple
The components which contribute most to poor calculation compared to those presented here.
functional capability are R1 and R3 (see [5] for an
analysis of a similar circuit). Furthermore the test
processes cannot reliably detect whether R4 is present. 5. Industrial Case Study
Combining these two findings suggests that replacing R3
and R4 by a single 20 k, 1% resistor may overcome these In order to assess the effectiveness of the techniques
problems. It is possible that the cost of a single 1% described a number of case studies of commercial circuit
resistor may be less than that for two 5% resistors but, designs and manufacture/test routes have been investi-
even if this is not the case, the additional cost may be gated [9]. The case study outlined below produced results
worthwhile if the result is a saving in quality costs. The which are typical of those found. The circuit considered is
change to a 1% resistor has the effect of reducing shown in Fig. 7. The purpose of this circuit is to take a
variability, particularly in V3, and thus significantly sine wave signal from the sensor connected to VSensor and
improves the functional capability of the circuit, as convert this to a square wave output of the same
detailed in Table 7. In assessing the capability of this frequency at Vout. Since the sensor signal is corrupted
modified circuit we will assume that the individual by noise, the circuit contains low pass filter elements and
manufacturing capability figures given in Table 4 (with hysteresis provided by the positive feedback connection
R4 eliminated) remain valid. around the comparator. The proposed test regime con-
Clearly, if the redesigned circuit could be manufactured sisted of applying a 5 V, 100 Hz square wave signal with
without the introduction of faults, its performance would additive Gaussian noise to the input and monitoring the
be acceptable. Unfortunately, the manufacturing capabil- output frequency. The test specification stated that the
ity is not significantly affected by the redesign and the output frequency should be within the range 90–110 Hz.
average quality costs, in the absence of test, remain at Using this test input the defect-free circuit was found to
24.3% of the product cost. Fortunately, the reduced produce a 100 Hz output under all in-specification
variability in fault-free circuits and the elimination of component variation conditions. Thus the standard devi-
R4 whose presence had only a small effect on circuit ation of the output frequency is zero and the test
behaviour means that the test operations are better able to capability infinite. In assessing the capability of this test
distinguish between defect-free and defective circuits. in the presence of defects, short and open circuit defects

Table 7. Test capability figure for modified circuit.

Test, j
Defect 7.75V < V2 < 0.035V < V3 < Maximum
Number, i Defect Name V1 > 7.75V V1 < 8.25V 8.25V 0.045V capability
0 None -1.92 -1.72 -1.64 -2.33 -1.64
1 Open R1 258 -275 259 233 259
2 Open R2 -141 125 258 79700 79700
3 Open R3 -142 125 125 233 233
5 Short N1 + N2 -142 125 123 4.91 125
6 Short N1 + N3 -142 125 125 233 233
7 Short N1 + N4 -8.33 -8.33 125 26400 26400
8 Short N2 + N3 -1.82 -1.82 -1.82 233 233
9 Short N2 + N4 258 -275 258 233 258
10 Short N3 + N4 245 -261 258 9.00 258

Shaded cells indicate those tests which are not capable of detecting the corresponding defect.
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 305

R3 20k R4 47k R5 3M3

5V 10μ 5V

R1 R6
18k 7M5
+ Vout
R2 68k
C1 C2
10n 2n2

Fig. 7. Signal conditioning circuit.

on each of the passive component were considered. Many circuit defect in place of R1 causes the DC offset on the
of these defects result in an output frequency which lies input voltage to be altered and changes the limits of the
far outside the specified range (most often zero Hz). In hysteresis provided by the comparator. This allows a
order to identify these a test screening was performed small number of large noise spikes to be counted causing
involving a small number of Monte Carlo simulations the output frequency to increase. The output frequency
under each defect condition. More extensive Monte Carlo lies somewhere in the region 100–104 Hz dependant on
simulations were performed for those defects identified in the component values and the noise voltage profile.
the screening simulations as having poor test capability. Clearly these circuits would all pass the proposed test
From the results of these simulations the test capability and the test is not capable, as indicated by Cpk(test)<1.5.
figures for each defect condition given in Table 8 were Other defects cause a much greater change in output
calculated. frequency which is readily detected. For instance, a short
In a number of cases (for example a short circuit defect circuit on R2 reduces the filtering ability of the circuit,
on R1) the defect causes the circuit output to become causing noise signals to be counted as sensor pulses and
stuck either high or low, in which case the output resulting in an output frequency in the range 1,900–2,130 Hz.
frequency is zero and the standard deviation of the This gives a value of Cpk(test)=1.6, indicating that the
frequency is also zero, resulting in a Cpk(test) value of proposed test is capable of detecting that defect.
infinity. Clearly, such defects are readily detected by the What is clear from this analysis is that the proposed test
proposed test. In other cases the result of the defect is a is not sufficiently capable of detecting several of the
small change in output frequency. For example an open defects. One solution to this problem would be to intro-

Table 8. Test capability for proposed test regime.

