Touchscreen Spacecat

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Answer each question in depth and provide specific evidence from

the text or speaker whenever available. The more you write, the better!

Title of the text:

SPEAKER: The speaker and writer of this particular poem is Marshall Davis Jones. He is a
Who is the speaker/writer? “traveling teaching artist and speaker”, so he likes to go around to different places and
What do we know about recite poetry, like this one, or give talks. He advocates for connectedness between
them? What can you tell or everyone, no matter who they are. He likes to go to a variety of places and talk about
what do you know about a variety of things. His goal is to encourage connectedness in a more physical sense,
the speaker that helps you which is why in this poem he is pointing out the flaws and dehumanization of the way
understand the point of we are connected through technology and social media. He is showing that the screen
view expressed? makes us less “real”, so we shouldnt rely on technology for human connection.

PURPOSE: He is hoping to point out the issues of technology. He is showing that social media, the
What is the speaker/writer development of the internet, etc. contribute to less “real” human connection. It
hoping to accomplish? results in conection that isn't as deep or meaningful as real life connection. He shows
What is the reason behind that people rely too much on technology and base too much of their worth on how
this piece? What do they they are portrayed online. He is saying that technology is making us less human, taking
want the audience to do away that connection and “real-ness” of human life. He does this by pointing out this
after having listened? lack of connection, the change technology has brought, and stating that people are so
desperate to feel things through their technology.

 The writer is reaching out to those who feel the same as him, those who are effected
Who is the speaker/writer by technology in this way. This is likely younger, more tech-reliant people. A large
trying to reach? How do we majority of the poem focuses on himself, he refers to himself, what he does, how he
know? Do they indicate a feels, etc. to show listeners and readers that the things happening to them are
specific audience? What happening to him too. This gets the listener to connect and understand and relate to
assumptions exist in the what he is saying. By stating exactly how he feels, he gets the attention of the target
text about the intended audience. The target audience is the people who relate, so by making himself a part of
audience? this target audience, he can more effectively get them to relate.

 This poem was written in 2010. Around this time and since this time there was a big
What is the time and place surge in the popularity of many social media sites such as facebook, dating apps, the
of this piece? What is iPhone was gaining popularity, etc. These all have things in common: technology and
happening in the world as it's increased popularity and usage. He is making a commentary about how this
it relates to the subject of technology influences our lives and human connection. Therefore, the conext of this
the speech or the social media boom provides context for the motivation of the speaker. Because
speaker/writer? technology is so popular, this poem would be even more relatable.

EXIGENCE: The exigence of this poem is the rising poulatiry of social media and the feeling of
What was the spark or disconnect that it brings. The use of technology is a huge motivator for this poem. This
catalyst that moved the is shown by the constant references to technology and social media. He talks about
speaker/writer to the cause (technology) and effects (feeling disconnected in a increasingly connected
act/write? How did that world) of the events going on. Because the speaker feels that technology has
event impact the decreased the real human connection people get, he wrote this poem. He wrote it to
speaker/writer? point out these problems and make them known.

CHOICES: He varies his speed throughout the speech. He starts off talking slow and robotic, then
What are the rhetorical proceeds to speed up and add more emotion into his speaking. At the very end of the
choices that the poem, he slows down again. He also repeats certain parts of words and phrases (ex
speaker/writer makes in “face” in facebook, ‘e’ like in email or e-commerce, “doesn't it feel good to touch”, ‘i’
the speech? Think about like in iPhone or referencing himself, etc.). This adds emphasis to these parts, showing
overall structure, devices, the listener what to focus on. He varies his volume throughout the speech, getting
diction, syntax, etc. louder as it goes on. He also uses body movement and hand movement to add
emphasis. At the beginning he is robotic in his movement. As it goes on, the
movements get more and more passionate, big, and emotional. This reflects his
speaking as well.

APPEALS: The most present appeal in this poem is pathos. He talks a lot about how he feels and
Which of the three just feelings in general, saying things like “I have forgotten what that feels like” and
rhetorical appeals (ethos, “Or I’m so desperate to feel”. This directly tells the listener or reader how they should
logos, pathos) are present feel, drawing in both his emotions and their emotions throughout the poem. He also
in the text? Where? Why? expresses emotion through his big hand movements and increasing volume. The use
of personal pronouns builds ethos because he is being open about how he feels and
what he sees, so people are more likely to trust him and what he says. Logos is present
in the direct references to real-life technologies and social medias.

TONE: His tone is kind of robotic in the beginning, both with tone of voice and with the
What is the movement of his body. He talks very smoothly and consistently. However, the tone
speaker/authors attitude changes as he repeats “doesn't it feel good to touch?” At the end of this repetition, he
toward the subject? Is the starts adding more and more passion and emotion to his tone. His tone sounds
tone the same throughout urgent, conveying how relevant and pressing of an issue this is. As the speech goes on
the whole piece? Where and on, this passion increases. He starts almost yelling about it. This conveys his
does it shift? What passion in his tone. It makes the listener feel like this is an important and urgent
evidence is there to subject. At the end, he lets some more vulnerability in his tone, slowing it down and
demonstrate the tone? talking with less anger. He still keeps the urgency in his tone though. This change in
tone shows the pressing and increasing urgency of the issue before finally letting go
and passing that passion and urgency to the audience.

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