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1. What is Cloud and Cloud Computing?

2. What are the features of Cloud Computing?
3. Explain advantages and disadvantages of cloud
4. Explain cloud deployment/service models.
5. Explain layers of Cloud Computing.
6. Explain cloud computing architecture with diagram.
7. How to create a Virtual machine in Cloud Computing? List out
advantages and disadvantages of virtualization.
A Virtual Machine is an application environment that is installed on software. A
Virtual Machine behaves like an actual computer. In simple terms, it is like
creating a computer within an already existing computer. It runs on a window,
whatever the confrontation the end-user gets from the host operating system, the
same kind of experience can occur while using the Virtual Machine.

Pros of Virtualization in Cloud Computing :

Cons of Virtualization :
8. Explain virtual machine and hypervisor.

Key Properties of VM.

9. Explain types of virtualization.
10. Explain concept of Web Service.
Different Types of Web services
11. Explain Service Oriented Architecture with XML and WSDL.

12. Explain Utility Computing.
13. Explain scalability and elasticity.

Cloud Elasticity :
 The Elasticity refers to the ability of a cloud to automatically expand or
compressed the infrastructural resources on a sudden-up and down in
the requirement so that the workload can be managed efficiently. This
elasticity helps to minimize infrastructural cost. This is not applicable for
all kind of environment, it is helpful to address the only those scenarios
where the resources requirements fluctuate up and down suddenly for a
specific time interval. It is not quite practical to use where persistence
resource infrastructure is required to handle the heavy workload.

Example :
Consider an online shopping site whose transaction workload increases during
festive season like Christmas. So for this specific period of time, the resources
need spike up. In order to handle this kind of situation, we can go for Cloud-
Elasticity service rather than Cloud Scalability. As soon as the season goes out,
the deployed resources can then be requested for withdrawal.

Cloud Scalability :
 Cloud scalability is used to handle the growing workload where good
performance is also needed to work efficiently with software or
applications. Scalability is commonly used where the persistent
deployment of resources is required to handle the workload statically.
Example :
Consider you are the owner of a company whose database size was small in
earlier days but as time passed your business does grow and the size of your
database also increases, so in this case you just need to request your cloud
service vendor to scale up your database capacity to handle a heavy workload.
14. Explain 4 phases of map reduce function.
15. What is job tracker and task tracker?
16. Explain components of openstack architecture.
17. How do multi-tenancy can be achieved in cloud
18. What is difference between single-tenancy and multi-
Single Tenant – A single instance of the software and supporting infrastructure
serve a single customer. With single tenancy, each customer has his or her own
independent database and instance of the software. Essentially, there is no
sharing happening with this option.

Potential benefits of single-tenant include:

 Security: A single customer and a single server is often contained on

secure hardware being used by a limited number of people.
 Dependability: With an entire environment dedicated to one client,
resources are abundant and available anytime.
 Customization: Control over the entire environment allows for
customization and added functionality, if desired.

Potential drawbacks of single-tenant:

 Maintenance: Single-tenant typically means more tasks and regular

maintenance to keep things running smoothly and efficiently.
 Setup/Management: By comparison, SaaS multi-tenant environments are
quick to setup and manage.
 Cost: Single-tenant typically allows for more resources, but at a premium price
given that there is only one customer for the entire environment.

Multi-Tenant – Multi-tenancy means that a single instance of the software and

its supporting infrastructure serves multiple customers. Each customer shares
the software application and also shares a single database. Each tenant’s data is
isolated and remains invisible to other tenants.

