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Risk Analysis, Vol. 39, No. 5, 2019 DOI: 10.1111/risa.


Rethinking Risk Assessment for Public Utility

Safety Regulation

Carl Danner1 and Paul Schulman2,∗

To aid in their safety oversight of large-scale, potentially dangerous energy and water infras-
tructure and transportation systems, public utility regulatory agencies increasingly seek to use
formal risk assessment models. Yet some of the approaches to risk assessment used by utilities
and their regulators may be less useful for this purpose than is supposed. These approaches
often do not reflect the current state of the art in risk assessment strategy and methodology.
This essay explores why utilities and regulatory agencies might embrace risk assessment tech-
niques that do not sufficiently assess organizational and managerial factors as drivers of risk,
nor that adequately represent important uncertainties surrounding risk calculations. Further,
it describes why, in the special legal, political, and administrative world of the typical public
utility regulator, strategies to identify and mitigate formally specified risks might actually di-
verge from the regulatory promotion of “safety.” Some improvements are suggested that can
be made in risk assessment approaches to support more fully the safety oversight objectives
of public regulatory agencies, with examples from “high-reliability organizations” (HROs)
that have successfully merged the management of safety with the management of risk. Fi-
nally, given the limitations of their current risk assessments and the lessons from HROs, four
specific assurances are suggested that regulatory agencies should seek for themselves and the
public as objectives in their safety oversight of public utilities.

KEY WORDS: High-reliability organizations; risk assessment; safety management; utility regulation

1. INTRODUCTION: THE SCOPE AND SCALE broader economic, operational, or policy objectives
OF PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATION regarding the businesses their rules affect.3
The scale and scope of public utility oversight
The regulation of safety by governmental agen-
includes many policy priorities of evident importance
cies occurs in a wide variety of contexts. One of the
aside from safety. These frequently include service
most challenging may be the oversight of the safety of
price regulation, upfront review and approval of
utilities—gas, electricity, water supply, telecommuni-
major projects or investments, control of entry into
cations, and transportation systems—by public utility
the industry, and providing service to high-cost or fi-
regulatory agencies in the United States. These tend
nancially unattractive locations.4 Policies to promote
to differ from other health and safety agencies that
some new technologies (such as renewable energy or
might be required to consider economic impacts in
energy-efficiency investments) and greenhouse gas
their decisionmaking, but are not responsible for
emissions abatement have also become priorities in
many jurisdictions.
1 Berkeley Research Group, Emeryville, CA, USA.
2 Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, University of Califor- 3 For further review of these utility regulatory characteristics,
nia, Berkeley, CA, USA. see Kahn, (1988), Clifton, Lanthier, and Schroter (2012), and
∗ Address correspondence to Paul Schulman, 3 Harold Drive, Mor- Gormley (1984).
aga, CA, USA; 4 For more detail, see Phillips (1993).

1044 0272-4332/19/0100-1044$22.00/1 
C 2018 Society for Risk Analysis
Public Utility Safety Regulation 1045

The breadth and scale of these responsibilities (2) using administrative decisionmaking proce-
encourages utility regulators to develop a strategic dures that are often costly, slow, and inflexible;
focus in safety oversight. One logical response is to (3) to reach decisions in a context with significant
attempt risk assessments within the agency’s own political interests and pressures;
oversight procedures to help identify which available (4) while operating under administrative rules and
resources and managerial effort within the utility strictures that limit its operational flexibility,
(the operator of the potentially hazardous facilities) and the resources it can acquire.5
might best reduce the likelihood and severity of
adverse events. Such a formal effort to prioritize All U.S. states and some territories or districts
potential problems and mitigation measures is based have a utility regulatory commission of some form.6
on a broad foundation of rational analysis and The purposes, methods, legal procedures, and even
economic thinking, and has much to recommend it. underlying origins of these institutions have long
At the same time, the application of risk assess- been a fertile field of academic, professional, and
ment to safety management issues facing utilities political interest. Any single summary would under-
and regulators has been incomplete and often does state the full range of their activities, but an im-
not reflect the latest advances and best practices portant common element is their oversight of the
in the field. Risk assessment can also pose its own rates (prices), range of offerings, and service quality
risks to the successful practice and regulation of for certain utilities that tend to be legally franchised
safety management if it is not performed in a so- monopolies—such as electricity, natural gas, or water
phisticated manner, or not understood to require service.7 Some typical legal standards applicable to
other managerial initiatives as complementary this oversight include generally stated requirements
activities. Additionally, what risk assessment or that rates be just and reasonable (and not unrea-
mitigation activities make sense for an operator sonably discriminatory between customers), and that
to pursue internally may not be the same as those service be provided in a safe and reliable manner.
for a regulator to perform in its oversight role. We These agencies also typically can investigate matters
highlight these issues and challenges in the analysis of concern, punish violations of law or policy, and
that follows, and offer some explanations as to why make rules of general applicability for an industry.
utilities and their regulators are susceptible to them. The regulation of rate setting and service quality
Finally, we offer some suggestions for ways in which for large utilities has also led logically to the over-
utility regulators can enhance their oversight policies sight of many factors that can affect those prices
to better advance safety objectives in the face of and services. Some examples include corporate
challenging political environments. structure and mergers and acquisitions, the capital
We inform our analysis both by lessons learned structure and financing vehicles used by the firm,
through the forensic study of disasters, as well as by accounting rules and practices, sources of fuel or
operational lessons that have been learned through purchased commodities such as electricity or water,
the experience of high-reliability organizations or the terms on which utilities will interconnect or
(HROs). A key observation is that it may be at perform wholesale business with other entities or
least as important to consider who is attempting competitors. Environmental impacts receive agency
to operate or oversee the safety of a complicated oversight in many instances, including through poli-
system—in terms of the people, their roles and cies intended for environmental benefit rather than
practical realities of the organizations involved—as reduced service costs or improved service quality. As
it is to consider what equipment, technologies, or a general rule, conflicts are often perceived between
investments they may use to that end. regulatory policy objectives, as well as between the


5 An exploration of these conditions and a suggested model for
“prudent regulators” in the face of them can be found in Beecher
The modern utility regulatory agency typically: (2008).
6 For a comparison of regulatory agencies and their legal and po-

litical contexts across nations, see Bignami and Zaring (2018).

(1) pursues many broad and potentially conflicting 7 For descriptions of these diverse priorities and their measure-

policy objectives; ment, see Coelli and Lawrence (2006).

