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Impact of the Potential Antitumor Agent

2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl) Amino-1,4-Naphthoquinone (Q7)
on Vasomotion Is Mediated by the Vascular Endothelium,
But Not Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Metabolism
Javier Palacios, PhD,* Julio Benites, PhD,* Gareth I. Owen, PhD,†‡ Pablo Morales, PhD,‡
Downloaded from by h6piS3blbHVTkO2SQJCLI3k9G8qtB5nOZ3cOO6aAaIb5eyHa+UCvNbTcD6VJx5X5bWnISE3kF49BvTOWvhdLxi9Ecdu+tqQ8KEZhJnmKBX4= on 02/04/2021

Mario Chiong, PhD,‡ Chukwuemeka R. Nwokocha, PhD,§ Adrián Paredes, PhD,¶

and Fredi Cifuentes, PhD║

vasomotion in 3 models of vascular structure: endothelial cells,

Abstract: Vasomotion is defined as rhythmic oscillations in aortic ring, and smooth muscle cells. Although showing nontoxic
arterial diameter that regulate the blood flow and blood pressure. effects, Q7 inhibited the formation of capillary-like structures of
Because antitumor treatment may impair vascular functions the EA.hy926 endothelial cell line grown on Matrigel. In exvivo
and increase the blood pressure, we sought to evaluate whether experiments with aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine
a new naphthoquinone derivative, postulated as an antitumor (PE, 1026 M), Q7 (1025 M) significantly (P , 0.05) reduced
agent, manifests adverse effects on vascular function. In this vascular rhythmic contractions induced by the acetylcholine
article, we evaluated the toxicity of 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) (ACh; 1027-1025 M), whereas sodium nitroprusside (a nitric
amino-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7) and its effects on vascular oxide donor; 1028 M) recovered the vasomotion. Furthermore,
Q7 (1025 M) did not decrease KCl-induced vascular rhythmic
Received for publication August 1, 2020; accepted October 13, 2020. contractions in the aortic rings precontracted with BaCl2 (a non-
From the *Departamento de Química y Farmacia, Facultad Ciencias de la selective K+ channel blocker; 1023 M). Vascular smooth muscle
Salud, Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile; †Departamento de cells (A7r5) preincubated with Q7 (1025 M) for 3 hours also
Fisiología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad demonstrated a reduced glucose uptake. However, the
Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile; ‡Advanced Center for Chronic
Diseases, ACCDiS, CEMC, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Adenosine Triphosphate content was unaffected, suggesting that
Biology, Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of the rapid reduction in vasomotion observed in vascular reactivity
Chile, Santiago, Chile; §Department of Basic Medical Sciences Physiology experiments did not involve cellular metabolism but may be due
Section, Faculty of Medical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, to faster mechanisms involving endothelial nitric oxide and K+
Mona, Kingston, Jamaica; ¶Departamento de Química, Facultad de
Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile; and
channels leading to oscillations in intracellular Ca2+. In summary,
║Laboratorio de Fisiología Experimental, Instituto Antofagasta, the naphthoquinone derivative Q7 presents low cytotoxicity yet
Universidad de Antofagasta, Antofagasta, Chile. may alter the endothelial cell response and vasomotion in the
Financial support was provided by FONDECYT 1200610 (J.P.), 1180241 absence of changes in smooth muscle cell metabolism.
(G.I.O.), Vicerrectoría para Investigación, Innovación y Postgrado de la
Universidad Arturo Prat (VRIIP0002-20, VRIIP0006-17, and Key Words: naphthoquinone, vasomotion, endothelium, nitric
VRIIP0198-14), and the Network for Extreme Environments Research oxide, ATP, aorta
project to F. Cifuentes and A. Paredes (NEXER, Project ANT1756,
Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile). CONICYT FONDAP-15130011 (J Cardiovasc Pharmacol  2021;77:245–252)
(M.G. and G. I. Owen) and Millennium Institute on Immunology and
Immunotherapy IMII P09/016-F (G. I. Owen).
The authors report no conflicts of interest. INTRODUCTION
F. Cifuentes, A. Paredes, and J. Palacios conceived and designed the research Vasomotion is the spontaneous rhythmic changes in
study, and also carried out the vascular reactivity experiments; cytotox- the diameter and tone of arteries and arterioles, essential in
icity and angiogenesis assays were performed in the laboratory of G. I.
Owen; P. Morales, J. Palacios, and M. Chiong performed the ATP content the local regulation of blood flow.1 In vascular smooth
and glucose uptake; J. Benites synthetized Q7; and C. R. Nwokocha, G. I. muscle cells, vasomotion is associated with oscillations
Owen, and J. Palacios edited and revised the manuscript. in intracellular Ca 2+ and with changes in membrane poten-
Ethics approval: The trials were conducted in accordance with the Guide for tial,2 whereas alterations in microvascular beds are impli-
the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published by the National cated in diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.3 The
Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH, publication revised in
2013) and the Ethics Committee of Arturo Prat University (CEC-17). vasomotion mechanisms consist of oscillations in the
Availability of data: The data sets generated during and/or analyzed during membrane potential of smooth muscle cells, followed by
the current study are available from the corresponding author on rhythmic voltage-dependent Ca2+ entry. This, in turn,
reasonable request. allows for an intermittent release of Ca 2+ from intracellu-
Reprints: Javier Palacios, PhD, Laboratorio de Bioquímica Aplicada,
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Arturo Prat, Av. Arturo
lar stores.2 In addition, endothelial nitric oxide (NO) is
Prat Chacón, 2120, 1110939 Iquique, Chile (e-mail: necessary for vasomotion regulation through K+ channels
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. and cytosolic Ca2+.4

