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International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66

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Effect of slaughterhouse and day of sample on the probability of a pig

carcass being Salmonella-positive according to the Enterobacteriaceae
count in the largest Brazilian pork production region
Luís Gustavo Corbellini a,d,⁎, Alfredo Bianco Júnior b, Eduardo de Freitas Costa a, Ana Sofia Ribeiro Duarte d,
Elenita Ruttscheidt Albuquerque b, Jalusa Deon Kich c, Marisa Cardoso a, Maarten Nauta d
Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Concórdia, SC, Brazil
Division of Epidemiology and Microbial Genomics, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Sources of contamination of carcasses during slaughter include infected pigs as well as environmentally related
Received 18 April 2014 sources. There are many microbial indicators that can be used in the processing of food to assess food hygiene
Received in revised form 22 January 2016 and the safety of food processing. The presence of some microbial indicators can be viewed as a result of direct
Accepted 26 March 2016
or indirect contamination of a food with fecal material. The presence of Enterobacteriaceae is often used as a hy-
Available online 5 April 2016
giene indicator, as they are found both in the environment and in the intestine of warm-blooded animals. An as-
sociation between Salmonella isolation and Enterobacteriaceae count (EC) on pre-chill carcasses has been
Slaughterhouse size described, however the impact of slaughterhouse and the day of sampling on the occurrence of Salmonella has
Swine not been previously investigated. To this end, mixed logistic regressions (MLRs) with random effects and fixed
Food safety slopes were performed to assess the change in EC and its correlation with Salmonella occurrence using two
Indicator data sets. The first describes the EC and Salmonella isolation in 60 pork carcasses in one slaughterhouse sampled
Bacteriology at 11 different slaughter steps, including the carcass as a random effect. The second describes the EC and
Mixed models Salmonella isolation on 1150 pre-chill carcasses sampled in 13 slaughterhouses over 230 sampling days, and
the model combined two random intercepts, slaughterhouse and date of sampling nested with slaughterhouse
(day/slaughterhouse). Statistically significant associations (p b 0.0001) between the log of the EC and Salmonella
occurrence were found in all models. Nevertheless, although a strong association was found between Enterobac-
teriaceae and Salmonella contamination in pork carcasses, this association was not constant, given that there was
a high variation in the probability of a carcass being positive for Salmonella according to the EC mainly between
days of samples. The effect of the day of sampling on Salmonella prevalence was so large that the predictive value
of the EC count for Salmonella isolation on a daily basis was compromised. It is possible that on some days batches
with a high prevalence of Salmonella carriers shedding a high number of Salmonella were slaughtered. On these
days, the potential for contamination/cross-contamination of carcasses will be so large that even hygienic
slaughter, confirmed by the low EC on carcasses, will not be able to prevent the presence of Salmonella on
some carcasses. The results of this study demonstrate that, despite the statistically significant association
found, it may be difficult to predict when hygiene failure measured via EC actually indicates Salmonella contam-
ination, and neither the inverse.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reported in Brazil (Gomes et al., 2013). Pork is considered the third most
common foodborne source of human salmonellosis (Arguello et al.,
Salmonella is one of the main pathogens associated with food-borne 2013). The main source of contamination of carcasses is pigs introduced
disease worldwide, and is the most common cause of disease outbreaks into the slaughterhouse carrying Salmonella in the intestinal tract (EFSA,
2008). This is because infected swine may carry a high number of
Salmonella per gram of feces (Berends et al., 1997; Botteldoorn et al.,
2003), and contaminated feces can leak out throughout the slaughter
⁎ Corresponding author at: EPILAB, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva,
Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento
process. However, environmentally related sources of contamination
Gonçalves 9090, CEP 91540-000 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. such as contact surfaces of equipment and handling by workers have
E-mail addresses:, (L.G. Corbellini). also been described (Berends et al., 1997; Botteldoorn et al., 2003;
0168-1605/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66 59