1046 Danner and Schulman

interests of various entities or groups affected by the The political nature of the leadership of reg-
results of agency deliberations.8 ulatory agencies (which are usually headed by
U.S. regulatory agencies of all kinds have spe- appointed or elected commissioners) reflects the
cific and often elaborate administrative procedures public interest concerns involved, and can help
used in formal decisionmaking, such as to review and provide public accountability and encourage re-
approve the rates and terms of service for particular sponsiveness to popular pressures and sentiments.
companies in the utilities context. The form and However, politically determined leadership may be
substance of these procedures tend to be highly spec- less likely to include subject-matter experts in fields
ified, as is required by federal and state law standards like safety management. Many utility regulatory
for due process and transparency in agency decision- decisions are inherently political in the sense that
making.9 The resulting use of rulemaking or adju- there is no analytical method that yields a single best
dicatory procedures can require long lead times for answer, and policies invariably cause differential
decisions, and impose their own significant litigation- economic impacts on affected parties (Leone, 1986).
like resource demands on the agency, the regulated For all these reasons, agencies typically operate in a
entities, and interested parties who become involved. milieu that is rich in political dynamics, both outside
The quality of information is also affected by the and within the agency.11 These dynamics reinforce
complications that adversarial processes or political incentives toward agency independence (from the
debates tend to create. The difficulties for regulatory utilities), and also encourage agencies to assert that
agencies of obtaining relevant and current informa- their regulatory actions are definitive, well-founded,
tion (or knowing whether they have received it) have and reflect the application of deep expertise they
been the subject of much attention in research and may or may not actually possess.
legal practice.10 The participation of interested par- The essential role of a regulatory agency is to
ties in adversarial processes and policy debates also change the behavior of entities it oversees—from
creates a strong incentive for the agency to appear what they otherwise would have done, to some
independent of the utilities, for example, by giving conduct considered to better promote a definition
them directives rather than collaborating on policy of the public interest. To do so, the agency has
or managerial concerns. In particular, quasi-judicial various tools such as issuing formal policy directives;
adjudicatory procedures reinforce such incentives by conducting investigations, inspections, or audits;
situating the regulatory agency as if it were a neutral imposing penalties or requiring remediation of
judge in a courtroom dealing with litigants who problems; offering financial incentives; adopting
happen to include the utility that is being overseen. standards of operation; communicating informally
Regulatory agencies also are governmental with regulated entities; issuing public statements;
bureaucracies subject to the usual panoply of public- developing or providing authoritative information;
sector administrative requirements, such as how they and pursuing remedies through other institutions
acquire resources through a budgetary process; hire, (such as legislatures or courts).
compensate, and dismiss employees; acquire goods However, while broad and potentially intrusive,
and services; and perform many other organizational these tools do not typically include the ability to
functions with lesser degrees of flexibility than take over a regulated entity’s operations, or the
might exist for nongovernmental entities. These practical capacity to become involved in an entity’s
requirements can tax the level of staff expertise day-to-day operations on more than an exceptional
that agencies can maintain, particularly across many or episodic basis. In addition, an agency’s exercise
missions at once, and their employees may have little of its capabilities and authority must occur within
direct operational experience in the industries they the institutional context described above, that is,
help oversee. while pursuing multiple and sometimes conflicting
objectives, through slow and arduous administrative
processes, with incomplete and often dated informa-
8 See Hausman and Neufeld (2012) and Clifton, Lanthier, and tion, while pressured by politics, and with the limits
Shroter (2012). to its resources (including expertise) and its flexibility
9 For example, the federal Administrative Procedure Act (APA),
that governmental operating procedures impose.
5 U.S.C.A. §§ 501 et seq.
10 For an examination of the problem of “information asymmetry”

between a regulator and regulated entity, see Baldwin, Cave, and

Lodge (2013). 11 For a classic study of regulatory politics, see Wilson (1980).
Public Utility Safety Regulation 1047

It is also worth noting that there is a broad pro- assessments are conducted in risk categories such as
fessional consensus that safe operations in a complex financial, environmental, reputational, compliance,
organization will not result solely from the top- and legal categories, as well as a general enterprise
down imposition of operating rules or standards on risk category. These may be independently per-
employees—either from an entity’s own leadership, formed across different divisions or lines of business
or from an outside agency.12 In other words, rules, for a complex utility, leading safety assessments
prescriptions, and orders alone cannot get the job to have to compete with other kinds of identified
done. Strong efforts along those lines can even com- risks and their assessments for prioritization in a
promise safety by denying experienced operators the risk register to guide investment planning for miti-
latitude they need to solve complex problems (e.g., gation.16 Finally, the characteristics and incentives
involving equipment, technology, unique operating of regulatory agencies and their environments may
circumstances, and other “local” situations not necessarily put them in a disadvantageous position
amenable to detailed work rules), and the ability to to assess a utility’s risks in the same detailed manner
use their own expertise to find effective real-time risk that its management might be able to accomplish.
mitigation approaches that cannot be specified in
advance. Similarly, managerial practices to promote
3.1. Risk Versus Safety
effective solutions to safety problems need to be per-
formed by those in the middle-level ranks of the reg- There are significant differences between the
ulated entity if consistent performance is the goal.13 regulation of risk and the promotion of safety.
This leads us to two important questions. First, Generally speaking, risk refers to the inevitable
what does it take for a complicated organization tendency of any human endeavor to produce results
(like a utility) to operate safely, and how effectively that vary from those intended or expected. Risk
do the capabilities of a regulatory agency allow it to assessment and management then focus on how
oversee this operation, given the practical realities of large, likely, and consequential such variances might
its institutional constraints, which might include the be, and what might be done to reduce likelihoods
overlapping authority of other public agencies? Sec- and/or their consequences. In the safety context, risk
ond, what contribution does formal risk assessment classically has been analytically defined as a hazard
currently make to the effectiveness of this safety (an event or failure and the deaths, costs, and other
oversight and safe operations in the utilities?14 We negative consequences it would cause) discounted
address these questions below. by the probability of its actual occurrence. In a more
recent glossary of terms (SRA, 2015), however, the
Society for Risk Analysis has recognized that risk
can also be a qualitative concept, offering definitions
such as: “Risk is the possibility of an unfortunate
We first turn to the risk assessment process, and occurrence” or “Risk is uncertainty about the sever-
some of its limitations for safety oversight of complex ity of the consequences of an activity with respect
utilities. It is again important to note that safety is to something that humans value” (SRA, 2015, p. 5).
only one of many organizational values addressed by While some uncertainty can indeed be described by
risk assessment in these utilities.15 Typically, separate a formal probability distribution (the SRA Glossary
terms this a “frequentist probability” perspective)
12 For arguments concerning safety and rules, see Hale, Borys, and probability can also have different interpretations
Else (2012) and Bieder and Bourrier (2013). (such as subjective probability).
13 For example, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-
Some frequentist analysts assert that a formal
tration (OSHA) now describes important roles for middle-level
probability distribution does reflect uncertainty.
managers and supervisors in its guidelines for safety manage-
ment systems (OSHA, 2016). However, the SRA Glossary asserts that uncertainty
14 The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has for a person or a group of persons can also mean
developed guidelines (ISO31000:2009) for risk assessment meth- “not knowing the true value of a quantity or the
ods that are widely followed by technical organizations, includ- future consequences of an activity or imperfect
ing public utilities, in their risk assessment methodology. For a or incomplete information/knowledge about a
skeletal description of these guidelines, see ISO 31000:09 pre-
view (
hypothesis, a quantity, or the occurrence of an
15 For an insightful look at “risk principles” for utility regulators,