J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021 | 245

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Palacios et al J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021

Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) content and glucose Q7 was synthesized by the laboratory of Medicinal
metabolism play an important role in modulating spontaneous Chemistry of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Arturo Prat
rhythmic contractions in blood vessels, specifically on the University, and doses of use selected according to a previous
plasma membrane ion channel activity and membrane study.18 The trials were conducted in accordance with the
potential.5 It is postulated that mitochondrial metabolism Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals published
stimulates vasomotion through changes in the mitochondrial by the National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH,
membrane potential and Ca2+ oscillations, allowing for an publication revised in 2013) and the Ethics Committee of
intracellular communication between vascular endothelial Arturo Prat University (CEC-17).
cells and smooth muscle cells.6
Numerous quinone-bearing molecules, such as the 1,4- Isolation of Aortic Rings
naphthoquinone pharmacophore group, are used as therapeutic After the animal was killed by cervical dislocation, the
drugs. Juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone), a recognized aorta was separated and transferred to a Krebs–Ringer
naphthoquinone derivative from walnut, is used in the treatment bicarbonate buffer solution (48C) (in mM): 4.2 KCl, 1.19
of cancer.7,8 Naphthoquinone derivatives such as 2-(4- KH2PO4, 120 NaCl, 25 NaHCO3, 1.2 MgSO4, 1.3 CaCl2, and
hydroxyphenyl) amino-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7) are known to 5 D-glucose (pH7.4). Aortic rings of 2–3 mm were prepared
possess potent anticancer activities; however, their clinical appli- and cleaned of connective tissue, taking special care to avoid
cation is hampered by adverse side effects. Previous studies have endothelial damage.
shown that treatment with quinone-related compounds can
impair vascular functions and increase blood pressure.9–11 Vascular Reactivity Experiments
The EA.hy926 cell line is a hybridized cell line derived Aortic rings from the same animal were concurrently
from the A549/8 human lung carcinoma cell line and human studied in different organ baths19 for comparable abilities and
umbilical vein endothelial cells. EA.hy926 is regarded as an reactivity function. After a 30 minutes period of equilibration,
immortalized endothelial cell line because this hybrid kept the the aortic rings were stabilized by 3 successive, near-
human umbilical vein endothelial cell–derived endothelial phe- maximum contractions with 60 mM KCl for 10 minutes.
notype and behavior while possessing the immortality of the On the aorta a passive tension of 1.0 g was maintained, a
cancer cell patronage. This cell line is now an established in vitro value previously determined by our laboratory as the optimal
approximation of angiogenesis because the endothelial cells form resting tension for obtaining maximum active tension.20
capillary-like structures when grown in on Matrigel (a substitute Vasodilation to 1025 M acetylcholine (ACh, muscarinic ago-
for the 3D structure of the extracellular matrix).12 The formation nist) in aortic rings precontracted with 1026 M phenylephrine
of these structures is promoted in the presence of vascular endo- (PE) was used as a method to assess endothelial function.
thelial growth factor and is inhibited by the presence of throm- Functionality was confirmed with a vasodilation of 70%–
bin.13,14 The A7r5 cell line, which is derived from the thoracic 80%.16
aorta of an embryonic rat, shares similar neural stem cell markers
with both multipotent vascular stem cells and adventitial progen- In Vitro Vascular Network Formation Assay
itors and thus are widely used as an in vitro model of nondiffer- The vascular network formation assay was performed
entiated, neonatal and neointimal vascular smooth muscle cells.15 as previously described.12 EA.hy926 cells were cultured on
Concentration-response curves in the aortic rings of rat are used top of growth factor–reduced Matrigel-coated plates.
as a tool for the evaluation of vasoactive substances in the vas- Thrombin (Throm; 1 IU/mL) was used as a negative
cular endothelium and smooth muscle.16 To assess vasomotion or control.14
vascular relaxation, the aortic rings are precontracted with an
agonist, and after the aortic rings reach a plateau of vascular tone, MTS Reduction Assay
the vasoactive substance is added.17 Cytotoxicity on the EA.hy926 cell line was determined
In this study, we sought to evaluate the vascular function using the MTS [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxy
of the new naphthoquinone derivative compound Q7. To this methoxy phenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium] reduc-
end, we assessed effects of Q7 on the several players in the tion assay as previously described by Palacios et al.11
regulation of vascular function, namely the modulation of Cytotoxicity of the naphthoquinone derivative (Q7) was as-
vascular endothelium by NO, and K+ channels, ATP levels, sessed at varying concentrations in relation to a vehicle-
and glucose uptake on vascular smooth muscle cells. treated control. Cyclophosphamide (Cyclo; 1024 M) that is
inactive in cell culture was used as a negative control (cyclo-
phosphamide is active in the human body only after metabo-
METHODS AND MATERIALS lism in the liver). The chemotherapy drug epirubicin (Epirub;
1025 M) was used as a positive control for cell death.
Animals Epirubicin is an anthracycline chemotherapy drug that exerts
Ten 4 weeks old (150–190 g) Wistar male rats were its effect by intercalating DNA strands and thus inhibiting
provided by the Height Institute of the Arturo Prat University DNA and RNA synthesis. The cytotoxicity was calculated
of Iquique and randomly distributed in cages and maintained in accordance with the formula: cytotoxicity (%) =
at a suitable temperature (228C–248C) and humidity (45%– [12(absorbance sample/absorbance control)] · 100. The
50%). Animals had ad libitum access to water and food absorbance was measured with a microplate reader (Infinite
(Champion, Santiago). 200 PRO; Tecan, Switzerland) at 490 nm.

