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A typical street scene in my neighbourhood is one which I will never tire of .

doubt , I see and hear the same things going on every day but the scene is familiar
and comforting.
As I leave my front door and stroll down the street, I look u at the deep blue sky
with occasional patches of white clouds spreading across. Sometimes, I take hold
of my little sister’s hand as we walk . We turn our heads as our eyes check for
traffic on both sides, then we hurry across the street. The street is empty and
serene on a Sunday morning and it shows no signs or cars of people. Many cars
are still parked in the driveway.
We pass by many front yards with well-maintained gardens, with thick green laws
and colourful flower beds. Some sections of the sidewalk are still wet from the
morning lawn watering . Our hand swing back and forth in leisure , in rhythm with
our footsteps like two solders marching down the street.
Sometimes, our head tilt back and our eyes look up to follow the sound of birds
chirping overhead. However, we see no sign of birds but a ceiling of dense oak
leaves. The leaves of the trees grown along the roadside rustle in the gentle
breeze . Some leaves dance side to side as they fly down from high above.
The air carries the scent of citrus to our noses, as we approach the small lemon
tree at the end of the sidewalk . Many ripe bright yellow lemons hang low from
the branches . AS we turn the corner , along row of tall oleander tress greets us.
The trees are planted along the sidewalk in a bed of earth raised about two and a
half feet high above the ground.
A half a block ahead , we catch a glimpse of a monkey swinging from the branch
of a tree. We try not to make any noise by tiptoeing forward to takes closer look
at it. The friendly baker from the only bakery on the street comes out and greets
us .He is covered with flour from his hair to his hands. At the same time , I inhale
the aroma of freshly baked buns . It stirs up hunger pangs in my stomach and is a
reminder that it is time for an early lunch/.
After a minute of looking around the bakery shop, we resume our walk. This
time , we walk down the path in silence . I realized we are doing more than just
having a walk on this Sunday morning for we are actually building a bond . This is
an experience I hope, we will continue to have in our many more Sundays

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