Duggan et al., 2010; Giovannacci et al., 2001; Hald et al., 2003), and di- were collected in two different studies and recorded in two data sets.
rect transfer of house flora present in the slaughterhouse has been In study one (data set A), 60 carcasses (C1–60) were sampled at 11 se-
found to be an important source of contamination for carcasses (Smid quential steps: 1) before scalding, 2) after scalding, 3) after dehairing,
et al., 2012; Van Hoek et al., 2012). Moreover, the extent of contamina- 4) after singeing, 5) after polishing, 6) before evisceration, 7) after evis-
tion may vary significantly depending on the slaughterhouse and sam- ceration, 8) after splitting (before veterinary inspection), 9) before final
pling day (Berends et al., 1997; Botteldoorn et al., 2003; Hald et al., rinse, 10) before chilling (after final rinse) and 11) after chilling. One
2003; Silva et al., 2012). carcass per day was randomly sampled throughout the slaughter line
There are many microbial indicators that can be used in the process- approximately 2 h after slaughter beginning. Swabs were taken over a
ing of food to assess food hygiene and the safety of food processing. 300 cm2 area on the shoulder (in the upper part when the sample was
Their meaningfulness depends on the type of food analyzed as well as collected before a given step, and in the lower part when the sample
the species or group of bacteria employed as an indicator. As most of was collected after a given step). The swabs were placed in sterile plastic
the pathogenic microorganisms potentially found in pork are of enteric bags containing 100 mL peptone water 0.1%.
origin (Ghafir et al., 2003; Ray, 2005), fecal indicators are preferred dur- In study two (data set B), carcasses were sampled before chilling in
ing the slaughtering process, as they fulfill many of the criteria set for 13 slaughterhouses (A–M) following the Commission Regulation (EC)
ideal food safety indicators such as easy and inexpensive detection No. 2073/2005 as a part of a baseline study conducted by the Brazilian
and enumeration, sharing the same habitat as enteric pathogens and Ministry of Livestock and Food Supply. The sampling plan to establish
being detected when the pathogen is present in food (Ghafir et al., the microbiological criteria in carcasses of pigs was comprised of 50
2008). Their presence can be viewed as a result of direct or indirect con- samples derived from 10 sampling sessions (7–10 day intervals on
tamination of food with fecal material (Ray, 2005). In this context, the average) in which five carcasses from different batches were
specificity of Escherichia coli as a fecal contaminant is higher than randomly sampled in each session. A total of two sampling plans
enterobacteria and coliforms (Ray, 2005). On the other hand, the enu- (n = 50; 100 carcasses) were performed per slaughterhouse (A–J).
meration of a broader group of bacteria, such as those belonging to In the remaining three slaughterhouses (K, L and M), one sampling
the family Enterobacteriaceae, may be a better indicator of sanitation plan (n = 50) was performed. A total of 1150 carcasses were sampled
level, including possible fecal contamination and presence of enteric from August 2011 to September 2012. Carcasses were swabbed in
pathogens (Ray, 2005). For this reason, Enterobacteriaceae are often four parts (belly, hind leg, loin and jowl), each covering a 100 cm2
used as a hygiene indicator (Prendergast et al., 2008), since they are area, and then placed together in sterile plastic bags containing 40 mL
found both in the environment and in the intestine of warm-blooded peptone water 0.1%.
The U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) considers generic 2.2. Bacteriology
E. coli as the process control indicator organism, and has adopted a
quantitative E. coli standard as a measure of process control with respect Bacterial samples taken from 60 pork carcasses at 11 different
to the prevention and reduction of fecal contamination in slaughter slaughter steps in one slaughterhouse were analyzed for the pres-
plants (FSIS, 1996). On the other hand, aerobic plate counts (APCs) ence of Salmonella using the immunoassay VIDAS®-SLM method