246 | Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021 Impact of the Potential Antitumor Agent

ATP Measurement
The vascular smooth muscle cell line A7r5 (ATCC
CRL-1444) was cultured as previously described.21
Intracellular ATP levels were determined with a luciferin/
luciferase-based ATP detection kit, the CellTiter-Glo
Luminescent Cell Viability Assay (Promega, Madison, WI).
Sample luminescence was quantified in a TopCount NXT
microplate luminescence counter (PerkinElmer, Waltham,
MA). Data were normalized as fold over control.

Glucose Uptake FIGURE 1. Chemical structure of 2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)

Glucose uptake was measured using 1025
M [3H]2- amino]-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7; 265.07 g/mol).
deoxyglucose solution for 10 minutes at 378C, as previously
reported.22 Radioactivity was determined by liquid scintilla-
tion counting. by preincubation with 10 25 M Q7 (24 6 3% control vs.
12 6 2 with 1026 M ACh; P , 0.05 and 29 6 3% control
Drugs vs. 13 6 6% with 10 25 ACh; P , 0.05; Fig. 2B). In the
The following drugs were used in this study: L-phen- same tissues, Q7 significantly decreased ACh-induced
ylephrine hydrochloride (PE; Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, relaxation, as shown by reducing the maximal concentra-
MO), acetylcholine chloride (ACh; Sigma-Aldrich, St tion (Emax) to ACh (1025 M) but not the sensitivity
Louis, MO), sodium nitroprusside (SNP; Merck, (log EC 50 ) to ACh (Table 1). The preincubation of aortic
Darmstadt, Germany), and barium chloride dehydrate rings with Q7 did not cause any change in either the Emax
(BaCl2; Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO). The 2-[(4- and log EC 50 of contractile response to 10 26 M PE
hydroxyphenyl) amino]-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7; 265.07 (Table 1).
g/mol) was synthesized by amination of 1,4- The vasomotion described above was confirmed as
naphthoquinone with 4-hydroxyphenylamine, under aero- endothelium dependent. ACh is known to induce the
bic conditions, using CeCl3$7H2O as the Lewis acid cata- generation of NO from the vascular endothelium, and SNP
lyst as previously reported.23 The solutions used were is a recognized NO donor. Interestingly, SNP recovered the
freshly prepared before each experiment. rhythmic contractions in the presence of Q7 (Fig. 2C),
increasing amplitude to a similar value to that of the ACh
Statistical Analysis control (Fig. 2B).
To study the role of depolarization of the plasma
Values are expressed as the mean 6 SEM; n represents
membrane, a nonselective blocker of inward-rectifier K+
the number of animals studied. For the statistical analysis of the
channels and a low concentration of KCl were used. The
groups, a one-way analysis of variance was used, as appropri-
preincubation of aortic rings with Q7 significantly increased
ate, followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test. A P value , 0.05
the contractile response to 1026 M PE (134 6 6% control vs.
is considered statistically significant. We used GraphPad Prism
192 6 12 with 1025 M Q7; Figs. 3A, B). However, we found
version 6.0 software (GraphPad Software, CA).
no change by Q7 in the amplitude of KCl-induced vascular
rhythmic contractions in the aortic rings precontracted with
RESULTS 1 mM BaCl2 (Fig. 3C).

Chemical Composition Potential Antiangiogenic Effect of Q7 on the

Figure 1 shows the chemical structure of 2-[(4- EA.hy926 Endothelial Cell Line
hydroxyphenyl) amino]-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7), synthesized Antiangiogenic therapy is used clinically to arrest
under aerobic conditions by amination of 1,4-naphthoquinone cancer cell growth.24 The potential proangiogenic or antian-
with 4-hydroxyphenylamine, using CeCl3$7H2O as the Lewis giogenic activity of the Q7 compound was evaluated by its
acid catalyst as previously reported.23 The structure of Q7 was ability to alter the formation of capillary-like (tubular) struc-
established on the basis of their spectral properties (infrared tures of the EA.hy926 endothelial cell line grown on
radiation, 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and 13C Nuclear Matrigel.25 The results demonstrated that the preincubation
Magnetic Resonance) and micro analytical data according to a with Q7 (1027 to 1025 M) of EA.hy926 cell line significantly
previous study.23 decreased the formation of tubular structures (Figs. 4A, B).
Therefore, the inhibition of tubular networks in this endothe-
Effect of Q7 on Spontaneous Rhythmic lial cell line may suggest an inhibition of vascular endothelial
Contractions in Intact Aortic Rings of Rat function and a potential antiangiogenic effect of Q7.
In the next experiments, we evaluated whether Q7
impaired vascular function, that is, vascular rhythmic Cytotoxicity of Naphthoquinone Derivative
contractions (Fig. 2A). In the rat aorta previously con- (Q7) on the EA.hy926 Endothelial Cell Line
tracted with 1026 M PE, we found a significant reduction Next, we assessed the cytotoxicity activity of 2-(4-
in the amplitude of ACh-induced rhythmic contractions hydroxyphenyl) amino-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7) on

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Palacios et al J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021

FIGURE 2. Preincubation with Q7 decreased rhythmic contractions in aortic rings of rat. Representative traces showing a decrease
of ACh-induced (1026 to 1025 M) but not SNP-induced (1028 M) maximal amplitude in the rat aorta precontracted with 1026 M
phenylephrine in absence (control) or presence of 1025 M Q7 (A). Summary of ACh-induced (B) and SNP-induced (C) rhythmic
contraction data. The maximum amplitude at ACh or SNP was calculated as a percentage of the third contractile response to KCl
(60 mM). Data represent the SEM of 5 independent experiments. *P , 0.05 versus control.

