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administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ echo "Unix is a operating System"

Unix is a operating System


administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ pwd

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ mkdir Msc-I
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ cd MSc-I

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ who
administrator tty7 2010-10-18 14:13 (:0)
administrator pts/0 2010-10-18 14:14 (:0.0)
who i am:-
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ who i am
administrator pts/0 2010-10-18 14:14 (:0.0)

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ chmod u+rw neha.txt
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 administrator administrator 173 2010-10-18 14:29 neha.txt

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ ls
anu Documents examples.desktop freesoftware.tex~ Music neha.txt
Pictures Public Templates vinay.ggb
a.txt Downloads file khushi My GCompris oooiiu.txt poo
sonu #TEST.ORG#
Desktop drawing.svg freesoftware.log freesoftware.tex MSc-I neha org-mode
poo2 square.png Videos

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ more neha.txt
Shri Shivaji Science college Amravati.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fantastics are always so certain of
themselves,but wiser people so full of doubts.

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ wc neha.txt
2 28 173 neha.txt

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ cmp neha.txt aparna.txt
neha.txt aparna.txt differ: byte 1, line 1

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ comm neha.txt aparna.txt
knowledge comes,but wisdom lingers.
Shri Shivaji Science college Amravati.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fantastics are always so certain of
themselves,but wiser people so full of doubts.

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ diff neha.txt aparna.txt
< Shri Shivaji Science college Amravati.
< The whole problem with the world is that fools and fantastics are always so certain of
themselves,but wiser people so full of doubts.
> knowledge comes,but wisdom lingers.

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ cal
October 2010
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ date
Mon Oct 18 14:41:10 IST 2010
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda10 45501028 4930980 38258700 12% /
udev 1543188 272 1542916 1% /dev
none 1543188 1108 1542080 1% /dev/shm
none 1543188 72 1543116 1% /var/run
none 1543188 0 1543188 0% /var/lock
none 1543188 0 1543188 0% /lib/init/rw

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ du -c neha.txt
4 neha.txt
4 total

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ du -c unix
4 unix
4 total

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ nl unix
1 unix is a operating system.
2 Originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees at Bell Labs,
3 including Ken Thompson Dennis Retchie,Brian Kernighan,Douglas and Joe Ossanna.
4 Unix is used to describe any operating system operates the same as the original Unix
Operating System.

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ mkdir anuja
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ ls
anu a.txt Downloads file khushi My GCompris oooiiu.txt
poo sonu #TEST.ORG# vinay.ggb
anuja Desktop drawing.svg freesoftware.log freesoftware.tex MSc-I neha org-
mode poo2 square.png unix
aparna.txt Documents examples.desktop freesoftware.tex~ Music neha.txt
Pictures Public Templates Videos

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ rmdir anuja

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ ls
anu Desktop drawing.svg freesoftware.log freesoftware.tex MSc-I neha org-
mode poo2 square.png unix
aparna.txt Documents examples.desktop freesoftware.tex~ Music neha.txt
Pictures Public Templates Videos
a.txt Downloads file khushi My GCompris oooiiu.txt poo
sonu #TEST.ORG# vinay.ggb


administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ tail shital.txt

It examines the major data structures and algorithms used in the operating system that ultimately
provided user with the standARD USER INTERFACE.
This chapter provides an introduction to the UNIX system. It review its history introduction to the
operating system***********
History:In 1965, Bell Telephone Labotatories joined an effort with the General Electric Company
and project MAC of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop a new operating system called Multics .
The Goals of the Multics system were to provided simultics system wereto provided simultanious
computer access to a large community of users, to supply ample computation power and data
storage ,
and to allow users to development of the UNIX system participated in the MULTICS SYSTEM
COMPUTER by 1969. it is clear when its development goals would be met . Consequently ,
Bell Laboratories ended its particitions in the projects.
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ head shital.txt