and Enterobacteriaceae are employed as hygiene indicator criteria for (bioMérieux, France) following the instructions of the supplier.
cattle, sheep, goat, horse and pork carcasses in the European Union Quantitative assays for Enterobacteriaceae were performed using En-
[Commission regulation (EC) No. 2073, 2005]. Moreover, the correlation terobacteriaceae Count Plate Petrifilm (3M Microbiology, St. Paul,
between the presence of Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella in pig cuts MN, USA) according to the instructions of the supplier. One milliliter
and carcasses has been previously reported (Ghafir et al., 2008; of the appropriate dilution was spread on Petrifilm and subsequently
Prendergast et al., 2008). Salmonella contamination in pork carcasses incubated at 35 °C for 23–25 h. Petrifilm plates were then counted on
can originate from either direct or indirect contact with feces from in- a standard colony counter. Samples taken from the 1150 pre-chill
fected swine, or from contact with house flora present in the slaughter- carcasses were analyzed for the presence of Salmonella and quanti-
house environment. Given this, it can be hypothesized that Salmonella fied for Enterobacteriaceae according to standards from Normative
occurrence is associated with Enterobacteriaceae counts (EC) on the Instruction No. 62 from the Brazilian Ministry of Livestock and
carcass surface. However, the extent of this association requires Food Supply (MAPA, 2003). For Salmonella isolation, a 25 mL aliquot
investigation, as many factors such as variation provided by slaugh- from each homogenized sample was transferred to 225 mL buffered
terhouse and day of sampling can influence this relationship. Micro- peptone water (BPW) and incubated overnight at 37 °C for approxi-
biological studies are necessary to assess the effectiveness of HACCP mately 18 h. Aliquots of this buffered peptone water culture were
programs and good manufacturing practices and to propose specific then transferred to both Rappaport–Vassiliadis broth and selenite
intervention measures (Brown et al., 2000). In the absence of ongo- cystine broth. After incubation at 41 °C for 24 h, a 10 μL loop of
ing monitoring programs, baseline studies can serve as a means of each culture was streaked onto brilliant green phenol red lactose su-
benchmarking the current levels of hygiene in slaughterhouses crose (BPLS) agar and xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar, both
(Bohaychuk et al., 2011). incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. Suspect Salmonella colonies were con-
The overall aims of this study were to describe the occurrence of En- firmed by biochemical and serological tests. Detection and enumera-
terobacteriaceae and Salmonella sp. in pre-chill pork carcasses as well as tion of Enterobacteriaceae were performed using violet red bile
throughout the slaughter steps in the first baseline study undertaken in glucose (VRBG) agar.
large slaughterhouses in Brazil, and to assess the association between Serial dilutions (100, 10−1, 10−2) from the original sample were pre-
EC and Salmonella on pork carcasses taking into account sources of var- pared and 1 mL of each dilution was transferred in duplicate to Petri
iation such as slaughterhouse and day of sampling. dishes followed by the addition of VRBG. After the incubation at 37 °C
for 24 h, plates containing up to 250 typical colonies were counted
2. Material and methods manually using a standard colony counter. At least three presumptive
purple/pink colonies were confirmed by biochemical tests.
2.1. Sampling In both cases, the final EC estimate for each sample was obtained
from the mean of the confirmed colony counts and multiplied by the di-
All slaughterhouses were located in the largest Brazilian pork pro- lution where the counting was performed, and adjusted according to
duction region (ABIPECS, 2012) and processed on average between the area sampled on the carcass. All counts were expressed as colony
600 and 5280 pigs/day (median number of 2500 pigs/day). Sample forming units (CFU/cm2).
60 L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66