EA.hy926 cells. No significant cytotoxicity was found in the , 0.001). Although the naphthoquinone derivative Q7
EA.hy926 cell line after 48 hours of incubation with the showed no cytotoxic activity, we assessed if it could cause
naphthoquinone derivate Q7 (1027 to 1025 M) or in the vascular dysfunction.
negative control (cyclophosphamide, 1024 M) (Fig. 5). The
positive control for cell death, epirubicin (1025 M), caused a Effect of Q7 on Metabolic ATP and Glucose
significant cytotoxicity in the EA.hy926 cell line (64 6 1%; P Uptake in the Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell
Line (A7r5)
TABLE 1. Effect of Q7 on the Contractile Response to PE and The A7r5 cell line is derived from the thoracic aorta of
Relaxation to ACh in the Rat Aorta an embryonic rat. These cells share similar neural stem cell
markers with both multipotent vascular stem cells and
Drugs Emax (%) Log EC50 adventitial progenitors and thus are widely used as an
PE in vitro model of nondifferentiated, neonatal and neointimal
Control 174 6 12 8.06 6 0.12 vascular smooth muscle cells.15 To determine whether Q7
Q7 174 6 13 8.15 6 0.13 may have metabolic implications, we measured ATP levels
ACh in a rat’s aortic vascular smooth muscle cell line (A7r5). We
Control 105 6 5 7.21 6 0.13 found only a 13% decrease of ATP levels in A7r5 cells pre-
Q7 79 6 5* 7.14 6 0.22 incubated with 10–5 M Q7 for 3 hours versus control (0.88 6
Emax represents the effect at maximal concentration to PE (1026 M) and ACh 0.01% ATP content with 10–5 M Q7; Fig. 6). Preincubation
(1025 M), and log EC50 represents the logarithm of the half maximal effective concen- with 1.2 mM oligomycin for 30 minutes decreased ATP levels
tration. The values in mean 6 SEM represent the mean of 5 independent experiments.
Statistically significant difference *P , 0.05 versus control. in A7r5 cells by 39% (0.61 6 0.07 relative units; P , 0.001)
versus control.

248 | Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021 Impact of the Potential Antitumor Agent

FIGURE 3. Role of K+ on vascular rhythmic contractions in aortic rings. The effect of 1 mM BaCl2 (a nonselective blocker of inward
rectifier K+ channels) and 10 mM KCl in the absence or presence of 1025 M Q7. The tracings were amplified from the regular part
of the recording, 10 minutes after the addition of KCl (10 mM) (A). Vascular contraction (B) and the maximum amplitude to BaCl2
(C) were calculated as a percentage of the third contractile response to KCl 60 mM. Data represent the SEM of 5 independent
experiments. *P ,0.05 versus control.

To further understand the mechanism of ATP in the DISCUSSION

presence of Q7, we examined the role of glucose uptake in Vasomotion, defined as rhythmic oscillations in arterial
A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells. Preincubation with Q7 diameter, is essential in the local regulation of blood flow and
(1025 M) for 3 hours significantly decreased the glucose thus vascular function.1 We assessed the effects of potential anti-
uptake compared with the control condition (22 6 2 cpm/ tumor agents and naphthoquinone derivative Q7 on the several
mg protein control vs. 15 6 1 cpm/mg protein with 1025 M players in the regulation of vascular function, such as the mod-
Q7; P , 0.05; Fig. 7), whereas no significant change was ulation of vascular endothelium, K+ channels, ATP levels, and
observed at 30 minutes. glucose uptake.

FIGURE 4. Q7 reduces vascular mor-

phogenesis in vitro. Representative
images are shown for the EA.hy926
cell line (A). Preincubation with Q7 of
the EA.hy926 cell line decreases the
formation of tubular structures (B).
Thrombin (Throm; 1 IU/mL) was used
as a negative control. Data represent
the SEM of 4 independent experi-
ments. **P , 0.01 and ***P , 0.001
versus control. Scale bar = 100 mm.