The UNIX system has become quite popular since it inception in 1969,running on machines of
proccessing power from microprcessors to mainframes and providing a cocommon execution
envionment accross them.
The system is divided into two parts. The first part consists of program and services that haqve
made the bUNIX system environment so populer;
it is the part readily appernt to users,including such program as the shell,mail, text processing
packages, and source code control system.
The second part consists of operating system that supports these programs and services. This book
give a detailed description of the operating system.
It concentrates on a description of UNIX System V produced by AT &T but consider interesting
features provided by other version too.
It examines the major data structures and algorithms used in the operating system that ultimately
provided user with the standARD USER INTERFACE.
This chapter provides an introduction to the UNIX system. It review its history introduction to the
operating system***********
History:In 1965, Bell Telephone Labotatories joined an effort with the General Electric Company
and project MAC of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop a new operating system called Multics .

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ sort shital.txt

and to allow users to development of the UNIX system participated in the MULTICS SYSTEM
Bell Laboratories ended its particitions in the projects.
computer access to a large community of users, to supply ample computation power and data
storage ,
COMPUTER by 1969. it is clear when its development goals would be met . Consequently ,
History:In 1965, Bell Telephone Labotatories joined an effort with the General Electric Company
and project MAC of the
It concentrates on a description of UNIX System V produced by AT &T but consider interesting
features provided by other version too.
It examines the major data structures and algorithms used in the operating system that ultimately
provided user with the standARD USER INTERFACE.
it is the part readily appernt to users,including such program as the shell,mail, text processing
packages, and source code control system.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop a new operating system called Multics .
proccessing power from microprcessors to mainframes and providing a cocommon execution
envionment accross them.
The Goals of the Multics system were to provided simultics system wereto provided simultanious
The second part consists of operating system that supports these programs and services. This book
give a detailed description of the operating system.
The system is divided into two parts. The first part consists of program and services that haqve
made the bUNIX system environment so populer;
The UNIX system has become quite popular since it inception in 1969,running on machines of
This chapter provides an introduction to the UNIX system. It review its history introduction to the
operating system***********
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ cat neha.txt

Shri Shivaji Science college Amravati.

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fantastics are always so certain of
themselves,but wiser people so full of doubts.
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ uniq shital.txt
The UNIX system has become quite popular since it inception in 1969,running on machines of
proccessing power from microprcessors to mainframes and providing a cocommon execution
envionment accross them.
The system is divided into two parts. The first part consists of program and services that haqve
made the bUNIX system environment so populer;
it is the part readily appernt to users,including such program as the shell,mail, text processing
packages, and source code control system.
The second part consists of operating system that supports these programs and services. This book
give a detailed description of the operating system.
It concentrates on a description of UNIX System V produced by AT &T but consider interesting
features provided by other version too.
It examines the major data structures and algorithms used in the operating system that ultimately
provided user with the standARD USER INTERFACE.
This chapter provides an introduction to the UNIX system. It review its history introduction to the
operating system***********
History:In 1965, Bell Telephone Labotatories joined an effort with the General Electric Company
and project MAC of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop a new operating system called Multics .
The Goals of the Multics system were to provided simultics system wereto provided simultanious
computer access to a large community of users, to supply ample computation power and data
storage ,
and to allow users to development of the UNIX system participated in the MULTICS SYSTEM
COMPUTER by 1969. it is clear when its development goals would be met . Consequently ,
Bell Laboratories ended its particitions in the projects.

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ cat snehal.txt
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
shri shivaji science college ,computer scinece departement.
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
It is popular for quality education.
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.

administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ uniq snehal.txt

shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
shri shivaji science college ,computer scinece departement.
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
It is popular for quality education.
shri shivaji science college is a very good college.


administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ grep "shivaji" snehal.txt

shri shivaji science college is a very good college.
shri shivaji science college ,computer scinece departement.
administrator@administrator-desktop:~$ grep -y "education" snehal.txt
It is popular for quality education.

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