2.3. Statistical analysis fixed effect. Therefore, a constant variance was assumed between the
slaughter steps.
2.3.1. Fitting probability distribution In data set B, a logistic regression model with mixed effects (MLR
For carcasses with Enterobacteriaceae concentrations below the 2) combining two random intercepts, slaughterhouse and date of sam-
limit of detection (LOD) it was assumed that they were all contaminated pling nested with slaughterhouse (slaughterhouse/day), was per-
with low concentrations of this hygiene indicator. For the regression formed using data from the 13 slaughterhouses. Fitted log of the EC
analysis, in which Enterobacteriaceae concentrations are paired with was included as a fixed effect. Using two random intercepts, the propor-
the observed presence or absence of Salmonella, (see Section 2.3.2) it tion of variance accounted due to group levels slaughterhouse and date
is necessary to have estimates for these low concentrations. Assuming of sample nested with slaughterhouse, can be obtained.
arbitrary numbers in non-detects such as half of the LOD was not To check whether or not the number of swine slaughtered per
considered appropriate because it introduces bias in the data set slaughterhouse had an effect on the probability of a carcass being
(Busschaert et al., 2010). Therefore, for each slaughterhouse and each Salmonella-positive, slaughterhouse size (A ≤ 663; B N 663 ≤ 2000;
slaughter step, the log transformed Enterobacteriaceae concentrations C N 2000 ≤ 2500; and D N 2500 pigs per day) was also tested as a fixed
within the batch were assumed to follow a normal distribution. A meth- effect along with fitted log of the EC (MLR 3). The models can be repre-
od for distribution fitting with censored data was implemented in MS sented by the following equation:
Excel 2007, using the inverse of the cumulative normal distribution 
function (the function NORMINV (probability, mean, standard_dev)) logit Y ij ¼ β0 þ β1 xi j þ u j ð1Þ
and Excel Solver. Assuming a data set of k EC samples with kn non-
detects (negative results) and kp EC count data (positive results), so where β0 and β1 are the intercept and fixed effects estimates respective-
that kn + kp = k, the following procedure was applied: 1) using the ly, and u is the random intercept with uj ~ N(0,σ2u), while Yij is the binary
Excel function RANDBETWEEN(), kn different rank numbers i = 1…kn variable indicating Salmonella status of carcass i in group j. In MLR 1, xij is
were randomly assigned to carcass samples that gave the negative the log of the EC estimated at observation i along the slaughter process
results. Alternatively, the positive results ECi (expressed in log CFU per in carcass j, and uj is the random intercept for each carcass j (60 sub-
cm²) were sorted from low to high, and got rank numbers i = jects). In MLR 2, xij is the log of the EC in carcass i at slaughterhouse j,
kn + 1…k; 2) a mean M and standard deviation SD of the log CFU per and uj is the random intercept for each slaughterhouse j (13 subjects);
cm2 were defined, based on a first guess of their values; 3) for each of in this model, for each subject (i.e. slaughterhouse) the Z matrix con-
the kp positive results (ECi for i = kn + 1…k), the difference ECi − tains 20 intercept columns that represent 20 sampling days nested
NORMINV((i − 0.5) / k,M,SD) was calculated. These differences were within slaughterhouse (Appendix A provides the SAS code and model
squared and summed to a sum of squared differences (SSQ); 4) Excel dimensions). MLR 3 has the same dimension as MLR 2 but with two
Solver was used to find the values of the variables M and SD that gave fixed effects: fitted log of the EC and slaughterhouse size. The estimated
the minimum value of SSQ. With this method, M and SD estimates variances (σ2u) in logit scale measures the degree of heterogeneity in the
were obtained, based on the available positive results and the number probability of being Salmonella-positive between subjects groups
of negative results. These negative results don't influence the SSQ by (i.e., carcasses in MLR 1 and slaughterhouses and slaughterhouse/day
an observed value ECi, but by the rank numbers of the first and subse- in MLRs 2 and 3). Predicted probabilities conditional on the random in-
quent positive values i = kn + 1…k and the value of k = kn + kp, as tercepts were obtained for each observation i in the data sets using the
used in the NORMINV function; and 5) fitted values for ECi concentra- PRED statement in PROC GLIMMIX in SAS (Appendix A).
tions were calculated using the function NORMINV((i − 0.5) / k,M,SD) A Box–Tidwell test was done to verify the null hypothesis that the
for all samples (negative and positive results, rank numbers i = 1…k) predictor variable fitted log of the EC is of a linear term using the soft-
using the estimates for M and SD found by the Excel Solver in step 4. ware STATA. Results show a p-value N 0.05 (p = 0.19 and p = 0.38 in
This procedure was applied separately for each slaughter step (data data sets A and B respectively), suggesting that EC is suitable for using
set A) and for each of the 13 slaughterhouses (data set B). Values of the as a continuous variable in both data sets.
fitted distribution were tested for normality using both PROC UNIVARI- To check the effect of fitting a distribution to the data (see
ATE in SAS and by plotting the fitted data in the graph along with the EC Section 2.3.1), all models were also tested including the non-fitted log
data. The fitted distribution was included in the mixed regression anal- of EC as a fixed effect, adding 0.001 CFU/cm2 to all data. This gives a
ysis used to assess the relationship between Salmonella and EC. value of −3.00 to zero counts on the log scale and makes no difference
to the log values of non-zero counts (Prendergast et al., 2008). This was
2.3.2. Mixed logistic regressions performed to check whether there was a substantial difference in the
Statistical models were developed to assess the change in EC and its fitted data on the results.
correlation with Salmonella occurrence using two data sets with paired Mixed logistic regressions were performed in SAS (version 9.2, Cary,
data (data sets A and B). Statistical analyses were carried out on the NC, USA) using the PROC GLIMMIX. Appendix A provides the SAS code
fitted log-transformed values for EC (log CFU/cm2) obtained by the pro- explanation and model dimensions.
cedure described above (Section 2.3.1). The assignment of random rank
numbers to negative results was done once for each data set. To check if 3. Results
the randomization influences the results, regression analyses were per-
formed using data obtained in four different randomizations and the re- 3.1. Descriptive statistics
sults were all similar as expected (since only the rank of the first positive
point has influence on the minimization, data not shown). Mixed logis- 3.1.1. Data set A
tic regressions with random effects (intercepts) and fixed slopes were Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from 76 (11.5%) and
performed. 523 (79.2%) of the 660 data points respectively. Enterobacteriaceae were
In data set A, a logistic regression with mixed effects was performed recovered from 71 (93%) of 76 Salmonella-contaminated carcasses.
(termed MLR 1). The model dimension accounted for the structure of Salmonella occurrence followed the trend of Enterobacteriaceae
the data, wherein 60 carcasses were sampled over the slaughter line concentration during the slaughter steps (Fig. 1). The prevalence of
at 11 points (660 data points) and then the variance matrix was blocked Salmonella and mean fitted number of the EC before scalding were
by carcasses (subject). Because one carcass was sampled per day and re- 43% (26/60) and 3.5 log CFU/cm2 respectively. Mean levels of Enterobac-
peatedly measured, random intercepts representing each carcass was teriaceae contamination were reduced drastically after scalding (3.6 log
included in the model and the fitted log of the EC was included as a reductions) and markedly increased after dehairing (3.1 log increase).
L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66 61