see Beecher and Kihm (2016). 16 See International Organization for Standardization (2009).
1048 Danner and Schulman

event” (SRA, 2015, p. 6). In the SRA formulation, is likely to ignore or discount a risk relative to the
in other words, risk is about more than a formal cost of its mitigation. After an accident or failure, the
calculation of consequences and probability. The public is likely to substitute a retrospective regret and
National Academy of Sciences (NRC, 2009) and condemnation of those associated with the risk, in-
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC, cluding regulators. This leads to a postaccident public
2009) both suggest that risk assessments should risk tolerance much lower than would have been im-
include the state of knowledge and uncertainty plied by the prior reluctance to pay the cost needed
about both likelihoods and consequences. to mitigate the risk’s likelihood or consequences.
However, for many public utilities and their This inconsistency in risk tolerance is heightened
regulators, this “epistemic” uncertainty is not fac- because while a number of accidents or failures can
tored into formal risk assessments. Rather, they use occur without invalidating a risk assessment, a single
classical definitions of risk to offer analytic preci- failure can indicate to the public a lack of safety—
sion in the allocation of resources across different signaling a systemic problem that could cause more
mitigation opportunities to maximize risk reduction calamities. Regulatory agencies must operate in a po-
per dollar spent, or to optimize by spending to the litical world where the public seeks the assurance of
point where going further would no longer buy safety, and simply reducing a probability from a fre-
added risk reduction that is judged to be worth the quentist perspective is not enough.19 If a bad event
cost. This precision, while often illusory because it occurs, the public and its elected representatives may
ignores epistemic uncertainties, is important to util- have little patience for an assertion that an agency’s
ities to justify rate increases for safety investments prior actions had at least made the accident less
and for regulators in guiding their decisions in the likely, or may have postponed the catastrophe for a
adjudication of utility rate cases. little while. This reflects a public concept of safety
However it is estimated, risk is generally about that rejects an assumption—implicit in a frequentist
a specified harm and its likelihood of occurrence. probability estimate—that a single event or failure
But safety is increasingly recognized, as it was by may represent nothing more than a low-probability
an international group of aviation regulators, to be bit of bad luck come to pass. Instead, it may be seen
about “more than the absence of risk; it requires as an indication that something more serious is wrong
specific systemic enablers of safety to be maintained with the management and regulation of an entire
at all times to cope with the known risks, [and] to “unsafe” and therefore “dangerous” endeavor.20
be well prepared to cope with those risks that are While utilities can face such a loss of public confi-
not yet known.”17 In this sense, risk analysis and risk dence, these pressures can be felt even more strongly
mitigation do not actually define safety, and even by regulatory agencies that are inherently political to
the best and most modern efforts at risk assessment begin with. In the United States, prominent operator
and risk management cannot deliver safety on their failure intensifies the incentives for regulators to po-
own. Psychologically and politically, risk and safety sition themselves as independent of the utility, so as
are also different concepts, and this distinction is not to share in blame or approbation from the public.
important to regulatory agencies and the publics they Even if the regulator and operator had been able
serve. to achieve some collaboration with regard to risk
Risk is about loss while safety is about assur- assessment, it is unlikely to survive the first adverse
ance. These are two different states of mind. As event significant enough to attract media or political
one illustration, psychologists Daniel Kahneman attention. This likely pressure for the regulator to
and Amos Tversky have established that humans distance itself from the operator makes it all the
can behave quite differently when confronted with more difficult for these entities to (effectively) share
equivalent choices, depending upon whether they a managerial function like ongoing risk assessment,
are framed negatively in terms of potential losses or or attempt to rely on shared efforts as the foundation
positively in terms of possible gains.18 of safety oversight by the agency. Thus, to incor-
Public risk tolerances can also differ prior to and porate uncertainty in likelihood and consequence
after a major adverse event. Prospectively, the public
19 For an analysis of this diverging safety standard relative to risk in
17 See the Safety Management International Collaboration Group the area of nuclear waste, see Barke and Jenkins-Smith (1993).
(2013, p. 2). 20 For an in-depth analysis of this “amplification of risk” in the pub-
18 See Kahneman (2011). lic perceptions of safety, see Kasperson (1998).
Public Utility Safety Regulation 1049

