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HARI : RABU JAM 700-13:00 SK ROOM :
NIDN : 04 06117402


NIM : 10820013

1. Quiz for this meeting

Please write here

A. Your personal history (harus runut waktunya!!!!)

My personal history

No Events
1 Let me introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Fauzi
Fadhlurrohman,you can call me Fauzi. I was born in Bandung on
You were born December 19th 2001 and I’m the youngest son of Ajun Supriatna, a
and grew up, police officer in Polsek Ujungberung and my mother Juju Juliaty, who
Play group, TK is a house wife. I have one sister who are now 32 years old. I lived in
Cibiru, Bandung, West Java and I’m studied in Al – Alif Kindergarten
When n where when I was childood.
you were born
When I first entered kindergarten, I was afraid and I only had one
friend, because before entering kindergarten we already knew each
other. After that the teacher told us to sit in pairs, because I only know
one person, I intended to sit with a friend that I had known before, but
he was already sitting with other people so I cried. Because I couldn't
sit with him, so I sat with other students I didn't know. We also got to
know each other, if I'm not mistaken he was named Rafli, he was a
kind and friendly person.

As a child, I didn't like to eat rice. So I only eat eggs,

potatoes,bread,noodles,chicken and others without using rice. And
during recess, I only stock jam bread, or sausages or, noodles. the
parents were surprised and asked my mother "how come you don't use
rice?" "yes my son doesn't like to eat rice". When I came home, my
everyday life during kindergarten only played with friends, played
cards, played marbles, played kites, played playstation or others. Over
time, I also graduated with rank 2, I was very happy to be in that
position and I continued my education to elementary school.
2. I started elementary school at the age of 6 in Ciporeat Elementary
school in 2008. When I first entered elementary school, I didn't have
Tell your first any friends I knew before. so I sat with the students I didn't know.
years During grade 1 to grade 3 my mother always waited for me, because
my primary school was on the side of the main road. So my mom was
Until sixth worried about it, the danger if a child at elementary school crossed the
years highway alone. At grade 1,

I was a child who cried easily because I am a whiny child. At that time
there happened to be an injection / vaccine program in my elementary
school, when I heard the news I immediately panicked. Some were
crying, some were normal, and my friend cursed under the study table.
The whole class was calmed by our homeroom teacher and the panic
was resolved, my friends and I were finally given a shot of the
vaccine. what a funny moment. When I was in elementary school, we
didn't know the name Android cellphone, we only used cellphones
that had buttons that had to be pressed several times. So my daily life
at elementary school was just playing without any devices, it was
really beautiful at that time.

When I get home from school, I usually spend time with friends
around my house, because my school friends are quite far from my
house, so I only play with those in my home environment. Sometimes
playing ball, marbles, kites, chasing, and the most exciting thing is
playing hide and seek. At school, I was quite diligent. no ranking, it's
just that I'm always on time to do assignments given by the teacher. at
school, I was quite diligent. Ranking is not, it's just that I am always
on time to do the assignments given by the teacher, very happy when
suddenly all the students are sent home to study at home, because the
teacher will hold a meeting between other teachers. In sports
lessons,me and my friends use a field that is outside the school
environment, because my primary school does not have such a large
sports field. The fear can interfere with the teaching and learning
process of other classes, and could endanger other students as well.
We had to walk about 100 meters to get to the field. Usually sports
lessons take 3 hours of lessons. On Monday morning, as usual, my
friends and I held a flag ceremony wearing a white uniform and
wearing a black tie. I happened to be a ceremonial officer at the time.
My position is prayer recitation. As time went by, it didn't feel like I
was in grade 6. and I started to focus on studying even harder, because
my friends and I were going to face national exams.
In grade 6 I also bought my first Android phone for me by my
parents, I hope I can study more diligently and be more resilient. On
the day of the national exam I was nervous, that's a normal feeling. but
I am sure I can do well. But the results are not satisfactory, I am a
little disappointed with the results. But that's my only ability, so I can't
say anymore. I also graduated in 2014 and I continued my education
to the next level.
3 . from first In 2014 I entered Triyasa Junior High School which is located on
year to third Jalan Nagrog No.9, Bandung. When I first entered class, I already
year knew several people in my class. Because my junior high school is
still in the area of the hous. At that time I went to school using public
transportation, I was still not old enough. And also I haven't been
allowed by my mother

.At school I am an ordinary student. Not smart, but I diligently do the

assignments given by the teacher. Day by day I started making new
friends at junior high school, whether it was girls or boys. from whose
house is close to the school, to someone who has to ride a vehicle
kilometers of kilometers from their house. Since stepping on junior
high school, I think I'm getting lazy to study.