Fig. 1. Observed numbers of Salmonella-contaminated carcasses and mean log of the Enterobacteriaceae count (log CFU/cm2) in 60 pork carcasses collected along the slaughter line.
BSCAL = before scalding; ASCAL = after scalding; ADEH = after dehairing; ASING = after singeing; APOLIS = after polishing; BEVISC = before evisceration; AEVISC = after
evisceration; ASPLIT = after splitting; BRINSE = before rinse; BCHILL = before chilling; ACHILL = after chilling.

Singeing decreased this number again by around 2.5 log units. During isolated in 80 of 100 Salmonella-positive carcasses corresponding to an
polishing, levels of EC increased around 1.3 log units, resulting in a average sensitivity of 80% (Table 3). In contrast, Enterobacteriaceae
mean EC of 1.7 log CFU/cm2. Subsequently, the log of the EC decreased were not recovered in 661 of 1050 Salmonella-negative carcasses corre-
gradually during the slaughter steps down to 1 log CFU/cm2 at the sponding to an average specificity of 63% (Table 3).
post-chill stage (Fig. 1).
3.2. MLR 1 (data set A)
3.1.2. Data set B
Descriptive statistics of the baseline study were performed using the Results of the models are described in Table 4. There was a statisti-
original data set without fitting (Tables 1 and 2), i.e., with the log trans- cally significant association between the log of the EC and the number
formed data from the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae colony count of Salmonella-contaminated carcasses during slaughter (t value = 7.3;
technique. Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from 100 p b 0.0001). The number of observations used in the model was 652
(8.7%) and 469 (40.8%) pre-chill carcasses respectively out of 1150 sam- (8 missing), of which 76 were positive for Salmonella. The ratio of the
pled. The proportion of Salmonella-positive carcasses ranged from 2% to chi-square to the degree of freedom was 0.69, which means that there
20% between slaughterhouses, while the proportion of carcasses testing is no residual over-dispersion. The model predicts that for a 1-unit in-
positive for Enterobacteriaceae varied between 8% and 73% (Table 1). crease in the log of the EC, the expected (mean) probability of Salmonel-
The median log CFU/cm² of the EC found in the 13 slaughterhouses la detection increased by a factor of exp (0.87) = 2.39 [95% CI
varied from 0.30 to 1.52 among samples where Enterobacteriaceae (confidence interval): 1.89–3.03]. There was a high variability in the
were detected. The distribution of Salmonella-positive samples accord- probability of being Salmonella-positive between carcasses, as the
ing to the log of the EC is shown in Table 2. Enterobacteriaceae were mean covariance parameter estimate (σ2u) was 0.97 (Table 3). As an ex-
ample, in a carcass with a highly negative intercept value (μ = −0.76,
Table 1 carcass C8) in which 3.8 log CFU/cm² of Enterobacteriaceae were found
Descriptive statistics of the Enterobacteriaceae counts and Salmonella isolation from swab at the sampling i before scalding, the predicted probability of being
samples collected from 1150 carcasses (100 per slaughterhousea) in 13 pig slaughter- Salmonella-positive was 19.6% (logit of −1.41). In contrast, in a carcass
houses in Brazil. with a highly positive intercept value (μ = 1.56, carcass C9), in which
Slaughterhouse Salmonella Enterobacteriaceae count (log CFU/cm²)b 3.0 log CFU/cm² of Enterobacteriaceae were found at the same slaughter
(%) step, the predicted probability of being Salmonella-positive was 56.7%
Positive Median 75th 90th 95th Max
(%)c (logit of 0.27).
A 8 28 1.37 1.95 2.43 2.90 3.97
B 2 26 0.72 1.29 4.22 4.25 4.41 3.3. MLR 2 and MLR 3 (data set B)
C 15 51 0.49 0.88 1.43 1.54 2.73
D 4 26 0.42 0.96 1.56 2.09 3.40 The median (Q1, Q3) of the estimated log of the EC recovered from
E 9 37 0.54 0.70 1.04 1.28 2.45 Salmonella positive and negative carcasses was 0.56 (0.05, 1.16) and
F 5 21 0.44 0.74 0.95 1.10 1.63
−0.35 (−1.22, 0.40) log CFU/cm2 respectively. In MLR 2, a statistically
G 20 55 1.52 2.17 3.29 3.58 3.93
H 4 73 1.00 1.36 1.60 1.72 3.92 significant association was found between the log of the EC and the iso-
I 11 58 0.32 0.52 0.83 0.99 2.04 lation of Salmonella (t value = 5.5; p b 0.0001). On average, for a one
J 9 39 0.30 0.83 1.31 1.40 2.08 unit increase in the log of the EC, the probability of Salmonella isolation
K 20 40 1.34 1.89 2.22 2.44 4.26
increased by a factor of exp (0.52) = 1.69 (95% CI: 1.40–2.05). Estimat-
L 2 8 0.60 0.73 0.76 0.77 0.78
M 4 62 0.52 0.98 1.28 1.55 3.95 ed variances (σ2u) for the slaughterhouse and the slaughterhouse/day
Total 8.7 40.8 were 0.20 and 0.72 respectively (Table 3). The proportion of variance
50 samples were collected in K, L and M.
due to slaughterhouse was 22% (0.20/[0.20 + 0.72]) and for date of
Count distribution of positive samples (limit of detection of −1 log CFU/cm²). sample nested with slaughterhouse was 78% (0.72 / [0.20 + 0.72]), in-
Prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae. dicating that most of the heterogeneity in the probability of a carcass
62 L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66

Table 2
Frequency distribution of Enterobacteriaceae counts (EC) and Salmonella in 1150 swabs of carcasses collected in 13 slaughterhouses in Brazil.

Percentile Enterobacteriaceae Salmonella (values per category of EC)

Category Samples Cumulative frequency (%) Positive Frequency (%)

(log CFU/cm²)

0 BLODa 681 59.2 20 2.9

b25th −1 to 0.29 116 69.3 18 15.5
≥25th b 50th 0.30–0.67 115 79.3 21 18.2
≥50th b 75th 0.68–1.24 120 89.7 18 15.0
≥75th b 90th 1.25–1.85 71 95.9 11 15.5
≥90th ≥1.86 47 100.0 12 25.5
Total 1150 – 100 8.7
BLOD = below limit of detection (log − 1 log CFU/cm²)