estimations in formal risk assessment techniques may problem is exacerbated by the reality that many of
well require more of an ongoing working partnership the failures and accidents regulators are concerned
and less of an adversarial relationship than political about could be catastrophic in each occurrence.
incentives may permit to exist between an American From a political or social standpoint, the public are
public utility regulator and a utility operator. retrospectively risk averse to even one such disaster
and do not care about long-term averages.21
The main issue here is that regulators must make
3.2. Time and Risk
use of risk assessment approaches that are appro-
The statistical independence of single events priate to the specific decision options and choices
assumed in a probability distribution is often taken available to them in the administrative, political,
to mean by the public that a particular event can and social environment within which they have to
be expected to occur as frequently as its probability operate. This has been recognized by more recent
distribution indicates it might. One Louisiana Con- perspectives on the risk assessment process. The
gressman’s famous post-Hurricane Katrina comment National Research Council of the National Academy
was that “we’ve had our 100-year storm, now we can of Sciences in a report on “Science and Decisions:
stop worrying about one for another 99 years.” Advancing Risk Assessment” (2009) has asserted
However, two practical issues arise immediately. that:
Even if a frequency-based probability is accurately risk assessment should be viewed as a method for
assessed, the time period must be very long if the fre- evaluating the relative merits of various options for
quency of actual occurrences of an event is to come managing risk rather than as an end in itself. Risk as-
close to matching that implied by the probability sessment should continue to capture and accurately de-
scribe what various research findings do and do not tell
assigned to it. So while it might be safe to anticipate
us about threats to human health and to the environ-
something like 20 “50-year” events in a millennium, ment, but only after the risk-management questions that
simply by random chance it is considerably less likely risk assessment should address have been clearly posed,
that any single 50- or 100-year period will produce through careful evaluation of the options available to
exactly the expected single storm, as opposed to two, manage the . . . problems at hand. (NRC, 2009, p. 5)
none, or a greater number. Second, in the absence
of a very long series of reliable data points, it can be
3.3. Units of Frequency
difficult to pin down the likelihood of a rare event
with any precision at all. For example, the knowledge Another practical challenge for regulatory risk
that two events occurred in a prior century might not assessments involves the units of frequency measure-
rule out the chance that these might recur as often ment often used for probability calculations. Many
as once in every decade, as rarely as once in every utilities and their regulators seek to express risks
century, or somewhere in between or even beyond in time units of annual calendar years, for example,
the ends of that range. the risk of a major levee failure per year. These are
In fact, calculation of a 50- or 100-year prob- the units within which budgets are frequently deter-
ability may be based on technical or mathematical mined and the interval in which accounting annual
analyses that have little or no correspondence to reports are issued. Many performance metrics are
empirically observed frequencies or even validated also measured on an annual basis. However, it is
models for such events as severe floods, in part be- not clear that a calendar year is an appropriate unit
cause of our lack of 1,000-year databases on which to of measurement for the probability of risks to be
rely for a better statistical sense of the actual underly- managed. Airlines, for example, assess safety risks
ing probability distribution or because flood models in units measured by flights or air miles flown, rather
are incomplete or outdated (Leskens et al., 2014). than years.
While physical or statistical simulations of thousands Years may constitute neither a series of equiv-
of Monte Carlo style randomized “runs” are often alent nor independent units of risk or exposure.
employed to establish and confirm a probability in Is a year an appropriate “run” for a failure risk
the resulting frequency distribution of particular in a stretch of pipeline? What if a particular pipe
specified events, these simulations may have limited
correspondences to the conditions of an activity or 21 NancyLeveson, a safety engineer, argues that there is a “de-
operation as they will actually occur over the time pe- creasing tolerance for single accidents” in modern society
riods (years, decades, or longer) being modeled. This (Leveson, 2011).
1050 Danner and Schulman

section is only pressurized in emergencies, or a water 3.4. Variance in the Architecture of Failure
pipeline is used only for overflow periods? Some
Many failures are not discrete or binary events,
years might have heavy use and others little or no
that is, it failed, or it didn’t. The binary simplification
use at all. What is the probability of failure in a dam’s
often used of “failure/nonfailure” can leave out
spillway system during a drought? Might not units of
intermediate conditions such as temporary disrup-
risk such as failure per given volume of gas or water
tion or degraded operation of equipment or service.
flow make more sense than a calendar period? For
There can be system conditions that lie between
backup generators at a nuclear power plant, it’s not
successful operation and failure in which physical
years but “starts” that are the principal measure to
assets are destroyed. Such instances can have un-
which failure probabilities are applied. For utility
certain outcomes, as a disruption can be limited
regulators, however, allowing for widely varying
and a system quickly restored to service, or lapse
units of measurement can make data demands more
over to a costly loss or catastrophe. Much depends
challenging while also complicating the effort to
upon the resilience of management in the utility.
compare different types of risks within the same
Unfortunately, resilience is a property that it difficult
or across different utilities on the same analytical
for regulators and risk analysts to assess beforehand.
This is so partly because every significant disruption
In addition, as mentioned, for many regula-
or accident has elements of uniqueness. This adds
tors, their rate-setting authority and responsibility
uncertainty to the consequence estimations of risk
might seem to compel calculation of comparative
assessments, even if sophisticated techniques might
“risk/spend” efficiencies in risk mitigation by their
yield more insights if provided with additional
utilities to support proposed investment decisions in
information. (Uncertainty will be treated in more
safety expenditures that can be recovered through
detail at a later point in this analysis.)
rate increases. Due to the annual budget cycles of
While attempts can be made to expand a
utilities and the rate case cycles of regulators, poten-
risk assessment to include intermediate modes of
tial efficiencies in risk reduction may be computed
degradation, their probabilities, and their follow-on
to the level of annualized risk reductions, down to
possibilities in a fault tree, the resulting complica-
hundreds of a percent improvement in fractions of
tions for model building can grow rapidly; those
an injury or fatality per year. One risk/spend analysis
models might be of limited usefulness if alternate
by a utility regarding helicopter risk mitigation
real-world scenarios are numerous or difficult to
of serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs) calculated
anticipate and specify. Disasters also have a way of
that “replacing a single engine with a twin engine
revealing latent and unanticipated mutual causes of
[helicopter] at $3M yields a risk/spend efficiency of
multiple failures that were simply beyond the prior
0.00815 reduction in SIFs/year per $1 million.”
imagination of the analysts.22
What meaning does a risk mitigation to this frac-
tion of a SIF per year have in the context of a man-
agement or regulatory frame of reference? How is 3.5. Unstable Probabilities
this to be communicated to the public? What is its
Frequent assumptions in probability estimations
relation to the management of safety?
that a specific event or failure is statistically indepen-
The assumption that it is possible to resolve and
dent of prior failures (or failures in subsequent years)
sensibly compare, let alone regulate, different risk
and its probability is stable over a measured interval
outcomes per dollar expenditures down to this an-
pose another challenge for utility risk assessments
nual level for “optimal” investment and rate-setting
in organizational and system settings where these
decisions would seem to be an invitation to false pre-
probabilities are not necessarily stable.23 As noted
cision and analytic error. Yet, public utility regulators
above, years themselves are not necessarily equiva-
who typically review and approve utility expenditure
lent units for probability. Further, failure in one year
levels in a detailed manner may be hard-pressed
to avoid some ostensibly precise risk abatement
22 For classic descriptions of organizational and managerial vari-
cost-effectiveness conclusions in authorizing partic-
ular investments or expenditures for safety-related ables at the root of accidents, see Reason (1997) and Vaughan
purposes, if for no other reason than to preserve an 23 The assumptions of stable probability and independence of
appearance of comprehensive expertise and careful events are cornerstones of Poisson distributions frequently used
oversight important to their political standing. in risk analyses.
Public Utility Safety Regulation 1051