Open Circuit Defects Short Circuit Defects
Component Cpk(test) Defect Component Cpk(test) Defect
Escapes Escapes
R1 -5.6 106 R1 ∞ 0
R2 ∞ 0 R2 1.6 0.8
R3 -4.2 106 R3 ∞ 0
R4 -6.1 106 R4 ∞ 0
R5 ∞ 0 R5 -2.78 106
R6 -2.5 106 R6 ∞ 0
C1 -0.49 9.3x105 C1 ∞ 0
C2 2.04 10-4 C2 ∞ 0
C3 14.9 0 C3 -3.8 106

Shaded cells indicate those tests which are not capable of detecting the corresponding defect.
306 Gilbert and Bell

duce additional tests, such as in-circuit-testing, of these the simultaneous processing of hard and soft defects by
components which are not covered by the functional test. providing a metric which is the same for both (instead of,
Clearly this has additional cost implications. The alter- say, coverage percentage and sensitivity). Furthermore,
native of modifying the test signal was investigated. By the use of capability and cost scaling allows test to be
adjusting the signal and noise elements of the input it is considered along with manufacturing and design within
possible to make the test more sensitive to defects. This the same framework.
can however have the detrimental effect of reducing the The complexity of modern designs is a challenge to any
test capability of defect-free circuits. For example, re- automated analysis of quality or testability. However, our
placing the square wave input with a sinusoidal signal methodology does not impose a specific detail level on
with 1 V amplitude makes several of the previously un- circuit models used, allowing complex systems modelled
detectable defects detectable with C pk(test) values at high level to be used along with detailed low level
in the range 1.4 to 2.0. This change in test input does models such a SPICE. In the context of test, high-level
affect the test capability of the defect-free circuit, giving fault simulation is not well developed at present, but there
Cpk(test)=2.7, implying a negligible yield loss. Other test is ongoing work in this area. Meanwhile, our approach is
signals result in better defect coverage but also result in flexible enough to target problem areas of a design even if
greater yield loss. On the basis of the defect occurrence the complete system if beyond the capabilities of any
rates and the implied quality costs the optimum balance existing fault simulation or test analysis tool.
between the costs associated with yield loss and defect
escapes may be determined. For reasons of commercial
confidentiality, the defect occurrence and Impact (Severity) 7. Conclusions
rating information associated with circuit are not presented
here. The trade offs between design, manufacture and test in
electronic systems manufacture are complex but under-
standing of these issues is of vital importance in
6. Evaluation optimising company performance. We have presented a
methodology which places design, manufacture and test
Providing feedback to a designer using test metrics has capability in a common framework of quality costs based
always proved difficult to implement because results in upon the Conformability Analysis methodology. In order
the form of large numbers of testability scores or to fit within this framework we have introduced the new
coverage figures are difficult for designers to interpret. measure of test capability based on Cpk. The information
In digital test this is at least partly circumvented as that this novel analysis methodology provides forms the
testability algorithms may now be embedded in powerful basis for a quality cost based fault ordering process which
test pattern generators and other tools. At present this is optimises the use of testability analysis effort. The
not the case with analogue and mixed signal systems. Our information also allows the trade-off between component,
methodology provides results in terms of capability and manufacture, test and quality costs to be explored and
ultimately in terms of the financial implications of design, directs design effort towards those areas where it is most
test and manufacturing decisions. We do not aim to cost effective.
provide a full economic analysis, but can present results
scaled in terms of cost impact, which facilitates compar-
isons between alternative implementations, and is com- Acknowledgment
prehensible by both designers and managers. We have
typically applied our approach to our industrial partners_ This work was supported by EPSRC Grant GR/M39855
processes in a design reviews context rather than as direct and is in collaboration with TRW Automotive, Celestica
feedback to designers. The reason for adopting this and The University of Greenwich.
approach is that the information derived allows the
tradeoffs between aspects of design, manufacture and
test, to be examined. The response to this information
thus requires input from several of areas.
1. R. Batchelor and K.G. Swift, BConformability Analysis in Support
There are a number of possible approaches to obtaining of Design for Quality,^ Proc. I Mech E Part B-Journal of
test metrics for analogue circuits, including the sensitivity Engineering Manufacture, vol. 210, No 1, pp. 37–47, 1996.
analysis that is available in most simulators. Our 2. I.M. Bell and S.J. Spinks, BAnalog Fault Simulation for the
methodology is more useful than this approach for a Structural Approach to Analog and Mixed-Signal Testing,^ Proc.
IMSTW, 1995, pp. 10–14.
number of reasons. Firstly we are able to work with
3. S. Bittanti, M. Lovera, and L. Moiraghi, BApplication of Non-
multi-stage test processes which include non-electrical Normal Process Capability Indices to Semiconductor Quality
tests; this is outside the domain of pure sensitivity Control,^ IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing, vol. 11,
analysis. Use of a capability-based approach facilitates No 2, pp. 296–303, May 1998.
The Effectiveness of Test in Controlling Quality Costs 307