being Salmonella-positive occurred between days of sampling. Predicted findings of these studies demonstrated similar trends in the dynamics of
probabilities estimates can be seen in Table 5. microbial levels (Enterobacteriaceae, total viable counts and/or coli-
No statistically significant association (p = 0.71) was found when forms) and Salmonella contamination. These dynamics were character-
the size of the slaughterhouse was included as a fixed effect along ized by high levels of both indicators and Salmonella before scalding, a
with EC (MLR 3, Table 3). The EC estimates [β = 0.54, exp (β) = marked decrease after scalding and singeing, and an increase again
1.71)] did not change notably compared with the EC estimates in MLR after dehairing, polishing and evisceration. In this study, no consider-
2 that did not include the size of the slaughterhouse. Adding size of able increase in EC and Salmonella prevalence was observed after evis-
the slaughterhouse in the model did not change substantially the esti- ceration and after splitting. Berends et al. (1997) reported that after
mated variances. No residual over-dispersion was found in MLRs 2 singeing, it is mainly evisceration that leads to the contamination of car-
and 3 (Table 4). casses with Enterobacteriaceae and also Salmonella (Delhalle et al., 2008;
Based on fixed effects only, predicted values in the final linearized Pearce et al., 2004). The presence of Salmonella in the house flora
model obtained in MLR 1 and MLR 2 evidenced a linear relationship be- associated with the splitting saw was also considered critical for carcass
tween Enterobacteriaceae count (EC) and Salmonella in pork carcasses. contamination during splitting (Smid et al., 2012). Similar findings were
Including random effects in the model predictions, a high variability found in a survey that included some slaughterhouses enrolled in
could be observed (Fig. 2). this study (Silva et al., 2012), in which no distinct increase in either
Results of the models (MLR 1, MLR 2 and MLR 3) using the non-fitted Salmonella number or prevalence was found after evisceration. Bolton
EC were all similar to those obtained with the fitted distributions. In et al. (2002) also observed no increase in total bacterial count after evis-
general, slightly smaller β estimates and standard errors, and similar ceration, suggesting good practices in the slaughterhouse concerning
variances (σ2u) were found in models using non-fitted EC. training of operators and hygiene. One possible explanation is the use
of a plastic bag to seal off the rectum before bung loosening, as this
prevents the dissemination of pathogens via the feces (Hald et al.,
4. Discussion
2003), as well as efficient cleaning and disinfection procedures.
However, variation in carcass contamination along the slaughter
Our findings showed that the probability of being Salmonella-
line is a complex function of many factors. These are related to
positive is associated with increasing EC on a carcass, although there
batch prevalence levels, environmental contamination and slaugh-
was a high heterogeneity in the probability of Salmonella isolation that
terhouse practices such as hygiene, cleaning and disinfection, educa-
cannot be explained by EC. Ghafir et al. (2008) reported a good correla-
tion and training (Arguello et al., 2013; De Busser et al., 2013;
tion between EC and Salmonella in pork, and concluded that Enterobac-
Giovannacci et al., 2001). Before scalding and up until the post-chill
teriaceae would be a better food safety indicator in comparison to E. coli.
stage, a significant decrease (89%) in the number of Salmonella-
It has been postulated that a direct relationship between the level of an
contaminated carcass (from 27 carcasses to 3) and reduction in EC
indicator and the probability of an enteric pathogen presence in
levels (from 3.5 log CFU/cm2 to 1 log CFU/cm2) suggests that the process
food should exist (Ray, 2005). The results of this study demonstrate
was effective in reducing the level of contamination, and is indicative of
that, despite the association found between Enterobacteriaceae and
good hygiene practices.
Salmonella contamination in pork carcasses, it may be difficult to predict
The isolation of Salmonella in only one carcass after polishing was
when hygiene failure measured via EC actually indicates Salmonella
unexpected. Dehairing and polishing can cause cross-contamination as
fecal matter can leak out from the carcass due to pressure (Borch
In general, the dynamics of Salmonella contamination and EC along
et al., 1996; Smid et al., 2012). Bacteria that survive the singeing process
the slaughter line found in data set A were similar to previous published
can also be further spread over the carcass by the polishing machine
studies (Berends et al., 1997; Bolton et al., 2002; Pearce et al., 2004). The
(Borch et al., 1996; Pearce et al., 2004). Persistent contamination and
isolation of Salmonella from the polishing equipment has also been de-
scribed (Giovannacci et al., 2001; Hald et al., 2003), since the equipment
Table 3 is difficult to clean and disinfect (Borch et al., 1996). Nevertheless, some
Cross table showing isolation of Salmonella for qualitative results of Enterobacteriaceae
authors reported that polishing is not an important point of recontami-
from 1150 swabs of carcasses collected in 13 slaughterhouses in Brazil.
nation (Arguello et al., 2013; Pearce et al., 2004). It might be hypothe-
Enterobacteriaceae Salmonella isolation sized that the reduction in Salmonella concentration after singeing
Positive Negative Total brings it to a level below the detection limit, and that further spread
Positive 80 (80% ) a
389 469 over the carcass precludes its isolation, in contrast with the higher num-
Negative 20 661 (63%b) 681 ber of Enterobacteriaceae still remaining.
Total 100 1050 1150 The mean prevalence (8.7%) of Salmonella found in pre-chill car-
Sensitivity of Enterobacteriaceae microbiology test. casses from large slaughterhouses in Brazil (data set B) was similar to
Specificity of Enterobacteriaceae microbiology test. the overall prevalence of external contamination with Salmonella
L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66 63

Table 4
Results of the mixed logistic regression models (MLRs 1, 2, and 3) with random intercepts and fixed slopes that included the presence of Salmonella in pork carcasses as response variable,
and fitted log of the Enterobacteriaceae count (EC) or size of the slaughterhouses along with EC as fixed effects.

