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MODULE 3 – Guide week # 5

NAME: Gaddiel Felipe Maximiliano Vásquez Méndez
1. Complete the sentences with the given information. Use BE+GOING TO or WILL.
a. Call a police
I hear something strange at home. I am going to call a police
b. Get something to eat
She is hungry. I will go for something to eat
c. Open the door
Somebody is knocking at the door! I'm going to open the door
d. Go to bed
It´s midnight now. I´m sleepy. I will go to sleep
e. Go to the grocery store
I need to buy some tea. I will go to the grocery store.
f. See a dentist
I have a toothache. I will go see the dentist
g. Get married
Lucy and Luis are going to get married. They are getting married
h. Paint my house
I bought some paint. I am going to paint my house
i. Study for the final exam
My final exam is next week. I am going to study for the exam
j. Answer the phone
The phone is ringing! … I will answer the phone

2. Give the negative, question and answer form to each sentence.

a. She is going to have her final Math test next week.

Is she going to have an exam next week?

Yes she will have an exam

b. I will cook the dinner.

Are you going to make dinner?

Yes, I will cook dinner.

c. Dany and Carmen got married 20 years ago.

They got married 20 years ago?

Yes They have been married for 20 years

d. She eats fruit every day.

Does she eat fruit every day?

Yes, she leads a very healthy life.

e. They are doing a short test

Are they doing a short test here?

Yes, they are doing a short test here

3. Identify a problem in your city, do some research on it and write an essay giving your own
opinion on it (upload it on Google Classroom).

a. Identify the problem:

Non-compliance with health measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19.

b. Describe the problem:

In my municipality people do not respect the health measures that have been stipulated and
increase the chances of contagion of the coronavirus, and acen that more people get sick.

c. Give your own opinion:

In my opinion many people do not respect the measures because they do not believe in the
virus, they think it is something invented, but it is not so. Many people are full of ignorance
and do not realize how bad they are doing and how bad they are causing other people
because of their lack of ethics.

4. Speech practice: Conversation at a hotel. (you have to present it in our next class)

Client: Hello good afternoon

Hotel staff: Welcome

Customer: I need a room for 3 people

Hotel staff: Budget, it costs Q70 per night per person, the room has television and private

Customer: Perfect I will stay here

Hotel staff: With pleasure, I will take your bags.

Customer: Thank you very much, I will take my backpack and my friends' backpacks.

Hotel staff: Very well, I will give you your key.

Customer: Thank you very much!

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