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Professional Practice


Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan


• Architects Act ’72-Council of Architecture, Functions and Powers, Architects Regulations.

• Standard terms for comprehensive architectural services including UD and Conservation works.

• Guidelines for architectural competitions.

• Professional Ethics

• IIA- Functions and Powers, Registration for membership.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan

Welcome to the real world!

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan

Architecture Practice:

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan

Professional Duties of Architect:
• Service: "Service", as defined under Section 2 (1) (o) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, means service of any
description which is made available to potential users and includes the provision of facilities in connection with
banking, financing insurance, transport, processing, supply of electrical or other energy, board or lodging or both,
housing construction, entertainment, amusement or the purveying of news or other information, but does not
include the rendering of any service free of charge or under a contract of personal service. In other words,
rendering professional service by an architect for "consideration" falls within the ambit of "service". The
relationship between the Client and the Architect is that of recipient and provider of service. The professional
services rendered by the architect mean the services rendered pursuant to the Conditions of Engagement and
Scale of Charges, entered into between the Client and the Architect.

• Competence: An architect, being a professional, shall possess the required knowledge and skill i.e. proficiency
and competence for discharging his professional duties and functions. These are governed under the provisions
of the Architects Act, 1972 and the Architects (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 1989, framed thereunder.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Professional Duties of Architect:
• Duty of care: It means duty to exercise utmost skill and care. When an architect offers professional
advice/architectural services, implicitly undertakes that he is possessed of the knowledge and skill for the
purpose. Thus, an architect shall bring to his task a reasonable degree of knowledge and skill and must exercise a
reasonable degree of care.

• Duties: The duties that are required to be performed by an architect for various types of projects have been
prescribed by the Council of Architecture under the Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Charges for respective
areas in the field of architecture. The documents stipulate the parameters within which the Architect is required
to function. However, the Conditions of Engagement and matters related therewith for a given project shall be
carried out in accordance with the terms and Conditions of Agreement executed between the Client and the

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Architects Act, 1972:

• An Act to provide for the registration of architects and for matters connected therewith.

 Chapter I : Short title, Definitions

 Chapter II : Council Of Architecture
 Chapter III : Registration Of Architects
 Chapter IV : Miscellaneous

There are 45 sections in the act.

Source: Architects Act, 1972

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Architects Act, 1972: Functions and Powers

Constitution of Council of Architecture

Meetings of Council

Finances of Council

Mode of elections

Recognition of architectural qualifications

Source: Architects Act, 1972
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Effect of recognition

Inspection of examinations

Minimum standard of architectural education

Professional conduct

Preparation and maintenance of register

Source: Architects Act, 1972
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Qualification for entry in register

Renewal fees

Removal from register

Procedure in inquiries relating to misconduct.

Power of Council to make regulations.

Source: Architects Act, 1972
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Council Of Architecture (COA)

 1st September, 1972

 Constituted by the Government of India under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972.

 Regulate the education and practice of profession throughout India.

 Maintaining the register of architects.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Council Of Architecture (COA)
• Constitution of COA:

• The Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute, with effect from such date as may be
specified in the notification, a Council to be known as the Council of Architecture, which shall be a body corporate,
having perpetual succession and a common seal, with power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, both movable
and immovable, and to contract, and may by that name sue or be sued.

2 • The Head Office of the Council shall be at Delhi.

• The Council shall consist of the following members:

• Five architects possessing recognized qualifications elected by the IIA.
• Two persons nominated by the All India Council for Technical Education
• Five persons elected from among themselves by heads of architectural institutions in India
Source: Architects Act, 1972
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Council Of Architecture (COA)
• Constitution of COA:

• The Chief Architects in the Ministries of the Central Government to which the Government business relating to
defense and railways has been allotted.
• One person nominated by the Central Government;
• An architect from each State nominated by the Government of that State;
• Two persons nominated by the Institution of Engineers (India) from among its members; and
• One person nominated by the Institution of Surveyors of India from among its members.

• The President and the Vice-President of the Council shall be elected by the members of the Council.
• The Council shall meet at least once in every six months

Source: Architects Act, 1972

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Council Of Architecture (COA)
• Committees of COA:

Executive Committee Disciplinary Committee Appeal Committee

• Headed by president. • Consists of 3 • Consists of 2 or 3

• Consists of a vice members. members-headed by
president and 5 • Headed by either the vice president.
members elected by president or the vice
the council. president; assisted by • Functions: Considers
• Tenure: 3 years 2 or more members. appeals made by
• Functions: Formulate • Tenure: 3 years aggrieved persons
the budget, Carry out • Functions: Conduct whose applications
specific directives of hearings in all cases of for registration have
council, Take action unprofessional been rejected by the
on reports of various conduct and report its registrar.
committees, Laying findings and
down the policy. recommendations to
the council.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Architects (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 1989

• Provide professional services of a high standard, to the best of his ability.