or even the absence of failure over many years can assessment practices noted above suggest that risk
affect the probability of failure in subsequent years. has to be understood in more dimensions than are
Many risk assessments differentiate possible currently addressed in the risk assessments often
events into time-dependent (such as failure due to used by utilities and their regulators. Importantly,
pipe corrosion) and time-independent risks. Certain organizational and managerial factors if addressed in
risks, such as weather or incorrect operations failures a risk-informed management system can supplement
are often described as time invariant—that is, the the picture of risk provided in those assessments—
probability of failure is assumed to be constant and can aid both a regulatory agency in its safety
from year to year over the entire interval addressed oversight, and the regulated organization’s own
in the analysis. But ironically, a number of years safety management.
without failure can make operators and managers A risk-informed management system can help
complacent, lowering care and mindfulness in the bridge the gap between the practical realities of
management of operations. This can actually in- actual operating technical systems, and the assump-
crease the probability of failure over successive tions in those risk assessments that do not square
years. Indeed, “safety” is sometimes assumed to with practical realities and constraints. A brief look
exist on the basis of successive operations or years at findings from research into HROs can illustrate
that pass without an accident, when in effect these this.24 These organizations, while certainly not typi-
periods can really represent only the “failure to fail” cal in the extreme hazards they are trying to manage
under poorly managed conditions. and the self-contained control systems they exercise
An analysis of the space shuttle Challenger over relatively well-understood technical systems,
explosion by sociologist Diane Vaughan argued that have successfully faced a variety of major challenges,
successful flights of the shuttle created a false sense in difficult environments, with respect to managing
of security at NASA that ongoing O-ring failures risk and safety. They offer instructive examples of
were unimportant, despite the fact that O-ring failure the ways that risk assessment assumptions can be
was considered a first criticality threat to the safety adjusted to safety management requirements to
of flight. Vaughan termed this a “normalization of promote more effective risk management and safety.
deviance” within the culture of NASA that led to The concept of an HRO is empirically based, and
the acceptance of this and other operations outside has followed from the observation that certain orga-
of design conditions (Vaughan, 2016), nizations operating complex systems achieve higher
We offer this as only one example of how orga- rates of reliability and lower rates of catastrophic
nizational and managerial variables can make a big events than might be expected from organization the-
difference in both the likelihood and consequences ory and many case studies. Rather than hypothesiz-
of events. Yet few risk assessments—and particu- ing what might be required to operate in this man-
larly those used by utility regulators—treat these ner, the research has tended to focus on identifying
variables carefully or fully in their analysis. This is in successful operators and finding common elements in
part because they are difficult to measure, and also in what they are doing. When combined with unfortu-
part because they can lead to normative assessments nate lessons of organizational failures, the result has
of management performance that regulators may been to create some compelling managerial models
find difficult to make and politically controversial for safe and productive operations.
to act on. For example, contentions that a utility is To begin with, many risk assessments focus
well or poorly managed may be relatively easy to primarily on risks of physical failure of technical
argue, but more challenging for political appointees systems. Yet these systems are understood to be
and civil servants to evaluate given the limits to the sociotechnical systems—with operators and main-
information available to them in the litigious context tenance personnel and a variety of organizational
(including appeal rights by utilities) in which such characteristics acting as important elements in their
oversight is typically conducted. functioning.25 For example, an airliner is not simply
the physical hardware but also the skills of pilots who
24 For a review of the HRO literature, see LaPorte (1996), LaPorte
We now turn to some different (and very largely and Consolini (1991), Roberts (1993), and Schulman (1993).
successful) risk analysis and management practices 25 A pioneering
description of the sociotechnical systems approach
in “high-reliability” organizations (HROs). The risk is Emery (1959).
1052 Danner and Schulman

fly it, the maintenance personnel who keep it in air- formal risk assessment estimates does not diminish
worthy condition, and the air traffic controllers who the importance of management and other organi-
direct and separate its flight path from other aircraft. zational variables for achieving safe and effective
Similarly, a pipeline is not only the physical contain- operations.
ment structure for gas and liquids, but the operators In some ways HROs offer an alternative ap-
who keep flows within acceptable pressures and per- proach to risk assessment and safety management.
sonnel who thoroughly assure its integrity and tend Research on HROs that have to manage very haz-
to leaks. In recognition of this, some risk analysts ardous technical systems—such as nuclear power
have attempted to consider the likelihood of human plants or airlines in commercial aviation and the
error as analogous to the failure probabilities of air traffic control centers that direct this aviation—
machines. However, despite human factors research has revealed a set of quite distinctive organizational
into design strategies that can force or diminish and managerial practices. They have organized their
human error, the quest for “natural laws” to predict risk management around a set of worst-case events
and prevent such failures has been largely elusive. that are surrounded by societal dread, for example,
Recent safety research now argues that human the loss of nuclear containment, or a crash or colli-
error must be understood as embedded in the actual sion of commercial aircraft under air traffic control.
context, particularly the organizational context, sur- These events are, for these organizations, ones that
rounding behavior.26 Humans act in sociotechnical must never happen. Thus, HROs organize to pre-
systems, and the likelihood of human error depends clude these events not simply on the basis of formal
upon the character and challenge of the task and probabilities, but also by managing to possibilities,
surrounding organizational elements within which when probabilities are uncertain.28 Their view, and
it is conducted. In fact, many major failures and that of the public, is that reducing the probabilities is
accidents with technical systems—including Three- not enough when even one occurrence is too many
Mile Island, Chernobyl, the Challenger explosion, (Pool, 1997).
and Deepwater Horizon—turned out not to be the HROs operate under detailed and extensive risk
isolated failure of an individual, but instead system analyses of all of their operations, often as a re-
errors with design, management, and organizational quirement of the regulatory oversight they face. For
factors as their root causes.27 American nuclear power plants, for example, it is
Along those lines, management is a useful frame against federal regulations to operate these plants
within which to consider a variety of human and “outside of analysis”—including unanalyzed condi-
organizational variables, including those needed for tions whose dynamics cannot be reliably predicted,
understanding and assessing risk in technical systems. even if no apparent problem or danger exists. Under
Management strategy is a preoccupation with HROs. careful analysis, HROs identify “precursor” failures
Yet, managerial factors are typically neglected in or conditions that are in effect drivers of risk (that
non-HRO risk assessments. There may be consider- could lead to the worst-case events), and they orga-
ation of such concerns as “inadequate training” or nize to stay away from these conditions.
“incorrect operations,” but these are seldom parsed For nuclear power plants, some of these pre-
out to include the layered set of management cursors are physical conditions: temperatures and
practices and errors that underlie them. This is pressures beyond the allowable bandwidth of nor-
understandable due to the difficulty of making the mal operations. However, other precursor conditions
attempt, as management factors and errors do not are those that affect safety management itself. Some
connect as directly as physical failures to scenarios of are conditions that deny information to operators,
adverse outcomes and probabilities that can be spec- such as telecommunications or sensor failures un-
ified. In addition, management and organizational der which the state of system elements would be un-
factors seem less quantifiable than physical condi- known, or display dropouts during which it would be
tions and attributes. But their difficulty for making hard to monitor or control technical systems in real
time. Noise or other distractions in a control room
can also be treated as precursors. Even though these
26 See,for example, Hollnagel (2014), Reason (1997), and Dekker
27 For organizational analyses of catastrophic accidents, see Per- 28 Risk as possibility, not probability, of adverse events is also one
row (1999), Turner and Pidgeon (1997), Vaughan (2016), and of the qualitative definitions of risk offered in the SRA Glossary
Bazerman and Watkins (2008). (SRA, 2015).
Public Utility Safety Regulation 1053