When I was in elementary school, I was diligent, and my grades were

good but since junior high school my grades started to fall from
semester to semester, maybe that's a bad trait of me. Because the
lessons here are getting more and more difficult, especially in
mathematics. because from the past I didn't like maths lessons, so it
was very difficult for me to understand the subject matter provided by
the teacher. When I was in grade 8, my parents gave me a motorbike. I
feel very happy because I think I can be used to school every day, and
in fact no, my parents have not allowed me to bring this motorbike to
school. I also feel disappointed, but there is a point. if I dare to bring
this motorbike I could get a police ticket, and even mentally not ready
to ride it can endanger myself and others.

I have some good friends in junior high school, they are very nice to
me. they should be the best friends of my life. they also always
understand my situation. In my third year at junior high school, I was
allowed to take my motorbike to school. but on condition that you
don't drive to the highway. So I just went to school by shortcut. When
I was in junior high school, I often played outside. There are many
moments in junior high school that cannot be forgotten. For example,
when my friends and I visited Pangandaran beach, it was a graduation
and entertainment event after the National Examination. there I was
very happy, because I could have fun on the beach with my friends.
When I took the national exam, I wasn't sure if the results would be
satisfactory. But I did my best. and true, the results of the exam are not
satisfactory. I got a score of 23 out of 40. al the results were that I
could not enter public high schools, so I decided to continue to private
schools. I am not discouraged to learn. Because wherever we study as
long as we are diligent and tenacious, we can do our best. Neither did
my parents demand that I get good grades. they entrusted everything
to me. So they only advised me to be better in the future.
4. from first In 2017 I entered a vocational high school. My school is in Merdeka
year to third Vocational High School which is located on Jalan Pahlawan No. 54
year Bandung. I chose computer and network engineering, because I have
always been interested in computerization and I want to get to know
more. I took about 45 minutes on a motorbike to get to school,
because Merdeka Vocational High School is quite far from my house.
so I have to leave early so I won't be late. On the first day like other
schools in general, Merdeka Vocational High School holds a Student
Orientation with the aim of making students get to know more about
the school.

Since then I started getting acquainted with other students. During the
Student Orientation I noticed that there were some of my junior high
school friends. I am very happy because there are also many junior
high school friends who enter the same vocational high school. I am
happy to get to know more people. In the first year I started to get
satisfactory grades, even I was ranked in class. I'm proud of that. It
turns out that I can be better than before.

In grade 11 all students are required to carry out Field Practice.

because it is one of the requirements to graduate from school. Me and
my friends looking for a place that can accept and match my
competition. Finally we sent a request letter to PT.TELKOM AKSES
which is in Ujungberung, because we thought the company could
guide and gain insight in the world of work about computer and
network engineering.

Long story short, I was accepted into the company. I am very happy to
be accepted. There I got very valuable knowledge and experience,
because there was a lot that could not be obtained at school. Starting
from installing wifi, repairing lossy networks, to connecting broken
fiber optic cables. We were also offered jobs by several employees
who guided us. It's really a valuable experience. By the third year, I
started getting good grades. I am proud of it. because I can be better
than the previous one. I started to decide whether to go to college or
go straight to work. But both my parents suggested going to college
first, if you think about it, there is a point. because I don't think I have
enough skills to work in my field. I was going to work first, thought I
would work wherever I could, as long as I got money. But that is the
wrong statement in my opinion.