Potential benefits of multi-tenant:

 Affordable Cost: Multiple customers means that the cost for the environment
is shared, and those savings (from the SaaS vendor) are typically transferred
to the cost of the software.
 Integrations: Cloud environments allow for easier integration with other
applications through the use of APIs.
 “Hands-free” Maintenance: The server technically belongs to the SaaS
vendor, meaning that a certain level of database maintenance is handled by
the vendor, instead of you maintaining the environment yourself.
Potential drawbacks of multi-tenant:

 Limited Management/Customization: While you do have added integration

benefits, custom changes to the database aren’t typically an option.
 Security: Other tenants won’t see your data. However, multiple users (not
associated with your organization) are allowed on the same database. This
broader access reduces control of security.
 Updates/Changes: If you’re reliant on integrations with other SaaS products
and one updates their system, it may cause issues with those connecting
19. Explain 4 approaches of multitenancy.
20. What is Vulnerability assessment in Cloud Computing?
22.Which different tools are available for vulnerability
23. What is the need for Identity and Access Management in the public
cloud? How five people can share their Netflix Account? Write
necessary steps to perform this task.
24. Explain Trusted Cloud Computing and its 2 Components. In which
layer it is used?
25. Explain Microservice/Microservice Architecture.

What is Microservices?

How does Microservices Architecture work?

26. Differentiate Microservice with Monolithic Service.
27. Explain Mobile cloud Computing.

Key Feature

How It Work?
Why Mobile Cloud?

 Speed and flexibility

 Shared resources
 Integrated data

Factors Encouraging Adoption of Mobile Cloud Computing

28. What is Fog Computing? Differentiate it with Cloud Computing.

29. Explain the concept of Green cloud computing.
30. Explain how IOT technology is associated with Cloud Computing.
Benefits of using cloud for IoT
31. Explain how Big Data technology is associated with Cloud

Benefits of Big Data Analytics in Cloud

 Improved analysis
 Simplified Infrastructure
 Lowering the cost
 Security and Privacy
32. What is a docker? Explain the importance of a docker container in
the cloud.

Why Use Docker

When To Use Docker?

33. Draw and explain Architecture of Cloudsim?

CloudSim is an open-source framework, which is used to simulate cloud

computing infrastructure and services. It is developed by the CLOUDS Lab
organization and is written entirely in Java. It is used for modelling and
simulating a cloud computing environment as a means for evaluating a
hypothesis prior to software development in order to reproduce tests and

CloudSim Core Simulation Engine provides interfaces for the management of

resources such as VM, memory and bandwidth of virtualized Datacenters.

CloudSim layer manages the creation and execution of core entities such as
VMs, Cloudlets, Hosts etc. It also handles network-related execution along with
the provisioning of resources and their execution and management.
User Code is the layer controlled by the user. The developer can write the
requirements of the hardware specifications in this layer according to the
Some of the most common classes used during simulation are:

 Datacenter: used for modelling the foundational hardware equipment of any

cloud environment, that is the Datacenter. This class provides methods to
specify the functional requirements of the Datacenter as well as methods to
set the allocation policies of the VMs etc.
 Host: this class executes actions related to management of virtual
machines. It also defines policies for provisioning memory and bandwidth to
the virtual machines, as well as allocating CPU cores to the virtual
 VM: this class represents a virtual machine by providing data members
defining a VM’s bandwidth, RAM, mips (million instructions per second), size
while also providing setter and getter methods for these parameters.
 Cloudlet: a cloudlet class represents any task that is run on a VM, like a
processing task, or a memory access task, or a file updating task etc. It
stores parameters defining the characteristics of a task such as its length,
size, mi (million instructions) and provides methods similarly to VM class
while also providing methods that define a task’s execution time, status, cost
and history.
 DatacenterBroker: is an entity acting on behalf of the user/customer. It is
responsible for functioning of VMs, including VM creation, management,
destruction and submission of cloudlets to the VM.
 CloudSim: this is the class responsible for initializing and starting the
simulation environment after all the necessary cloud entities have been
defined and later stopping after all the entities have been destroyed.

Features of CloudSim:

CloudSim provides support for simulation and modelling of:

1. Large scale virtualized Datacenters, servers and hosts.
2. Customizable policies for provisioning host to virtual machines.
3. Energy-aware computational resources.
4. Application containers and federated clouds (joining and management of
multiple public clouds).
5. Datacenter network topologies and message-passing applications.
6. Dynamic insertion of simulation entities with stop and resume of simulation.
7. User-defined allocation and provisioning policies.
34. Draw and explain Architecture of Microsoft Azure?

Azure Compute
Azure Networking

Azure Storage
Azure Database

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