Model Random effects Fixed effects Fita

Parameter Subject (No.) Estimate (SE)b Variable β (SE) p-Value

MLR 1 Intercept (σ2u) Carcass (60) 0.97 (0.38) EC 0.87 (0.12) b0.0001 0.69
MLR 2 Intercept (σ2u) Slaughterhouse (13) 0.20 (0.17) EC 0.52 (0.09) b0.0001 0.63
Intercept (σ2u) Day/slaughterhouse 0.72 (0.23)
MLR 3 Intercept (σ2u) Slaughterhouse (13) 0.26 (0.24) EC 0.54 (0.09) b0.0001 0.64
Intercept (σ2u) Day/slaughterhouse 0.73 (0.27) A −0.02 (0.63)
(20/slaughterhouse) B −0.34 (0.52) 0.70
C −0.55 (0.50)
D 0
Chi-square/DF value.
Logit scale.
Minimum 10 and maximum 20 sampling days per slaughterhouse.
A ≤ 663; B N 663 ≤ 2000; C N 2000 ≤ 2500; and D ≥ 2500 pigs slaughtered per day.

reported in the EU, which was 8.3% (EFSA, 2008). In southern Brazil, the day of slaughter or between carcasses have contributed for Salmo-
previous studies reported 24% (Kich et al., 2011) and 14.7% (Silva nella contamination. The effect of the day of sampling on the Salmonella
et al., 2012) of Salmonella positive pre-chill carcasses. However, these prevalence was so large that the value of the EC to predict Salmonella
studies included only three slaughterhouses and used a distinct sam- isolation in a daily basis was compromised. This fact may be illustrated
pling scheme, which may have led to frequencies that reflected the by the high levels of EC found on a given day (maximum of ~5 log CFU/
slaughter day rather than the overall prevalence. On the contrary, the cm², slaughterhouse B) that were associated with a smaller probability
results of the present study are obtained in a more comprehensive of Salmonella contamination than the average. On the contrary, on one
sampling plan, and represent the first baseline study on Salmonella in sampling day at slaughterhouse A the maximum of ~ 1.8 log CFU/cm²
pork conducted in southern Brazil. Studies conducted in the United found was associated with a higher probability of a carcass being
States and Canada have reported a mean prevalence of 6.9% and 1.6% Salmonella-positive (Table 4). The size of the slaughterhouse was
in post-chill carcasses respectively (Bohaychuk et al., 2011; USDA, also tested in the model MLR 3 to assess its effects on Salmonella
1998). prevalence, and no association or change of estimates for EC fixed
A strong association between Salmonella isolation and Enterobacteri- effects was found. Baptista et al. (2010) also found no association
aceae levels on pre-chill carcass surfaces was found. Results are in agree- between slaughterhouse size and an increased probability of
ment with those of previous studies made on pre-chill carcasses Salmonella-positive pork carcasses.
(Duggan et al., 2010; Ghafir et al., 2008) and in pork cuts (Prendergast Slaughterhouse and a day-to-day variation in prevalence are fre-
et al., 2008). However, the variation occurring between slaughterhouses quently reported in Salmonella epidemiological studies performed in
and day of sample may have been overlooked in previous studies. A pig slaughterhouses (Baptista et al., 2010; Botteldoorn et al., 2003; De
wide range in the percentages of Salmonella-positive carcasses between Busser et al., 2011; Delhalle et al., 2008; Hald et al., 2003; Prendergast
slaughterhouses (between 2% and 20%, Table 1) as well as between days et al., 2008; Silva et al., 2012). Many of these studies reported a correla-
of sampling was observed in our study. A high variation in the associa- tion between seroprevalence, and the number of pigs shedding Salmo-
tion between Salmonella occurrence and EC was found mainly between nella in their feces, with carcass contamination (Botteldoorn et al.,
days of sampling (Table 4). MLR 1 corroborates the findings of MLR 2, as 2003; Duggan et al., 2010; Silva et al., 2012). Based on a previous sero-
a high variation between carcasses was found here as well. Given that logical survey conducted in 188 finishing farms in Brazil (Schwarz
the former model included data from 60 carcasses, which were sampled et al., 2010), exposure to the pathogen on farm seems to be high, since
on 60 different days, this also suggests that other factors occurring on 142 farms (75.5%) had a seroprevalence greater than 70% in their

Table 5
An example of the predicted probabilities estimated for carcasses i in the mixed logistic regression (MLR 2) on two days of sampling nested with slaughterhouse j. Date of sampling was
sorted by increasing intercept estimates values.


Slaughterhouse Day of sampling Estimate Carcass i Salmonella Fitted log CFU/cm² Enterobacteriaceae Predicted probability Logit

B 12/03/2012 −0.65 1 Neg 2.58 11% −2.10

2 Neg 2.92 13% −1.92
3 Neg 3.34 15% −1.70
4 Neg 3.94 20% −1.38
5 Neg 5.10 32% −0.77
. . . . . . . .
A 30/08/2011 1.98 6 Pos −3.42 9% −2.32
7 Pos 0.63 45% −0.19
8 Pos 1.10 52% 0.06
9 Pos 1.65 59% 0.35
10 Pos 1.76 60% 0.41
64 L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66

Fig. 2. Graphic showing predicted values in the final linearized model obtained in MLR 1 and MLR 2 models that included carcasses and slaughterhouses/day of sample as a random effect
respectively. MLR 3 was omitted because it contains very similar results to MLR 2. Predictions based on the fixed effects alone (the population-averaged prediction) illustrate the linear
relationship between Enterobacteriaceae count (EC) and Salmonella in pork carcasses. The high variability in the probability of being Salmonella-positive according to EC (log CFU/cm²)
can be observed in the plots that show the predicted values including random effects.