In March 2020, to be precise on the 16th my friends and I will carry

out the Computer-Based National Examination. I was well prepared
enough to take the Exam. I've learned as best I can. But our hopes just
vanished, it was reported that schools were closed because COVID 19
had started to enter Indonesia, and the exam was canceled. We were
closed for 2 weeks, but after it was over, the holiday was even
extended, due to the COVID 19 pandemic that was getting worse. So
that the school prohibited entry to students. So that my friends and I
had to carry out this computer-based national exam in our respective

I also graduated in 2020. And I decided to go to university. I tried to

take the entrance test for state universities to UPI. But I did not pass
the test, so I decided to enter a private university, namely UNIKOM
with a major in Computer engineering.


“Great Pyramid of Giza”

The great pyramid of Giza is the name given to the oldest and largest of all pyramids
located in Giza, the third-largest city in Egypt. This pyramid also known as the Pyramid
of Khufu as it was built for the fourth dynasty Pharaoh of Egypt, Khufu. This historical
building of Egypt is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world and remain in the list
until now.

With its base size (230.4 metres) and its height (146.5 metres) this pyramidal
construction considered to be the tallest building in the world for more than 3.800 years.
It was estimated by the scientist that it took 20 years to build the pyramid. The whole
building was formed by using 2.300.000 stone blocks which arranged into 210 layers
from the bottom to the top. Each stone blocks has average size of 1 to 1.5m with the
weight of 6.5 to 10 tons for each large stone.

Egyptologists believe that the function of the pyramid is to be used as a tomb for the
Pharaoh. There are two entrance that we can use to enter the pyramid. Both of them is
located on the east side of the pyramid. Once we entered the building, we will find three
chambers inside the great pyramid. The lowest chamber is called the subterranean
chamber, the highest chamber is the King’s chamber, and the the one in the middle is the
Queen’s chamber. You will also find a passage called the grand gallery connecting the
Queen’s chamber and the King’s chamber.

C. Write on the box

History of computer. And (part of computer) example: history of monitor dll di usahain
tidak sama satu yang lainnya


The existence of technology really helps human life in carrying out their various jobs.
Technology makes people feel less difficult, so that they will be facilitated in their respective
jobs. Like today, for example, there is a computer that has been created since several years
ago, thus creating a history of computers that needs to be known.Like a double-edged knife,
technology can come in handy if used properly. Conversely, if it is used for things that are not
true, technology will be useless. Smart people at that time created various inventions which
until now have undergone continuous development so as to give rise to new technology.

For example, the invention of a bicycle which in ancient times had big wheels and now you
can see the difference. These changes were made so that someone could feel the benefits and
comfort of using this technology. Likewise with computers that currently have various
forms.For that as humans, we must know the history of computers and their development
which can certainly open your horizons about computers. But first, you need to know the
definition of a computer and its function so that you don't go wrong using a computer. The
following is a definition of a computer and its functions.

Computers are tools that are usually used to process data based on predetermined standard
rules. A computer also has the definition of an electronic device which has several components
that work together and form one system. So that a computer system can run various
programs.In language, computers come from Greek, which is computare. The word computare
is a combination of the word com which means to combine and putare which means to think
about calculations. Meanwhile in English, computare is called to compute or count.

The inventor of the first computer is Charles Babbage, known to the world as one of the
inventors of the history of the first computer. Which has given a lot of work to human life until
now, from its discovery.Calculating engine or it can be known as the no.1 Difference Engine
invented by Chareles Babbage. Is one of the icons, the most popular and famous in
history.Babbage is also known by the nickname the father of computers, The Charles Babbage
Foundation, he uses his name to appreciate the services for his discovery of the world of


The first computer software that has been developed, namely, computers as aircraft and
missile designs. One of the scientists working on the development concept is Konrad Zuse, an
engineer from Germany.In the mid-1940's, John Von Neumann (1903-1957) joined the
University Of Pennysylvania team. In the process of building a computer design concept the
next 40 years are still used in techniques in assembling computers.

Von Neumann designed the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) in
1945 with a memory to accommodate both program and data. This kind of technique allows
the computer to stop at some point and then resume work again.The main role of the Von
Neumann architecture is the central processing unit of the CPU (Central processor unit), which
is capable of all computer functions coordinated through a single source. The characteristics of
the first generation of computers were the CPU.The history of the 1st generation of computers
has a special characteristic, namely the instructions in operating were made specifically for
one particular task. Every computer has a program like binary-code.Each of which is different
is called Machine Language (Machine Language). This makes computer programs difficult to
program and limits their speed.


