Technical Director

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214 Lansdowne Avenue

Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087-4011
Tel: (610)902-0989 Cell: (610)733-2345

PROFILE: Extensive experience in the development and commercialization of speci

alty polymers and materials. Broad knowledge of various chemical and materials
disciplines. Chmical technologies include siloxanes, epoxies, urethanes, phenol
ics, and polyimides as well as high performance ceramic precursors. Application
in materials-related areas include experience in composites, fibers, ceramics,
coatings, adhesives, and electronics.

POSITION SOUGHT: Full or part-time position targeting the infusion of new techn
ology into an existing business or involving the implementation of novel approac
hes to expand markets for existing products.

KiON Technologies 1999-Present Director of Technology
Secured nearly $2.0 million in government and privately-funded (Boeing, Lockheed
Martin, ATK, United Technologies, Pratt & Whitney) R&D Contracts for KiON Defen
se Technologies
Developed ceramic matrix polymer for Flaps & Seals in the F-136 Joint Strike Fig
hter engine; secured contract for KiON Defense Technologies for production and s
upply of same to ATK and Pratt & Whitney beginning September, 2010
Developed G-Shield polysilazane-based anti-graffiti coating for vehicular and ar
chitectural applications in Europe, Africa (tutoProm trademark) and the U.S.
Planned and executed technical programs and strategic partnerships leading to su
stainable business growth in proprietary polysilazane products.
Directed all technical and laboratory programs within the company.
Negotiated sale of commercial sector of KiON Corporation to Swiss-based Clariant
Corporation in 2006
Supervised and executed transfer of KiON technology to Clariant Corporation in G
Revlon, Inc., 1997-1999 Manager, Core Technologies
Lead interdisciplinary technical teams in the commercialization of novel cosmeti
cs technologies utilizing silicon- and polymer-based ingredients
Structured and carried out collaborative R&D programs with various universities
and partner companies
Lanxide Corporation, 1993-1997 Project Manager, Preceramic Polymers
Developed family of organic / inorganic hybrid polymers for high performance / h
igh temperature applications
Implemented scale-up of polysilazane manufacture to 20,000 lb/yr level at toll m
Developed and contracted manufacture of hybrid composite flooring tiles for Met
ro-North Rail Stations
Secured $1.1 million contract for installation of hybrid flooring tiles in Grand
Central Terminal, New York City
Conducted interactive R&D programs with over 20 companies targeting product-spec
ific applications for Lanxide polysilazanes
Hercules Inc., 1983-1993 Project Leader, Advanced Ceramics
Initiated R&D Program in Advanced Ceramics and Performance Coatings at Hercules
Structured technical program and assembled all resources for ceramics R&D effort
Implemented design and installation of ceramic powder processing plant at Hercul
es Research Center
Technical Manager for Hercules R&D programs in Advanced Ceramics, High Performan
ce Coatings, and Carbon-Carbon Composites
Assisted in divestiture of Hercules Advanced Ceramics technology to Lanxide Corp
oration (1993); included transfer of all intellectual property, personnel, and e
Other Experience: Captain, U.S. Air Force
Five years experience as C141 Air Transport Navigator
Chief Navigator, Flight Standardization and Evaluation, 18th MAS, McGuire AFB, N
Extensive worldwide travel
U.S. Air Force Commendation Medal
Reasonable fluency in German
Recognized expert in the field of polysilazanes

Ph.D. Organometallic Chemistry, 1983, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
M.S. Organic Chemistry, 1981, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Unified Navigator Training, 1974, U.S. Air Force
B.S. Chemical Engineering (with Honors), 1973, Rutgers University
B.A. German, 1973, Rutgers University


Thirty Four (34) U.S. Patents and several publications, including two book-monog
raphs; list available upon request

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