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Case Report: Hirsch, Herman

Emphysematous Gastritis and

Its Differential Considerations
Daniel Hirsch, M.D., Steven D. Herman, M.D.

Department of Radiology, Hahnemann University Hospital, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Case Presentation
A 68-year-old diabetic woman presented to the emergency department complaining of a 1-day history of generalized
abdominal pain, coffee ground emesis, and dark stools. She was found to be afebrile but hypotensive. Physical exam-
ination was remarkable for abdominal distention and generalized tenderness to palpation. Laboratory findings revealed
leukocytosis. The patient was further evaluated with a noncontrast computed tomography (CT) examination of the ab-
domen and pelvis due to concern for diverticulitis or possible perforation (Figure 1).



FIGURE 1. Axial (A), coronal (B), and sagittal (C)

unenhanced computed tomography (CT) images of
the abdomen demonstrate marked gastric disten-
tion and wall thickening with intramural gastric air
along the greater curvature (arrows). An intraopera-
tive photo from subsequent surgical intervention (D)
reveals focal areas of gastric necrosis (arrows).

J Am Osteopath Coll Radiol 2017; Vol. 6, Issue 3 Page 19

Case Report: Hirsch, Herman

Key Imaging Finding(s) Patients often become toxic, prompting cases of air tracking from adjacent sites
Intramural gastric air surgical intervention. However, several to include the gallbladder 9 or bowel
cases have described successful con- have been reported. A common non-
Differential Diagnoses servative management of an otherwise gastric source of gastric intramural air
Soft-tissue sarcoma stable patient with bowel rest and gram is from the pulmonary system. Several
Emphysematous gastritis negative and anaerobe antibiotic cov- studies have described the presence of
Gastric emphysema erage. Overall prognosis is poor, with intramural gastric air in the setting of
Iatrogenic/traumatic injury mortality rates of 60% to 80%.4 bullous emphysema, specifically after
Nongastric source rupture of alveoli.10 This allows free
Gastric Emphysema air to dissect along the vascular sheaths
Discussion Gastric emphysema is often used to and reach the paraesophageal space,
Gastric intramural air is a rare radio- refer to a noninfectious source of intra- ultimately tracking down and settling
logic finding with causative etiologies mural gastric air. It is often seen in the within the gastric mucosa. Patients in
ranging from benign and self-limiting setting of chronic inflammation such as this category typically demonstrate no
to potentially lethal. It typically occurs gastroenteritis or any process with in- abdominal symptoms and the finding is
when the gastric mucosa is disrupted, creased intraluminal pressure, including often made incidentally.
allowing for air to track between the gastric outlet obstruction, small bowel
various layers that compose the stom- obstruction, or forceful vomiting.2 As Patient Management
ach wall. While different imaging with emphysematous gastritis, these Due to the CT findings and the pa-
modalities may reveal associated patho- patients will demonstrate linear hy- tient’s continued decompensation, she
logic findings, CT is the most sensitive. podensities along the gastric wall on CT, underwent a partial gastrectomy and
Several etiologies of intraluminal gas- although there is typically no wall thick- focal areas of gastric necrosis were
tric air have been described in the liter- ening or portal venous gas. It is primarily found. Both gastric tissue and perito-
ature, and distinguishing between them the clinical picture that differentiates the neal fluid samples were positive for
is necessary as they are distinct patho- two entities, as these patients will often Staphylococcus epidermidis and Enter-
logic entities with varying prognoses be asymptomatic and hemodynamically coccus faecalis.
and management strategies. stable. Gastric emphysema is usually
self-limited and requires no intervention. Diagnosis
Emphysematous Gastritis Emphysematous gastritis
First described in 1889, emphysem- Iatrogenic/Traumatic Injury
atous gastritis is the result of gas-form- Many different iatrogenic or trau- Summary
ing organisms that colonize the gastric matic mechanisms have been described Gastric intramural air is a rare but
mucosa, most commonly Klebsiella in the literature that may result in intra- important radiologic finding that is best
pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Pseudo- mural gastric air, including nasogastric appreciated on CT. Multiple pathologic
monas aeruginosa, and Enterobacter tube placement, laparoscopic gastric mechanisms have been described, each
subspecies. 1 Diabetes, immunosup- band erosion, and motor vehicle acci- of which carries a different prognosis
pression, and alcohol abuse have all be dents.5-7 Additionally, ingesting caus- and management strategy. Familiar-
reported as predisposing factors.2 Clin- tic substances may damage the gastric ization with the various etiologies, as
ical presentation is variable and often lining, allowing for the presence of in- well as a detailed clinical history, is
includes nausea, vomiting, mild to se- tramural air. While alkaline and acidic crucial in making the correct diagnosis
vere abdominal pain, hematemesis, and/ substances will vary in their mechanism and guiding appropriate management.
or melena.3 Most reported cases have of insult (ie, coagulative vs. liquefactive The most severe form, emphysematous
followed an acute to subacute clinical necrosis), they both result in mucosal gastritis, refers to an infectious source
presentation. Radiologic evaluation is damage and possible superinfection resulting in the formation of gas within
typically performed with CT, which with gas-forming bacteria.8 Similar to the gastric mucosa. If not promptly di-
demonstrates a streaky and linear pat- emphysematous gastritis, hemodynam- agnosed and treated, it has a high rate of
tern of distribution of air within the gas- ically unstable or rapidly deteriorating mortality.
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not change with patient positioning, intervention, while stable patients may References
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