precursor conditions are not emergencies as such, tion of a new procedure: “Don’t think for a minute
management has made the explicit determination not that this technology can’t still surprise you.”
to tolerate them because of the lack of experience or Such useful practices extend beyond formal risk
understanding (and thus diminished possibilities for models. Many of the features observed in HROs are
control) that they represent. focused on protecting against error, including “repre-
These precursor zones represent a sometimes sentational” error. Representational errors are those
explicit, but at other times less formal, real-time of mis-specification, mis-estimation, and misunder-
risk assessment of a kind (founded on possibility standing on the part of members of an organization
but not necessarily probability) on the part of not about the systems they are managing.30 These errors
only HRO management but also individual nuclear can lead to overconfidence or hubris, complacency,
power control operators, air traffic controllers, and and/or misdirected attention.
pilots. Rather than trying to estimate poorly under- A related issue is that some risk assessments
stood risks in such circumstances, they avoid them neglect epistemic uncertainties31 and thus can be
altogether. These individuals can actually refuse founded on representational error in their under-
to continue operations in such precursor zones.29 standing of failure likelihood and their specification
The management practice and culture in these or- of failure consequences. This in turn can lead to a
ganizations supports observance of these boundary misleading ranking of the most important risks in a
conditions, and provides a signaling language by risk register or heat map from which management
which operators can invoke them. Operators can will take guidance. In this way, risk assessments can
announce that they find themselves in “unstudied themselves alter failure probabilities by conveying
conditions” or even state that they are “uncomfort- representational errors to managers and leading
able” operating in precursor conditions, and these thereby to follow-on errors of action or inaction.
pronouncements will be taken seriously by their Acting or regulating based on incomplete or erro-
supervisors and by higher management. Indeed, neous understanding can thus add to risk. Notice
being in conditions under which a risk is difficult to that this recognition of the importance of represen-
understand and assess is itself considered a risk in its tational error at the same time creates a management
own right (Roe & Schulman, 2008). and a regulatory responsibility to protect against
Another important feature of HROs is their and detect likely sources of these errors—including
prospective focus and “positive skepticism” about those that could be imported from inappropriate risk
failure. The managers of these organizations believe assessment methods.
in (and the culture of the organizations reinforces)
a need to ward off complacency. Reliability and
safety are not defined retrospectively for them by
the many successful and uneventful operations that
lie behind. Rather, prospectively they are perceived
to be only as reliable as the first failure ahead, to Against the backdrop of the safety and risk
which a precursor condition could lead and against strategies of HROs and considering the context of
which preemptive responses are made. Unlike many regulatory agencies (including their organizational
organizations that base their confidence on lagging incentives and capabilities), and the limitations of
indicators, the managers of these organizations “run classical risk assessment processes in relation to this
scared” about their reliability—they are always context, we offer some recommendations for the im-
worried about the unforeseen and the unknown. As provement of risk assessment that might contribute
a maintenance department head at a nuclear power to more effective safety management in and regula-
plant instructed his personnel after the implementa- tion of modern public utilities.
First, effective safety management is about not
29 Nuclear plant control operators can on their own authority only “managing the unexpected” (Weick & Sutcliffe,
“scram” or shut down a reactor if conditions stray into precursor
30 Psychologist Karl Weick (1995) terms these “errors of rendi-
zones; pilots can refuse to fly under precursor conditions such
as bad weather or doubts about the airworthiness of their air- tion.”
craft; and air traffic controllers can refuse to accept responsibil- 31 Epistemic uncertainties and the need to recognize them in risk

ity for maintaining airplane separations and close off a sector of assessments are described in the document Guidance on the
airspace if they feel conditions of air traffic load or congestion Treatment of Uncertainties by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Com-
are in a precursor state. mission (2009).
1054 Danner and Schulman

2015) but also the enlargement of expectancies, that are the ones utilities and their regulators typically
is, the appreciation of those involved that the range focus on in relation to cost recovery through rate
of things that can go wrong is quite broad (and prob- cases. Replacing older with newer gas pipelines, for
ably broader than they currently know). A substan- instance, might reduce risk only when they are in-
tial and ubiquitous dose of this intellectual humility is stalled correctly, inspected and maintained properly,
a hallmark of HROs, and risk assessment should en- and operated within allowable pressure and temper-
courage that expansion of the perceived range of pos- ature limits. Without managerial and organizational
sibilities rather than circumscribing expectancies in supports for these competencies, the risk reduction
quest of potentially false precision in risk estimates. that is physically possible through the new invest-
In this light we can see several possible improve- ment may not be fully realized, if at all.
ments for risk assessment to enhance both safety One management model comes from the Insti-
management and regulation. tute for Nuclear Power Operators (INPO, 2013) and
offers a number of useful possibilities for metrics,
including both leading and lagging indicators for
5.1. Modeling Safety Management assessing safety management and organizational
Beyond just equipment, technologies, and ex- drivers of risk. These managerial factors include:
ternal events, management itself should be included communication, decisionmaking, work planning, and
as an important risk factor. Reflecting that recog- emergency response capacity. Significantly, some
nition, a number of models of functions, strategies, of these safety management models overlap with
and practices for effective safety management in approaches that have been associated with effective
organizations are currently prescribed by regulatory management in general, and high productivity levels
agencies and industry organizations such as the in competitive business firms.33 Such management
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Canadian and “safety culture”34 elements could be oper-
Nuclear Safety Commission, the Federal Aviation ationalized and assessed through data collected
Administration, the Institute of Nuclear Power monthly, quarterly, yearly, or over two- or three-
Operators, the Center for Chemical Process Safety, year periods, through specific accounting practices
and the Pipeline Safety Institute.32 in utilities, observations by regulatory inspectors and
These models are not simply prescriptions on auditors, or through employee surveys conducted by
“how to manage” for safety. They also lay a foun- independent organizations.
dation for potential metrics for assessing the con- The narrowness of current risk management per-
tribution that existing practices, strategies, and cul- spectives is a reason why risk assessments used by
ture in an organization make to either amplify or utilities and regulatory agencies often overlook (or
mitigate risk. Many of the elements in these models underweigh) the role of interconnected or interas-
could be used as indicators of managerial capacity to set risks that cut across physical systems. Regula-
perform effective risk management, across the vary- tory oversight agencies themselves, with specialized
ing challenges we have highlighted. When integrated regulatory units, often focus on localized concerns
with the physical failure analyses typically included for each given service or separate infrastructure, but
in a risk assessment, an analysis of organizational and leave unexamined the catastrophic implications of
managerial vulnerability to these failures can provide failures across several of these at once. As a result
the larger system perspective that is important for en- of this limitation in risk analysis, neither utilities nor
hancing safety through both management and regu- their regulators fully understand the full range of
lation. these interconnected risks.35
Further, the risk mitigation that can be achieved Adding these organizational and managerial
by improving elements of safety management is of- factors to risk assessments would have important
ten a far cheaper option than large-scale capital in- regulatory implications. The development and anal-
vestments in new equipment and technology, which ysis of risk-related safety management metrics would

