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Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

Not just the absence

of disease, infirmity. And good health is something we strive to achieve, not just individually,
but also as a community. Health is variable. The factors that influence health we can call
determinants of health, these includes who they are (age, sex, genetic) and what they do in
health behavior (smoking, physical activity, alcohol use, diet). Health also largely influenced
by the conditions in which they are born grow, live, work, and age. It’s called social
determinants of health, it shaped of money, power and resources and international, national,
and local level. There are two broad groups’ determinants; structural determinants are
socioeconomic and political context that people living. This factor can lead to the unequal
distribution of material and monetary resources which can shapes person socioeconomic
position (education, occupation, income, gender, ethnicity, social class). These structural
determinants of health operate of intermediary determinants that impact person’s exposure,
vulnerability and outcomes that factor of health. Bridging the structural and intermediary
determinants are social cohesion and capital. The links between all this determinants not
always linear, but can be complex, interdependent and interact in many different way to
influence health. For example, or income can limit opportunities for achieving good health
and conversely, or health can limit opportunities for people to participate in the workforce.
And remember, these determinants can act across the course of a person's life.
Determinants of health mean it's a factor which influences the health of a particular
community. Common determinants are first one is the biology test. Other related factors are
food and agricultural education, science and technology, standard of living and social justice,
equality, human rights, and government policies.
An understanding of health is the basis of all the health care and understanding of health is
the basis of all health care. Health is not perceived the same whereby all the persons of the
community including various professional groups giving rise to confusion about the concepts
of health. That's where showing as to the concepts of health is different in a different way.
First concept is biomedical concept (traditionally health has been considered as an absence
of disease and if some work was free from disease that person was considered as a healthy
person. This is based on the Germ theory of disease).
Second one is ecological concern (it is equilibrium between the men and environment.),
Psychosocial concern (Health is not only biomedical phenomena but one which is influenced
by social, psychological and actual economic and political factors of the people concerned.
What they say is advances in social Sciences show that health is not a biomedical
phenomenon. That's the third one psychosocial concern.)
Holistic concern (Holistic concepts recognize the strength of the social, economic, political
and environmental influences of health and breath. It has been variously described as
multidimensional process involving the well-being of the persons as the wall. The emphasis
is on the promotion and protection of health. The Holistic approach implies that all sectors of
the society have an effect on health. In particular agriculture, animal has ventured for
industry, education, housing, public schools and other sectors. All the sectors is involved in
the process of making a human being healthy.), the concepts of health.

The term of disease means uneasiness, when something is wrong with bodily function.
Disease is a condition of body or some part of body is impaired, their functions are disrupted.
Disease is just the opposite of health: i.e. any deviation from normal functioning or state of
complete physical or mental well-being. There are differences between disease, illness and
sickness. Disease is a physiological dysfunction. Illness is a subjective state of the person
who fells aware of not being well. Sickness is a state of social dysfunction i.e. a role that the
individual assumes when ill (sickness role).
Natural history of disease refers to the progress of a disease process in an individual
overtime. The process begins with exposure or accumulation of factors capable of causing
disease. Without medical intervention, the process ends with recovery, disability or death.
There are four stages of the natural history of disease, they are: Susceptibility (precedes
exposure to the causal agent), Subclinical (preclinical), Clinical disease (associated with
signs and symptoms), Recovery, disability, or death (disease resolutions occur).
The spectrum of disease refers to the range of manifestations and severities of illness
associated with a given disease, illness, or injury.
The iceberg phenomenon describes a situation in which a large percentage of a problem is
subclinical, unreported, or otherwise hidden from view. Thus, only the “tip of the iceberg” is
apparent to the epidemiologist uncovering disease that might otherwise be below “sea level”
by screening and early detection often allows for better disease control.
There are different theories of disease causation:
 supernatural theory (the earliest attempt to attribute a cause to illness occurred
during the religious era, that disease was thought to be caused by divine power as
punishment or Sins, bad deed or considered as fate, evil spirits),
 Hippocrates theory (referred to as a first epidemiologist, disease was associated with
lifestyle and environment factors),
 Germ theory (the bacteriological was turning point in disease causation, and germ
theory was evolved. There is one single specific microorganism to every disease),
 Theory of epidemiological triad (every one exposed to disease agent did not contract
the disease. It is not only the causative agent that is responsible for disease, there
are another factors also related to man and environment which contribute to
disease). Agent factors are defined as a substance, living or non-living or a force,
tangible or intangible, the excessive presence or relative lack of which may initiate or
perpetuate a disease process. This agent by biological agents(virus, bacteria,
protozoa, fungus etc.), physical agents (excessive heat, cold, humidity, pressure,
radiation, electricity, sound etc.), chemical agents (endogenous (produced in the
body due to malfunctions of body organs e.g. urea, ketones), exogenous (outside the
body and enter through inhalation, indigestion and inoculation e.g. fumes, gases,
allergens, and insecticides)), mechanical agents (exposure to chronic friction and
other mechanical forces), nutritional agents (proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins,
mineral and water), social agents (poverty, unhealthy life style e.g. smoking,
alcoholism, drug abuse, social isolation etc.), others (hormones, lack of part or
structure, chromosomal factors, immunological factors). Host factors (age, sex,
biological factors, heredity, psycho social and economic, nutrition, occupation,
lifestyle, past history of exposure). Environmental factors are aggregate of all the
external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of an organism.
Environment is divided into three components; physical environment, biological
environment, psychosocial environment.
 Multifactorial causation theory, this theory helps to understand the various associated
causative factors, priorities and plan preventive, and plan measures to control
disease. The purpose of knowing multiple factors of disease is to quantify and
arrange them in priority sequence for modification to prevent particular disease.
 Web of causation is given by Macmohan and Pugh. Disease never depend upon
single isolated cause rather it develops from a chain of causation in which each link
itself is a result of complex interaction of preceding events. The web of causation
does not imply that the disease cannot control unless all the multiple causes or chain
of causation or at least a number of them are appropriately controlled.
 Devers’s epidemiological model. There are four major categories of factors ( human
biology, life style, environmental, health care system).

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