• If in private practice, inform his Client of the conditions of engagement.

• Not sub-commission to another Architect without prior agreement of his Client.

• Compete fairly with other Architects.

• Observe and uphold the Council's conditions of engagement and scale of charges.

(Around 25 sessions are there. Read the regulations for a complete understanding.)

Source: Architects (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 1989

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Crux of the Act!

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan

Comprehensive Architectural Services:
1) Scope of work: Part 1- Architecture, Part 2 – Allied fields
2) Schedule of Services:


Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Comprehensive Architectural Services:
1) Professional Fee : In consideration of the professional services rendered by the Architect, he shall be paid professional
fee and other charges in accordance with the Scale of Charges.
2) Schedule of Payment:

Retainer: On appointment/ Signing of Agreement/ Acceptance of offer.

• Rs. 20M* or 5% of the total fees payable, whichever is

higher, adjustable at the last stage.

Stage 1: On submitting conceptual designs and rough estimate of

• 10% of the total fees payable.

Stage 2: On submitting the required preliminary scheme for the

Client's approval along with the preliminary estimate of cost
• 20% of the remaining total fees.

Stage 3: A - On incorporating Client's suggestions and submitting drawings for approval

B - Upon Client's / statutory approval necessary for commencement of construction
• 30% and 35% of the remaining total fees respectively.
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Comprehensive Architectural Services:

Stage 4: Upon preparation of working drawings, specifications and schedule of quantities sufficient to
prepare estimate of cost and preparation of tender documents.
• 45% of the remaining total fees.

Stage 5: On inviting, receiving and analysing tenders; advising Client on appointment of contractors.

• 55% of the remaining total fees.

Stage 6: On submitting working drawings and details required for commencement of work at site.

• 65% of the remaining total fees.

Stage 7: On submitting Completion Report and drawings for issuance of completion/ occupancy
certificate by statutory authorities, wherever required and on issue of as built drawings.
• 100% of the remaining total fees.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Comprehensive Architectural Services:
1) Scale of Charges: The current value of M is 1000.

Single Block Housing and sites up to 0.5 hectare : 5 % on the cost of works
Sites >0.5 - 2.5 hectares: 3.5 %
Comprehensive Architectural Services
Sites >2.5 – 5 hectares: 2.5 %
Sites >2.5 – 5 hectares: 2.5 %
Sites >5 hectares: 2 %
Individual House : 7.5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.
All projects other than housing
5 Percent on the cost of works assigned.

For all projects except Housing: 1% on the cost of works assigned, to be

computed at a rate of Rs 6M per of proposed built-up area.
Housing Projects : 20% of the fee payable for housing, as stated in sub-
Urban Design clause 1.1 above, on the cost of works assigned, to be computed at a rate of
Rs 6M per of proposed built-up area.
In case of Urban Renewal projects fee payable shall be 1.5 times of the fee
stated above based on actual cost of works assigned.
Above fees are subject to a minimum of Rupees 240M.
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Comprehensive Architectural Services:
1) Scale of Charges:

• Interior Architecture/Graphic design and signage

7.5 percent on the cost of works assigned
• Landscape Architecture
Site visits
Traveling, Boarding & Lodging Expenses Rs. 3M
For each day Rs. 1M
All as above plus Rs. 10M per day or part thereof.
Advisory Consultancy
Rs. 4M per day or part thereof.

Documentation and Communication Charges 10% of the professional fees.

Verification and Certification of Contractor's Bills 1% in addition to above fees.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Client's Role And Responsibilities
 To provide detailed requirements of the project.

 To provide property lease/ ownership documents.

 To provide a site plan and existing condition and dimensions. (If not available, client shall arrange for survey/ collection
of necessary information and pay for the same.)

 To furnish reports on soil conditions and others test as required by Architect or pay for preparation of the same.

 To furnish specific conditions/ Statutory stipulations/ Codes of Practice/Schedule of rates, etc., desired to be followed.

 To pay all fees, levies, security deposits and expenses in respect of statutory sanction.

 To give effect to professional advice of Architect and cause no changes in drawings and documents without consent of

 To honor Architect's bills within one month of its submission.