32 See, 33 For support for this argument, see Bloom and van Reenan
for example, Center for Chemical Process Safety (2007),
Underwriters Laboratory (2013), Safety Management Interna- (2006) and Oliver et al. (2017).
34 See, for example, Hopkins (2008).
tional Collaboration Group (2013), U.S. Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration (2017), and the Institute of Nuclear Power Opera- 35 For a recent review of the complexity of these interconnections,

tors (2013). see Roe and Schulman (2016).

Public Utility Safety Regulation 1055

give a regulatory agency a consistent basis to assess certainty and specifying and describing the type con-
management practices of a utility, compare them veys important information.
to other regulated organizations and industry best The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has
practices, and identify deficiencies. The managerial distinguished several types of epistemic uncertainty:
and organizational metrics themselves can enhance parametric uncertainty (in measurements assigned
the inspection and audit processes of the regulator. to likelihoods and consequences), modeling un-
Given the major role for many regulatory agen- certainty (in causal understanding underlying risk
cies in controlling rates charged to customers, formal estimates), and incompleteness uncertainty (impor-
risk assessments are increasingly used by utilities tant risk factors that may be left out in a risk analysis
to justify rate increases to fund safety, capacity, such as the organizational and managerial variables
or reliability improvements. As noted above, the we have mentioned above) (U.S. NRC, 2009, pp.
addition of organizational and managerial variables 13–19). While many modern risk assessments do
would allow a regulatory agency to assess more try to describe and characterize uncertainty, there
carefully the risk mitigation that might actually occur are still analyses presented to utility regulators that
through higher spending or investments in physical misleadingly present probability as single-number
equipment. It would supplement the question often estimates and consequences as well in single-dollar
asked by regulators: “How much safety are we or fatality estimations and thus can instill a false
willing to pay for in rate increases?” with another sense of confidence in precision and completeness to
prior, and perhaps more useful, question: “How managers and regulators.
much safety are we likely to get from a proposed risk In describing “black swan” events, Nassim Taleb
mitigation investment, given the safety management (2010) asserts that these events cannot really be
effort, capacity, and competence of the utility?” anticipated and contends that “appropriate prepa-
A safety management score could even be ration for these events is frequently hindered by the
developed and used as a factor to adjust the risk pretense of knowledge of all the risks.”36 However,
mitigation calculations offered by the utility with there are risk analysis and management strategies
regard to investments in physical assets and systems. that can address different types of “black swans”
In other words, it is not just the equipment that (Aven, 2015) and HROs illustrate that a proper
matters, but also how effectively and reliably it is acknowledgment and understanding of these and
likely to be used. This could provide an incentive for other uncertainties does not foreclose effective
better and more updated risk assessment processes safety or risk management.
as an element in better safety management for both Uncertainty concerning likelihoods leads HROs
utilities and regulators. to manage from possibility, and not simply proba-
bility. Uncertainty concerning consequences leads
HROs to manage against worst-case scenarios. Un-
certainty about both likelihoods and consequences
5.2. The Representation of Uncertainty leads them to cease operations in precursor zones,
A second potential improvement in risk assess- and stress emergency response preparations and the
ment methodology would be a better representation promotion of resilience. HROs have been successful
of uncertainty as a key strategy. In its report on “Ad- not by eliminating uncertainty (though they are con-
vancing Risk Assessment” the National Academy of stantly trying to reduce it and extend their knowledge
Sciences asserted that: base through the range and depth of their analyses),
but by recognizing it and preparing for surprises.
Just as a risk assessment itself should be more closely
tied to the questions to be answered, so should the
It is important in good risk assessment practice
technical analyses supporting it. For example, descrip- to preserve information about the existence of un-
tions of the uncertainty and variability inherent in all certainty, not disguise it by single-value estimations
risk assessments may be complex or relatively simple; that suggest precision but may undermine accuracy.
the level of detail in the descriptions should align with A range of probability and consequence estimates
what is needed to inform risk-management decisions.
(NRC, 2009, p. 5)
should be presented when there is disagreement
about “true” values. This does not always happen
As part of this alignment between uncertainty
descriptions and decision requirements, it is impor- 36 As
quoted in Wikipedia, “Knightian Uncertainty” (https://en.
tant to recognize that there are differing types of un-
1056 Danner and Schulman

