Diagnostic Test 9 Grade Ms - Kleyri Herrera Name - Valeria Valentina Castillo Barnica - Date - 09/02/2022

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Diagnostic Test 9th Grade

Ms.Kleyri Herrera
Name_Valeria Valentina Castillo Barnica_Date_09/02/2022_
1. Read the text carefully. Then identify and complete the chart with the information
requested about the
people´s physical appearance by dragging and dropping the vocabulary into the
Mary is a tall girl, she is in her twenties, and she has blonde long hair and
blue eyes. She
also wears glasses. John is a young tall boy, he has short black hair and
a mustache, and
he has dark eyes. Jenny is a short girl, and she has green eyes, and long
brown hair. She
is a child. She is very intelligent.

20 tall blonde long hair blue eyes wear glasses

Young boy Tall short black hair dark eyes has a mustache

Child Short long brown hair green eyes She is very intelligent

2. Read each question and observe the drawings. Based on them, mark with an X
the corresponding pain or click in the right option.

1) What´s the matter with Juan? He has a/an _______.

a) backache c) stuffy nose
b) stomachache d) broken leg

2) What´s going on with Ann? She has a/an ________.

a) earache c) sunburn
b) headache d) insect bite

3) He has a _______.
a) Stomachache c) backache
b) sore throat d) headache

4) I have a terrible _______.

a) sore throat c) earache
b) backache d) stomachache

5) Stay away from me, please…. I´ve got _______.

a) stomachache c) a fever
b) an earache d) chicken pox
6) He has a/an _______.
a) pain on her eye c) sore throat
b) backache d) earache

7) She has _______.

a) cough c) a cavity
b) a bloody nose d) a broken arm

8) I have _______.
a) cough c) fever b) measles d) a toothache

III. I read the information about Thanksgiving Day and based on it, I complete the
sentences below. Leo la información sobre Thanksgiving Day y basado en ella, completo
las oraciones abajo.

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States.
It is celebrated
as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest. Thanksgiving story begins with the
Pilgrims who
arrived from England in the ship named Mayflower in 1620. The American Indians helped
them to learn
how to grow food. When they had their first harvest they wanted to celebrate with the
Indians and had a big feast.
Thanksgiving traditions:
During this day, families gather to have a Thanksgiving meal together.
The traditional foods are turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.
The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday and is considered the largest and busiest
shopping day of the year.
Thanksgiving is also a day to watch football live or on the television.

1. The celebration´s name is _Thanksgiving Day_.

2. The celebration´s date is_ fourth Thursday of November in the United States_.
3. Thanksgiving is celebrated as a day of _It is celebrated
as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest_.
4. The history of Thanksgiving begins in the year_1620_.

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