Masculinity Spacecat

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Answer each question in depth and provide specific evidence from

the text or speaker whenever available. The more you write, the better!

SPEAKER: The speaker is Justin Baldoni. He is an actor who has played several
Who is the speaker/writer? minor roles that have had rather toxicly masculine feelings to them,
What do we know about such as the several date rapists and tough playboys that he plays.
them? What can you tell or
what do you know about
the speaker that helps you
understand the point of
view expressed?

PURPOSE: Baldoni’s purpose for the speech is to change the gender norms of
What is the speaker/writer toxic masculinity, and he recommends doing it by encouraging men to
hoping to accomplish? talk about their feelings or to tell them to stop being complacent. He
What is the reason behind also talks about how both sides should help fix this issue.
this piece? What do they
want the audience to do
after having listened?

AUDIENCE: The Audience, specifically, is the TED Women Conference of
Who is the speaker/writer November 2017. However, the audience he is trying to reach toward is
trying to reach? How do we both men and women around the world, the world that encourages men
know? Do they indicate a to be masculine and women to be feminine. He also talks about
specific audience? What
assumptions exist in the
text about the intended

CONTEXT: This TED Talk takes place in November 2017. In November of 2017,
What is the time and place topics like the Me Too movement and Donald Trump with his “locker
of this piece? What is talk”
happening in the world as
it relates to the subject of
the speech or the

EXIGENCE: Baldoni woke up one day realizing that he wanted the toxic differences
What was the spark or between genders to fade away and he wanted everyone to be equal in
catalyst that moved the an emotional and mental manner.
speaker/writer to
act/write? How did that
event impact the

CHOICES: A choice that Baldoni makes is that he uses several stories from his
What are the rhetorical life, whether from his youth or even recently. These stories provide
choices that the credibility to himself. He also makes the choice to show and call out his
speaker/writer makes in demographic. He also chooses to list his several machismo roles that
the speech? Think about he has played in his life.
overall structure, devices,
diction, syntax, etc.
APPEALS: Baldoni gives himself credibility by stating that he, like all men, also has
Which of the three felt the same fear of expressing his true feelings, like sadness, to other
rhetorical appeals (ethos, men in his life. Baldoni also talks about many situations and results
logos, pathos) are present where men had presented their feelings and how they might have
in the text? Where? Why? hidden it before to prove a point that all men have these feelings.
Baldoni also causes the audience to have empathy towards the men by
bringing up several experiences in his and other mens’ lives that men in
the audience can relate to.

TONE: The tone shifts when he talks about the ways that he and other men
What is the had treated the women in the life and how he wants to change that. The
speaker/authors attitude change is more specifically from trying to convince the audience that
toward the subject? Is the men have feelings to into trying to convince men that we are the
tone the same throughout problem for sexism against women and we need to fix our mistakes.
the whole piece? Where
does it shift? What
evidence is there to
demonstrate the tone?

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