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Kertas 1
Akhir Tahun
50 minit




Kertas 1

Lima puluh minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

2. Jawab semua soalan.

3. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan pada kertas jawapan..

4. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pilihan
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik daripada pilihan A, B dan C atau A, B, C dan

5. Bagi satu soalan, hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja.

6. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.
Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

Kertas ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak dan 1 halaman tidak bercetak.


Choose the best answer from the options marked A , B , C and D. Then,
on your question paper, circle the letter of the answer that you have chosen.


Questions 1- 10
Choose the correct answers.

1 The boys have a _________________.

A kid
B kitten
C puppy
D duckling

2 The ball is _______________.

A oval
B round
C square
D triangular

3 That man is my father’s brother. He is my ________________.

A aunt
B uncle
C brother
D nephew

4 Mr. Siva is a __________________. He repairs cars.

A guard
B fireman
C mechanic

Questions 5 – 7
Replace the pictures with the correct phrases.

Siti has a pet. The pet is __________________.

It likes to eat _______________________ . . Siti


feeds her pet ________________________.


Siti bathes it once a week.

5 A a cat
B a rabbit
C a hamster

6 A cucumbers and tomatoes

B carrots and potatoes
C carrots and cabbages

7 A in the morning
B in the evening
C in the afternoon

Question 8 - 10
Choose the correct answer.

8 A The children are playing
B The children are playing
on the swing.
C The children are playing
on the see-saw.

9 A Anita is waiting for the

B Anita is waiting for the
C Anita is waiting for the

10 A A gardener cuts grass.

B A fireman puts out fire.
C A teacher teaches
D A nurse takes care of


Questions 11 – 15
Choose the most suitable answer to fit the situation in the picture.

11 A How old are you ?
B What’s your name ?
C Where do you live ?

12 A Did you really buy it ?

B Thanks mum, it’s beautiful.
C I don’t like the colour.
D How much is it ?

13 A I am fine , thank you.

B I live in Putrajaya, teacher.
C I like to eat cakes, teacher.
D I am nine years old.

A Yes, I have , mother.
B I do not like homework.
C Can you help me , mother ?

15 A I like soup.
B I enjoy eating noodles.
C I like to drink orange juice.


Questions 16 – 20
Choose the correct answer.

16 There is ____________ ant on the leaf.

A a
B an
C the

17 My grandfather walks ___________ because he is old and


A loudly
B slowly
C quickly

18 My mother _____________ a rattan basket to the market

every morning.

A carry
B carries
C carrying

19 Would you like coffee __________ tea ?

A but
B and
C or
D because

20 Aminah is eating _______________ the canteen.

A on

B at
C for
D under

Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning to the word underlined.

21 Jamaliah is hardworking but her sister is _______________.

A smart
B clever
C kind
D lazy

Questions 22 – 23
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

22 A Sara , Devi and Mei Lin are classmates.

B Sara , devi and Mei Lin are classmates.
C Sara , Devi and mei lin are classmates.
D Sara , devi and mei lin are classmates.

23 A Encik Firdaus is Emirs’ uncle.

B Encik Firdaus is emir’s uncle.
C Encik Firdaus is Emir’s uncle.
D Encik firdaus is Emir’s uncle.

Questions 24 – 25
Choose the correct answer.

24 My mother buys meat and vegetables at the_____________.

A maket
B market
C makket
D market

25 Cik Nani goes to Penang by _____________ .

A train
B trian
C trein
D traen

Questions 26 – 30
Look at the picture carefully and then read the passage carefully. Based on
the picture and passage,choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Hanafi is a hardworking boy. He is helping his mother in the

__________________. He is standing ______________________ his
(26) (27)
mother. He is beating some eggs _______________ a bowl. His
mother is cutting a _________________. His sister is ___________
(29) (30)

26 A bedroom
B bathroom
C kitchen

27 A beside
B between
C behind
D in front of

28 A on
B at
C in
D under

29 A tomato
B papaya
C carrot
D cabbage

30 A watch
B watches
C watched
D watching


Questions 31 – 35
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Last night, there was a concert at Li Wen’s school. Li Wen

took part in it. She did the Chinese Ribbon Dance. She danced

very well, twirling the silk ribbon round and round in time with

the music. Her teacher was playing on the piano. Everyone in

the hall enjoyed watching her dance.

Li Wen’s parents and her brother, Li Keong were at the

concert too. They sat in the second row.

31 Where was the concert held ?

A In the field
B In the school hall
C In the library

32 Where did the music come from ?

A A radio
B Li Wen
C Li Keong
D A piano

33 Who is Li Keong ?

A Li Wen’s neighbour
B Li Wen’s friend
C Li Wen’s teacher
D Li Wen’s brother

34 What do you think the people would do after Li Wen’s

dance ?

A They would clap.

B They would sing.
C They would laugh.

35 How many children does Li Wen’s parents have ?

A One
B Two
C Three
D Four

Questions 36 – 40
Read the notice below and choose the correct answer.


# Its name is Mimi

# Flew out of the cage yesterday

# Yellow and white feathers

# Red curved beak

# Likes to eat fruits and nuts

# Can say, “ Good morning!” and “ Hello!”

Please call Richard at 09 – 7187111.

36 What is Richard’s pet ?

A A pigeon
B An owl

C A rooster
D A parrot

37 What happened to it ?

A It was stolen.
B It flew away.
C He gave it away.
D It died.

38 Which of the descriptions fits Mimi ?

A Its feathers are colourful.

B It has a yellow beak.
C It is yellow and white.
D Its beak is red and narrow

39 Mimi likes to eat _______________ .

A bananas and groundnuts

B meat and groundnuts
C eggs and bananas
D papayas and meat

40 What can Mimi do ?

A It can say, “Good Morning!” and “Hello!”

B It can sing sweetly.
C It can talk loudly.
D It can repeat what you say.


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