Changes in Important discoveries have occurred in the second generation. Yaiut transistors, a
powerful tool that is able to maximize computer performance with only a very small sizeThe
discovery of this tool, was able to influence the development of computers in the second
generation, quickly. In the 1959-1960s, scientists started working on the second generation of

Some of the agencies, companies, universities, and governments have taken advantage of the
sophistication of second generation computers. The purpose of the invention of this 2nd
generation computer is the transistor, which is capable of making the history of the second
generation of computers, smaller in size than the first generation of computers.


The third generation of computers is a development that goes through a very rapid stage of the
development of existing computers. The third generation of computers appeared since the
1964-1970s era.In use, transistors make computer performance heat faster. Thus, making
second generation computers began to be abandoned. Then one of the scientists named Jack
Billy, tried to do research again.Then in 1958, he had created a component that was even more
sophisticated, compared to the transistor that made the computer overheat earlier.

Its invention is a small integrated circuit chip that can collect and accommodate many
components into one.It is in this third generation that the history of computer integrated circuit
technology (IC) has become one of the main characteristics. Because it is getting familiar and
widely used on a computer device until the current generation.IC was first made by a named,
Texas Istruments and Fairchild Semiconductor in 1959 which contains only six transistors. We
can try to compare it with the current processors that we use already have millions, tens,
hundreds of millions of transistors.In fact, a processor has been designed that has billions of
transistors. Of an extraordinary development in less than half a century.


The fourth generation of computers is a regeneration from the 3rd generation, the premise is
that the IC on a 4th generation computer is more complex and integrated compared to the
previous generation, namely the third generation.

In the fourth generation, computers have started using IC chips, then only started to be
developed again. By the company Very Large Scale Integration. To try to work on these
developments since the 1980s. As a result, a single chip can accommodate thousands of
components.Since 1970, there have been two developments that are considered as 4th
generation computers. The first is the use of the Large Scale Integration (LSI) which can be
called the Bipolar Large Large Scale Integration.


The fifth generation of computers, namely at this time, is currently under a lot of development
by various electronics vendors. The fifth generation of computers is often referred to as the
next generation of computers.In the next development, there will be many big changes that
have occurred, that since IBM-PC was introduced and not the only PC-compatible

So the new standard in the PC industry will be more widely applied and developed by other
companies. Like Intel and Microsoft pioneered by W. Bill Gates, who have now become the
pioneers of world hardware and software standards.Some of the evidence includes the
emergence of smartphones, tablets, phablets, netbooks, ultrabooks, and many more, the latest
discoveries at this time that we can meet.


VGA Card was first made in 1981 by IBM under the name IBM PC video card. At that time
the term was MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter) and could only operate in text mode with
a size of 80 columns and 25 lines (80 × 25). Has a video memory of 4KB and only supports 1
color only.

After the emergence of MDA, several graphics cards emerged.The success of VGA attracted
several companies such as ATI, Cirrs Logic and S3 to develop this technology by increasing
the resolution capabilities and number of colors. This gave birth to standard resolution
technology SVGA (Super VGA), with a resolution of 1024 × 768, 256 colors and 2MB of

In 1995 appeared on the 2D / 3D graphics card market developed by Matrox, Creative, S3,
ATI and others. This graphics card follows the SVGA standard but supports 3D technology.In
1997, 3dfx released a Voodoo graphics chip that was more powerful than any other graphics
card at the time, by introducing 3D effects technologies such as mip mapping, Z-buffering and
anti-aliasing. After the appearance of Voodoo, other 3D graphics cards appeared such as
Voodoo2 from 3dfx, TNT and TNT2 made by Nvidia.

The bandwidth required by these graphics cards is close to the limit of the PCI bus capacity at
that time. Intel developed AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port) which solved the bottleneck
problem between the microprocessor and graphics card. From 1999 to 2002, Nvidia dominated
the graphics card market (beating 3dfx) with its GeForce products.Since 2003, ATI and Nvidia
have dominated the graphics card market with their Radeon and GeForce products by nearly

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