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What can be done to foster multi-racial harmony?


-Practise greater sensitivitywith one another. Avoid 'stereotyping'.

-Form'cell groups' amongst staff from different races for them to interact
regularly through
meetings. A topic on multi-cultural relevance (e.g. integration of foreign talents,
appreciation of cultural heritage) can be discussed each time.

-Learn to appreciate one another's culture through our common love - food.
Attend ethniccooking
classes, especially of other races.

-Teach one another simple greetings and commonly used words in our own
ethnic tongue,
and practise daily!

-Share knowledge from the Partners in Harmony course with colleagues and
Coach the older generation on overcoming racial prejudice and bias.

-Teach basicMalay,Mandarin and Tamil languages in school to all races as a

platform to learn
more about multi-culturalism. Expand racial harmony topics in textbooks to
deepen the
students' appreciation of racial peace and harmony aswell as social grace
andmutual care.

-Increase students' exposure to different racial groups and encourage them to

work together.

-Use culture and the performing arts to foster racial harmony.


As we have seen earlier, when there is no social harmony, riots happened. Death
results and there is no peace. People will live in fear, innocent people will be killed.
Nobody would want to invest in the country and the country will become poor.
Imagine this, would anyone want to come to a country where there is chaos all the
time? When the country becomes poor, there will be no jobs available, and people
will resort to stealing or worse. Worst still, war could even result within the country,
increasing the death toll. We all hope that this scenario would never happen, but in
reality, this can happen anytime, anywhere. 

Sense of identity

Sense of identity among citizens is an issue that is generally concerned and tried
to resolve by all countries all
over the world nowadays. A general view of the development history of
Singapore, it is discovered that
economic boom and harmony of the society in Singapore benefits from
cultivation of the sense of identity of

Why must citizens of a country develop common sense of


Benefits of Social Harmony

     What are the benefits of having a harmonious and cohesive society?
Firstly, there is peace. When there is no riots, everyone would live
happily . And as a result, the country can prosper. With different races
working peacefully with one another, there would be economical stability
and therefore, there would be wealth for the country and for everyone

Multi-racialism is not the same as co-existence or just a matter of tolerating each

other's presenceBG Yeo, on the pre-condition for multi-racial harmony

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