4. S.W. Field and K.G. Swift, Effecting a Quality Change, London, 20. K.G. Swift, M. Raines, and J.D. Booker, Designing Capable and
UK: Arnold, 1996. Reliable Products, Oxford, UK: Butterworth, 2001.
5. J.M. Gilbert, I.M. Bell, and D.R. Johnson, BCircuit Design 21. G. Taguchi, Introduction to Quality Engineering, New York:
Optimization Based on Quality Cost Estimation,^ Qual. Reliab. UNIPUB/Quality Resources, 1986.
Eng. Int., vol. 21, No 4, pp. 367–386, 2005. 22. G. Tennant, Six Sigma: SPC and TQM in Manufacturing and
6. E.L. Grant and R.S. Levenworth, Statistical Quality Control, New Services, Gower Publishing Limited, 2001.
York: McGraw-Hill, 1988. 23. D. Wood and S. Croxall, BFailure Mode and Effect Analysis,^ Proc.
7. I.L. Huertas, BTest and Design for Testability of Analog and Mixed- Conference on Tools and Techniques in Quality Engineering
signal Integrated Circuits: Theoretical Basis and Pragmatical Manchester, October 1989.
Approaches,^ Proc. ECCTD Conf, 1993, pp. 75–156.
8. Z. Jaworski, N. Mariusz, and W. Kuzmicz, BExtension of inductive
Fault Analysis to Parametric Faults in Analog Circuits with
Application to Test Generation,^ Proc. 15th IEEE VLSI Test
Symposium, 1997.
9. D.R. Johnson, Conformability Analysis for the Control of Quality
Costs in Electronic Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, UK: University of Hull, James M Gilbert completed a BSc in Electronic Control and
2004. Robot Engineering in the University of Hull in 1986 and completed
10. I.M. Bell, D.R. Johnson, and J.M. Gilbert, BConformability Analysis a Ph.D. in Robot Control at the same University in 1989. He was
Based Test Quality Cost Estimation,^ Proc. 9th IEEE Int. Mixed appointed as a lecturer, and subsequently senior lecturer, in the
Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW03), June 2003, Seville, pp. 268– Department of Engineering at Hull University in 1989. Since then
273. he has been involved in research in electronic manufacturing
11. A. Kelly, Conformability Analysis for Electronic Products, MEng processes and design for manufacture of electronic systems.
Dissertation, UK: University of Hull, 1997.
12. L.C. Laranjeira, J. Machado da Silva, and J. Silva Matos,BA Tool
for Fault Extraction in PCBs,^ Proc. European Test Workshop
2000, Portugal: Cascais.
13. A.M.D. Richardson and A.P. Dorey, BReliability Indicators,^ Proc.
ESREF, Germany, October 1992, pp. 277–285.
14. M. Sachdev, BA Realistic Defect Oriented Testability Methodology Ian M. Bell received the BSc(Hons) degree in Electronic
for Analog Circuits,^ J. Electron. Test: Theory and Applic., vol. 6, Engineering from the University of Hull, Hull, England, in 1986.
pp. 265–276, 1995. From 1986 to 1987 he worked as an engineer in Centre for Applied
15. K. Hird, K.P. Parker, and B. Follis, BTest coverage: what does it Electronics in Hull, and from 1987 to 1989 as Research Assistant
mean when a board test passes?,^ Proc. IEEE International Test at the University of Hull, working on testability analysis. Since
Conference, 2002, pp. 1066–1074. 1989 he has been a lecturer in the Department of Electronic at the
16. J.P. Shen, W. May, and F.J. Ferguson, BInductive Fault Analysis University of Hull. His research is focused on mixed signal circuit
of MOS Integrated Circuits,^ IEEE Design & Test of Computers, testing and design for quality and manufacturability. This work
vol. 2, pp. 13–26, Dec 1985.
includes design of self-testing circuits, design and test of micro-
17. S.G. Shina, Six Sigma for Electronics Design and Manufacturing,
electrochemical lab on a chip systems, supply current based testing
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
18. S. Spence and R.S. Soin, Tolerance Design of Electronic Circuits, of integrated circuits, modelling and simulation of faults in
London: Imperial College, 1997. electronic systems, and the analysis of testing issues in electronics
19. S.J. Spinks, I.M. Bell, C.D. Chalk, and M. Zwolinski, BGeneration manufacture. He is member of the IEEE and an Associate Editor
and Verification of Tests for Analog Circuits Subject to Process of IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I and Part II
Parameter Deviations,^ Proc. IEEE Symposium on Defect and and a member of the programme committee of the IEEE Mixed
Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, Oct 1997. Signals Testing Workshop. He is also a member of the IEE.

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