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Name: Saldua, Katrina Marie R.

Course and Year: AB – Psychology 1

I.Read the following statements carefully Decide if each statement is true or false. Write T on
the blank if the statement is True, and F if the statement is False. If the statement is False, re-
write or revise it or justify to make it true. Use the space provided after each statement.

___T__1. Anyone who is a proficient speaker of a language will find communicating across
cultures easy.
__F___2. Our emotion do not matter whenever we communicate with others.
- Our emotion plays a big role in Communication.
__T___3. There is no such thing as a right culture or wrong culture.
__F___4. All cultures have the same way of communicating.
- Language has dynamic, becoming what a culture needs it to convey.
__T___5. Communicating across cultures happens in one’s own country because of the diverse
domestic workforce of many companies today.

II.Answer to the best of your knowledge.

1. What are your pleasant experiences in communicating with a foreigner?

- Most are very nice however it was insane at times that I didn’t get to understand for I
lack knowledge of their language, that time. I could tell that they were hesitant but I still
insist to learn their language. As far as communication is concern, they also had to learn
ours to achieve effective communication. It is something I enjoy a lot about communicating
with foreign people. I had a lot of cousins of different nationality and we share the same
common interest, valorant. Through them, I feel a bit more comfortable saying stuffs.
2. What are the challenging situations you have encountered?
- Back in the quarantine days, we were like playing valo half a day with my cousins. They
were like 6,639 miles from my country. I play with them daytime here in the Philippines and
them on nighttime. They are always down for games and would always meet me halfway.
We we’re having fun roasting with each other. Or so, I thought. I did not expect that
because of that or like miscommunication they would resort to make fun of my language or
more so, degrade me. At first, I found it rude, so made my excuses and left the game.
3. How did you deal with these challenges?
- Different language should not be a hindrance for us to interact with each other. Well,
it’s a tough though, to be criticized and could not be able to do anything at the moment. As
for me, through this experience I have now the ability to control my emotions and master
my environment. We maybe socially apart, therefore, there are in no position to control
and confront my language and maybe I’ll try to remember them the essence of engaging
different languages. Because all of us are belong to a group. And language plays a very
crucial role in any imaginative and creative way.
Name: Saldua,Katrina Marie R.
Course and Year: AB – Psychology 1

Language: Characteristics, Functions, and Importance.

Essay (10 pts. each).

Based on your experience with language, why do you think language is:

1. Social
- That is to say that language occurs in social because it connects with human. Through
the used of establishing and maintaining human relationship orders. We are communicating
and at the same time setting rules to mandate for the community. No man is an island.
Therefore, human beings have to work together between one and another. By using a language
we could connect, create and express to the world. It is an important thing to interact in a given
community or among members of the group. Language is a way of sustaining and growing
culture as well as forming human ties in society. In this view, language is a social group's
possession, consisting of an essential set of rules that allows its members to relate to, interact
with, and collaborate with one another; it is a social institution.
2. Arbitrary
- Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic relationship between the
meanings of words and the ideas they communicate. No direct rlationship between particular
word and its meaning. The choice of a word to indicate a specific thing or idea is totally random,
yet once a word is chosen for a specific referent, it stays that way. It should be mentioned that
if language had not been arbitrary, the world would have only had one language.
3. Symbolic
- Because all thought and all speech is symbolic and language only stands for the things
it symbolizes. This is similar to how a symbol simply depicts the item it represents rather than
being the item itself. Language is a symbolic system that allows individuals to communicate and
culture to be passed down. Some languages have a written communication system, while
others rely solely on oral communication and nonverbal behaviors. Language is made up of a
variety of sound symbols and their graphological counterparts that are used to represent
diverse objects, events, or meanings. These symbols are chosen at random and are widely
recognized and used. Words in a language are symbols of meaning, not just signs or figures. The
right interpretation of these symbols determines a language's intelligibility.
4. Dynamic
- We intuitively interpret another's feelings through the language, which is subtle yet
clear. The dynamics of the event are the ways in which power manifests itself. All of our
emotions are dynamic, and they undoubtedly convey essential information about ourselves to
others. Being aware of our unconscious dynamics will go a long way toward helping us become
authentic communicators.
5. Important to a particular culture
- Because its norms, laws, and references are clearly stated in grammars, dictionaries,
and other sources, language is the most expressive instrument for culture, even more than
music and figurative arts. There are often polite terms that are used in different cultures, which
will not only clearly indicate how well-integrated you are in the culture as a foreigner, but will
also indicate how well-educated or well-mannered you are as a native speaker. To summarize, a
language's expression of its culture is its language. It is deeply ingrained in the cultural
mentality, and direct translations of words and sentences are frequently not only erroneous,
but also culturally unsuitable. In order to communicate successfully in a language, it is
necessary to devote the equal amount of time and effort to learning the culture(s) associated
with that language.

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