in the risk assessments used by utilities and their depending on how well they conform to ongoing
regulators. One reason it doesn’t is to preserve the il- experience.37
lusion of precision in the calculation and application This is particularly important when models fail
of risk/spend optimizing models to guide investment in repetitive ways, such as when “100-year storms”
and rate-decisions. Another is the effort by both keep recurring, or if catastrophes or major con-
utilities and regulators to reassure the public they sequences seem to come out of the blue so far as
are protecting them through safety management of a risk models are concerned, as in the 2008 meltdown
“scientific” nature. of the U.S. financial sector and its international
One potential benefit of specifying uncertainty economic consequences. Regarding this financial
can be useful information about the strategic in- crisis, the risk manager of Goldman Sachs later
vestment value of research and development to observed that “we were seeing things that were
reduce epistemic uncertainties—especially in cases 25 standard deviation moves several days in a
where knowledge could likely be gained and where row” [from the modeled probability distribution of
important managerial decisions appear to turn on a occurrences]. However, as one economic analyst ob-
better or more precise understanding of underlying served, instead of astronomically unlikely bad luck,
conditions or variables. Spending a million dollars to “an alternative—and correct—explanation was that
clarify the potential gains and risks from investing a the models Goldman-Sachs were using to evaluate
hundred million could make sense where the result- the riskiness of its strategies were totally wrong.”38
ing information could tip the balance for or against The long-run validation and improvement of
the decision. A “value of information” analysis can risk assessment models can be a challenge for
even be part of a thorough risk analysis (Samson, regulatory agencies headed by political appointees
Wirth, & Rickard, 1989). (who tend to transition from office fairly frequently,
Sensitivity analysis should also be part of every and may change in philosophy as political currents
risk assessment, testing its conclusions across a range shift), that rely on formal administrative processes
of possible variation in key assumptions underlying for decisionmaking (where each proceeding or case
specific probability estimates and consequence costs, may be considered as a fresh endeavor), and that
as well as exogenous factors such as interest rates, often have multiple and sometimes shifting policy
service demand, equipment replacement costs, and priorities assigned to them. Some organizational
other circumstances (e.g., trends such as climate creativity may be needed for such agencies to
change), to see how sensitive model outputs such as institutionalize a consistent focus on risk model
risk and risk rankings are to these variances. development and improvement in the face of these
5.3. Adding Validation to Risk Assessments
Finally, it would be helpful to have a validation
component in every risk assessment. A risk assess- This analysis has described how enhanced risk
ment is both an analysis and a set of hypotheses. assessments could be used by utilities and their
The hypotheses are the predictions of the likelihood regulators as instruments for upgrading the overall
of specific failures based on a model of failure safety management of critical public utilities. They
mechanics and estimates of exogenous events, as can be a means for learning and improvement,
well as an estimate of the consequences of these and should not simply be employed as forensic
failures, which should in turn be based on causal instruments to justify rate increases or for pro
models and social assumptions. A risk assessment forma regulatory compliance. Managerial metrics
for a levee failure, for example, should be based on and risk assessments incorporating them should
weather models that help predict storm likelihoods further be used by utilities and their regulators as
and hydrologic models that predict levee resistance
37 For
at different water levels. It should also be based a good treatment of this function as a needed part of risk
on flood models and loss-of-life estimates given assessment, see Goble and Bier (2013).
38 For an account of analytic errors underlying the 2008 financial
different flood levels in different areas. Over time,
crisis, see Wolf (2015).
it is possible to compare the assumptions of such 39 For an exploration of risk validation against the backdrop of
models to actual occurrences or new or corrected a major chemical accident in Seveso, Italy, see Lindhout and
information, and to test, correct, or modify them Reniers (2017).
Public Utility Safety Regulation 1057

drivers toward managerial improvement and excel- how effective safety management systems function.
lence rather than simply compliance and regulatory These approaches appear to work.
adequacy. Finally, these objectives are feasible for utility
Indeed, drifts and lapses from (mere) adequacy regulatory agencies to pursue, notwithstanding the
are more likely to occur than drift away from a various constraints and limitations under which they
commitment to excellence—because as we have de- must operate. These do not depend on fine grada-
scribed in HROs, good safety management and good tions of probabilities or other forms of “precision”
risk assessment entail a continuing self-examination in risk assessments that are hardly feasible anywhere
and sensitivity to slips in standards and performance. (much less in this context), and they will tend to
The best tend to maintain their position, while the mitigate the various kinds of related risk assessment
mediocre may decay. problems we discussed above, such as representa-
Beyond the more informed use of improved risk tional error or undue managerial complacency. They
assessment, we can also offer a concluding suggestion are also likely to satisfy the political incentives and
for the role of utility regulatory agencies in the over- demands that agencies face, and to be feasible given
sight of safety management by complex, regulated the resources, competencies, and administrative
entities. We propose four broad and feasible objec- procedures they are able to employ.
tives for utility regulatory agencies to address if they By contrast, we are far less sanguine about
are to gain public support and function effectively the potential for cost-effectiveness or risk-benefit
in the realm of safety. At the outset of this analysis, calculations to yield optimal results (such as for
we associated safety with assurance, not simply the picking and choosing utility investments based on
calculation and mitigation of loss. Broadly stated, safety considerations), particularly in the adver-
our suggestions form a baseline set of assurances sarial, often information-challenged environments
agencies might aspire to provide to themselves and in which regulators must operate. Careful and
the public, given where they sit, the nature of their creative risk assessments can be a highly useful
task, and the special requirements for utility safety, discipline to help inform a variety of management
oversight, and management. These assurances are and decision making processes. However, it is also
that: a safety management responsibility to understand
the difference between risk-informed and risk-based
(1) The utilities are using modern and appropri-
Modern technology, commitment to safe op-
ate technology that should operate safely if uti-
erations, consistent attention, and highly capable
lized properly;
personnel—these are four key qualities of a firm’s
(2) The utilities’ management and staff have inter-
operations on which we believe safety oversight
nalized a commitment to the safe operation of
must focus, given a realistic view of a public utility
their systems;
regulatory agency’s own capabilities. These qualities
(3) The utilities’ management and staff are contin-
fit well with the lessons that have been learned from
ually attentive to system operations and risks,
HROs, and the sad but necessary study of prior dis-
including effective monitoring of both techni-
asters. It is not just equipment and technology that
cal and organizational conditions, and are per-
can fail catastrophically, but also the organizations
forming continuous improvement practices for
that operate them—even, quite possibly, as an unin-
their own internal processes and procedures;
tended byproduct of poor risk assessment exercises
(4) The utilities’ management and staff are highly
competent and well-trained.
We offer these objectives for several reasons. The authors would like to thank Herman B.
First, they are straightforward, and fit with the Leonard, Harvard University, David J. Teece,
concerns and preferences of the public toward the University of California, Berkeley, Alex Tabarrok,
prevention of catastrophic events. Regulators can ex- George Mason University, and Arthur O’Donnell,
plain these to the public, and be understood. California Public Utilities Commission, for their ad-
Second, these objectives are consistent with the vice and suggestions on earlier drafts of this article.
experience and literature we have discussed about We also benefited considerably from constructive
1058 Danner and Schulman

comments provided by two anonymous reviewers Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking fast and slow. Princeton: Prince-
and the area editor of Risk Analysis. ton University Press.
Kasperson, R., Renn, O., Slovic, P., Brown, H. S., Emel, J., Goble,
R., & Ratick, S. (1998). The social amplification of risk. Risk
Analysis, 8(2), 177–189.
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