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Quarter 1 – Module 2:

Models of Communication

What I Need to Know

This unit will help you know the different communication models that attempt to
explain the workings of the process of communication. This will also help you know
that the key elements of communication are related to each other.

This module will cover the variety of models of communication.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the models of communication used in various situations;
2. Give communicative situations which use the models of communication; and
3. Differentiate the various models of communication.

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. It is the mother of all communication models.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model
d. None of the above
2. There is a collaborative exchange of messages between communicators with
the aim of understanding each other.
a. Schramm Model
b. Shannon-Weaver Model
c. Transaction Model
d. None of the above
3. He modified the Shannon-Weaver Model by adding feedback and field of
experience to the model.
a. Laswell
b. Aristotle
c. Wilber Schramm
d. Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver

4. According to Schramm, it is an important factor in communication.

a. Channel
b. Field of experience
c. Source
d. Context
5. Which of the following is NOT part of the Shannon and Weaver Mathematical
a. Source
b. Channel
c. Receiver
d. Computation
6. These proponents find noise as one factor affecting communication process.
a. Laswell
b. Aristotle
c. Wilber Schramm
d. Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver
7. This model of communication emphasizes field experience as an essential
part in communication.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model
d. None of the above
8. This model is a two-way process of communication. The elements in this
model are inter-reliant for it requires feedback both of the sender and
receiver of the message.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model
d. None of the above
9. These are graphic representation of communication process.
a. Models of communication
b. Nature of Communication
c. Elements of Communication
d. Functions of Communication
10.It is a communication pattern alteration factor like culture, social,
psychology, situation and channels used.
a. Noise
b. Context
c. Feedback
d. Field of Experience

Lesson Models of Communication

Many scholars have presented communication models that provide full
understanding of process of communication.

What’s In

Add words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. ______________ is the process of sharing and conveying messages or information.

2. When I am the source of the information or the message, I am called the _______.

3. When I am the recipient of the message, I am called the __________________.

4. When I give response or reaction about the message sent by the sender, I am
giving ______________.

5. I use ______________ as the medium or the means in which the encoded message
is conveyed.

What’s New

What can you say about the following pictures in terms of how
communication happens?

I want an

_______________________ _____________________ _______________________

What do you think are the differences of the communication process in the three

What is It

Models of Communication

Models of communication are conceptual models used to explain the

communication process.

Aristotle’s Model of Communication

It is a linear model which consists of three basic elements: the speaker, the subject,
and the listener. Whether the communication happens or not depends on the
listener, who establishes the point of the message. (Oyero, 2010)

Sender or Message Receiver or

Speaker Listener

Aristotle’s Model of Communication


In a political meeting, the prospective leader delivers speech to the audience urging
for more votes from the constituency. He tries to convince the crowd in the best
possible way he can so that he emerges as a winner.

1. Shannon-Weaver Model

Known as the mother of all communication models, the Shannon-Weaver model

(1949) depicts communication as a linear or one-way process consisting of five
elements: a source (producer of message); a transmitter (encoder of message into
signals); a channel (signals adapted for transmission); a receiver (decoder of
message from the signal); and a destination.

This model, however, has been criticized for missing one essential element in the
communication process: feedback. Without feedback, the speaker will not know
whether the receiver understands the message or not.

Shannon-Weaver Model


While listening to your teacher in your Oral Communication Online Class, you felt
that your stomach started to grumble. The messages do not get into your heart and
mind because it is already 12 P.M and you want to eat your lunch.

2. Transaction Model

Unlike the Shannon-Weaver Model, which is a one-way process, the Transaction

Model is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.

Transaction Model

As shown in Figure 2, this model is more interactive. There is a collaborative

exchange of messages between communicators with the aim of understanding each
other. It also shows that a barrier, such as noise, may interfere with the flow of


Your friends called you through messenger. You were happily talking about your
good experiences when you were in Grade 10.

3. Schramm’s Model of Communication (interactive model)

Schramm believed that the background of the individual who is involved plays an

important role in communication. People with various knowledge, experience and
cultural practices interpret message in a different way than other.

A sender passes on the information to the receiver. The receiver interprets it

according to his/her knowledge, experiences.

Field of Experience Field of Experience

Sender Encoder
Signal Decoder Receiver


Schramm Model


You asked your new classmate to buy snacks for you. After a few minutes, he
handed your snack but not the one that you like.

What’s More

Activity 1
Identify the communication model used in each of the following scenarios.

1. It is Joey’s Physical Science class, his teacher instructed him to answer Activity
1 page 18 when suddenly a loud sound coming from Bluetooth speaker disturbs
his class. He doesn’t even know what page he can find it and doesn’t know the
direction how to answer it.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model

2. Noemi sent an e-mail to her teacher asking her to give details on their upcoming
virtual event. Her teacher didn’t receive her e-mail due to poor internet connection.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model

3. Mia bumped into Liza. They greeted each other and had a conversation.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model

4. Elyssa asked Prince to hold the water bottle for her. Since Prince is not feeling
well, he did not respond to Elyssa’s request.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model

5. Sheena made a call to her father about her recognition, but during her call a
group of teenagers passed by and were laughing loudly.
a. Shannon-Weaver Model
b. Schramm Model
c. Transaction Model

Activity 2
Enumerate the models of communication and write their differences.

Models of communication Difference from other models




Activity 3
Write 1 example of communicative situations of each communication model. The
participants in each situation may be any of the following: yourself, your siblings,
your parents, your relatives, your classmates, your teachers; and the mass media
(newspapers, TV, radio, Internet. For each communication model, identify the role
played by each participant.


Shannon-Weaver model of communication  Model of Communication

Mr. Dela Cruz made call to his secretary “come here I want to see the files I
needed”.  During his call, noise appeared and his secretary received “I want” only.

Communicative Situation

Sender       :   Mr. Dela Cruz

Encoder     :   Telephone (Mr. Dela Cruz)

Role played by each
Channel     :   Cable participant

Noise          :   Distraction in voice

Reception  :   Telephone (secretary)

Receiver     :   secretary

Due to transmission error or noise, Assistant can’t be able to understand Mr. Dela
Cruz’s messages.

*The noise affects the communication flow between them

Write your answers below:

Models of Communicative Role played by each

Communication situations participant

1. Shannon-Weaver
model of communication 

2. Transaction model of

3. Schramm’s Model of

What I Have Learned

Reflect on what you have learned in this lesson by completing the chart below.
What were your thoughts
about the models of I thought….
communication prior to
the discussion of this

What new or additional

ideas did you learn after I learned that….
taking up this lesson?

What I Can Do

Review Activity 3 and choose one of the communicative situations you wrote. Make
a script and a presentation of it. Use your available gadget to record your chosen
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. The chosen situation showed the features of preferred model
of communication.
2. The presentation demonstrated students’ understanding of
the chosen model of communication.
3. The performance was entertaining.
4. The student was well-prepared.
Overall Score /20


A. Fill in the blanks with correct words about the models of communication.

Some scholars believed that 1. _____________________ misses one essential element

in communication. This essential element is called 2.____________________.

3. ____________________ added feedback and 4. ____________________ to the model.

The transaction model is a 5. ____________________ process with the inclusion of
feedback as one element.

B. Study the models of communications and write their differences. (5 Points)




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