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Assalamu’alaikum, good morning , how are you students ? do you still remember what the
government says because of spreading the Covid 19, here they are :
1. Wash our hands frequently
2. Wear a masker
3. Avoid the crowded people / Social distancing
If you do those well, may Allah will save us, right ! in this occasion we are learning about literacy assessment.

Read the dialogue to answer questios No. 1-6

Didit : My friends and I are going to go surfing his weekend, mom.”
Mrs. Budi : “ surfing ? in this kind of weather ? You can’t go, it is dangerous. The waves must be big. It
must be windy and cold at the beach.
Didit : “ But we have planned it for a whole month Mom.”
Mrs. Budi : “ OK, Let’s listen to the weather forecast tomorrow. If it is said that the weather on the
weekend will be fine, you may go, if not, you have to stay at home.
Didit : “ All right, Mom

Exercise 1 : Answer the questions completely

1. What will Didit do if the weather is bad tomorrow ?
2. Are Didit and Mrs. Budi family ?
3. What is the relationship ?
4. The synonims of dangerous is . . . .
5. what does Didit do if the weather forecast says there is a bad weather at the time ?
6. What do you think of Didit’s mother ?

Exercise 2 : State the following “ True or False “ based on the dialogue above.

Statements True False

7. Didit has a plan to go surfing next month
8. Didit asks her mother’s opinion about surfing
9. Didit’s mother doesn’t give him permission if the weather is bad
10. Didit will go surfing even if his mother disagrees
11. Didit and his mother lives in harmony

Exercise 3 : Read the dialogue to answer questios No. 12-16

Ayu : “ Irma, I heard Weni is leaving today.”
Irma : “ Yes. She will go to Singapore today.”
Ayu : “ Have you say good bye to her.”
Irma : “ Is it necessary ?“
Ayu : “ Yes. Off course. Both of you are always in the same class from elementary school. Am I right ?
Irma : “ Yes. But I think it will make her sad if I say good bye to her
Ayu : “ Oh come on. You should go to her house now, before she left.”
Irma : “Okay.”

12. The relationship between Weni and Irma are . . . .

13. “ You should go to her house now, before she left.” What does the sentence express ?
14. What will Irma do ? ( give checklist  to the correct answer )
Calling Weni to congratulate her Staying at home and waiting for Weni’s calling

Going to Weni’s house to say good bye Asking Irma to give her message to Weni
15. Will you feel sad if your close friend leave you ?
16. What will you do if your close friend leave you ?

@@@ Good luck @@@

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