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Review Sheet - Units 13 and 14

Use past modals for degrees of certainty to provide two explanations for each situation below:

1 a.She must have worked until midnight.____She could have gone to a party____________________
b.She may have gone to a party____She may have had the flu________
2 a.___The cup may have been too hot__________________________
b.____He might have arrived early to the meeting He might have forgotten the day of the meeting___
3 a._______________________________________________________________________________
4 a._______________________________________________________________________________
Fill in the blanks with past modals for judgments and suggestions in the situation below:
should have (4) would have (3) could have (2)
A: I went hiking with some friends this weekend, and we got lost on the way, but some other hikers helped us find our way
back. We also ________________________ (buy) snacks before coming because we got hungry. Also, when we got
home, we were so sunburned!
B: You ___________________(apply) sunscreen! Why didn’t you invite me? I _________________________(bring) a
A: You’re right. I ________________________ (call) you, but my cell phone wasn’t working. My Internet was working, so I
suppose I _________________________ (message) you on Facebook since I had the opportunity.
B: I don’t think I______________________(come) anyway because I had food poisoning. I _________________ (not eat)
shrimp pizza from a restaurant with bad reviews.
A: Oh no! Are you feeling better? I ____________________ (talk) to the restaurant owners and asked for a refund. The
both of us _________________ (go) to the movies together on Friday after classes because it sounds like we had bad
The sentences below describe how coffee is made. Fill in the blanks using the passive:
First, the trees 1. _________________ (plant). Next, the beans 2.____________________ (harvest).
Then, the beans have to 3. ________________ (pick). Then, they can 4.________________ (dry) in the sun. Next, the
beans 5.______________ (put) in storage. Later, they may 6. ______________ (roast), and then they can
7._________________ (package). After they are bought, the coffee beans have to
8. _______________ (grind); then they 9. ______________ (brew) by customers or shops. Lastly, the coffee can 10.
____________ (enjoy).

Combine the sentences using who or that. Add commas where necessary.
1. Mr. Harrison is a friend of our parents. He came to our house for Christmas.
2. My friend takes the bus to school. It has a big Quito sign on it.
3. Thomas Jefferson was born on the frontier. He became the president.
4. The airplane was flown in World War II. It has the number 25 on it.
5. The girl is a film editor. She sits next to me in class.
6. Software designers write code for computers. They make a lot of money.

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