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Palacios et al J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021

FIGURE 7. Q7 reduces the glucose uptake in the A7r5 vascular

smooth muscle cell line. A7r5 cells were stimulated with Q7
(1026 M and 1025 M) for 30 minutes or 3 hours. A7r5 cells
were preincubated for 30 minutes with insulin (Ins, 1027 M) or
cytochalasin-B (Cit B; 1025 M), an inhibitor of glucose trans-
FIGURE 5. Determination of cytotoxicity of the naph-
porters, as a negative control (C). Glucose uptake was deter-
thoquinone derivative (Q7) on the EA.hy926 endothelial cell
mined using [3H]-2-deoxyglucose. The data represent the SEM
line. Cyclophosphamide (Cyclo; 1024 M) was used as a neg-
of 4 independent experiments. *P , 0.05 and ***P , 0.001
ative control and epirubicin (Epiru; 1026 M) as a positive
versus control.
control. Data represent the mean 6 SEM. ***P , 0.001 versus
control; n = 4.

aorta.17 Endothelial NO modulates rhythmic contractions

The vasomotion phenomenon consists of 2 compo-
through Ca2+-activated K+ channels and Ca2+ oscillations of
nents: tonic and phasic vascular response.26 For vasomotion
vascular tissue.29,30 On the other hand, we found that Q7
to occur, a certain vascular tone is required in response to
decreased the ACh-induced relaxation and the maximal
vasoactive substances.27 As illustrated in Figure 8, the tonic
amplitude of ACh-induced vasomotion in intact aortic rings
response is Ca2+ dependent, and the phasic response is K+
but not SNP-induced vasomotion. Interestingly, applied SNP
recovered the rhythmic contractions in the presence of Q7,
On the one hand, our results confirmed that ACh,
increasing amplitude to similar values to that of the ACh
following PE, produced vascular rhythmic contractions. The
control. This implies the participation of NO in vasomotion.
release of endothelial NO mediated by ACh produces artery
Because Q7-generated reactive oxygen species decrease the
relaxation28 and vascular rhythmic contractions in the rat
bioavailability of NO induced by ACh in the rat aorta11 and
vasomotion depends on NO,5,31 we hypothesize that Q7
reduces the amplitude of vasomotion by decreasing NO bio-
availability. However, it did not happen in the presence of
SNP, probably because the release of NO by SNP saturates
the ability of the Q7 scavenger. These rhythmic oscillations in
vascular tone and vasomotion modulate the hemodynamic of
flow and, as such, could be regarded as a biomechanism that
occurs through vascular endothelial functions.32,33 It is also
important to consider that the animals were 1-month-old, and
in previous experiments, we found that vasomotion decreased
in the rat aorta from 5 to 6-month-old (data not shown), which
is associated with aging.34 Stiffness is known to increase with
aging; therefore, another physiological significance of vaso-
motion in the rat aorta is a measure of the elastic property of
conduit vessels.35
Q7 inhibited the formation of tubular networks (an
FIGURE 6. Q7 does not reduce the production of ATP (after 3 in vitro approximation of angiogenesis) in the EA.hy926
hours) in the A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cell line. A7r5 cells
vascular endothelial cell line, without causing any cell
were stimulated with 1026 M Q7 (gray bar) or 1025 M Q7
(black bar) for different times (30 minutes, 1 hour, or 3 hours). cytotoxicity. As endothelial NO is a mediator of angiogen-
Mitochondrial ATP production was determined using a esis,36 this potential inhibition of angiogenesis by Q7 sup-
luciferin/luciferase-based kit. Oligomycin (Oligo, 1.2 mM), an ports the impairment of vascular endothelium and lower
ATP synthase inhibitor, was used as a negative control. Data generation or bioavailability of NO. The potential antiangio-
represent the SEM of 5 independent experiments. **P , 0.01 genic effect of Q7 further supports the clinical attractiveness
versus control. of this compound as an antitumor agent. The assessment of

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J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021 Impact of the Potential Antitumor Agent

FIGURE 8. Putative negative effect of 1,4-naph-

thoquinone derivative (Q7) on the vasomotion
phenomenon in the rat aorta. Vasomotion,
defined as rhythmic contractions of blood vessels,
consists of 2 components: tonic and phasic vas-
cular response. The tonic response is Ca2+
dependent, and the phasic response is K+
dependent. eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide syn-
thase; IP3, inositol trisphosphate.