 To appoint a Construction Manager (case of a large and complex project) as per the Architect's advice.
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Guidelines for architectural competitions:
• Purpose: To indicate the principles upon which competitions will be conducted and the rules which must be observed
by a promoter for conducting competitions.
• Drawn in the interest of both the promoter and the competitor and to ensure that the architectural competitions are
properly conducted and that selection of the design will be on merit alone and will satisfy the promoter's
• The Code of Professional Conduct of the Council of Architecture does not allow Architects to give unpaid services in
competition with each other and competitive designs shall only be submitted through competition organized within
the framework of these guidelines.
• Article 1 : Eligibility To Compete
• Article 2 : Competition
• Article 3 :Board Of Assessors
• Article 4 : Prizes, Honoraria & Mentions
• Article 5 : Copyright & Right Of Ownership
• ARTICLE 6 : All competition designs including those disqualified by the board of assessors shall be exhibited for at least
one week, together with a copy of the signed report of the board of assessors. the exhibition shall be open to public
free of charge.
Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Professional Ethics:

Professional ethics are principles that govern the behaviour of a person or group in a business
environment. Like values, professional ethics provide rules on how a person should act towards other
people and institutions in such an environment.
• Ethical principles underpin all professional codes of conduct. Ethical principles may differ depending
on the profession
Unlike values, professional ethics are often codified as a set of rules, which a particular group of people

• This means that all those in a particular group will use the same professional ethics, even though their
values may be unique to each person.
Honesty, trustworthiness, loyalty, respect for others, adherence to the law, doing good and avoiding harm
to others, accountability.

Source: Architects (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 1989

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)

 The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is the National body of Architects in the country.

 Established in 1917, the institute today has more than 20,000 members.

 Plays a major role in promoting the profession of architecture by organizing and uniting
the Architects of India to promote aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the
profession both in Practice and in Education.

 IIA is represented on various national and international committees connected with

architecture, art and the building industry.

 Also actively associated with International Union of Architects (UIA) Commonwealth

Association of Architects (CAA) and South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
of Architects (SAARCH).

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
• History: The Architectural
Student’s Association

The Bombay
Association (1922-29)

Affiliation To The Royal

Institute Of British
Architects (1925)

The Indian Institute Of

Architects (1929)

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
• Objectives:

To organize and unite To encourage the science

Architects in India. To make necessary changes
and the art of planning and
in laws relating to
To promote architectural building the standards of
architectural practice.
profession. architectural education.

To ensure the advancement

of the living standards of our
To ascertain, formulate and
people through their
notify the law and practice
improved environment and
relating to Architecture to
to make the profession of
members and the public.
ever increasing service to

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
• Council of IIA:

2 vice presidents

2 Joint Honorary Honorary

Secretaries treasurer

Other Members to include the Immediate Past President, and the

Chairmen of the various Chapters. The mode of election of the Members
Council and nomination of Chairman of Chapters shall be as
prescribed by the Bye-Laws. The Immediate Past-President shall be
an exofficio member of the Council.

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
• Membership:

Honorary fellow member Associate member Fellow member

• Not a qualified architect but has • Person who has attained the age of • An associate member who has
contributed to the growth of 21 and graduated from one of the attained the age of 36.
architectural profession. institution recognized by IIA or
registered with COA. • Practiced independently or served
• Administrators, writers, designers in a senior and responsible capacity
or persons connected with • Those who pass IIA exams. in architectural office.
architectural institution
• An Associate member after 7 years • Made a significant contribution to
of independent practice or 10 years profession.
service in a responsible position
can apply for Fellow membership. • Can help and advice junior
members of IIA in conducting their
• Can use suffix AIIA practice.

• Can use the suffix FIIA

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)
• Membership:

Licentiate member Retired member Student member

• Any person registered with COA. • Any fellow member, licentiate member • Student enrolled in any one of the
or associate member after attaining age architectural institution whether
• Has all the privileges of an Associate of 55 and on completely retiring from recognized by IIA or not can on
member except he is not eligible to vote services / professions can apply for this. application become a Student member.
on matters relating to change in IIA
constitution and bye laws. • Enjoy all the privileges enjoyed by full • Has limited privileges of attending
fledged member. conferences, seminars, lectures etc.
• Serving for 7 years , can apply for
Associate membership. • Not eligible to seek election to any IIA • Not able to attend general body meeting
post or vote in such elections. or participate in any elections conducted
• Can use suffix LIIA by IIA.
• Can use the suffix MIIA
• Have access to Sohrab Bharoocha library
of IIA. Can Seek assistance of IIA in his
Academic Problems and for seeking
placement as trainee in an architect’s

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan
Are you ready to be an Architect?

Bishop Jerome School of Architecture Professional Practice Ar. Sreya Vaidyan

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