slaughter batches. In a scenario of high exposure on farm, it is possible Appendix A. SAS code and model dimensions for mixed logistic
that on some days, batches with a high prevalence of Salmonella carriers regression (MLR 1 and MLR 2)
shedding a high number of Salmonella were slaughtered. On these days,
the hazard of contamination/cross-contamination of carcasses maybe
so high that even a hygienic slaughter, confirmed by the low EC on
carcasses, will not be able to avoid the presence of Salmonella on some
Including the original EC by adding 0.001 to all the data resulted in
similar estimates to those obtained with the fitted distribution of EC.
Smaller parameter estimates and standard errors were expected due
to the smaller variation in the data set when the same value is used
for the zero counts. Both sets of models were adjusted according to
the fit statistics, where no over-dispersion was detected. One possible
reason for the small difference observed is that on average, 40.8%
(MLR 2 and MLR 3) and 79.2% (MLR 1) of samples were positive for En-
terobacteriaceae and that most of the Salmonella was isolated from those
samples. However, the most reliable model is hard to define, as no infor-
mation regarding the level of contamination can be determined for
carcasses with very low levels of contamination. On the other hand, it In this model, for each subject (carcass_id) SAS sets up 1 column in
is reasonable to assume that the zero counts do have a distinct level of the Z matrix for each carcass. The options DIST = BINARY and
contamination and that the data fitted to a normal distribution better LINK = LOGIT specify that the response variable is binarily distributed
represents the reality. and the link function is logit. The residual degree of freedom was divid-
The results of this study reinforce the importance of hygiene pro- ed into between-subjects and within-subjects to determine whether a
cedures during slaughter for the control of Salmonella in pork, since fixed effect (that is, EC) changes within any subject. The option
on average Salmonella and Enterobacteriaceae detection was related. DDFM = BW was used for this. SOLUTION option in the MODEL state-
Microbial testing is a useful tool for monitoring hygiene of the ment requests a listing of the fixed-effects parameter estimates. The
slaughtering process over time (FSIS, 1996). However, even in RANDOM statement specifies that the linear predictor contains an inter-
slaughterhouses with high standards of hygiene measured as EC, cept term that randomly varies at the level of the carcass_id effect (or
the delivery of pig batches with a high level of Salmonella shedding slaughterhouse_id and day of sample nested with slaughterhouse_id ef-
may result in a slaughter day with higher than average Salmonella- fect in MLRs 2 and 3). Two types of predicted values are requested in the
contaminated carcasses. This fact should be taken into account OUTPUT statement for each observation in the data set. The first type
when Enterobacteriaceae are used as an indicator of food safety in uses the solutions for the random effects [the estimated best linear un-
pork. It also stresses that hygienic processing alone cannot control biased predictors (BLUPs) in the final linearized model], and the second
Salmonella contamination and that a whole of chain approach is like- type uses predictions based on the fixed effects alone (NOBLUPs, i.e., the
ly required, taking into account cost effectiveness of the various population-averaged prediction). The ILINK suboption of the PRED key-
control options. word requests that the inverse link function be applied to the resulting
predictions. This yields predictions of probabilities. SOLUTION option in
the random statement requests that the solution for the random-effects
Conflict of interest statement parameters be produced. The output for the solution for random
carcass_id effects is as follows (from the smallest to the highest esti-
No conflict of interest exists for any of the authors. mates of the intercepts):

Effect Subject Estimate Std Err Pred DF t Value Pr N |t|

Intercept Id_carcassC49 −0.92 0.75 650 −1.24 0.22
Intercept Id_carcassC8 −0.76 0.77 650 −0.99 0.32
Financial support was provided by the CNPq/Brazil through the Post- Intercept Id_carcassC32 −0.75 0.78 650 −0.96 0.34
doctoral Training Program (process # 241904/2012-9). Special thanks Intercept Id_carcassC28 −0.71 0.77 650 −0.92 0.36
are given to all the official veterinarians from MAPA (Ministério da Intercept Id_carcassC38 −0.69 0.79 650 −0.88 0.38
Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento) enrolled in the microbiological Intercept Id_carcassC30 −0.69 0.78 650 −0.88 0.38
Intercept Id_carcassC25 −0.67 0.78 650 −0.86 0.39
baseline study.
L.G. Corbellini et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 228 (2016) 58–66 65

Appendix A (continued)
(continued) There are two G-sides random effects in this model, which are
Effect Subject Estimate Std Err Pred DF t Value Pr N |t|
slaughterhouse and date nested within slaughterhouse. In this model,
for each subject (slaughterhouse_id) SAS sets up 20 columns in the Z
Intercept Id_carcassC40 −0.66 0.78 650 −0.84 0.40
Intercept Id_carcassC5 −0.65 0.79 650 −0.81 0.42
matrix for each slaughterhouse, which corresponds to the maximum
Intercept Id_carcassC59 −0.64 0.79 650 −0.81 0.42 number of sampling days in any slaughterhouse.
Intercept Id_carcassC3 −0.62 0.79 650 −0.79 0.43
Intercept Id_carcassC50 −0.60 0.80 650 −0.75 0.45
Intercept Id_carcassC24 −0.60 0.80 650 −0.75 0.45
Intercept Id_carcassC23 −0.59 0.81 650 −0.73 0.47
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Intercept Id_carcassC14 −0.58 0.80 650 −0.72 0.47 associados/ABIPECS_relatorio_2012_pt.pdf (Accessed on November 5, 2013).
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