Obstructive Azoospermia Caused by Low Ligation of Varicocele A Case Report

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Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine

ISSN: 1939-6368 (Print) 1939-6376 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/iaan20

Obstructive azoospermia caused by low ligation of

varicocele: A case report

Jun Hagiuda, Hiromichi Ishikawa, Masayuki Hagiwara, Hidaka Kono, Ken

Nakagawa & Mototsugu Oya

To cite this article: Jun Hagiuda, Hiromichi Ishikawa, Masayuki Hagiwara, Hidaka Kono,
Ken Nakagawa & Mototsugu Oya (2017) Obstructive azoospermia caused by low ligation of
varicocele: A case report, Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 63:5, 338-339, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/19396368.2017.1350769

Published online: 03 Aug 2017.

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2017, VOL. 63, NO. 5, 338–339


Obstructive azoospermia caused by low ligation of varicocele: A case report

Jun Hagiudaa, Hiromichi Ishikawaa, Masayuki Hagiwaraa, Hidaka Konoa, Ken Nakagawaa, and Mototsugu Oyab
Department of Urology, Ichikawa General Hospital, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan; bDepartment of Urology, School of Medicine, Keio
University, Tokyo, Japan


Varicocele is commonly observed in male partners of infertile couples. The surgical ligation of Received 10 April 2017
varicoceles under microscopy can be safely performed by a skilled andrologist with most patients Revised 26 May 2017
subsequently experiencing an improvement in semen quality. This is the first case in which Accepted 28 May 2017
obstructive azoospermia occurred after high inguinal varicocelectomy. The vas deferens was KEYWORDS
disrupted near the internal inguinal ring by fibrous tissue. A vasovasostomy was performed and Low ligation; obstructive
semen parameters subsequently recovered. azoospermia;

semen analyses, which were conducted in our hospital
Varicocelectomies are widely performed in male according to the World Health Organization laboratory
patients of infertile couples who show abnormal manual [WHO 2010], were also indicative of azoosper-
semen parameters. The varicocele is ligated at the ingu- mia (Table 1). To confirm the existence of sperm,
inal or subinguinal level under surgical microscopy. conventional testicular sperm extraction was performed
Commonly, during the procedure, the vas deferens, and pathological examination indicated a Johnsen’s
including the accompanying blood vessels, is first iso- score count of 7 (score for assessing the spermatogen-
lated. Therefore, there rarely is damage to the vas esis; score 7 represents no spermatozoa but many sper-
deferens. Herein, we report a rare and unfortunate matids observed) [Johnsen 1970]. Additionally,
case in which obstructive azoospermia developed after vasogram revealed that the duct was disrupted at the
an inguinal varicocelectomy was performed. inguinal canal (Figure 1). We speculated that the vas
deferens had become obstructed after the varicocelect-
omy. Therefore, a vasovasostomy was subsequently
Case report
performed. The inguinal canal was opened through
A 29-year-old male was admitted to our hospital for the same skin incision of the former varicocelectomy.
treatment of azoospermia. One year prior, the patient The testicular side of vas deferens was easily identified,
had been visiting another clinic with his wife over a while the more abdominal side of the vas deferens was
period of two years, during which they had complained disrupted over a length of 2 cm and exhibited severe
of infertility. His right testis was congenitally atrophic inflammation and scar tissue near the internal inguinal
and he had a left varicocele. His semen parameters were ring. Vas deferens-like structure or ligated suture was
indicative of oligozoospermia. Prior to varicocelectomy, not found in this area. The seminal vesicle side of the
the couple used intrauterine insemination which vas deferens was found adjacent to the internal inguinal
resulted in a pregnancy. He underwent an inguinal ring. To avoid the tension at the anastomosis site due to
microsurgical varicocelectomy in another hospital. the high obstruction point and shortened vas deferens,
One year later, he visited the former clinic hoping for we isolated the seminal vesicle side of the vas deferens
a second child; however, the semen analysis indicated from surrounding tissue and pulled out as possible.
azoospermia. After trimming the scar tissue, they were re-anasto-
The right testis was impalpable and the size of the mosed in a double layer under surgical microscopy
left testis was 18 mL, which was calculated using a using 8-0 and 9-0 nylon. Post-operative semen analyses
punched-out orchidometer. No varicocele was found were performed several times, with sperm being
as determined by palpation and ultrasonography. The observed in the semen (Table 1). Presently, this couple

CONTACT Jun Hagiuda junhagi@hotmail.com Department of Urology, Ichikawa General Hospital, Tokyo Dental College, 5-11-13 Sugano, Ichikawa,
Chiba 272-8513, Japan.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis

Table 1. Semen analyses.

Semen Concentration Motility Morphology
Date (mL) (106/mL) (%) (%)
Before varicocelectomy* 2.6 800 66
Before VV 2.1 0 0 0
3 months after VV 4.1 1800 2.2 1.8
4 months after VV 3.7 2700 24.4 2.0
5 months after VV 4.0 5500 25.5 2.7
*Semen analyses performed in former clinic; VV: vasovasostomy.

the interaction or inflammatory response of mesh, are

related to damaging the vas deferens in their review of
male infertility following inguinal hernia. Shiraishi and
Matsuyama [2014] discussed in their report that dena-
turation following exposure to heat produced by mono-
polar or bipolar electrocautery could damage the vas
deferens in herniorrhaphy during childhood. In our
case, because we could not find any sutures around
the obstruction point, we suspected that disruption of
the vas deferens may be caused by indirect tissue
damage around the duct during a dissection or hemos-
tasis procedure involving electrocautery.
Microsurgical inguinal or subinguinal varicocele
treatments are common operations, which is due, in
part, to its safety and low rate of complication.
However, careful handling of the vas deferens is neces-
Figure 1. Vasogram. The duct was disrupted near the left sary to avoid adverse outcomes and instead improve
internal inguinal ring (arrow). the semen parameters of male partners of infertile
is attempting to conceive naturally. The informed con-
sent was obtained from the patient for submitting the
Declaration of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Notes on contributors
Varicocele repair is an important and useful treatment
method that can improve the semen parameters of male Collected samples: JH, HI; Wrote the manuscript: J H. All
infertile patients. Although it requires experience to authors contributed to the discussion and have read and
approved the final version of the paper.
perform the techniques of inguinal or subinguinal liga-
tion under surgical microscopy, the safety of the pro-
cedure is evidenced by its low rate of complication. References
Currently, there have been a few documented compli-
Johnsen, S.G. (1970) Testicular biopsy score count—a
cations associated with the procedure, such as hydro-
method for registration of spermatogenesis in human tes-
cele formation, artery damage, or recurrence of tis: normal values and results in 335 hypogonadal males.
varicocele; however, this is the first report that varico- Hormones 1: 2.
celectomy caused the obstruction of vas deferens. Kordzadeh, A., Liu, M.O., Jayanthi, N.V. (2017) Male inferti-
During the procedure, most surgeons may identify lity following inguinal hernia repair: a systematic review
and isolate the vas deferens along with the vassal veins and pooled analysis. Hernia 21: 1–7.
Shiraishi, K., Matsuyama, H. (2014) Obstructive azoospermia
and arteries when they first open the external and caused by surgery in childhood. JJPU 23: 6–11.
internal spermatic fascia. Therefore, ligation of the vas WHO (2010) WHO laboratory manual for the examination
deferens rarely occurs. Kordzadeh et al. [2017] sug- and processing of human semen. 5th edn. World Health
gested that dissection and tissue handling, rather than Organization, Geneva.

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