this parameter should be incorporated into future protocols oxidation of glucose through the Krebs cycle occurs with a
evaluating the in vivo antitumor effects of this compound. lower level of glycemia.42,43 In this article, we show that Q7
KCl-mediated relaxation of aortic rings precontracted significantly decreased glucose uptake in vascular smooth mus-
with BaCl2 generated an important vasomotion. First, BaCl2 cle cells after 3 hours. This result is in agreement with a pre-
blocks Ca2+-activated K+ channels at millimolar concentra- vious study, which showed that preincubation with Q7 or
tions, depolarizing the cell membrane leading to an increased juglone (5 hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) for 1 hour decreased
Ca2+ influx and vascular contraction.37 Second, the increase glucose uptake in ex vivo in Ehrlich tumor cells from mice.44
of extracellular KCl up to 20 mM causes hyperpolarization of Therefore, considering that the preincubation time with Q7 was
the plasma membrane and relaxation in vascular smooth mus- 20 minutes in the vascular reactivity experiments of rat aorta,
cle.38 The contractile response to BaCl2 increased with Q7 this effect may not be the consequence of a decrease in glucose
preincubation while KCl-induced vascular rhythmic contrac- uptake or a reduction in the total ATP content, which would be
tions did not decrease. Rhythmic contractions require reach- slower mechanisms of action.
ing an intermediate vascular tone or threshold, which depends Previous studies reported a cytotoxic effect of Q7 (1025
on the concentration of cytosolic calcium. Intracellular cal- M) on human bladder carcinoma T24 cells (40%)45 and breast
cium levels are regulated by vasoactive substances2 and by cancer MCF-7 cells (20%),18 whereas in Ehrlich carcinoma in
Ca2+-activated K+ channels.30 Our results suggest that the mice (20%) the Q7 doses (intraperitoneal injection) were 1
increase of barium-induced vascular contraction enhanced mg/Kg of body weight for 9 days.44 Naphthoquinone deriv-
the vasomotion caused by the repolarization with KCl and atives possess potent antitumor activities because of their
likely masking Q7-impaired vasomotion. ability to generate oxide-reduction processes.23 These deriv-
The hypothesis that Q7 (1,4-naphthoquinone deriva- atives induce reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide
tive) may induce the release of cyclooxygenase (COX)- anion (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and the hydroxyl
derived metabolites was analyzed in the literature. Several radical (OH) that can cause cell death.46
studies demonstrated that 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives In conclusion, vasomotion contributes to the evaluation
inhibit the cyclooxygenase synthesis. In vivo and in vitro, of the vascular function in the presence of a new naphthoqui-
1,4-naphthoquinone derivative exhibits antiplatelet activity none derivative with low cytotoxicity. We demonstrate that the
by the inhibition of thromboxane synthesis39; in vitro, 1,4- rapid impairment of vasomotion caused by a naphthoquinone
naphthoquinone derivatives inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 by a derivative may be mediated by a fast-acting mechanism
redox-cycling mechanism,40 and menadione (2-methyl-1,4- involving NO from vascular endothelium or K+ channels in
naphthoquinone) inhibits prostaglandin synthesis in cultured vascular smooth muscle and not by slower cellular metabolism
porcine endothelial cells.41 Therefore, to understand whether mechanisms, such as reduced glucose uptake or ATP deple-
Q7 can induce the release of COX-derived metabolites (eg, tion. Although these results are promising, future in vivo exper-
thromboxane A4) and cause a reduction in vasomotion in Q7, iments will confirm if these 1,4-naphthoquinones have the
further studies are required. clinical potential as antitumor agents.
Cellular ATP content plays an important role in the
energy metabolism and regulation of vasomotion.4
Preincubation for 3 hours with Q7 did not significantly
decrease ATP levels in the A7r5 cell line. However, previous ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
reports in the bladder cancer cell line (T24), observed that a The authors wish to express their gratitude to the
drop in the intracellular content of ATP was found after pre- Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Inovación y Postgrado de la
incubation with Q7 for 6 hours.23 On the other hand, in vas- Universidad de Arturo Prat and the Rectoria y Vicerrectoria de
cular tissue, glucose is metabolized to lactate when the glucose Investigacion, Innovacion y Postgrado Universidad de
concentration in blood is at a physiological level, whereas the Antofagasta for their financial and technical support. Also a

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Palacios et al J Cardiovasc Pharmacol   Volume 77, Number 2, February 2021

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none derivative [2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)amino-1,4-naphthoquinone] Chem. 2010;45:6052–6057.
(Q7). 24. Gerstner ER, Duda DG, di Tomaso E, et al. Antiangiogenic agents for
the treatment of glioblastoma. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2007;16:
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